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They want to move to a big house like the one they stayed in.
she’s been pricing holidays and found one to turkey but it’s £8000. They could have easily afford that if they didn’t film the kids all day and prance around in her boulder holders.
Why don’t you both get jobs and then maybe one day you will get there!
Also pen wants the older ones to book a day off work once a month so they can have a quality family day reconnecting?? get a life and a job you sad twat. your kids shouldn’t have to loose a days holiday pay so you can film the crap out of it. or will you give them the holiday pay yourself in return? nah don’t think so .
cunts the pair of them.
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Do they have Curly seeing to the food rationing? It's not the first time something has been said to make it seem that way, and if so that is awful. Utterly awful. No child should be able to control the food another child receives, she's going to use it as a control tactic. I have no doubt Agnes and Flo get extra treats while the younger twins get ignored if they ask for the same.
Oh there’s no doubt about that, remember Flo being given some of the buttercream on a spoon twice when curly was making a cake and when one of the little twins asked if she could have some she was told by Fem in no uncertain terms ‘no’?
He followed that up with how Flo is only getting it because she’s very cute😳
Fucking monster he is, how must the little twin have felt hearing that?
In other words, Flo’s cute but you not so much 😠
Flo isn’t even that cute, and even if she was it shouldn’t mean she gets parental preference.
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Toby didn’t go to school again yesterday, probably so he could go and get his hair cut, yet Zoe has the audacity to blame the schools, the system ,society, the Government, every Tom, Dick and bloody Harry rather than her and Ben as to why her kids aren’t getting an education, don’t like school and are going to leave with no qualifications and no prospects. Toby’s attendance must surely be at the level that it triggers intervention? I can’t see how they’re getting away with it.

The woman who cut Joseph‘s hair said she’d do it for free if Ben donated the price to the Cash for Kids. Well guess what? No such donation has been made. He should have come straight home and donated that money the first thing he did. He managed to do his live, beg £30, and get his Chinese though. Scummy cunts.
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The point still stands, they put you tube before their kids. It doesn’t matter who it was making the comments they should’ve blocked straight away not ‘kept an eye on the situation’ and keep liking the comments.
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Chatty Member
So I just read that Joseph won’t be going to school despite loving it at the visits he did. 🚩🚩🚩 Galore. Will be interesting if Flo ever goes after the Agnes debacle of her being sent to the head.
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I have no idea why Ben got his haircut as well, there's less than a week left of May. It was doing his head in? It was about 4cm long???
Absolute nob head couldn't even stick to that.
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Can’t believe he’s had 3 school visits and Zoe hasn’t been ONCE!! Why? is sorting out piles of old clothes and ordering yet more from shein etc more important than her own child going on his visits to his new school.
I can see her doing exactly the same to Flo.
It is quite sad that she doesnt take an interest in their schooling or the kids in general.
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£5k to sit down in a lodge doing exactly what you do at home, same shit different walk in the woods.
You could do much for for a 1/4 if that! Imagine spending £5k on a lodge for YouTube (because they wouldn’t go if they couldn’t vlog it) and your wearing shein and hand me down knickers.

"As parents you can only do so much" - Zoe, regarding mental health.
Oh Zoe, you’ve don’t plenty…
1. Isolated your kids, even the ones who are at school ect. They don’t get involved in anything extra like play dates ect and I think that’s down to you being weird.
2. You speak about all of your fake anxiety and body issues in front of them, then discuss all of their personal issues for the whole world to see.
3. You cause your kids to be bullied, by parading your fat ass on the internet in underwear, showing all their hand me down underwear and in general showing every minute of their weird neglected life, from poor meals to weekly walks in the woods with little kids.
4. You are not a doctor or a psychiatrist… do you cannot diagnose anything but rather than reaching out for help you use the Zoe method of parenting which let’s be honest hasn’t worked out well with if reports of 30 year old boyfriends, being kicked out of collage and bullying are to be believed.

