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She pisses me off. I'm only 8 minutes in and already:
Alrightfuckingright Gin, you were in labor for like 4 hours. That's nothing. Some women hard labor for up to 72, hell I went 12 hours both times and I didn't act like I was going to die FFS. I did it natural. Birth is never easy and it's painful and it's hard work. But fuck's sake get over yourself, this is your second child so this ain't new. Spare me the getting teared up over your easy fucking labor. Shut it. Women go through real trauma and don't turn on the dramatics after the fact, like you are. You had a normal, uneventful birth like billions before you. Pipe down Prima Donna.
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Could you imagine how traumatizing it was for Jackson it was to be at the hospital while Jenn was in labor.
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The real issue with all of these lies is, it doesn’t matter how much sleuthing we do, how many bold faced lies we uncover, they can literally say the baby was born green with purple spots, and their idiot stans will believe them because Tim Tracker himself said “don’t believe anything that doesn’t come from us.” It reeks of “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.
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Unbelievable, Dim says he going to start a second channel where he's going to review hospital beds for visitors. :LOL:

Dim points at the bed and says, "Terrible!"

This is what he got... ⭐

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This is what he expected... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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LMFAO the man acts like he's never had a child before... That's literally THE bed for new fathers in every hospital I've ever seen. Yeah it's not perfect, but it allowed me to get some rest while my wife and our daughter slept during our few nights in the hospital. Guy's such a fucking diva.
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Jennbo is having to stay by herself the last night because they moved to a shared room. “It’s a little scary”… You are in the a frigging hospital! What the hell is there to be scared about?!!!
She's seriously insufferable. Bitch you're almost 40 and just popped out a human baby, but you're still too scared to be alone in a hospital where honestly they don't leave you alone much at all anyway. 🙄
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The stans are back at it! 🤪

Yes, Deb.
Rhodes Scholar, Nobel Prize-Winning Jackson-who-can-barely-talk was emulating Hawaiians he's witnessed, forming his "spiritual bonds"... :rolleyes:


You again?


I hope you're not an English teacher, Adina.


father? Or the baby's father? :unsure: Good luck finding out the weight. Probably not going to happen.


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Looks like Tim is so exhausted taking care of “3” babies, it looks like his left eye is going to close completely. Look how rested Jen looks. You know she has him running around doing everything while she lays on her ass and breastfeeds all day. She is going to be the death of him. 💀

He looks like he took DayQuil and NyQuil at the same time.
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She is not fucking complaining about not being able to go to a theme park or ride rides because she's about to have her second miracle child. I seriously cannot with this woman. She sounds so genuinely sad about not being able to go to a theme park. FUCK YOU Jenn. There are women who actually cannot have children. Actually not ever have a child. Women who would trade anything in the entire universe to have a child. Fuck you, you stupid fucking bitch.

And--such a martyr. I feel like I'm disappointing you guys by not giving birth yet. What the hell is she talking about? Disappointing the stans because she hasn't had the baby yet? I'm so sorry you guyzzzzz. There's something wrong with this woman.

Way to exploit the sleeping baby already, assholes. And Tim looks like the life is sucked completely out of him at the very beginning. Tim before the baby was born looked like shit, Tim after the baby was born looks 10 times worse.

Maybe I needed a longer break. 😂
For those that are not watching let me also mention that Tim is wearing an Oliver and company T-shirt and Jen says that they all have Oliver and Company T-shirts to match so Jackson has already been pushed to the back burner because it’s going to be all about Oliver. That poor kid
And she admits that she has never seen the movie!!!!!
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I like how she didn't even get regular sushi after birth, she got a giant fried sushi BURRITO. Bitch has got to have her imitation crab in ginormous quantities. 🙄
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We all know the Bojos read the criticism about them online because they spend half the day blocking people across social media. Why, in the name of all that is holy, don't they learn anything from what we say? The comments regarding Buddies #1 & 2 are out of concern for the kids and should be a wake up call to reevaluate what you're doing to them. This latest video pisses me off beyond belief but what's even sadder is I believe they can go even lower with how selfish and narcissistic they are. I would bet money the reason she had to pull the privacy curtain in the NICU was because the parents of the crying baby next to her were upset she was filming (not because she wanted privacy for breastfeeding)

FWIW: Dim and Ginn miracle child #1 needs speech therapy, I would also have him evaluated for developmental delays/issues. Put the camera down, Buddy #1 now talks directly into the camera as if that's normal human interaction. He needs to be around kids his age
My guess about the criticism is that Tim thinks he’s smarter than everyone and thinks he knows better. He’s such a control freak. We’re over here screaming at him that his channel and entire life is on fire, and he’s just like, “No it’s not,” while he holds a flame thrower to everything. He seems like the type that if you tell him he’s doing something wrong he will keep doing it to prove you wrong. Even if it means sweeping it under the rug and lying about it later on down the road like nothing ever happened.
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If he's trying to look at her as she blabs, both his eyes are like, "nah, we prefer the window instead."
Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 11.41.57 AM.png

