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And she's off already 😂

Everyone's taken longer to relax this time. 🙄

She's been having to sleep, as the last few months have caught up with her (lazy cow does nothing 🙄)

Them "being all together and away from life "stuff" is making her think changes need to be made for the better when they get home"

She's worried about going home 🙄

It's the same every time, she goes on these holidays, lives in fantasy land, then depresses the kids with her doom and gloom making them all upset and subdued 🙄

She's a truly awful Mother. She wants to deny her kids normal, happy, healthy, lives with normal interactions, and no relationships with anyone else but her. That's just not normal. She's not preparing her children to be able to go out into the World and be well adjusted, balanced functioning people. They'll end up social misfits like her. ☹
Needs to stop vlogging constantly - what a morose woman she is. In a 5k lodge and still moaning. Perhaps if she decluttered her stinking grubby house she wud have a better standard of living. Trouble is with Zoe she seems to think she’s better than she is, hence why she thinks Burghead is beneath her
No wonder kids are always ill off school- it starts with her. Stop prancing about in your underwear.. that’s awful.
Get a job - there’s plenty of ppl who wud like a holiday, a 6 bed house and endless amounts of money.
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Chatty Member
Pat you can mute the ring doorbell in the app. Might be an idea next time you’re filming. Or tell the kids to stay outside until you say they can come in 🤷‍♀️

I was staggered that she didn’t know Eva doesn’t like cheese, or that the little twins do like cheese. When you don’t know whether half your kids like something as simple as cheese it’s time to stop having more.

Also, yes, you can reheat pasta. What do you think happens in those mac n cheese, lasagne, chicken arrabiata ready meals you buy? How can you have 12 kids and get to the age of 46 and not know these things? People have taken left overs to work for lunch the next day for decades and whacked it in the microwave. I reckon she throws stuff away at one minute past midnight when the best before date hits like it suddenly went bad as the clock struck 12.
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My husband has worn glasses since he was a child and told me when he was about the age of the twins, his broke in the same place as hers and his parents didn't bother getting them fixed but just put tape on them. It's one of his most painful memories - he was so embarrassed and thought everyone was looking at him. He was also directly teased a bit about them. Considering he's 67 now, it goes to show how something like that has an impact. Zoe's always going on about mental health but I think it's only her mental health she's interested in unfortunately.
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She’s been banging on about Joseph hating the cold, but he’s been lying down in the North Sea In May. A child who hates the cold wouldnt go near it, let alone lie in it.
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Fuck me, if he stopped talking about mowing the lawn and just got on with it it would have been done days ago! Also, if they stopped buying Starbucks they could afford to pay a gardener to do it.

Their life is a to do list and that’s why things don’t get done? What the actual fuck is he talking about? That’s just life, we all have gardens and lawns to mow and most of us only get the weekend to do it. Now he says he’s taking them for a walk instead of just doing it, while Pat hides in the house again, whispering to herself and moving her hoard around.

Absolute pair of weirdos.

ETA, as if he is filming Noah mowing the lawn! I actually hate him right now.
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So Joseph probably isn't even going to have a chance to go to school - and he might love it! How awful.
I can remember when he was going into a Saturday swimming lesson (he doesn't participate of course but sits with his ipad) and he was so pleased to see a little boy he'd met at one of the school taster sessions. His horrible parents are going to deprive him of all friendships like that. And what is the alternative? Being stuck with Florence that's what.
Would be interesting to see the percentage of why people watch them. Or skim watch. I just find it fascinating. Certainly not inspiring. A bit like horror genre. On Facebook so many people commenting on the p&j article think that Ben works and also that they can only claim benefit for two children. Also plenty of people happy for them to have all the benefits they are "entitled" to - can only assume these people are also draining the system needlessly and see benefits as an entitlement not a safety net. The Sullivans (and others) don't seem to realise the more they claim, the less available for education, NHS etc.
All your comments are spot on!
I know I find them fascinating in a studying insects in a bell jar kind of way haha. Just when I think they can't possibly get worse, they surprise me and the bar moves even lower.
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Chatty Member
They’ve been speaking with those idiots The Inghams - Lazy Ingham and Pat have definitely DM’d each other, so Pen must have been taking lessons from Creepy, with his underwater filming of his pre-pubescent children and “clever marketing“ using clickbait vlog titles that in no way reflect the content of the vlog. Pen is trying to emulate their glory days, given up work to vlog, 6 vlogs a week, uploads at a particular time, in the hope of a play button. He’ll be wearing a beanie, training his upper body hard and woohooing round Burghead on a pair of skates before we know it.
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How, and why, does she put up with that kid butting in every few seconds
It’s so rude
But then she allows the older ones to call them Zoe and Ben so I guess rudeness is just a given in their house
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Think he has a cheek to talk about irresponsible dog owners when he’s a crap parent. Instead of getting home and comforting Joseph he’s sat vlogging, saying things that aren’t going to help Joseph in front of him x
And yes beaches are there for all to enjoy and the sound of that drone was awful. Dog probably didn’t like it and people on the beach won’t want to be filmed.
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That woman does nothing to put herself out. Why isn’t she out there helping him unload the car??
I bet she gets him to unload the car after her 3 hour shopping trips probably while standing drinking a Starbucks chatting to curly.

