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Tim says “by the time we get home it will be Jacksons bedtime”…they are so anal retentive with this kids sleeping schedule it’s honestly comical. I know we used to shit all over them for not having structure/a schedule for J$ but they really fixate on the one thing that is not controllable. It’s just so weird to me the hard ons they both have for his naps/bedtime
They never pivoted their lives to include a child. The nap/sleep regiment is mainly for them at this point. They know that when he is asleep they are rid of him for a time.

Do they truly love J$ or is he just tolerated?

I honestly have wanted to shake the two of them for quite a while. They are so busy being narcissists, thinking only about what they want, that they have missed enjoying the wonder that is Jackson. Kids grow so fast in the first three years. Their journey of learning, discovering and child wonder is magical. T&J are missing this.
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Yeah, I didn't mean to imply he's not technically legally blind. Just their overemphasis on it when detailing it as if it's an extreme disability. They typically couple it with saying that Tim's mom needs an ECV or wheelchair to get around (they referenced both parents' issues after the Discovery Cove vlog). Yet his dad was happily bobbing along in the water next to Tim's sister-in-law (Adam's wife) behind Tim and J. in the water at Discovery Cove. Jenn said that his family wasn't in the vlog but she failed to cut them out and anyone that knows what they look like could easily spot them.

Dad may have always had issues w/ his eyes as long as Tim's been vlogging but like myself (legally blind in one eye; corrected w/ glasses) and @Quasimodo's dad, you can still function. ;) I also recall vlogs w/ dad shopping with Tim and laughing about stuff, or in the car w/ Tim, etc. No mention of sight issues.

And Tim's mom was happily sitting at J.'s 1st b-day party out in the yard w/ his dad. Could she have some mobility issues at the age of 77? Sure.
But the Trackers overdramatize everything for sympathy.

Exactly. And piggybacking off my comment about his parents, I highly doubt Adam and his wife are (and have been) restricting Tim's parents from seeing THEIR kids because Tim's dad has some vision issues and Tim's mom has mobility issues.

Everything is an excuse w/ them because Jenn just doesn't get along with anyone. That's the real reason.
They're so critical of Tim's parents health whilst setting themselves up for similar, if not worse, problems in their own older age. Plus Type 2 diabetes and terminal cuntiness.
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That doesn't seem to be unique to their feelings about Disneyland.
Remember how much they LOOOOOVED The Four Seasons, the amenities, the rooms, Bull and Bear etc.

They haven’t been back since they were taken off the media list.

They’re con artists at this point.
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"Jacksy, do you want to be a mushroom?" - as she tries to put the Goomba hat on him and he squirms and tries to get away from her.
He doesn't want to wear the fucking hat, Jenn. Stop trying to make him do things he doesn't want any part of! 🤬

(oh, but of course SHE has to put the hat on and model it, as her child - now unattended and behind her - probably tried to get away. :rolleyes:
Remember the days of Dim carrying an umbrella everywhere so he didn't have to push buttons or open doors with his hands? And now these two idiots keep trying on hats and touching every item in shops....but still prefer to eat outside. Pick a lane!
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Just a heads up, because I’m sure we’ll get a video of Tim and JennyFaintLines attending the memorial at the Clearwater Aquarium. And FaintLines bawling for the camera and saying how sad she is the BUDDYYYYyyyY won’t get to meet her again.

Winter the dolphin died earlier today of an infection.
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I don't necessarily think its a matter of things being quiet on the FB group recently, I actually think it's a matter of Admin Becca intentionally delaying approval of posts to hide the Slackers current location. Although, the lack of posts makes the fact they are out of town pretty glaring, especially for any stalker stans who want to visit the Slackers house. I am 100% sure that bowl-haircut freak and his mom have pics in front of the Slackers house when they aren't home. I'm sure Bowlcut has pictures of the Slackers plastered all over his bedroom so he can jack off to them. Mark my words, Bowlcut is going to show up on the national news one day and it's not going to be for anything good.

