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About a week ago, I was pulling into a CVS parking lot. I passed a car who was coming out. Inside was a Male by himself with a Mask on.
Something The Slackers would probably do also.
So much ignorance in this thread. I have driven in my car with a mask, solo..on my way to my elderly mom's so it was on and ready when I picked her up to the her to a medical appointment...on my way to a curbside pickup...on my way back from a pickup. Some people aren't so whiny about wearing a mask that it isn't a big deal that we have to throw off dramatically the second we are in the car. I don't even notice mine half the time.

Don't wear a mask if you don't want. But if you see someone wearing one, it seems absolutely lame to laugh or make fun of it. If I had poorly drawn on caterpillars for eyebrows laugh away, but the mask shaming either way is dumb AF.
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Another lie “we don’t drink”

may 29:00 in this video they start talking about their disgusting countertops and giving us excuses for why they are disgusting. I definitely see a wine bottle amongst their recycling

What a beauty 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
That’s mama June.

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Jackson looks absolutely miserable in today’s video. But it’s hilarious that they think they are invincible now that they “got their second shot”

Jenn NEEDS to eat something so she runs to the first booth they saw. I have never been to a theme park and the first thing I want to do is eat breakfast.
Kids aren't really as much of a problem as some would have you believe. They don't often get the virus and when they do it is much milder than anyone over the age of 16 unless the child has underlying health issues. Jackson does not appear to have asthma, diabetes, obesity, or any other comorbidity. However, right now Disney requires children over the age of 2 to wear a mask so they will have to deal with the issue of teaching him to wear a mask until Disney relaxes their requirement. I think Jackson will be fine going indoors.

I see your point but I honestly think Jackson isn't much of a risk right now. He doesn't appear to have asthma, diabetes, obesity, or any comorbidity that would give him a risk of getting severe COVID. If Disney hasn't relaxed their mask requirements when Jackson turns 2, then the Tracker's will have to determine how they are going to get this child to keep a mask on. They will need to start practicing mask wearing at some point to get him used to it. We can always hope there will be a new set of mask requirements by the end of the summer.
ok this is my first ever post but this kind of misinformation just pisses me off. The rate of infection in kids is unknown because there isn’t widespread testing, not because they don’t get it. And even if they’re asymptomatic, they’re spreading it. So it’s completely irresponsible to think that “oh hey, my kid won’t get seriously ill so I’ll just constantly throw them in a crowd” when they COULD get seriously ill and why would you risk that? And even if they don’t, you’re constantly putting them in crowds where they can spread infection. The infection rate in kids is thought to be about 10% where I am. And with the variants, kids are getting much, much sicker. And even if they don’t have a life-threatening case, the long term after effects of the virus are very serious. There’s no excuse for repeatedly putting your kid in this situation over and over and over again. What kind of parent would say “well they probably won’t get really sick but hey, there’s that small chance they will and could actually die so it’s all good”. Rant over.
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The thing is Jackson ISN'T living normally. The Trackers have been posturing this entire time about how safe they're being while galavanting all over the place without considering how Jackson may be spreading the virus. They've given 0 thought to this - everything they've done to be safe has been for their adult benefit, not for Jackson's. And yes, while the US is at a point where the vaccines are fairly available to anyone who wants one, they're also stagnating in that most people who want one has already gotten it. I definitely think kids should be out living as normally as possible during this, but Jackson has never had a "normal" childhood so far.

I might be in the minority with this but I actually like the masks. I plan on keeping mine around for whenever I have to go somewhere when sick with a cold or anything (I have chronic bronchitis - it's been super fun during a pandemic, let me tell you). I really really hope they are more normalized in the US after this, but lol at that happening.
I like the masks too. I'm not hurting anyone when I wear one so nobody should care whether or not I have one on. As far as people wearing a mask in the car, sometimes it's just easier to keep it on if your going to another short stop at a store or a drive thru rather than taking it off and back on. It's become so normal that there are times I forget I even have it on in the car. Sorry if it hurts people's feelings.
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Thank you for voicing that last line. I typed it out and it didn't feel right, but every fiber of my being is screaming it.