So yeah, you can only do so much and you’ve done enough
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I don't watch this stupid woman regularly and watch less since she's started parading around in her underwear. (The sight would burn your eyes) No signs of anxiety there.
When it comes to their little boy they should be ashamed. Why won't they give him a chance? Constantly trying to upset him about school. Where is his big fat lazy useless mother? Does she take no interest in them going to school?
Just mouths off to a phone in an empty room.
It's not Joseph who has special needs in that house ........
They definitely need reporting to relevant authorities if that child is home schooled.
Never met her but can't stand her.
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They were at that museum which is free guys, but you can give a donation, (bet they didn’t) and they went into a house which was dark. Ben said to the kids “dark in here innit? They must have just sat about in the dark back then!l“ 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. Christ on a fucking bike that bloke is as thick as shit. They had candles and oil lamps you fucking wet wipe. And he thinks he could home school his kids? It strikes me he needs to start back at P1 with Joseph in August.
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Good grief, the comments on Fb are weirder and weirder. Someone is asking Ben to donate to a ministry - good luck with that one Raymond. Would imagine Ben would be wanting you to donate towards their Chinese meal instead.
And Kathy - bless her - thinks Ben is a nice man and posts exciting things and wants to be his friend. Oh, and she's sent rose emojis.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
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The worst is when Ben talks to the kids through the phone camera rather than turning and speaking to them directly. It’s not normal.
I can’t believe the faff in the garden. Remember Pat saying she’d love to live in the middle of nowhere with chickens etc. well they have a huge garden and could have chickens, flower beds, veg patches etc. they have so much potential with that space and they do nothing at all apart from collect plastic boxes. Pat states in her bio she loves the out doors but she’s never out. In reality she wants to live in the middle of nowhere so she doesn’t have to interact with anyone or deal with authority like the school questioning where the kids are. She’s just a big fat liar at this point.
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Imagine only being taken to places so you can be filmed by your parents because your fat slob of a dad wants a YouTube play button. 😂

And years later probably finding out that your innocent photos (in your eyes because you were a kid) in skimpy clothing are on the drakweb for weirdos to look at.
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Is this wild out of control dog attack actually a dog ran over and jumped up in excitement and Joseph didn’t react well? Why make a vlog about it if it was so awful?
bang on the money!!
Ben could have calmed Joseph down instead of standing there like a wet lettuce.
He was probably thinking how much content he can get from this!
Also don’t sit there with your child in the back seat going on about how traumatised he is!!
it was a cocker spaniel type dog that was just wanting to play and probably thought the crocs were a chew toy as they are that sort of material. not that it’s right in anyway of course and the woman should of apologised, but she was probably local and wanted to get away as quick as possible as she knew she’d probably end up on you tube!!
wich indeed she has.
I think he’s wrong for doing that .
also i think it would of been hilarious if the dog had legged it with Bens cap 😂😂
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Shazza D

Chatty Member
They cud of… but then there wud have been no content for a vlog your own kids a party bag I find odd.. more crap to fill the house with., feel sorry that those kids don’t have friends for a pool party. Making the family insular .. #GetAJob you lazy grifter.. making your son cut the lawn when you’ve been there all day beggars belief!
What poor Noah looked proper fed up poor lad! When Ben said at the end “ I have thanked him, and Zoe sarcastically smirked at curly I think? And said “ I gave him a biscuit “! Bitch she is!
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Jeez she’s out of control with these trying on hails, going to do a vest top one next .. 🙄 the cheap shit she’s buying looks just that..,cheap and tacky . Those short dungarees just hideous and far too tight. Those culottes trouser things just awful. It’s alright to say she has the confidence to wear what she wants..ppl saying she looks lovely ..BUT ..her kids need to be honest & tell her what is nice or not! My kids wud forsure. Also the money she is forever spending takes the piss. Only a fiver she says wtf.. not when you have 4/5 of the same bloody top.
GET A JOB you grifter
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The boys mum has commented on the video saying that hes a 15 year old who has autism and learning difficulties and is absolutely distraught at the video about him. Hes obsessed with the sullivans and inghams.
I‘ve read her multiple comments on the video and, if it’s true, then this is her fault. If he really does have a cognitive age of 6 1/2 why on earth does he have free rein to comment on the internet? You absolutely wouldn‘t allow a child of that age the freedom to do so. However I’m going with the notion that not everyone on the internet is who they say they are and the Sullivans and all the other family vloggers should be more careful.
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Those kids never get to have their birthday cakes on their actual birthday! god forbid them sending them to bed 15 minutes after their bedtimes! (i.e 7.15pm)
What a dick he is
He’s a fucking idiot.. becach disaster? Talk about tasteless. Also was the dog out of control or simply being a dog. If you were genuinely concerned you wouldn’t make it into a thumbnail for views. Horrible, exploitative parents.
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