Back to the FB group, I have some personal experience going back to one of their Anna Maria island visits, I think it was even before the pandemic. I didn't see them, but a friend of a friend did in real time. I tried to post something about it on FB group that same day, and after a few days of waiting it still hadn't posted (but hadn't gotten denied approval either). I wound up having a private message chat with Admin Becca about why it hadn't posted, and she flat out told me she was holding it until she knew they were back in Orlando. It finally did post about a week later, but because I had said in the post that friends of mine saw the Slackers "today" it made it seem like my friends had seen the Slackers on the day of the posting and not a week before. Hope that makes sense.

So that picture of them at MCO that posted to the FB group on Nov 3 was probably actually taken on their way to or from Disneyland, even though it wasn't posted until after the Swan Dolphin Food Wine event they scammed their way into back in Orlando. But that post with MCO pic has also been completely deleted from the FB group at this point. We know that Admin Becca deletes individual comments from posts, but when that gets too overwhelming she just deletes the entire post (as we all saw during the whole Hot Chick Eats Poop firestorm in the FB group a couple weeks ago).

Stan pics in Orlando get approval and are posted much quicker, usually by the next morning or sometimes within just a couple hours, since Admin Becca knows the Slackers would already be gone from that particular park location. Because of J$'s incredibly strict nap and sleeping schedule and Ginn's unwillingness to get out of bed before noon, we know the Slackers never stay at the local Orlando parks more than 2-3 hours, even if they are staying on Disney or Universal property.

And I also wouldn't put it past the Slackers to ask any stans that they potentially meet on a cruise or at Aulani not to post any pictures to social media until the related YT video comes out, so as to not "spoil the surprise". And the stalker stans know the Slackers don't reliably use Twitter, probably because Twitter is in real time and the Slackers can't handle posting anything in a timely manner, so the stans always go to the FB group to post pics, which then get delayed by Admin Becca until she feels it safe to approve and post them. So, I guess this is just my long way of saying that you can't really trust the timing of any out-of-town/airport pics that are posted to the FB group. But the lack of recent pics does make it pretty clear that they are currently out of town again.
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Listen up Disney, Dim thinks your trashcans aren't themed enough.

Surprised Jennyfaintlines didn't have a panic attack when she was riding on the swirly ride on on the GIANT HILL. Speaking of hills, if they think the ones at Universal are bad, I'd laugh my ass off if they ever came to San Francisco (please don't come here Slackers, ever, thanks). Hope you burned some calories!

I liked the repetitive "there's not much to do at Universal for toddlers". Then maybe you should have spent more time at Disneyland with its multitude of kids rids, you fools. So for this day, Jennyturdlines was in the hotel for HALF the day and still couldn't do any editing or uploads, got it.

If J$ is scared of farts, his life must be a living nightmare at home with these two.

Hey Kitra, don't worry the "I'm sorry your mom died" flowers from the Slackers will get to you maybe by February of 2022. They just didn't have time you guuuuuyyyyzzz to take care of that earlier.
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A great quote from today's video from Tim, "I'm getting older. I can't handle a 2 foot long hot dog like I used to be able to." Yikes.
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Hey All, haven't had a chance to see any of the Slackers videos the last couple of days...but reading the recaps I see nothing has changed.

We had a concert Sunday night to see Ben Folds in Charlotte, and then that night we drove down to Disney. We ended up getting to our hotel around like 6AM. Had Epcot plans, we were exhausted so we really didn't do that much to be honest. I got to admit they (CMs) did an absolutely horrific job managing the queue for Test Track during the early "opening" period. They kept the queue in a straight line utilizing no switch backs so the line poured so far back into Future World, and at 9:30 it was already showing a 45 minute wait. We ended up hopping in the single rider line and we were on the ride within 5 minutes. We snagged a Remy boarding group, and were called pretty much at 10AM, we were on and off pretty quickly. We tried the sit down crepe place and split the prix fixe menu deal. We got the Potato Leek Soup, the Savoyarde Galette and the Pomme Crepe. Everything was really good, the only downside with the Savoyarde Crepe was the corners were a bit little over done but other than that for 33 bucks it was a ton of food at a great price. We did a little shopping at the Creations Shop and went back to the hotel to get some sleep because by this point we were up for well over 24 hours.