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4) Are shitty to Cast Members (especially when Gin's drunk)
5) Didn't tip their servers at #hosted very expensive dinners such as Bull and Bear and WBG
6) Are on a vlog that is still up and being monetized fat shaming, tipping people on how rip off Universal while using the electric scooters an actual disabled person might need
7) Monetize their minor children and are a family channel that skirts the rules by pretending to be a travel channel

8) Lied about his Covid status when Dim went to a charity event for children with life-threatening illnesses before finishing the waiting period #anythingforviews
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I'll be the first to say it---I don't think they should be encouraging J$ to touch his face. This is a recipe for disaster. He went right for his nose. Then Tim kept encouraging him to touch his face. Next episode: J$ scratches Baby $liver's eyes out because he doesn't like the crying.
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She uses her go to "I feel like I'm failing" where she gets all the sympathy from Stans and the "you're doing great" from Dim.
Who the hell feels like they are failing by not having their baby before it's due date??? Or even after the due date. I have never ever heard a woman say that. I've heard it about not being able to breast feed etc but not about not giving birth....yet
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8) Lied about his Covid status when Dim went to a charity event for children with life-threatening illnesses before finishing the waiting period #anythingforviews
9) Jenn openly and publicly trashed Tim's mom repeatedly on Twitter, including re: his mom's size, as well as Jenn's "lack of children," and it was based upon lies (the same mom who gifted them annual trips to places, including to Ireland where they got married)

10) Jenn openly and publicly trashed numerous companies on Twitter and / or YouTube rather than resolving issues in-house (Wayfair got blasted, Old Navy got blasted, to name two)

11) Related to what @Love_the_kitz stated about the neighbors - they not only brought up a personal matter with a neighbor that was supposed to be in-house, they also - again - made themselves the victims, overdramatized it, and LIED about their true living situation - making it seem as if they were fearful (security-wise) about a trespassing neighbor (and yet no one - not the police, water company, etc. could seemingly do anything about it, so they said :unsure: - and much to the stans' confusion in the comments section). When, in reality, per public records and their own vlog months later, they weren't even living at the same house when this was happening. They had already moved and the house was vacant. So they made up drama for comments that should have been a minor (or inconvenient) afterthought at that point in their lives (again, handled privately).

12) Jenn lied about infertility, and then later forgetting about said infertiality by openly claiming she was on birth control for 10 years prior to getting pregnant with J.

Those 10 years overlapped the "we can't have children. period. end of story. and don't ever ask us about it again" vlog that got a ton of sympathetic comments, including from REAL people struggling with REAL infertility.
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Ugh the "birth story" is so frustrating to listen to. Jenn thought they'd have an hour to get the sitter over? They DID have an hour, she just spent it lying in bed incapable of listening to her body until her MOANING woke up her husband!

With my first, I also hit 7cm before getting an epidural. When I asked for one, the anesthesiologist was unavailable, so I had to wait. Plus they thought that my son was breech, so they called the OB in to do a check before I could get it. In the time from asking for it to receiving it, I went from 7cm to 10cm. SO all this to say, I KNOW what that feels like and it is NOT FUN but it's also not cause for screaming, crying, and carrying on like you're in the final stages. A woman down the hall from me was doing it all natural and I only heard her screaming at the very very end.

I feel for Jackson because witnessing that, while natural and healthy when prepared, would be a nightmare if you didn't understand what was going on. Especially if your mom was so self centered she's incapable of toning it down a bit for you. Jesus.

I can only imagine, that poor kid.

Also, I was STARVING after my son was born, but I only realized it when the nurse brought food. I can't imagine doing a freaking food review (as if anyone else is choosing to eat there?) I found the muckbang in the NICU super distasteful. Who can eat when their kid is on that many monitors? And if you can, who has the wherewithal to give an ingredient list? F off.

These two didn't realize how lucky they had it. Our (albeit wonderful) hospital didn't provide luxury meals - just cream of wheat and orange juice. It's a hospital, not the Vegas strip. We weren't given anything for free and brought our own diapers. Honest to God, the amount of stuff they took - considering their wealth and the fact that this is their second baby - is so gross. Sure it's free, but someone else in need could use that stuff. You don't HAVE to fill bags like you're on Rodeo Drive. The privilege. 🤮
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I'm just stunned! Their new born little boy had to be taken to special care with breathing issues & Tim's vlogging!!!! The amount of food they are both scoffing down too & filming it!! Eating all that fat & grease would be the last thing on my mind while my youngest son needs extra care.
Poor J$$$ too, dragged to the hospital to see his mum give birth! & they are wondering now why hes acting up now they're home!!
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