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I call bullshit for why Jenn and Jackson aren’t there. I think one of them is sick and they don’t want us to know because regardless of their “vaccine” that kid can still get COVID with how unsafe they are about things still. Idk. I hate this channel anymore. Tim looks fucking homeless also. What the hell.
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So they bought a $2,000 Nordic Track. S22i model. I like how Jenn goes @23:25 - "I think they have another one that was like a little bit cheaper."

Yeah, Jenn. They have FIVE other ones that are cheaper. You got the most expensive bike model.

Or, you know you could just walk around the neighborhood. That's free. :rolleyes:
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How fucking stupid is Tim? They never go to children’s shows while the Golden Child is with them, but on a day when he is by himself he goes and watches a live children’s show that the kid would’ve loved.
I also noticed he talked a lot about if you have small children who would love it but never even spoke about maybe taking his child. Like he never thought about his child maybe enjoying this as much as they try to make that kid dance for his food. Lord forbid taking him to a show that plays copyright music and letting him dance around without a camera in his damn face
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Chatty Member
Tim just replied to a covid denier and said they personally know 5 people who died from covid. They said they will not eat indoors with Jackson unless they were the only people in the restaurant. Interesting.
And yet how many times did they drag jackpot around the Disney parks staycation after staycation without a care in the world.
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Wow, I recall her saying people came to their home to protest her being preggers (like that ever happened), but she went on to add further detail in typical jenn/sociopath/liar manner (more detail makes it undeniable) that their extended family (more than one person) has been targeted at their homes too.

Here's the kicker: she's made herself believe those lies. She needs help, and the longer they wait to get it the harder it becomes to treat.
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They made sure to include that the author of the book Jenn is reading to Jackson is from the LBGTQ+ community so people will think they now support them and will forget all about her “gay is contagious” comment.
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LMAO They have got a book from an LBTQ kids writer in Orlando (What does it matter about their gender/preferences BTW?)

They have obviously realised it would make great virtue signalling and last minute chuck Jack$on on the work top for story time.

Why are they reading next to the sink? Is it so Jenn can wash the gay off? :D :D

Having all those toys in the kitchen is a hazard! it would piss me off so much and i'd be hitting my toes or sliding on a car with those tiles.

Also it doesn't bode well for the Bike if Tim got halfway through putting it together and then couldn't be arsed.
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I remember that. I remember someone posting their response they got from Disney re: guest safety, etc. and if people (i.e. the Trackers) were violating the rules of the golf cart rental policy.
November 1, 2020, Response from Disney:
“I am glad that you took the time to let us know that these individuals were not following our policies regarding golf cart rentals at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground. Drivers of golf carts are required to obey all relevant traffic laws, including speed limits, and a valid driver's license is required in order to operate our golf carts. All Guests operating one of our golf carts must sign a contract indicating that they agree with our rules. All Guests riding in our golf carts must be properly seated at all times, and small children may ride in the laps of adult Guests who are not driving. It is concerning to learn that these Guests were not following these policies. Please be assured that I am sharing your comments with the appropriate areas.”
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I really think the last year or so has shown how lucky the trackers got being in the right place at the right time with youtube and disney. They are really floundering at the moment. They can't hack it in the real world of vloggers. They've lost their identity and their treu selves are coming through
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I'm getting confused by all the posts about other vloggers, not calling them out by name, but rather "they" and other generalized pronouns. Begging the community here, please, if something is Off Topic, please either put in a spoiler or proceed with

Off Topic:
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Who wants to take bets that the Trackers don't go to Universal for any of the indoor rides again? Universal just announced that they aren't requiring masks for rides for vaccinated people.
I was under the impression it was for everyone, ie children as well. I should go read the article again.

Here’s the thing, they can still wear a mask. I’ll never shame anyone for that. Wear it or don’t. It’s your choice. Both are fine to me.
That being said, people were saying all last year when the parks reopened: if you don’t like the masks don’t go. That pendulum swings both ways. If you’re that concerned maybe a crowded area like a theme park shouldn’t be on your current agenda.

Edit to add: when I say your/you’re, I don’t mean you specifically. I mean it in a broad sense.
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The part of this last video that gave me the ah ha moment that they are using the coping mechanism of escapism was when they were on the couch talking about checking out and Jenn said how sad she was. She really seems genuinely sad about going back home and Tim immediately reassured her that they will have to come back because they "didn't even get to check out Canal street" and she perks up and says "Oh yeaaah". That exchange screamed depression to me.
I think the depression, if it's legit, is solely caused by her. She's not pivoted to being a mother. She's in constant juvenile-thinking FOMO mode. She thinks Tim "gets to have all the fun" even though she's already been to places and done things many in their audience could only dream of doing.

I think someone mentioned it the other day, but Tim is simply doing everything in his power to placate her lest she have another meltdown - yet another reason why he threw a bunch of $$$ her way for Mother's Day. So, while she may be the one that launches the guilt trips at him initially (re: them tagging along all the time with him now), I wouldn't be surprised if he KNOWS what will happen if he "puts his foot down" (so to speak) and if he told her "no."

