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Yes! Jenn said twice he was being wild/bad & he calmed down once inside! Shit- he is being a kid! They said he didn’t want to walk in line- now all of the sudden they want him to walk & he said no thank you. Are they surprised? It’s going to be so bad when he starts to be more defiant & independent. Jenn will especially lose it.
That is so sad! Did she really say that?!? Holy crap.

HE'S a LITTLE BOY, Jenn. :rolleyes:

Didn't know that...but they were talking about balloons and Tim was like “We’ll get blue it’s his favorite color” and Jenn was like “He seems to like purple” and Tim was very annoyed
I really feel that Jenn LIVES to contradict Tim on camera with everything he says. Even the most insignificant thing. Watch for it - it always happens. And then he'll just usually go "yeah" after she pipes up and adds something, contradicts something, or interrupts him with some type of dumbfuck clarification. UGH.

(Edited to add: Not saying he can't do stupid things too but I ALWAYS notice it with her. He'll say something to the camera and she'll interject "well, actually..." or "well, not always..." "well, and I also noticed..." She's been doing that for YEARS)
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"Seriously shut up you sound so dumb."

Is LeighAnna 10 years old? Sure sounds like it based on her comment.
She also must not have learned about punctuation yet, or how to spell the word "sponsor." These stans can go fuck themselves. :rolleyes:

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My favorite is that she keeps acting like the Slackers don’t make any money. One of her comments said they need to $ to feed Jackson 😂. Is she watching the same videos we are- cause it’s clear they have money you idiot!
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I am in agreement with everyone here that Jackson needs more time at home. Our family goes on vacation once a year (and some day trips). It's nice, but when it's over we are ready to be home because little ones do better with a set routine. I'm always relieved when we get home and my little guy can go back to his regular nap time, homecooked meals, etc. I couldn't imagine doing it all of the time...especially in the heat. It's easier for my older kid now because he is 5, but my one year old is happy being home.
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Chatty Member
They need to start doing air quotes when they talk about their friends. They bought three bags of ground coffee for their "friend" because they don't drink caffeine. ummhmm🥱🙄
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There us no way they can't afford to have a pool service. Just eat out 1 time less in a month fat churds. The amount of comments they've made recently about how expensive things are really piss me off. I am honestly surprised that they sent their oven panel off somewhere instead of flexing on a new oven. Or getting someone in to look at the whole thing. I will laugh heartily if they get the panel back working and the rest is screwed.

They spent very little time in MK the other day. You can bet that with having to get everything ready for them all to go that they're usually pretty late and have Jackson hatless when the sun is at its height. Seeing him home running about, he's a different kid. Tim should get up and go out without them a couple of days a week and get loads of footage. Their vlogs are pretty poor now, imagine how bad they'll be when we have to see Rider/child swap every time, and half their park time is spent while they ride the same ride separately. I would have liked to see more of the Mount Dora Blueberry Festival. It looked interesting. But no, just them horking down a couple of dishes before heading to a massive lunch. Gross.
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lol how long until someone reports them to the sponsor and they drop them?
I'm a big fan of Anker's products and I'm pretty disappointed that they have the Slackers shilling for them, kind of tempted to report them with links to the FRE videos.
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That baby is adorable on the beach, but he should definitely be speaking by now! Even if only his parents can understand the words he’s ‘saying’, but he doesn’t even try to say words other than ‘Dis’. I know people will say ‘Every kid is different, etc.’, but there’s a definite problem that he says no words.
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In my opinion he is already getting there.
I have a child but I don’t like kids 🤣🤣🤣🤣. So I’ve never found him amazing or adorable like the stans do. I don’t fault him because he’s just a child but I’ve never understood people’s obsession with him 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. However like I said, I don’t like kids. I love my own of course 🤣
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Chatty Member

First mention I’ve ever seen of them on the universal boards. And there’s no way they were media. They would not be standing in that long line with everyone else.
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I hope this is true, but will we really know for 2 weeks? That's how long it takes Jenn to edit these special event things.
Feel like if they got the box it would be on Instagram....unless it was sent to their PO Box because then it won’t show up for a couple years
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Jenn said she’s never seen a Velociraptor before? Yeah, they’re kinda extinct dumbass. But have these two idiots never seen Jurassic Park or World? Some fans... 🙄
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I read it's very hot/humid today. Little guy should be at home splashing in a plastic wading pool out on the grass in his yard, preferably a shaded area, not being trudged through the hot asphalt desert of Tomorrowland.
That poor kid. It’s like every day is take your child to work day with these two. The heat index in Orlando today is in the upper 90s.
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I believe he’s speech delayed. The benchmark when my kids were little was 15 words by 15 months. I honestly can’t remember him saying anything but ‘dis’ for quite a while now.
From the University of Utah medical school:

By 12-15 months, kids should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling, like the p, b, m, d, or n sounds. They should begin to imitate sounds and words modeled by family members, and typically say one or more words other than just "Momma" and "Dadda." Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Other things would be things like "uh-oh" or "wow" or "no," which is a very popular first word.

From 18-24 months, there's a lot of variability. This is when we talk about the language explosion. Most toddlers are saying about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more words by the time they turn two. By age two, kids are starting to combine words together to make two word sentences such as "baby crying" or "come help." A two year old should be able to identify common objects as well. If you point to a picture in a book of an object that they know, like a baby, they should be able to tell you that. They should also be able to point to their facial features when asked, and follow two step commands like "please pick up the toy and give it to me."

I think it's way too early for anyone, especially us folks that see 20 minutes of the kid a day (or less if you're like me and stopped watching the USB and Commode channel), to diagnose him with anything.
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Chatty Member
Jackson should be ok if he gets covid, it is rare for younger kids to get it and if he does he should recover......but why risk it constantly when he is a miracle child? Just saying, I know I’m not in their situation but I wouldn’t be taking him to hotels and theme parks daily, letting strangers get super close to him to take pictures during a pandemic. They treat Jackson like he’s something they bought at target and pimp him out for views.
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Watching the video from today now and right as Tim is showing the velociraptors in the que, you can hear jenn in the background ask Jackson “what’s the matter?”
UUUUUHHHHH well selfish woman, he’s petrified of his surroundings!!! He had a death grip on her shirt the entire time! I felt so bad for him. How dare they bring him through that!
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She also doesn't think $11.99 is worth it for one zucchini in a wrap. LOL (in her lunch the other day at HS) Everything is overpriced at Disney but it's just so funny with the disconnect she has (or they have) between prices of one thing vs. their ability to drop oodles of $$$ - like it's nothing - on others.
That’s the word I’ve been searching for DISCONNECT.

The Bojos have a disconnect with reality!
• Jack$on is not their son. He is a pet. Cause that’s all you have to do with pets is take care of their daily needs, love and feed them.
• $11.99 for a rondo wrap or $6.99 for a cupcake is too expensive. But Tim buying a $2000 Gucci sweater or dropping $300 on two women’s jackets (for himself) when he is a lifelong Florida resident is not?
• they live in a McMansion in a gated community but their dishes are from Target (nothing against Target) and cost $5-7 a piece.
• the massive 20+ “staycations”, in a pandemic, within 10 miles from their McMansion since late August 2020, costing more than the average person makes in one year, speaks for itself
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