There are no do-overs with a toddler. There is no going back to do this age to make it right again. Of course he will catch up to others with speach and hand use, he's just delayed (a delay they caused), But if they screw this up now I believe that little boy will have no fond memories of his childhood or connections to his mom. Jackson needs a daily routine at home. He needs a normal childhood with a mom he cherishes memories of. As is his memories seem to revolve around being places and doing things a toddler (and baby prior to this) could not care less about.

Tattlers, when you tell people you're going to Disney World, what percentage give you a look or vocalize "that's for kids"? For me it's about 25% so I just don't bother, it's no one's business. So many people have it wrong. Disney did not build a park for kids. He built a place adults can enjoy WITH their children. It's a place for young and old, and for families to enjoy.

Jackson is not enjoying himself as he's not included with what his parents do for themselves. He's simply accompanying them and more of a nuisance and prop to them than their child. They're using him as an excuse to cut through lines and be rude in ways they would not without him there. Jenn, If you think he is enjoying himself, go back and watch your old footage. You're projecting what you want him to feel, not what he IS feeling.
If taking video at a theme park is your full time “job”, then leave your child home when you go to “work”. Take him on non-work days and put the video camera away and enjoy time with your child.
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I was happy to hear them make a point of saying Tummy Tim is excercising, but it's going to take a full on change in diet and attitude toward dining that will be the most beneficial. Also, I don't think T&J understand that when we abuse our bodies, they fully never return to the before state. Jenn has no intention of exercising or eating healthier.

I scanned the last video and stopped on the target dishes (I love dishes, but there's only so many one can have). He commented that SHE had broken a few. That confused me... why would she have broken a few? Dishes don't break on their own.

Two bowls and a pasta plate? No, something's wrong in that household, or those dishes were made to break.

I'm thinking of the stories I've heard of my grandmother who would fling a plate across the room when she was mad. I'm sure it scared my grandpa but mental health was not the same back then as it is now. He hide her problems the best he could by just being with her as much as possible and dealing with everything. (G'pa was abused by her numerous mental issues but incredibly awesome with me, teaching me how to play gin rummy at 4, LOL.)

Sound like anyone we know here?
Yep, here’s how I’m thinking it played out:

*Set the scene*

Jenn slaving over a hot toaster oven because YOU GUYYSS her precious wall oven is broken.

Jackson crying because he’s overly tired and starving from the too tiny bites they constantly toss his way.

Tim asks “hey do you think we can get the Mt. Dora Blueberry festival video from 2 weeks ago up finally?”

Jenn: *HURLS A PLATE TO THE FLOOR* collapses in tears “IM SO OVERWORKED TIM I CANNOT POSSIBLY DO IT ALL!! I only slept 13 1/2 hours last night and our last staycation was 1 1/2 days ago, I need a break”
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I've noticed this as well. One of the fairs Adam and Tim went to also had Super Enthused in attendance. At one point (I think it was the Tim at the guess your age booth) she is clearly no more than 10 feet away as seen in Adam's video but Tim never mentions her.

That's his prerogative and all but it comes off awkward and petty. I know SE is a direct competitor but she seems like a really nice person and acknowledging her would have improved the vibe the video.
Nate even listed all the other vloggers in his May 4th video. Not trying to be a Nate stan but it just really says something about someone when they also want to see others succeed.
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This last video was terrible. First, just because Jackson falls asleep, they think their entire trip has to end. Some of the easiest times for us on vacation at WDW were when my son fell asleep in the stroller for a long nap. We walked around and did things, took turns going on non-kid rides, had a relaxing sit down snack...then he woke up and we would resume the fun with him. They clearly are doing this just to get it over with for content and as quickly as possible, which shows because they just don't seem like they really enjoy any of the Disney stuff. We knew more about the aquarium after Nemo than they did and we only vacation there. Totally lame and I am certain they forgot it existed.

They HAVE TO STOP asking this kid these ridiculous questions. First time parents can be clueless, yes, but at this point it's common sense that to get him to interact and try to speak, you can't ask "What do you think, Buddy?"

Here are some better examples... "Look, Jackson, it's a FISH. (points at fish). Fish. Where is the fish?" (help Jackson point at specific things and try to say a word through repetition).