After our nap I was able to snag us a same day reservation at Sci-Fi for Dinner. We took the Skyliner from the Pop to the Studios and just took in the atmosphere and what not. We rode Star Tours twice because it was a walk on, got brand new scene both times were rode which is always a pleasant surprise. We had a good dinner at Sci-Fi I don't know if it was because we were starving but holy crap their fries were the best fries we've had in ages. So crisp and creamy on the inside and seasoned perfectly. The service was a little iffy because it seemed our server was spending more time with bigger parties and we were on the back burner. By this point there was a hour before park close so we hopped into the Rise line that said 90 minutes. We were in the first pre-show in about 30 minutes.

I will say it's absolutely pathetic mask compliance, with a queue like Rise you go MANY MANY MANY rooms before you will encounter a CM. Once you are inside a building mask up, that's the rule, so many people going through the caverns not wearing their masks. It was 60 some odd degrees yesterday, and you're inside in the AC, there's no reason why you can't keep the mask on. The lady next to my fiance in our ride vehicle kept taking her mask off. There was a dude who looked like a Great Value Old School Version of "Red Neck" Tim in the queue ahead of us wearing a Liberalism is a Disease shirt who didn't wear a mask the entire queue.

Today we started again at Epcot, we were able to get one of the electric charging spots so that was pretty nice. We rope dropped the entire Land Pavilion, did some pin shopping, and starting knocking out the F&W Booths. Pretty much did everything we wanted to by about 2PM headed back to the hotel for a nap, and now we are getting ready to head to the MK for a few hours, then we have dinner reservations at Steakhouse 71.

Haven't spotted any vloggers yet, but I did see a guy in the lobby here who looks exactly like someone I work with, I need to check my work email and see if he has his out of office on as well because it could've easily been his twin.

I will say F&W wise, the Pork Rinds and Pimento Cheese dip option is a stupid good deal, the amount of Pimento Cheese you get would be like $8 itself at the food store.

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OK I watched the Deezy video. This poor guy I feel bad for him OK one he is snowed if he thinks that they’re like the best bloggers out there. He also said at 8:17 “he can’t say no to Tim and Jen tracker that would be a crime” so it makes me wonder if they were like hey would you do this for us because they beg for people to always give them something for free. You could tell they were ready to get up and leave when the guy was talking to them they did not want be there. And he did pay because in his comments on the video he said he was happy to “host” them. He really wanted them to try the certain dessert and they took it to go which is so rude they didn’t even try it in front of him.
I have a feeling he will be on the video because they will want people to see that they were hanging out with a black family and that’s it so stans will be “sEe hEs nOt RaCisT” Yeah I said it. There is always an ulterior motive with them.
How dare they accept someone else, a MUCH SMALLER blog channel pay for their lunches. And then they still do their rude ass take food to go.

They are such TRASH.
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At this point they are just dialing it in for the vlog. No planning, no quality content, poor or incorrect information. They aren't even keeping up with their peers. Pretty much each post is the same exact format but in different places. They eat, walk around, did you like that Buuhhhdddy?, ask each other questions about what things are and then look at camera and ask viewers if they know what the answer is comment below. Isn't that their job to find out the answers for the viewers?!?
Not sure if they have burn out or just a case of identity crisis. Whatever it is they better figure out what they are and what they plan to do long term. Do they not realize they are supposed to be adulting by now? Planning long term, investing for retirement, college funds, etc. There's no pension or 401k in vlogging. They just seem to live in the moment and vacation. Nothing to build business or have a sustainable, long-term plan in life. I knew they were stunted maturity wise, but this is bad even for these idiots.
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First parade at magic kingdom tonight since March 2020. First night of Merriest after hours. Trackers dropping the ball again. They need to stop trying to sell Disney. They’re terrible at it.
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So...two people require a nanny on a cruise... to help them care for their ONE son.

To all you lurking stans, you KNOW that's fucked up. Don't try and act like that's NoRMaL.

And no, we're not jealous.

There's nothing to be jealous about two people - with zero health issues or other physical restrictions - requiring the assistance of a nanny / friend to help them with their ONE healthy son.

It's actually quite sad. :cautious:
“This was the first time we went on a cruise with friends” PLEASE! JUST ADMIT IT!!!! IT👏 WAS👏THE👏 NANNY! Mother of the year! SMH
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I’ve always been a lurker on here but decided to make an account so I can share my thoughts.

ive watched the trackers for several years and I actually really used to like them! Their videos were informative and they were bearable to watch.