I know what it's like to deal with someone like Jenn and it's going to end up ruining Tim before it ruins Jenn. Tim is exhausting himself trying to keep her happy because of her high-maintenance personality. He (and obviously Jackson) will be the ones to suffer in the long run.
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Can you imagine if right now you could go on Youtube and find videos of yourself as a baby/child ( cause we know they'll do it as long as they can) every DAY for years for all the world to see? Think about when he's in school and everyone has access to this. I know they aren't thinking about this but we have a 12 year old son and I can't even imagine. We have so many iPhone videos of him from baby on up but I can't imagine his horror if we had them out there. It's so not fair, he can't give consent. There are laws against this that Youtube is supposed to be following, like no comments on those videos, marked as "for children", how are they getting away with this? Not to mention as we all know, it's unsafe for him.
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Chatty Member
Anyone get this? I don’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I totally get it. They are using the lyrics from a broadway show to highlight that the Trackers are not who they seem and that a lot happens behind closed doors that their stans don't know. They are saying if you want to know who they really are just look at their old content.

There is no way Tim would exert that much energy in a single day without consuming at least 3 double bacon cheeseburgers. Also the reason the shorts are the same is because they are officially fused to his body.
You got that right!
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I just went to the Nordic Track part of the vlog and he actually says "I know what you're thinking" about having the perfectly good elliptical sitting there and now to buy a bike. Then he says he hasn't been on the elliptical since his birthday, and that he likes bicycling better than running and hopefully they'll be more motivated to do the bike.

Then he says @24:35 that the bike has a screen so they can pick a place and see the scenery and it'll go up and down in elevation as they go through the scenery.

I'm sorry but I just have to shake my head and laugh at that comment. You literally could go to a state park - tons throughout the state of Florida - and see scenery...walk around... bike around... hike... go up and down in elevation. Not all state parks are flat as a pancake. O'Leno State Park. Ravine Gardens State Park. Just two that come to mind that don't even feel like you're in Florida (and within an easy couple hours from Orlando). $5-8 to enter. Hell, you don't even have to go to a state park. Just take a walk. Take a bike ride. See scenery that way.

They need to learn that throwing $$$ at "problems" - whether real or imagined - is not the answer.
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I dunno, to this I will say having a kid is fucking exhausting...but I didn’t notice any difference in day-to-day exhaustion after the vaccine. 😂😂
I have a child as well and there is zero excuse for jenn to be the big fat lazy bitch that she is

Tim you need to shut the fuck up and drop this harmony barber shop obsession. It’s absolutely preposterous

Right??? And Tim started out saying she had a 'pretty severe" reaction and then walked that back to saying she was just tired for a day. He tried to explain the urban legend that goes; if you had a bad reaction to the vaccine you would have had a bad case of covid. That is totally unfounded, misinformation.
He had to backpedal because in their vaccine video and that one live they said they didn’t have hardly any reaction. They lie so much it’s hard for them to keep up

Omfg 🙀 Tim just said he’ll fly with Jackson...but they won’t eat in a restaurant

they are such fucking idiots I literally cannot
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Even 8 years ago these two fucking morons were pissing people off and half ass apologizing. Jenn says “look at these thighs” and being honest it’s when she was in pretty good shape and fairly thin.

She can’t even apologize correctly

Circa 2013 linked the offending video and “apology” video

So even 7 years ago people were calling them homophobic and calling them out for making fun of overweight people.

7 years ago
Taunting fat people? Seriously? At least their walking through the parks! Some "fat" people have genetic problems that cause it, such as myself. I eat super healthy, exercise like there's no tomorrow, but I can't seem to lose weight. Seriously not impressed.

7 years ago
Ha :) I'm sorry! I wanna say I hope your alright after you've been called homophobic and told that you've been rude! When your far from it! Look at comedians, they're racist, homophobic, ageist, and all of them and no one has an issue at all! Keep it up :) I love your bogs so much!

You can definitely tell the difference in how Tim responded to comments (rather benign) versus Jenn (asshole passive aggressive).
Jenn responded under the Skitty Skitty name.


7 years ago
Whoa! Not the direction we were heading with this. Thank you for watching the vlog :D but we want to stop all of the criticism. Thanks for understanding!

7 years ago
After reading a few of the comments on this vid I realize that people are hypersensitive to some issues. I'm sorry about that. This video is put into the entertainment category for a reason: It's for your entertainment! I'm sorry that some people took this to be a personal attack on their weight, lifestyle, etc. It is absolutely is not. You may want to take a step back and try to understand why you're taking things so personally. You should learn to love yourself, because you deserve that. <3

7 years ago
That's why you called us homophobic?! That's a serious stretch. By your standards anyone who imitates Judy Garland (bc that's what I was doing) is homophobic. Makes sense... What a negative world you must live in. I'm sorry for that. Well I know that you removed the comment because your point was totally invalid, I'm glad you did so. I'm also glad there will be no more issues. Thank you.

7 years ago
I've read your comments and I appreciate your replies but you have failed to answer why you have any reason to call us homophobic. Again, please explain this. That is a direct hit to our character. I would hate for someone to read that comment and just assume that you're right. You have no backing information to such a defamatory claim. I DO NOT appreciate that. Maybe you should take some of your own advice and learn from this. You should think before you reply. When my character is being questioned, I will always defend myself and my husband. So I'm not acting defensively, I'm merely defending myself against someone who refused to explain his negative comment. If you have no reason to say such terrible things about someone then I suggest you don't say them in the future.

7 years ago
But I will say this: If you're going to say that we are homophobic that's something that does NOT sit well with me. If you're going to throw around words like that, then I expect you back it up. I am seriously offended by that comment and I disagree completely but bc you didn't explain your "nasty" comment I have nothing to go on. Seriously not impressed. I take that as a personal attack on my character, please explain.
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