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Re: silver tray - take off dome and SURPRISE, it’s Remy, surrounded by vegetables.

J$ is surprised, confused and reaches for a tomato thinking he is being offered food/or he’s just curious. Either way he is 21 months old and this is a new experience for him.

Jenn immediately “oh, don’t pull it off! Don’t pull it off!!”
Then “Say hi to Remy”

J$ waves to Remy and then reaches to gentle pet Remy. “Don’t touch him! Don’t touch him!”

Chill, biotch. The CM wasn’t concerned, why are you traumatizing J$ unnecessarily?
Recognize that this is a new experience for J$ and model how to react to it.

That’s the thing that I don’t get about T&J. They expect J$ to act a certain way (or learn by osmosis) when they have never modeled the appropriate action and talked him through it. ie. the shoe picking up. Get off your a$$ and show him how to put the shoes in the basket, then back in the cabinet. Stop barking at him “pick up the shoes”. How do you know that he understands what “pick up” means?
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They are just your good old fashion American family enjoying family time at a theme park...with the nanny.

Even Princess Diana looked after her kids at theme parks 😅
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Oi Jenn, you want to see someone really unwell... This is why we talk about you. You encourage this. If he gives you enough cash will you set your son up for a night in a hotel with him. Ffs woman wise the fuck up!!

View attachment 747742
This sick shit really really really gets to me on a deep level. If someone said this about my son I would lose my mind. I would constantly be looking over my shoulder worried about some creep. How do they not understand this? Protecting your child is like the most absolute basic instinct. I have a terrible imagination and sweat when my son asks me to “play” but I would throw myself in front of a bus to protect him. Jesus fucking tits Tim and Jenn, WISE THE FUCK UP and protect that tiny human.
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So we won't get any footage of Ginn from her night at HHN because it would destroy even more the facade they tried to build about their personalities and what not.

We'll get the "Guys it was such a special thing that we didn't want to vlog it and keep it as a personal memory" but in reality Dim couldn't film anything without a drunk belligerent Ginn in frame.
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Tim showed the Creperie menu and didn't want to pronounce a single food item except "crepe" and "salad." It was hilarious how he passed by almost all the food items rather than butcher the name in French. 🤣 (He could have looked this up beforehand and how to pronounce some of the names. Dumb.)

Omg @HereForTheT3a22 - the scrunchie is FRONT AND CENTER in this vlog when they are eating. The nanny is sitting there cutting J's food and helping him eat, putting her hand behind his head. This is bizarre - these two spent the time at the table filming each other, analyzing food, blabbing to the camera, and the nanny is sitting on the other side of J totally taking care of him. Wtf!? Jenn can't even cut this kid's food or watch him eat?? Holy shit, she really thinks she is the huge draw of the channel if she needs a nanny to do these simple things because she needs to be uninterrupted for the vlog.
Omg I’m so sad they uploaded late because I probably won’t have time to watch until Sunday! Today is my birthday and my hubby says he “has a week full of plans for us”. He’s a good guy.

Im going to try to keep up so I don’t get too far behind.

Jenn should be fucking ashamed of herself but we all know she’s so goddamned deluded that she truly believes she needed this help.

I will say, I’m very happy that J$ is getting the mother he deserves (it appears this nanny has already been wonderful for his speech development and now he can eat without being swatted away)


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You want to know what every single one of these pics/screenshots/etc that people are getting with the nanny all have in common? Jenn is 100% ignoring her child & in her own freaking world. She is absolutely LOVING having a nanny.

In a couple of those screenshots from the Earsome live stream, you can see Tim & the Nanny attending to J$. Or the Nanny trying to guide J$, but Tim is involved. Jenn isn't even aware she has a child. She is paying absolutely no attention to him.

This nanny thing is going to become regular I think. I think when she got pregnant, she was legitimately looking forward to it. But she is OVER this whole motherhood thing.
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The last thread filled up in what seemed to be record time, then again it helps when you have Universal Team Members give us updates on J4D/Godzilla/Zuul drunk rampaging and being a stereotypical "Karen" to employees who don't deserve it at all.

The thread title is courtesy of @CoolWhip

When will we finally get a HHN vlog? Will there be any usable footage?

We won't see Jenn except for like the first 20 seconds before she started pounding back Heinekens and Mixed Drinks and unleashed her ultimate drunk Mean Girls form.

I wanted to suggest a thread title borrowing from Shakespeare but the last thread was pretty much at capacity.

