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Jackson is nearing the age at which I found my youngest son sitting on TOP of the refrigerator, digging into the cookie tin (I had to use the bathroom... with the door open and he still did this.) I panicked, checked every room (did not look UP, who thinks to look up?) and then ran out into the yard and driveway screaming for him. Came back in, checked all the rooms again and heard a giggle that sounded like angels singing to my heart. Followed it into the tiny kitchen we had and there he was camped out with his feet dangling with the open tin, "You want cookie mommy?"

If they think a simple bench which doesn't even block the entire entryway will keep him out of that office they're delusional. They'd better hold on tight to that baby sitter, there is no way Jenn will be able to keep up with jackson on her own.
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If Tim and Jenn want to burn through their money as fast as it comes in, that's on them. They can hire all the people they want to clean house, take care of their kid, whatever. They can buy horrible pieces of clothing... no skin off me.

They can make the decision to leave their miracle child home alone in a house filled with strangers, telling the baby sitter she has to watch not only their child, but the strangers too. It's excessively odd, and I'd have something to say about if I were the sitter, but whatever, not my life.

It's when they whine about their own piss poor behavior and video advice blaming "the unwell three" or another vlogger for their own demise, that's where I stick the masking tape line down. Lack of responsibility within your own household is one thing, extend it to the general public and make money off it? No.

A note aside from all that: it seems Jenn and Tim are quite comfortable with strangers in their house now. Have to wonder what other services will be arriving.
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These comments... :rolleyes:

View attachment 806485

And again! With the fucking "I'm so proud of you!" like she's a little kid! WTF is with these fucking stans?!?! 🤮

View attachment 806483
When ever someone blames Chapek for stuff, I immediately tune them out, but to be SO stupid as to think the person RUNNING the company sat down and said, "Yeah, yeet them Trackers off my media list!" is the dumbest thing ever.
So many people have no idea how companies work and, SHOCKER, they are Tracker fans. :ROFLMAO:

"Tim has TOP TIER access" to stuff that pretty much any one with a pulse and camera had. Yes, Nicole. Top. Tier.
I also love how we're almost two weeks post 50th. Great job, Jenn. Really coming in with the original and timely content.
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Chatty Member
You know what sounds like a great idea when you're "overhwhelmed" and "overextended" and "busy"? Taking a completely unnecessary trip all the way to the other side of the country with a toddler.

(I feel like I'm going to be extra cranky for the next few days because I hate the thought of them being in the same state I call home. I'm overprotective of CA and Disneyland from this family and all their baggage and sloppiness. Keep your budddddyyyyyyy and yourselves on the other side of the country, thanks! 😅)
Maybe they'll fall in love with CA and move there! Then they can be your problem. lol
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A note aside from all that: it seems Jenn and Tim are quite comfortable with strangers in their house now. Have to wonder what other services will be arriving.
@12:33, Jenn's is the car w/ Tim and says she's all done (with the salon) AND the organizers are all done and they've left. (the organizer FaceTimed Jenn)

So was J. home alone w/ the nanny?!

She said she was nervous to have "so many people" in the house. Because the downstairs space that they were in is not a "huge space."

I kid you not.

Edited to add: I found a Channel 6 clip of Meg Wittman (the organizer, company owner?) being interviewed. She called her company a "luxury lifestyle brand" that offers "white glove service." OMG. The Trackers are so "new money," it's hilarious. They got totally ripped off.
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Also to the person on TikTok said “it’s the blog we all want.” that’s very creepy.
When the day finally comes that they go to Disney for that haircut, Jenn will have to pull every last bit of effort out of her body to edit out all the cries and cringe Jackson will undoubtedly go though.

They'll get a shot here or there of a snip and a look, but overall, betcha it's all a wash.
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Just wondering thoughts on this...

You think Jenn had Tim take her out during the organizing not only because she was anxious about it, but she was feeling uncomfortable having a bunch of women in their home (they said 5 people came), who were probably her age and younger AND who were diligently working through their piles of junk, and good at doing so quickly? So she goes to get her hair done and Target and keeps him away until they are done?? 😅 It was weird how she kept speaking as if she (Jenn) was the one who did all the talking to the organizer and all the discussions, and Tim was some bystander. He seemed super awkward to me throughout the vlog.
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I dunno why she insists on going on some of these rides. Her reaction when she got off Velocicoaster proved she hates roller coasters. She was always anxious getting on some of the more intense ones but she's worse now she's had J$. She should just admit it and not go on. Nobody is going to judge her for that. She's too determined to pretend she's not a dumpy middle aged Mom that has let herself go.

I just watched her freak out. Tim had his hand right next to hers, didn't touch her. Didn't switch off the goddam camera either. So disfunctional a relationship.
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VIP Member
Just wondering thoughts on this...

You think Jenn had Tim take her out during the organizing not only because she was anxious about it, but she was feeling uncomfortable having a bunch of women in their home (they said 5 people came), who were probably her age and younger AND who were diligently working through their piles of junk, and good at doing so quickly? So she goes to get her hair done and Target and keeps him away until they are done?? 😅 It was weird how she kept speaking as if she (Jenn) was the one who did all the talking to the organizer and all the discussions, and Tim was some bystander. He seemed super awkward to me throughout the vlog.
Hoarders have to participate in the cleanup in order to help with correcting the situation. I will give her some credit for wanting to fix things but she doesn't want to participate in any of it. Tim even said he needed to figure out what to do with the leftover crap, not her or we. This is a band-aid on an obvious mental health issue.
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I tried a few seconds and I just can't with her face anymore. Or her hair styles of a 13-year-old. I want to punch my screen too bad. 🥊

They are so absolutely boring and predictable at this point.
It was so nice for a few days without her dumbass snaggleteeth on the screen

now she’s adding these tiny blowjob handlebars to the top of her head and goddamn just when we thought she couldn’t get uglier, boom she surprises us.
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There is no difference aside from the fact that "Kimmy" washed her hair and blow dried it. It's identical.

