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Why even bring the kid if you are just going to have the nanny look after him. Although I will say, he does looks like he’s having fun.
I just don't get why people are out looking for the Trackers. I go to Disney for fun, food, rides, escapism, any number of reasons none of which are TheTrackers. Jenn is not a Disney Princess goddammit. Quit with the undeserved adoration and adulation. She's a wreck of a person who got a life by latching onto some bloke who struck lucky whilst bumblefucking about trying to be a zeleb.
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Tim, hunting for something sweet for dessert even though he says they have *cake in the room*. Says maybe a chocolate bar or MELKshake. "I'm on vacation!" 🙄 Shut the f up.
It totally baffles me. I get people struggle with weight and I am sympathetic to that, but these two it’s like they are trying to destroy their bodies. It’s like how can you have complete disregard of your health and just shovel literal crap into your gullets basically 24/7. Aside from the weight, it’s going to affect your overall health. No wonder Jen can barely roll out of bed before noon.
And Timbo are you on vacation or are you doing your job as a “travel vlogger?” can’t be both, especially if you think your going to write them off come tax season.
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I don’t have time to go through the thread, but I have context on that marked safe thing and apparently 15 influencers and 6 bloggers were purged on Friday from Disney’s invited media list. Including PMM.
Wow. The Unwell 3 must really be working overtime to get 21 people removed from the media list. Where do they find the time?
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Chatty Member
It is now Sunday evening and TTT has been to HHN on both Friday (Tim) & Saturday (T&J) but there is no video yet. I see they just uploaded a check-in video but seriously, why would they be on the media list? Every other vlogger has long since uploaded their HHN video(s).

Their sense of entitlement and cluelessness makes my head spin.
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New member
The sitter was trying to feed that poor baby for once in his life and Jenn wouldn’t just leave them the crap alone

Also…what happened to not eating inside?
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I ThOuGhT iT WaS tO HoNoR tHeM
You know it really seems like their weirdo super fans never even watch their videos. They never know what is going on and ask questions about stuff Tim or Jenn have already talked about in recent videos.
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Wow, I think Tim and Jenn just proved to the theme parks why they shouldn’t be back on the list. Drama
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We'll just looked on Hotwire using their secret super low cost promo where they won't tell you the hotel until you book...look at what I snagged for 83$ a night
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Tim showed the Creperie menu and didn't want to pronounce a single food item except "crepe" and "salad." It was hilarious how he passed by almost all the food items rather than butcher the name in French. 🤣 (He could have looked this up beforehand and how to pronounce some of the names. Dumb.)

Omg @HereForTheT3a22 - the scrunchie is FRONT AND CENTER in this vlog when they are eating. The nanny is sitting there cutting J's food and helping him eat, putting her hand behind his head. This is bizarre - these two spent the time at the table filming each other, analyzing food, blabbing to the camera, and the nanny is sitting on the other side of J totally taking care of him. Wtf!? Jenn can't even cut this kid's food or watch him eat?? Holy shit, she really thinks she is the huge draw of the channel if she needs a nanny to do these simple things because she needs to be uninterrupted for the vlog.
Yeah when I was watching I was like damn even the nanny/sitter is cutting his food. Jen finally got what she wants, she has someone else to worry about the kid so she doesn’t have to.
notice when they get in the Remy ride car the kid is standing up facing backwards…he was wanting to be with nanny. He already sees her as more of a parent. I’ll bet money she’s why he started finally talking. I mean good for her someone needed to step in and help the kid. I’ll bet money there is an NDA between them.
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Wow, some troll got the Trackers off the Disney and Universal media lists? Old news already, but new to me. I don't have time to follow them, but this sounds serious. Tim should have deleted those racist and homophobic comments, but someone really put the work in to put the kibosh on their money making machine. That's some real cut throat competitive shit there. When you mess with a man's livelihood you are crossing a line. Then again, in this instant cancel culture climate, one has to tread very carefully... The whole episode is a sad commentary about the power of a troll and the unforgiving culture we live in.
TBH, the FRE video simply packed a bunch of stuff together that Tim and Jenn already had out there (and then deleted when they realized Disney had eyes on it.)

FRE did not cause them to be removed from any media lists, nor did anyone who emailed them the link to the FRE video. It was Tim & Jenn and years of greed/laziness along with uncaring hearts that caused them to be removed.

