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VIP Member
Your spot on 💯
God knows what crap they’re putting into that boys head behind the scenes.

That little boy was visibly upset in the car and what does his Dad do, yes puts a camera right in his face. 🤬

Joseph is nearly 6 and hasn’t been to a playgroup or nursery to mix with different children other than his siblings. It will be strange at first for him but he will get used with it.

Zoe wasn’t there but has still put a load of rubbish on insta tonight 🤷‍♀️
it’s all about Joseph and the Education System. 🤬🤬🤬
Zoe makes such a big deal of Joseph’s autism (diagnosed by herself) yet can’t even be bothered attending one of these taster days at school with him, it’s always Ben!
It’s very telling.
The usual Facebook rant. The education system is broken as there isn't enough funding. Wonder why that is?

And they're such positive people don't you know.
‘Isn’t enough funding’
Because any spare money is being diverted to them and their ilk that are living on government funding!
Get a job.
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I hope the dog owner turns up at wobbly chops’ gaff and lamps him one.

Ben you are a prick
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Bollocks is he making £100 a short, which is only dragging in 1.2k views a day if he’s lucky, when he‘s getting £991 a month for his videos. And Social blade over estimate, too.

Some one said about the camera quality changing, he said that Zoe has upgraded her phone to an iphone 15. He was moaning his iPhone 14 wasn’t as good then he let slip that he’s upgraded his too. They’re nothing but scrounging grifters.


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I hate defending them but Joseph isn‘t still in nappies. He won’t go to the toilet on his own, however. When people don’t stick to the facts it gives them more ammunition that we‘re just trolls sitting at home with nothing better to do.

The nerve of him saying that they’d been looking for a house for 2 years so when that one came up, although it wasn’t it Lossie, they had to grab it. What bollocks. It was given to them by the bloody council. They have had a much easier ride than most people. 20+ years of living in subsidised housing, yet not saved a penny, they got a handout of tens of thousands of pounds yet still couldn‘t get on the property ladder. My son is 27, he bought his house 3 years ago, and he went to uni. My other son has a deposit saved and will be buying a flat when he comes home from deployment.

Her children won’t achieve anything in life because of her. It’s nothing to do with the education system. Kids arent taught subjects just to pass exams. They’re taught to gain knowledge. One of my sons absolutely loves history because of what he learned at school. He dropped geography because he didn’t like it, but he watches historical documentaries, reads history books, researches stuff and that thirst for knowledge started at school and was encouraged at home. My other son has expanded on what he learned in science at school so that he could do his degree and now in his work. Zoe talks utter crap. I hope she does do a vlog on her opinions on the education system because it will show just how thick she truly is.

It cracked me up when Ben was going on about his extensive RAF career. It was that good that he only made sergeant after almost 27yrs. The bloke is delusional. He was that good at his job that he could only get a job in tool stores after, which he subsequently got sacked from and has failed to find employment since. What a pathetic waste of space he is. The bloke needs to shut the fuck up and get a fucking job and start paying for his family.

Jospeh is going to miss one of his settling in sessions at school because they’re going to be on holiday at the lodge. So that’s another week off school for the kids. No wonder they don’t achieve anything when they’re never bloody there. But it’s not Zoe’s fault, oh no. It’s the system. And society. Like it always fucking is.
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Zoe is wanting a child at home, Joseph or Florence, so that she isn't forced to get a job.
That's top and bottom of it.
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Daisy may

Active member
…and they’ll possibly put down any ASC ‘traits’ Zoe comes up with as a child whose been isolated from socialising and navigating relationships with any other children outside of his siblings. Diagnoses aren’t dolled out like sweeties and I hope they’re expected to attend a parenting course first (which they won’t of course after all they’re parenting ‘experts’ 🙄).
It’s strange 2 boys Toby and Joseph apparently have problems.
My opinion is the boys are treated differently in that family it’s clear to see.

It’s all about the girls with clothes and hair styles, dancing etc. The boys have nothing in comparison to the girls.

The eldest boy was playing for a football team and they never went to watch him play.
Ben couldn’t vlog so he wasn’t interested 😡

The little twins are a bit different they make themselves heard which isn’t a bad thing as otherwise they would be in the shadows even more of Agnes and Flo.

Ben and Zoe said last night the little twins love school and they worry about what they say to the teachers.
Strange thing to say 🤔
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Wouldn't it be great if instead of parading in "today's oufit", we saw her cooking "today's dinner". You know, something that benefits the family.
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Why does she not cook it all at the same time?? I don’t understand wth she’s thinking. How has she managed to feed those kids all these years if you’re in the kitchen making the same meal twice.It’s like it’s a new concept to her every time she stands at the cooker - We know the younger ones have different cuz get fed at 4.30 & in bed by 6.
See old nhs time waster lurking around the food, Getting fatter by the day. What monstrosity has Zoe got on .. Lazy grifters… get a job
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What did you do on your £5000 holiday? Zoe went to home bargains and food shopping. What a melt. They can't be paying or they'd be away on an all inclusive in the sun. Surely?
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VIP Member
So they aren’t sending him?!!!!
What strategies have they put in place to home educate him then, because surely they won’t get away with having him plonked down with a screen indefinitely!
Strategies will include learning how to mow the lawn, learning how to fly the drone, learning how to put oil in the car (all to take a load off Ben) and of course daily walks in the woods because that's Joseph's safe place don't you know, and there's nowhere better to learn than in nature.

Where did they confirm they're not sending him?
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Don’t think I can watch chubber chops splodging his fat feet round skidmark again.

Their content has been done to death 💀
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The stock my local b&m doesn't even change that often. I go once or twice a month for certain cleaning stuff and usually pick up the odd food item and look at toys if theres a birthday coming up and half the time everything is identical to the last trip. What is she finding multiple times a week that's new to look at?
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VIP Member
i only watched a small part of tonight s vlog.
J seems very excited about the holiday and not “processing” at all. Those two need to stop with all this crap they are putting in that poor boys head and let him get to school and have some normality away from those two lazy idiots.

Only saw a small part of Zoe’s packing. why they heck is she using shoe door organisers?? although it was funny when she unrolled it and everything fell out the bottom😂😂
yeah great “hack” that was Zoe 😂
bloody pair of dipshits they really are
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Wonder if Ben actually got angry with the dog owner or just for the camera afterwards. I have my suspicions it was only after the event. He's a gutless wonder and I'd love to see him in some argument with a man.
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VIP Member
Wonder if Ben actually got angry with the dog owner or just for the camera afterwards. I have my suspicions it was only after the event. He's a gutless wonder and I'd love to see him in some argument with a man.
His ‘angry’ face in the vlog looks as hard as a piece of wet lettuce.

I’ve not watched it but I can’t believe he filmed it and that he left the dog owner in it!
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Wouldn't you think one of them could do a bit of voluntary work to give back a tiny bit of the services they use? Nothing major - maybe Ben at the hospital making cups of teas or Zoe reading at school. Instead he says on the latest Fb short that they're looking forward to going to the lodge for a break. A break from what? They really are a couple of parasites.
If they take any more of a break the pair of them will be in a coma 🙄
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Why would he post Joseph’s humiliation for all to see on the internet?
Doesn’t he think that it will become an embarrassment to see himself screaming like a toddler because a spaniel came running over to them on a beach?
What am I saying? It’s Fem, he doesn’t think at all 🙄
He will have seen the opportunity for something to vlog and that's it. No care about Joseph and the effect it might have on him in the future. He's constantly chasing that one 'viral' video that'll net them the play button and 10 bed mansion. The lazy bastard will do anything to avoid getting a job...
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