Tim used to go really in depth and show every little thing in his tour vlogs- the World Showcase tour and the Resort tour series are two of my favorites he did. They need to go back to videos like that!

i also don’t dislike Jenn as much as other people. Tim actually tends to annoy me more. He’s such a mansplainer, it’s so annoying. He’s always correcting Jenn or snapping at her and then always does this shitty little laugh like he’s “joking”.

He was at his absolute worst in these California videos- complaining about literally everything, getting pissy at Jenn for small things, and his annoyance at Jackson’s lack of enthusiasm for the roller coaster was so apparent. He’s not even two years old! He’s still a BABY. Jenn’s reaction and concern was completely normal given Jackson’s age.

Finally, I hate how ignorant he is about the most basic shit. How do you go to universal a million times and not know that the chimes at the playground are from the Jurassic Park theme song??!! Just how!?? He does this with so many things! It’ll be the most obvious reference or something and he be all “huh????” Maybe look it up or have some curiosity about literally your job?
This might not be the place to prefer Jenn🤮 over Tim🤣🤣

I agree with most of your statements but I propose this query in response;

You enjoyed back when he would explain/showcase every small little thing but now you hate the way he mansplains things?? Aren’t they very much the same?

Again, I agree with much of what you said but I think Jenn🤮 is just wearing him down. Tim is no prize but Jenn🤮 is steaming garbage stuffed inside of a human suit 😬
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I agree that Jenn seemed more intelligent and self assured in older videos. What the hell happened there?
I feel like something had to have happened where she had a legitimate issue, Tim catered to her…and she fed off that. The more incapable she is, the more he does for her. And it snowballed into what it is now.
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So did they buy two rooms, or did their friend(s) (who we think are not the nanny/babysitter) have a room of their own bought and paid for and Tim decided to join them on the cruise at the last moment? It sort of sounds like the latter.
They bought two rooms. They said Jackson was listed as being in the other room as the 2nd person since they had to pay for 2 people per room anyway. And he slept with Tim&Jen on the pull out couch not with the friend.

Did anybody else catch JenBo saying she went to mixology class? LMAO.
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Tim says “by the time we get home it will be Jacksons bedtime”…they are so anal retentive with this kids sleeping schedule it’s honestly comical. I know we used to shit all over them for not having structure/a schedule for J$ but they really fixate on the one thing that is not controllable. It’s just so weird to me the hard ons they both have for his naps/bedtime

We went to California when our son was 4. I went for a photo shoot so one day was totally “wasted” as we were in the studio all day but…I’m telling you we did more in the one full other day we had at Universal Hollywood than the Slackers did in 2 full days. They seriously confuse the shit out of me. I also didn’t rush our son to bed at any certain time. It was a once in a lifetime experience so we all just embraced the exhaustion
Thank you!!!!! This nap fixation is ridiculous. You are going on cruises and cross-country trips - the kid can skip a nap or just rest in a stroller you push around. It's like they must get him in full REM sleep for X hours a day or the world will end (their own free time not dealing with him). Once he came along, their lifestyle was cramped right away but Tim had to do most of the adjustments and Jenn just did her thing. This seems to be why Tim almost obsesses over his nap routine. Jenn seems to care more on vacation.
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Are they still making cringe worthy tik toks or did they give up already on that too?
Their last tik tok was 10/13, the Careless Whisper Harmony Barber Shop weirdness and 2 KiteTails. He posted 3 in 2 days there, then the one before those was on 9/16.

Their work ethic is pathetic. They can’t even plan a trip or a day at the parks. I cannot imagine they actually work more than 5-10 hours a week, and that includes park time.
I think they've given up at this point. I'm not sure how they supposedly went to Aulani and were spotted on a cruise in Port Canaveral a few days later. Silence on social media and even the stan group has been strangely quiet.

We are still getting Halloween vlogs. No Genie +, No Christmas anything--and Christmas is everywhere right now, IAAPA is next week, GKTW event starts next week too. Then they have to plan J$ big birthday party. I know they suck, but damn, how the hell do you have a job that is this easy and suck so, so bad. I mean we're talking complete failure at this point.
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