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I was with folks who tried the jerk chicken and jerk jackfruit. (and they REALLY love hot foods)

The jerk jackfruit was legit WAY too hot because there was nothing to mitigate the heat. (Universal may need to rethink that one for next year LOL)

So, if anyone's going and wants to try the jackfruit, you MUST like heat and have water nearby. :ROFLMAO: Or, if you eat meat, do the chicken one.
When we were stationed in San Antonio one of the locals told us to have dairy to cut down the heat. I tried it and it works better than water.

Not to change the subject, but do you remember not too long ago Jenn put her wedding ring in her pocket at Animal Kingdom and she pulled her phone out and the ring went tumbling down the drain? That drain went into the lagoon so she'd never get it back. I didn't know which ring she was wearing that day, her diamond engagement ring or the Cartier gold band. She didn't seem too upset on camera so I assume it was well insured. Anyhoo, I noticed in the snapshot of the video Petey attached she was wearing a gold wedding band. So either she lost her diamond or she got her gold band replaced already.
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In today's odd Stan comments we all need to appreciate TTT for all the amazing exciting content they produce. Some stans want Jackson reaction videos and Carla is crying just reading the video description for the 2nd day i
Jamie Byford has PROBLEMS. 😬 Their comments always stick out to me for some reason.

If he is so dumb / obsessed / such a huge Stan that he spends his own money just so he can spend time with them / be mentioned in their vlog / hopefully get people to watch his vlogs then I can’t feel bad for him.

It’s sad but it’s their choice just like the idiots who send Michael Kay WDW & Starbucks gift cards etc.

I would be pissed if I was Chris’ wife. As she never seemed happy to be on camera. In any of his channel videos. But that money should pay for THEIR food / THEIR vacation. Not a luxurious meal out with people who couldn’t give 2 shits about us besides maybe a few tweets back and forth. They could eat at these fancy places twice instead of taking Tim & Jen with them once.

Jen has always loved Aristocats. It’s like the one Disney movie they actually know character names from 😂

What about Jen’s $180 rain coat? The one she thought was $18 and probably is 3 sizes too small now.
Yeah, how did she do that 😂 the first thing I check is how much something is before I even think about trying it on. Like that time on the cruise they majorly effed up the price of that private massage room 😂
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Every single Disney vlogger View attachment 519313

The thing is the benefit to Disney (and other theme parks) far outweighs the cost. I don't see that changing unless some scandal or other unfortunate event occurs.

They are all hoping to make it big like the Trackholes but they are mostly just diluting the market. There are some creepier niches like the rumored audience the Kay bros attracts but the general theme park vlogger market is extremely over saturated.
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Let's not forget the amount dropped on the Staycations! Good Lord!
100% tax write offs. I'm not defending them but I don't think they are as ding dang dumb as they portray in their videos. They do seem to be struggling (with gettnig views) compared to their peak a couple of years ago. . My prediction is they are maybe 6 months to a year from turning on super chats and possibly launching a Patreon. They are friends with Ordinary Adventures for a reason. That reason being OA seems much better at milking their fans for money. I watched an OA mail vlog it was slickly produced and it was rapidly evident people weren't sending them stuff in the mail or super chats because they liked them a lot of the stuff was to promote their own channels and side businesses such as Etsy shops making Stars Wars style merchandise. Way different tone than 50 stans asking "will it be busy next week when I go to WDW?" that the Trackers get in their live shows.
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Tiffany Ann The virus is air borne. It can travel up to 6 feet. I’d be careful, these rules make no sense
The CDC recently changed the distance to 3 feet if wearing a mask. I don't remember when that came out but certainly in the last month or so.
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I don't even care if someone films him. I just wanna see his salty as all get out video after he gets turned away. I hope Disney bans him from all their properties. He seriously is more entitled than the Slackers in a lot of ways. Travelling all over the country during a pandemic. Ugh... for some reason he just rubs me the wrong way.
Me too!
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So I watched PMM and Tracker coverage of the same house. Interesting to note PMM didn't stay over night so he wasn't hosted and didn't need to mention that.

Nate's coverage far better than theirs but did they copy him? Nope pretty sure he didn't invent the vacation house walk through.
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Chatty Member
I'm confused. Did he use the points from his own DVC? If so, you can book TONIGHT if you have DVC, at any resort.

I heard that and was going to post. Like WTF with those two?!?!
You can literally book any resort if it is less than 7 months... If I had a hankering for A 2.5 HOUR flight I could fly down and stay at any resort based on availability
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Chatty Member
Maybe the Trackers are trying to emulate those vloggers who spent a year living at Disney? ( I can't remember their names)

Poor Jackson. He needs to be with other children his age, playing with his own toys and in a proper bedtime routine in his own bed.
And as for not eating with him in a restaurant - how is he ever going to learn to eat out, sitting nicely etc. He won't just wake up on his 8th birthday and be able to do it. My daughter has been taken out to eat since day dot and on the whole has always been very good - because it was the norm / something she was used to.
I realise that all children are different, with different personalities etc but if you don't try, you'll never know how they will behave in any given situation.

When Nate (PMM) has been hosted he always makes sure to thank the family by name at the end of his very informative, interesting video.
Here with the ears
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Chatty Member
I don’t think Jack$on has autistic markers. Just unstimulated, sensory deprived and is conditioned to the abnormalities that are his parents.

Nature vs Nurture. Instinctively Jack$on wants to do things. Learn, discover and explore. At every turn he is totally shot down by T&J. His every movement or motion is micromanaged. Nothing he does is good enough or the right action to take. He has no freedom of choice. No free agency.
For sure, there’s really no way to tell just from the videos and I probably am looking at things that aren’t there.
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If all they are doing is being hosted for these "staycations" in rental homes. They are undercutting their value. A social media influencer who gets 100K-200K views on a video should be getting far more than a freebie night.
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I know this is probably a stupid point to make but I never understood the Aristocats room idea.

Did I miss it somewhere along the way where they had cats? They've always only had dogs, as far as I know. Where has she made any indication she's a major cat person? So where's this love of cats coming from - enough to theme an entire room over it?

I'd think, if anything, she'd be more inclined to create a Lady & the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians room. 🤷‍♀️

I know, silly point. But I never understood it. :ROFLMAO:
I wondered the same, they've never had cats to my knowledge and there are many more dog-oriented themes to go with than cats.

I think Jenn wants their next child to be a girl, and when things are Aristocats themed, they tend to revolve around Marie and be pink. (This ticks me off a bit as I have three feline siblings who are like real life aristocrats in color and personality... they're all equal.)
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