Remember, this all went down during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests (brought on by the deaths of several black folk). Disney was already scrambling to do damage control within their own walls to make sure they were truly inclusive and supportive of BLM... then came this.

It was completely on the Trackers. Since then T&J have tried everything to get back in Disney's good graces, often making themselves look worse. Things like waiving a black doll in the camera, saying it's Jackson's favorite? We never saw that doll again. Like artifically supporting good causes, often not even looking into what they were, nor supporting them beyond reading off a description. One black family has made it onto the closing "pay the price" screen... that's one black family out of the hundreds who would have loved to do it.

Disney is not stupid.
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Chatty Member
In that situation, ABSOLUTELY!

I was referring to their parental style and choices. Having multiple degrees in early childhood education (ECE) and special education I am so frustrated at what they have done/are doing to J$. He is only 21 months and is already damaged. Especially emotionally.
it's scary and stupid of them to keep filming him for so many reasons.
whenever he gets around other kids it's going to be....interesting. Jenn is for sure going to be that mom who insists that it's not HER kid being the problem.
"I don't care if you have video of J$ climbing the bookshelf, biting another kid, and screaming 'now it's time to pay the price'. He NEVER does that at home so you are wrong."
I wonder if the "unwell 3" will be to blame for this, too.
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confirmed that the person who let Tim into HEA media event is also purged. 😂😂😂 play stupid games, win stupid prizes
That’s crazy you say that because when that whole thing happened and we were thinking that he was somebody’s plus one I was thinking there is no way I would jeopardize my YouTube channel by letting somebody that got kicked off the media list be my plus one😬
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Well-known member
Yes they said something about working with Disney in a limited way. Wonder if this means Disney is giving access to minor events and monitoring their product, hence the quick removal of the First Aid water Tik Tok and Jenn's headshake when it was mentioned on the livestream. They need to prove themselves again.
Remember you guuuyys- Disney sent them a cookbook! They are definitely back on the A list 😝
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Well, as a benefit from wasting time listening to them, it's good to know that Main Street Moments thinks Tim has all the good, helpful information. This way I'll never bother to stop and listen to them again. Even us non-pros know a good portion of the info Tim gives out is incorrect. He can't even keep his own info straight.

I took this differently. They said both companies eventually said they just couldn't work with them any more (ie dropped them), then Tim said they 'were back working with Disney in a limited capacity'. It was an admission of sorts and their lack of transparency hasn't gone down well on Reddit. I hope they read the comments there and act on them, or at least acknowledge them. Not sure they have the emotional intelligence to though. And if Jenn has been out on the lash getting drunk and causing drama, well things could get very interesting.
I admit I did not listen to the live stream with Tim and Jenn saying what happened. I've only been reading the comments here.
I need to do better and go back and listen.

However, on redit, long before that live stream, someone had called them out on being dropped and Tim basically screamed at the person for spreading lies and said that they he was never dropped. His lies and coverups are not doing his channel any favors.
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Evil Texan

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I heard Josh mention awhile back that they aren’t on the media list because they’re live streamers. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I would LOVE to see live streamers banned from the parks. I will go out of my way to block a shot, cuss near the camera or fart in their general direction to ruin a live stream.
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Ok, guys. So basically spent all day yesterday at home relaxing after an exhausting few weeks of work and life, and decided to look at Twitter searching last night which I have only done once before.

So, I found sort of a fun rabbit hole to go down:

Enter in a username (example: thejenntracker)
Enter in a date range (example: 9/1/2016 through 9/5/2016)
Or, enter a keyword (examples: "hate" "troll" "crazy")

Enjoy. If you change the date ranges a lot, you get more and more results. Suggestion: check out Sept 3, 2016 when Jenn had some huge Twitter fight with some friend she followed who seemed to call bullshit or call her out on some dramatic story about a refrigerator delivery driver who offended her; a year later she posts a story about how this same guy who was so hateful to her on Twitter was fired from his job at a University and how glad she was that it happened and people know about his hate. Huh, sounds like she is a troll, too? 😅

There are SO many fights with her on there and woe is me, everyone is terrible to me" crap. The search of "Dev" pulls up some parts of that fight. She basically called him out and tried to rally people against him and get him canceled.
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A small, close quarters crepe place with middle of the road food is fine, but the REALLY nice steak house in their hotel is "too much". I bet he just didn't wanna deal with J4D drinking and knowing he couldn't put it on camera.
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