Why does she never cut the grass or do anything that involves a bit of hard work??
We know she let him do all the heavy lifting knowing full well he had issues with his heart.

She’s so reliant on him for everything except cleaning the bathroom and filling a washing machine. She’s one lazy ass bitch.
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Cherry Pie

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wonder what her parents think of these vulgar pics
View attachment 2982064
If I was her Mother I'd be thinking wtf kind of home are my Grandkids living in. I'm all for body positivity and building confidence, but this is another level. This is a grown woman, a Mother of 12 kids that she neglects, and whose kids are bullied and have mental health issues... This doesn't help one bit. In Fact it makes her kids lives 100 times worse, and she doesn't care.

You just know that these stupid "fans" that support this behaviour, and these God awful clothes hauls are just like Pat in every way. Like attracts like.

She needs to look at these pictures and see what she really looks like. She also needs to stop inflicting herself on others. This is not what a family channel is about. This is her constantly flashing herself undressed for her own sick and warped kicks.
She definitely ain't no size 16/18 either. 🙄
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These pair are totally unrelatable!
5k holidays during term time. Clearly they could afford a school holiday holiday with that much dosh! So what does this show? Their blatant disregard to the education system and the future well being for their kids. The rules don’t apply to us because we are too superior 🤷‍♀️
Middle finger 🖕 up to the rest of society we will do as we please, but thank you very much for all the extra handouts from the Scottish government.
Flaunting luxury saunas, hot tubs and bathrooms and taking a council house it’s all very arse over tit.
I used to feel a bit sorry for Zoe as she seemed a bit down trodden, but now I find her, loathsome and desperate. Don’t get me wrong Fem is equally loathsome and I can’t bear his voice or his face, or the extremely stupid stuff he generally repeats at least 3 times…
Both of them should be trying to better the family situation by working or perhaps studying or retraining. Setting a grown up example rather than taking every freebie going and exploiting their kids.
I don’t think I can face another Landmark Vlog 😱
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The only person that Dr Pat should be diagnosing is herself. She has kept Joseph isolated, unsocialised, and uneducated because she wants him to have issues. He will probably take some settling into school because he has had limited experiences outside of his home and family - Pat of course will delight when he does. He seems like a bright little kid on vlogs - his behaviour has deteriorated over the past year though because he is bored. Hopefully he discovers that school is a wonderful new world.
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I’ve just watched the dog bit again. The dog didn‘t actually touch Joseph and while the dog owner should have had more control over her animals, Pen is more in the wrong imo. As soon as the dog came and jumped up at him, and then Toby, he should have reassured Joseph that it was ok and calmed him down. He made zero effort to do that, he just tried getting all Billy big bollocks with the woman. When Joseph was asking to be held he pushed his arms down. There was zero effort made to console Joseph and calm him down. The dog (and I say this as someone who isn‘t keen on them) was playful, not aggressive, and if Joseph ended up traumatised by the incident thats on Pen.

One thing that does stick out is this ”Joseph keeps getting jumped on by dogs“ narrative they’re playing now. When does this happen considering they vlog every walk they go on? And why is it poor little Jospeh, who is conveniently the only one of their children who doesn’t like dogs, and not the little twins or Agnes? They tell so many lies and exaggerate so many stories it‘s ridiculous.
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Who did the grass in the old place? Or was it just permanently trampled by kids? Imagine making a teenager who already has a JOB to mow it when two grown jobless adults can’t do it. Drinking coffee and getting semi nude on YouTube is a bigger priority. You know what I don’t like on the costal path Pen? Fat gimps with selfie sticks who like to film strangers. Be in next village this weekend visiting. If I come across Pen that selfie stick will either be up his arse or in the sea.
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Does Zoe know that GRWM stands for get ready with me not ‘watch me put on weird clothes I found in the wardrobe but never wear, in the hallway’ also why is she wearing that body suit all the time? Bizarre. The cuts she chooses are always so unflattering too.
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My son hated school at first. He wasn’t autistic he just was a bit of a mummy’s boy and wanted to be at home with me. I had to drop him and go as I had work to get to. It broke my heart when he’d cry and cling on to me. But I knew he would settle and make friends but it was so hard. I couldn’t have home schooled him even if I’d wanted to. I had to work to put (decent) food on the table.

He did settle and although he never loved school he loved the social side and had loads of mates he still has now. He did brilliantly and now has a great career and is off to Bahrain with his girlfriend to work.

Why don’t they want the best for that boy or any of their kids come to that.
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That woman with the dogs isn’t happy with her feature on the vlog….

I mean someone has told Ben that the beach is public haven’t they? Was he expecting his own private beach with his council gaff?

Zoe “I like to chat to people”. No you like to chat to people who blow smoke up your ass, but most people think you are weird.

Why are they making party bags for their own kids? Ha ha what a bunch of weirdos, no wonder all your kids get bullied and left out.

Imagine hiring a swimming pool just so you can film your kids and put them on the internet in swimsuits…. We know what watches shit like that…. You need reported weirdo

Zoe please don’t get a dog, you can’t train your kids never mind a dog.
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