"Jackson, do you see the water? Look at the FISH in the WATER. Hi fish! (waves at fish). Can you wave at the fish?"

Just random examples but much more helpful than asking an 18 month old "What do you think?" JEEBUS.
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Nate was able to park hop after going to Epcot. "Youguyzzzzz it is so hard to plan ahead...." - Jen probably
Nate posted his May the fourth video today. He did a lot and had so much fun with other vloggers.
• Couldn’t get a HS reservation, so got EPCOT. Park hopped and entered HS at 1:47 pm
• Got in virtual queue line for May the Fourth merchandise store with some limited items. Upon his turn he showed us what was available. And he ended up buying a R2-D2 spirit jersey, a limited edition SW magic band and a Starbucks “Batuu” mug.
• Nate is not afraid to show other vloggers and have them state their channels
• Rode Smugglers Run with other vlogger friends
• Whether you like or dislike all these vloggers it was great to see the friendship and kindness they show each other. VincentVision bought two lightsaber churros (red & blue) for the picture. Then gave Nate the blue one cause he couldn’t eat both.
• Then at around 8 pm there was special photo ops in front of the tie fighters and millennium falcon, where people brought their lightsabers. Nate didn’t have one, so another vlogger let him use his extra.

You would never see Tim put out a video like this.
1) he can’t plan anything and would never do park hopping for the opportunity
2) he would have to get rid of that albatross called Jenn. She also is a kill joy for fun and spontaneity.
3) he considers himself superior to all the other vloggers and wouldn’t hang out with them. Except for ATW (why is it that this allows gets autocorrected to ATE? 🤷🏻‍♀️)
4) his lack of knowledge and not being a true fan of SW would make him look ignorant.
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Yep. She needs to friggin STAY THE HELL HOME ALREADY with him and let Tim go out and film.

Especially as it's starting to get blistering hot out here again as it's coming into that time of year. NO ONE in their right mind would be dragging their kid to a theme park 3-5 days a week just because mom doesn't want to (or can't) stay home with her child. It's absurd already at this point.

As @Love_the_kitz said, he needs to be home, playing in a wading pool, splashing - having a good time. Playing with his toys. Having a nice homemade lunch with his mother. Watching a fun TV program. Reading a book. Taking a nap (and then mom can do her shitty editing). Getting him into a SCHEDULED ROUTINE so that he has comfort and reassurance in his own home.

Jenn is majorly fucking this up.
Thank you for voicing that last line. I typed it out and it didn't feel right, but every fiber of my being is screaming it.

There are no do-overs with a toddler. There is no going back to do this age to make it right again. Of course he will catch up to others with speach and hand use, he's just delayed (a delay they caused), But if they screw this up now I believe that little boy will have no fond memories of his childhood or connections to his mom. Jackson needs a daily routine at home. He needs a normal childhood with a mom he cherishes memories of. As is his memories seem to revolve around being places and doing things a toddler (and baby prior to this) could not care less about.

Tattlers, when you tell people you're going to Disney World, what percentage give you a look or vocalize "that's for kids"? For me it's about 25% so I just don't bother, it's no one's business. So many people have it wrong. Disney did not build a park for kids. He built a place adults can enjoy WITH their children. It's a place for young and old, and for families to enjoy.

Jackson is not enjoying himself as he's not included with what his parents do for themselves. He's simply accompanying them and more of a nuisance and prop to them than their child. They're using him as an excuse to cut through lines and be rude in ways they would not without him there. Jenn, If you think he is enjoying himself, go back and watch your old footage. You're projecting what you want him to feel, not what he IS feeling.
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Ah yes.....the perfect people to sponsor
View attachment 560462
I'll never for the life of me understand why anyone would want to host or go to a party so demeaning and racist. Maybe it's because I'm a woman of color, but such an idea would never even cross my mind, no matter how old I was, and if anyone had suggested going to one in college I would have never associated myself with that person again.
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A commenter pointed out Jackson hasn’t developed in months and just has the one phrase, someone replied maybe he isnt comfortable talking on camera 🙄
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I read it's very hot/humid today. Little guy should be at home splashing in a plastic wading pool out on the grass in his yard, preferably a shaded area, not being trudged through the hot asphalt desert of Tomorrowland.
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