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OMG! Seriously. He literally said that in the first few min.
Yep. It reminded me of when Jenn lost her ring. And the stans were writing in the comments about how they hoped Jenn found her wedding ring, and that a piece of her is forever at Animal Kingdom :rolleyes:, that Tim needs to buy her a new one, that they'd be praying for her, that they were in tears, etc.

When the Trackers showed near the end of the vlog that the ring was found. So the bulk of the stans obviously didn't watch the entire vlog.

I've surmised (based on vlog comments and TTT FB weirdos) that the bulk of their stans are comprised of either teens (to very early 20s) with incredibly low attention spans OR freaks who drive to Anna Maria Island w/ their bowl haircut child to bestow needlepoint upon the Trackers and would defend the Trackers to the death on a Facebook page.

RE: Teens - I've seen one too many "I stayed up late and my parents don't know it to watch your vlogs" or "I am home sick from school today and watched your vlogs" or "I should be studying for my test but I'm watching your vlogs"- types of comments lately.

So I don't think there's any normal "fans" of theirs anymore. And those two types of stans (teens and freaks) are too unstable - and unsustainable - to have as your main fanbase and to help keep paying the mortgage.

I hope Tim is dusting off his resume.
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I cant remember what video it is, but there is one when Tim first started vlogging where he goes to his parents to get a computer or something and he shows his dads computer set up and the letters on the screen are huge! I realized it was true then that his dad cant see things well at all. They lie about alot, but I believe it's true he cannot see much.
Yeah, I didn't mean to imply he's not technically legally blind. Just their overemphasis on it when detailing it as if it's an extreme disability. They typically couple it with saying that Tim's mom needs an ECV or wheelchair to get around (they referenced both parents' issues after the Discovery Cove vlog). Yet his dad was happily bobbing along in the water next to Tim's sister-in-law (Adam's wife) behind Tim and J. in the water at Discovery Cove. Jenn said that his family wasn't in the vlog but she failed to cut them out and anyone that knows what they look like could easily spot them.

Dad may have always had issues w/ his eyes as long as Tim's been vlogging but like myself (legally blind in one eye; corrected w/ glasses) and @Quasimodo's dad, you can still function. ;) I also recall vlogs w/ dad shopping with Tim and laughing about stuff, or in the car w/ Tim, etc. No mention of sight issues.

And Tim's mom was happily sitting at J.'s 1st b-day party out in the yard w/ his dad. Could she have some mobility issues at the age of 77? Sure.
But the Trackers overdramatize everything for sympathy.

I feel really sorry for J and for the grandparents losing out on this special time. Grandparents adore being around the grandkids when they are babies and little kids, it helps make them feel younger and gives them some excitement to their day and then they can send them home. Totally pitiful that they don't seem to spend time over there with J every week. If they do, they don't talk about it, but will tell us every other detail about their days.
Exactly. And piggybacking off my comment about his parents, I highly doubt Adam and his wife are (and have been) restricting Tim's parents from seeing THEIR kids because Tim's dad has some vision issues and Tim's mom has mobility issues.

Everything is an excuse w/ them because Jenn just doesn't get along with anyone. That's the real reason.
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Holy shit they really drug this “vacation” out in video form. Did we really need an entire travel day video from LAX to MCO??

For fucks sake Jenn, get a real job

Jenn: "Literally, like right as we were landing, he had THE biggest poop."
Tim [read in Kermit voice]: "oh nooo..."

Riveting content, I tell ya.

Also, this screengrab scares me. That hair. Those eyebrows. That makeup. That lipstick. I'm so confused.


...and this one too. Yikes. Not a good color, Jenn.

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Remember the days of Dim carrying an umbrella everywhere so he didn't have to push buttons or open doors with his hands? And now these two idiots keep trying on hats and touching every item in shops....but still prefer to eat outside. Pick a lane!
Except when they eat inside 🤣

They can't keep their "rules" straight. They're such fuckers.
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Just getting back from Very Merry After Hours…worth the price of admission just for the fireworks and the parade. Tim was NOT there. We met Nate at the entrance of Magic Kingdom when we first arrived, got a photo with him and got a chance to talk to him for a few minutes. I can spot a bullshitter, I think he’s a decent dude. We met SuperEnthused, she was really nice, got a photo with her, my wife, and son. She’s the real deal and was surprisingly shorter in person than I thought she would be.

Apparently PCDouche was there, I avoided him the entire night successfully. Nate and Jackie both said they haven’t seen Tim and Jenny 10 Dinners in a while and they were not at the party, the unspoken part I picked up on was; “And thank God for that.”I did walk through a couple of random livestreams and said; “You god damn livestreamers need real jobs.” So that was fun.

We did run into Chasing Dreams with Mike while waiting in line for a PhotoPass. In the words of a guy I used to work with; “He’s a fuck and douche…no not a fucking douche…he’s a fuck…and he’s also a douche.” Was not a fan.

I told my wife that I probably knew more vloggers there than I cared to let on that I knew. There were so many, all of them struggling for a piece of that Disney pie. The well established ones are here to stay…except for the Slacker Ass Trackers. And after rubbing elbows with some of the big dogs tonight, it sounds like everyone else is ready to be rid of them.
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I think it's interesting how they are totally unorganized in activity and day planning and disinterested. They spent so much time dawdling around the parks and not really doing an awful lot, it's funny to watch considering they are supposed to be experts at Disney parks and have all these 'hacks and tips'. It just seems when they moaned about luxury and the experience etc. that it wasn't Disney's fault but rather they don't put any effort into trying to enjoy the experience and do a variety of new things, they just moan and then keep throwing money away.
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I mean she definitely has her moments but I guess I notice Tim more. I feel like a lot of time Jenn just sort of…exists?? She just sort of meanders through life lol. I also only really started following them when they became very popular, so I’m probably missing a lot of Jenn “lore”.

