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So Dim is posting photos on IG from their time at the aquarium...why the fuck is Jenn in different clothes?? Can’t they keep their shit straight? Were you there one day? 2? If you are going to be bullshitters at least get your shit straight?
Also her arms look possibly photoshopped. Or she has some weird arm and hand shapes.
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Not going to lie, it is first on my list once we get a for sure answer! People think we are so ridiculous for asking to move to this duty station in California because there isn’t really any Othman on the post, but two hours from Disney!! We have been trying to get here forever! Also, my husband and I are fully vaccinated, my daughter is 16 and gets second shot in a couple of weeks! So we are being as safe as possible!

Thank you guys for your service! I don’t know how long it’s going to be CA residents only but I would be getting a license ASAP to get in
I don't think you'll have an issue as they plan on opening up completely sometime in June. We are a retired military family (Air Force). With the exception of our tour in California (because we were sent to a base that was closing we were there less than a year), we always transferred our residency to our new station. My husband was a senior NCO so typically in the AF enlisted members stay longer at a base than officers do. Our typical tour of duty was 5 to 7 years at stateside locations. I worked civil service so it was just easier to establish new residency since I had to file tax returns in those states anyway. Since you refer to post I am assuming you are Army.
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looks like Dimmy took dimmer on a shopping spree because so far that’s nearly $500 worth of Shore shit she’s draped over that fat ass of hers
If she keeps it up her eating spree she won't find anything in her size. It doesn't seem as though they sell XXL...
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If she was in college in Gainesville it was probably Sante Fe Community College. There's no way she had the grades to get into UF.
I'm up in Gainesville a lot. It's actually a college now (named changed quite a few years ago) because it offers bachelor's programs.
(I know, I still call it a community college sometimes by accident LOL)

I love visiting the Teaching Zoo there.

I would think with her personality type she would brag that she attended UF.
I know. That's the weirdest thing about it. Why would she have gone up to Gainesville just to go to a then-community college? (now, a regular college). Just to get an associate's degree? She could have gone to Valencia or Seminole here in town. Her Gainesville address was on 75th street in an apartment complex (Reflections) but I swear I saw another address one time down by Newnans Lake in some beat-up old house too.
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Chatty Member
Took a look at the sisters Florida stories, her voice is so annoying! She comes across super obnoxious. She is trying way too hard, it's almost embarrassing.
I never even watched the Florida stories. About 2/3 into them, you will see a photo of their mother, and Jenn as a 7/8 year old. It's the one where the sister says she is in the mothers belly. That is Jenn with her.

Her sister's IG Florida stories were wild, reminds me of the Zola stripper thread. They are tazing people, crazy family, a random boat outing, yelling in restaurants, weed smokin', Aunt's boob tattoo, etc.
As trashy as that family is, there seems to be a lot of joy and love there!
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🤔 now I need to go and watch FPT. You guys might be on to something 😂

below is the only time I have seen any kind of affection between T&J (courtesy of FPT)
I wouldn’t put it past Taylor one bit... oh and I have my theories as to why they are part owners of the travel agency someone mentioned yesterday
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"his little mind is being simulated" Yep, Glenda. You actually made a Freudian slip there. They ARE manipulating him and his little mind and manufacturing him to be something THEY want him to be rather than what HE wants. :mad: To his detriment. We may not see the consequences down the road, but it'll be there. Living your live on camera since the literal moment of birth is. not. normal.

I don't know what's scarier - that comment, in general, or the fact that there are no whales at CMA.

The whale thing is simply a limited-time walk-through exhibit. Jackson was interacting with the dolphins.

I mean, they're all technically but cetaceans (big word I learned long ago LOL) BUT this lady is clearly nuts. :rolleyes:

Love when people show that pic of Tim with his (or probably actually a family member's) guns. :ROFLMAO: Boy, he sure has evolved over the years, hasn't he? Gosh, golly, gee, ding dang darn!

I've honestly never seen someone go through so many versions of themselves as Tim has. That's not normal either. That's someone seeking attention and / or affirmation of others - clearly lacking something from within.
I assume this site will always have an influx of Stans defending them...

I assume this site will always have an influx of Stans defending them...
Watching an old video who is this guy

This video 2/2/13 he goes to the backstage loading area for pirates and films a guy dumping garbage.... he definitely has changed because he found a niche what a douche waffle


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Just looked them up on YT.
Ketoconnect has 948K subscribers. Started 5 years ago and are surprised at their success. Around 3:48 the husband talks about germaphobic parents, wife cautions for him not to judge other parents, even though they themselves are judged.
Theo is 20 months and is allowed to be a kid.
He is taking swimming lessons.
Latest video in case you are interested
I'm not familiar with this channel at all but I love the part around 8:52 where they actually let him sit there and play and eat his food (even if it involves a mess and him wriggling around). He also talks and interacts way more than J seems to do and while I 100% know kids develop at their own paces, this little tyke on Ketoconnect is definitely more advanced than J in so many ways.
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Today is the big day...movers should be here between now and like 3PM.

It's ridiculous how much stuff we have, like damn it's a shit ton of boxes.

My Fiance and I have vowed to downsize and not to become like the Slackers who are living in filth with crap on top of crap.
Congrats! 🍾
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Chatty Member
She got the ring back the same day at AK. It was the Cartier gold band.
They went to Guest Services (or so they showed footage of them standing in there because they couldn't figure out how to do the Lost and Found website) and a CM got the ring out of the drain and Jenn was mildly tearful about it for all of a millisecond. :rolleyes: WHO the hell takes off their WEDDING ring in a THEME PARK just to apply sunscreen on a child's face?

That might be it. Also, if you spent the majority of your time in Diagon Alley, you wouldn't have seen anything because there's no MG in there.
We did. We did walk most of the two parks though, but really just a walk around. Just short periods of time and since I am not really that interested in the parks, I just wasn't paying attention.
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I'm sorry but this house and the Star Wars themed house I don't think are actually that nice. I suppose it's niche but I personally wouldn't want to stay there unless I had kids that were REALLY into these themes.
Also, I wish they wouldn't use clickbait titles. They state it has nothing to do with Jurrasic Park at the start but put it in the title. Just say dinosaur themed!
i do like the dinosaur themed house. Of course I love all of the JP movies...LOL!!
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How many days are you supposed to quarantine for when arriving in CA? Ignoring the debate on whether he is a resident there or not, I don't see why Adam couldn't just go a week or however long before the opening. He 'lives' there so what's the issue? He has no obligations (that we are aware of at least) in Orlando.
10 day - mandatory - if unvaccinated
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Jenn is telling a ghost story about when she was in middle school and she LIVED with her grandparents. Did we know this?

Someone asked Jenn about her wedding ring. She said she doesn't have them on right now because she has already taken them off for the night. Who does that?
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ResortTV1 was just hosted by Discovery Cove and I’ve also seen a lot of media type bloggers getting a sneak peek of the new rooms at the Poly. Wonder if the Trackholes will pop up soon with the same.
They’ll have to beg and beg and beg.
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I thought he said that too but I bet he rented points for the video. He's run out of content and wants to record these places before others do.
That schtick has been done there is a channel called here with the ears that stayed at disney world the entire year in 2019 and did room tours at pretty much every category
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