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I bet she’s going to buy a hot tub.
They should’ve done that in the first place. Could’ve bought one for the money its cost to stay an hour up the road.
On the Facebook post Fem did about going to Landmark there at 50 comments. 31 of them are from Asian men with questionable English. Of course he’s liked the comments. What in the world will it take for these incompetent selfish bastards to stop pimping their kids!!
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Someone asked how they afforded the lodge! Shock horror the comment has gone 😩😆😆

Zoe has a lot in common with scratty Radford ie being a cunt 🤮 but they will never have the money 💰
Radfordism’s 🤣🤣 Yep I’m seeing it too.
These two will never have an original idea of their own.
Do you all remember when Zoe used to lurk in the background with a sulky face?
Now she is front and centre - these two jump on every band wagon just as it passes by 🤣
Nobody likes the Radfords any more with their constant holidays and feral children. So just why do these two aspire to be like them.🤷‍♀️

We’ve seen this holiday before twice, it wasn’t great the first two times 🫤. All I see is ignorant parents who have no value in education, or tax payers.

The Uk is in a cost of living crisis and they have 12 kids and not a proper job between them, yet they spaff money on very expensive accommodation for a holiday… how long before the begging bowl is out and their kids need cash for kids charity for Christmas?
I think this will be the 5th summer we’ve not been able to go away. How do they afford it? Answers on a postcard please!!
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Thursday lunchtime

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Pen needs to keep the sea checks up. One gust of wind in the hideous Shein multi colour mega pattern trousers and Pat will be on her way to Aberdeen whether she finds it traumatic there or not.
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£40 on crocs for a kid. Wtf… ha ha that was what I took from that, and how long before they shout poverty?
He did nothing for Jocif when the dog came just stood there like a lump.
For £40 they could have got him some proper trainers that would have actually stayed on his feet, then there would have been no dog running off with them!
Also £40 on silly crocs when Toby’s school shoes are falling to bits 😣
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I really don’t care what she wears or doesn’t. And I’m sure these ridiculous try ones will continue now they are desperately Vlogging the sh*t out of anything and everything.

Is Zoe really gaining confidence or is she hiding in the house even more?
Do we all think this is the most appropriate childhood for these children? Certainly not.
Fem is so blinkered with his desire for fame that he cannot see how half the family hate the Vlogging.
Even the holiday is all for the channel - most of us leave work behind for the annual holiday ( if we can afford it.)

Poor kids ( especially the boys.) home education isn’t easy, let’s face it teachers do a degree and then further training! Where’s the passion for home Ed. In this family?? Where’s the commitment? I just don’t see it. Those kids need a break from their overcrowded home and their self centred parents.
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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
How long have the been begging and grovelling for Subs and dragging their sad, sorry desperate arses around YouTube now? Nearly 5 yrs?

And they've only got 19.9K Subs 😂😂😂😂

Every vlog they beg, and beg... Nobody is interested 😂

Their views are pitiful too. I used to have a woman show up on my feed who got 178,956 Subs in 3 months... She just talked about her day 😂

Yet this lot are vlogging morning, noon and night, every little thing in their lives, and can't get Subs if their lives depended upon it.

Think it's time they faced reality. They're just not what people want to see/follow. They're going to be losing followers too if they carry on as they are. They're making themselves even more unrelatable by the vlog.

He won't be getting that "play button" any time soon. Pair of deluded, fantasist saddos 🙄
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That’s will be Fems new content. Jocif and his home schooling. Woodland walks to learn about nature a few minutes of counting trees for maths and Pats ‘accounts’ That poor boy being stuck in all day with those two absolute dickheads.

Her wish of having all her kids at home all day (even though she does everything she can to escape them)She now has Olivia, Curly(for now but wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t go to college),
Jo and Flo and probably soon to be Toby.