The eyebrows are at total mismatch for her hair and skin.

Someone said what I've been thinking all along: her stylist loves her money, but hates her.
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Wow, at the age of 38/39 she acts like her life is over. She refuses to accept that she is an adult and should act accordingly.

She is at the beginning phase of shaping J$’s life. Though she resents him and does minimal in his daily life. I am convinced that any interactions she has with him are done exclusively in front of the camera.

Jack$on deserves better than these two scum-sucking, pus buckets (“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”) . It’s such a shame.
I was just trying to craft out some Suess-ish lines for Boob and a Moob but am horrible with words.... :ROFLMAO:

A Moob and a Boob were going down a slide.
Cried the Boob to the Moob "Let me off this ride!"

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Jenn talking about money literally killed me. She’s so full of shit it’s absolutely obvious. She’s only good with money because she has plenty of excess. Throw them back to the ol bread making/chicken and rice days where Timbo worked for minimum wage at the science center and I guarantee she would be singing a different tune
I grew up comfortably & then hit a period where we had little thanks to my mom’s long illness. And now we have money again & I am cheap as ever. It drives my husband nuts. I never want to feel like I did when we had to cut coupons & watch every penny. These two are so ridiculous - they act like the gravy train will never end. It would take one car accident, one major illness or one flood in the house and it could come crashing down. Although these stands would send them $- which is also gross.
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Yeah, but she doesn't even need to do that. It's called pre-planning.

If they knew they were going to DL, Tim could have went out and filmed places - even going to the same place like DS or anywhere on Disney property, and filming two vlogs' worth of content in the same day - just go in a bathroom and change your shirt if you really want to "sell" that it's a different day - AND she could have got her ass in gear, edited, and then they'd have had a large bank of vlogs ready to be auto-posted while they were enjoying their umpteenth vacay. Then, she could get to editing DL when they got back.

But, as with everything, they fly by the seat of their pants.


These friggin stans are absurd. Two people who "work" from home and make their own schedules + one child = no need for a nanny.

Yet the stans say if they had $, they'd have a nanny too?

And TinaMJones' comment is just fucking bonkers.
Yeah, we can really equate T&J to two people who go to work every day and drop their kids off at daycare. Okaaaay. :rolleyes:

And 23 people LIKED that comment. I'll never understand why the stans constantly make such excuses for these two idiots.

View attachment 821563
Honestly even if I was a billionaire I wouldn’t have a nanny…but that’s because I want to actually raise my child and I have a strong connection with him…
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Conspiracy theory incoming: Perhaps when Tim said Disney was having them back "in a limited capacity", he meant that he only gets one freelance pass and it doesn't include a plus one. Maybe Disney has figured out that he's something of an asset but Jenn is nothing but a liability and they're trying to keep her away from media.
He wasn’t invited to the Genie + preview. So I think he’s still limited to big events only.
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“All people have said and done wrong,” - these stans sound like real scholars 😂
Those morons should take a look at the real world and see there are consequences for your past actions. Jon Gruden just got shitcanned as the Raiders head coach for inflammatory remarks in emails back in 2011. Along the same lines as the stuff the Slackers posted (anti-gay rhetoric and language, blatant racism, etc.) So the stan excuse of "everyone's said the wrong things" hold no water, especially when the idiots uploaded it to YouTube and left it public for the world to see.
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Oh no no - Jackson asking for food from Tim’s plate when all he had was some dry Cheerios chucked on a placemat (not even a bowl or plate). WHY would you choose to show that?
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I don't think the regret came until shortly after Baby J actually arrived. That is so unfortunate for J.
Yeah I don't think she never wanted kids necessarily, but she's like millions of other parents out there who should have never become a parent and never thought hard enough about the massive responsibility, time suck and financial suck that is taking care of another human being for at least 18 years. I think no parent wants to admit it or they're in complete denial, but I'd imagine there's plenty that regret having children, even if they do love their children. Seems most people think of the rosy "cute" baby days (they all look like wrinkly potatoes to me, frankly) and instagrammable moments, but not all the actual very real challenges. I guess everyone assumes their kid will be totally fine in every way, both mentally, emotionally and physically. Wish more people would realize that just because you may have the ability to procreate doesn't mean you should.

Regardless, the woman seriously needs some therapy because there's a lot of issues she's clearly avoiding and in denial of, otherwise J$ will be the one needing therapy (which of course his parents will neglect to get for him).
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I was just trying to craft out some Suess-ish lines for Boob and a Moob but am horrible with words.... :ROFLMAO:

A Moob and a Boob were going down a slide.
Cried the Boob to the Moob "Let me off this ride!"

"No" said the Moob, "I'm filming this shit"
"Why not be like your sister and flash us some tit"

"How dare you" replied the Boob "I'm not like that"
"I'll whore out the kid but I won't show my twat"
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