But I understand why people might not agree with me.

I don’t mind when he explains things but there’s definitely an element of him always correcting Jenn even when he’s sometimes wrong.

Neither of them seem to have any curiosity about the world and it drives me nuts.
Oh yeah, you've missed out on A LOT of Jenn. LOL She's a royal bitch. Don't let the "I just exist" persona fool you. She will chew you up and spit you out. She's not a nice person. I say this as someone who, admittedly, did not care for her at the beginning of watching (around 2012 or so?). There was something "off" about her and DH and I noticed. But then, as the years progressed, and I learned more about her and read HER OWN WORDS, I realized - yeah, she's a B-I-T-C-H.

Edited to add: I should also mention that JENN is actually the one that always interrupts Tim and tries to correct him. She did it in the livestream when they were talking about getting off (or not getting off) in Nassau and w/ J.

And in one of their old podcasts, she basically berated him and he was all meek to her and even the stans said they felt uncomfortable watching her smackdown of Tim on camera.
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This most recent series of California videos was the YouTube equivalent of the Hindenburg

Also, you really bitched and moaned a lot about our beautiful state - so us Californians all kindly ask you to never come back.
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I will give them credit for taking J$ on Secret Life of Pets numerous times since they said he enjoyed it.....but ffs Tim and Jenn there is no need to include every single ride of it in a video. Once is enough, especially if it was a quality overview of it...which it wasn't. Even their home movies suck...but I continue to hate watch so what does that say about me lol.
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Thank you!!!!! This nap fixation is ridiculous. You are going on cruises and cross-country trips - the kid can skip a nap or just rest in a stroller you push around. It's like they must get him in full REM sleep for X hours a day or the world will end (their own free time not dealing with him). Once he came along, their lifestyle was cramped right away but Tim had to do most of the adjustments and Jenn just did her thing. This seems to be why Tim almost obsesses over his nap routine. Jenn seems to care more on vacation.
I have to wonder what others have mentioned. HOW in the hell are they going to potty train him if they're never home?
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I’m 100000000% gay and even my nails don’t look like this. None of the things they do make any sense. Tim’s nails and hair, Jenn is always a slob, and they’re bound and determined to turn BuDdY into Rapunzel.
They actually had someone ask about “Buddy’s” hair during the live and Tim QUICKLY said “we’re waiting for harmony” dude has a fucking hard on for that haircut to happen there. Even Jenn was like “I don’t think it’s ever reopening” and Tim brushed her off
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In the latest vlog, Tim shows advert for the Studio Tour on a big screen in City Walk, rather than doing and filming the ACTUAL Studio Tour in the park..

And no JennyFaintLines, your 2 year old quite clearly does not want to fistbump Beetlejuice
And why in the world did she keep the part in where he missed making the tour. It just makes them look misinformed and like they are flying by the seat of their pants…which we know they are, but she’s in control of what we see. Edit that stuff out!
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This whole “friend” watching J makes me uncomfortable. I just think it is strange for any adult, male or female, to go on a cruise, especially paying their own way if that is true, to watch somebody else’s toddler.
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To add to the discussion of them recommending a super expensive car service to their audience that seems to largely be lower middle class, have y'all ever actually looked at any of those affiliate links to Amazon they have in their video descriptions? There are only two items that are less than $200 (a microphone and a tripod) and everything else is mostly $400+ with a handful of cameras that are well over $1000.

I really don't think they understand that it's not a bunch of millionaires watching them. Which is strange, because if you look at the people that take pictures with them and post on the Facebook page, it looks more like people that 2010 Tim and Jenn would've been neighbors with.
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Watching the travel from Cali back to Florida where Dim talks about it practically being J$ bedtim when they get back.. Gin was actually surprised that Florida is 3 hours ahead of CA. Seriously? She isn't aware of time zones? Or figured out they were 3 hours behind when they got to CA!?! What in the actual eff is her disfunction?
Also, she has so much anxiety about EVERYTHING but not flying? That seems odd.
They keep asking the kid questions while he's watching his babysitter (the iPad). Seriously, couldn't even have a family meal and ENGAGE with your child.
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OK I watched the Deezy video. This poor guy I feel bad for him OK one he is snowed if he thinks that they’re like the best bloggers out there. He also said at 8:17 “he can’t say no to Tim and Jen tracker that would be a crime” so it makes me wonder if they were like hey would you do this for us because they beg for people to always give them something for free. You could tell they were ready to get up and leave when the guy was talking to them they did not want be there. And he did pay because in his comments on the video he said he was happy to “host” them. He really wanted them to try the certain dessert and they took it to go which is so rude they didn’t even try it in front of him.
I have a feeling he will be on the video because they will want people to see that they were hanging out with a black family and that’s it so stans will be “sEe hEs nOt RaCisT” Yeah I said it. There is always an ulterior motive with them.
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Someone may have already brought it up (I didn't really catch up on all posts) but WTF is that ugly ass jacket Tim is wearing in the Art of Shaving vlog? Is that another flex or just a butt ugly jacket? Or both? 🤣

Also, did they mention anything about where J. was in the vlog?

I did catch at the end when Jenn said Tim "pampered" himself and they both said - quoting here - "treat yo' self". (about Tim's cut and shave)

Umm.. is it still considered a "treat yo' self" when you're #hosted and didn't pay anything? :rolleyes:
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