No doubt she will work on Scraggy Ag to stay home whereas the twins won’t be allowed to stay home no matter what. It’s the favs only.
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I just remembered I think it was in the live but someone asked about Curlys cake business. Fem tried to brush it off and said she’s too busy with other things. So I take it either the health inspection took place then. There was no chance in hell it would pass. Does anyone know if her Instagram page is still up? She blocked me for pointing out she probably shouldn’t be picking food upfrom the floor and throwing in back into the pan.

If we’ve saved one person from Food poisoning that’s a job well done.
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Are they taking the piss? They shouldn’t be thinking about where to take their social media next, they should be thinking about where they’re both going to get a job. Ot maybe they could think about decluttering the house, painting the downstairs bathroom, getting the children to school all the time, encouraging Joseph about school, enrolling Flo in a nursery, Perhaps if she really put her fucking mind to it she could get the little twin’s glasses repaired


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The magic mirror is showing her what we can’t see. Vile drawstring trousers and tops too small and too short. Ppl saying she looks incredible need their legs slapped for telling lies. Don’t ever say you have anxiety again Zoe becuz prancing about in your shapewear doesn’t show traits of anxiety,
Be a parent who builds your child’s confidence (Jocif) up not knock it down cuz that’s just terribly sad, that little boy deserves to mix with other kids his own age not a 2 year old. Do the right thing for once! Ohhh and GET A JOB YOU LAZY GRIFTER
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Would be interesting to see the percentage of why people watch them. Or skim watch. I just find it fascinating. Certainly not inspiring. A bit like horror genre. On Facebook so many people commenting on the p&j article think that Ben works and also that they can only claim benefit for two children. Also plenty of people happy for them to have all the benefits they are "entitled" to - can only assume these people are also draining the system needlessly and see benefits as an entitlement not a safety net. The Sullivans (and others) don't seem to realise the more they claim, the less available for education, NHS etc.
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Ben’s under the thumb, you just have to watch his body language when he’s talking next to Zoe especially on the lives.

Zoe likes her own way, it’s her way or the highway 💯💯

She’s a very controlling woman in many ways.
Something I noticed this morning ( Thursday ) Ben’s short video in the car before school saying it was Agnes birthday.

Toby wasn’t in the car 🤷‍♀️
Looks like he was having another day off.
Knowing her she hasn’t been in the school to sort it out.. hiding behind her mobile phone. Miss old big gob on SM dissing the education system constantly but hasnt the balls to go to any school to help her kids out - hang your head in shame Zoe. Jocif needs school - stop trying to make out he doesn’t need it.. he needs kids to play with who are not toddlers. He will excel In the right environment with the right teaching - cuz let’s face it you don’t read or teach him to write - prancing about in your undies is much more important…
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Who the heck roasts spinach for an hour? I mean who roasts spinach at all? The more she attempts to cook the more it shoes that she never does it and she’s crap at it. I was dying watching her making that soup. It was pathetic.
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Chatty Member
I've just seen a short about Joseph having another taster session at school. Joseph was upset 😡 I hate that they have created this situation. I'm sure Zoe will make a huge thing about it and stress the boy out further.
I despise both of them.

They also mentioned the teachers name. Fucking basic safety is ignored so they can create content!!!
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Wouldn't you think one of them could do a bit of voluntary work to give back a tiny bit of the services they use? Nothing major - maybe Ben at the hospital making cups of teas or Zoe reading at school. Instead he says on the latest Fb short that they're looking forward to going to the lodge for a break. A break from what? They really are a couple of parasites.
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So I just read that Joseph won’t be going to school despite loving it at the visits he did. 🚩🚩🚩 Galore. Will be interesting if Flo ever goes after the Agnes debacle of her being sent to the head.
They aren’t sending him to school? that poor lad. he’s being failed miserably by them two idiots. No friends, no trips, no party’s to go too. Will love to see what plans Zoe has for his home schooling then seeing as she cannot stand to be around him and the rest of them most of the time.
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He says on Facebook that staying at the lodge was a chance for the family to be together again. I don't get it. They're always stuck together in the cult. Not like some of the children live away from home. Bizarre comment.
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