I was thinking something along the lines of The Tim Tracker #39 We few, we unwell few, we band of unwell brothers.
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Everything they do is performative. Like when they read the book to J$ that was written by a LGBTQ+ author
Also remember when she randomly brought out a black baby doll and kept forcing Jackson to hold it claiming, “it’s his favorite, he plays with it all the time.” That was the one and only time I have seen that baby doll in one of their videos.
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Ok, this made me laugh 😆
I love the buddy comment. 🤣

But WTF about the other one - "How did you get him to talk so fast?" Are we watching the same vlogs?
And good ol' momokoblue responds that they talked to him like an adult? GTFO, momo.
I didn't realize "buudddddeeeee doooo you luuuuuuv it?" is how adults talk. :rolleyes:
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Who👏 the👏 hell👏 hires👏 a👏 nanny👏 to👏 look 👏after 👏their👏 able👏 bodied👏 child 👏when👏 there 👏are👏 two👏 able👏 bodied👏 parents👏 with👏 him?👏

It's repulsive. If it's too much trouble to watch your own child and film your excursions at a theme park then get a clue and DON'T GO!
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This board is my newest addiction. So many fun and wild theories! In my professional experience I haven’t seen a influencer or third party thrown off for drinking too much or being a bad influence. From my classmates who did their internship at Disney the mouse sometimes rotates influencers and vloggers on media events so they all get a media event. Plus=More diverse voices. It would seem odd that Disney would do the grand purge and someone told the trackers. It just seemed that they wanted to vent and moan about disney not allowing them on. They were about to be called out because Hhn media was next day and they would have been called out, so what better way than to go out in a blaze of glory? No serious pr person would advise them to do that monstrosity of a live stream- it’s not professional. I’m having a hard time connecting the dots on their media and pr strategy. Regardless they have the money to attend events and should step aside gracefully to allow their fellow creators time in the Disney Media spotlight. The trackers lost their appeal to Disney and as stated previously it’s all about the numbers. The trackers consumed more than returned on free advertising
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No doubt. LOL Jenn has one damn kid and she's terrible with him. My wife and I used a baby sitter once with three boys. We enjoyed having them with us. We just changed up what we did compared to when we dated.
Right?! I don’t understand what is wrong with her? A nanny for ONE KID and she has nothing else going on. I could see if she had a thriving business or was a busy career woman but holy shit she hardly showers. She is such a loser
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That’s crazy you say that because when that whole thing happened and we were thinking that he was somebody’s plus one I was thinking there is no way I would jeopardize my YouTube channel by letting somebody that got kicked off the media list be my plus one😬
And the reason why Tim didn’t score any of the cupcakes? Security was involved. Basically they couldn’t tell him to leave because he was a plus one, but they could control access to areas and he was the only plus one who didn’t get into the cupcake area. 😂😂😂😂
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Why does she wear shorts like that in a video of 150K+ views and have photos taken with stans all over the park? They look so uncomfortable and unflattering. In that kind of heat and legs rubbing together, ugh...not a good combo. 😬 And I am not making fun of her weight (I know some here do and have said why, and that is cool), but Daisy Duke shorts that are too tight and thighs busting out underneath and rubbing together are just a no from me dawg.
I know, I just dont get why she wears the tight shorty shorts. I'm pretty petite and even I refuse to buy tight shorts because I dont want to be uncomfortable all day. Funny I just came across this tweet today from 2016.
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THIS. Every time people defend them as if they are some level of vlogger professionalism that others should aspire to, I want to scream this. I GET that their schtick is "day to day" but you really can't split some days OR get ahead OR throw some dumb Tim walk abouts in here and there? THIS is why they are losing media cred: they aren't good at what they do. They are long past the need to sit down and SCHEDULE content.
I feel like this is all Jenn's doing. Tim lets her control the schedule and the editing. He shouldn't. He, as the person who started this channel, should be treating this like a legit job and he is the CEO. He should be sitting down weekly with her and planning out the vlogs and the posting schedule and it should be followed. Instead, if she doesn't feel like editing then she doesn't and she tells the viewers that she just didn't get something up. Tim doesn't seem to say anything ever. The only time he seemed to crack on camera was the smarky remark about how she hadn't gotten up that one MK video yet when she acted like she couldn't remember.

As said before, these two wouldn't last a week in a real job that involved deadlines, organization, and following a procedure.
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Lol damn schmackety whack … seriously if this is for real it’s the best tea we’ve had in a while🫖 The reason why I’m saying if it’s for real is because we honestly don’t know your source we don’t know who they are (and I’m not saying we need to know) I’m just going to be cautiously optimistic on this one
Honestly I wouldn’t put it past PR to let some of this leak. Think about it- they want it to get out that vloggers aren’t getting a free pass for crap content & crap behavior- but they can’t say that. Leaks are good ways to get that out. PR people aren’t dumb.
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