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Bride of Lupine

Chatty Member
She could leave him so that she doesn't go down with him. All the really crazy stuff is in the book with his name on it. None of their joint interviews were this batshit crazy. Although her Cut article did read like a parody as well. Are they descending into madness together because they've gotten rid of anyone who ever told them something they didn't want to hear?
Harry's book said she's kept a diary of her time in the RF so if she left she could use that plus her time with her crazy husband to earn some money.
She could also be a travel guide taking people to the ‘actual’ (real) location of Diana’s grave. She most definitely will reveal that 🤢
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'Love but always separation' on William.

Even Bradbury starts calling him on this one before Harry interrupts and diverts.
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I just read the transcript of the American interview. He says they never invited him on the plane to Balmoral and he didn't get to see the Queen. Both are true but they're not linked - none of the people on that plane got to see the Queen either.
He knows nobody will question this or challenge him - it's clearly the evil royals who kept him from Granny. Not even the same story he tells in his book.

Admitting drug use is his therapy is really scary.
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Bride of Lupine

Chatty Member
It seems like Harry has unleash 20 odd years of repressed feelings in one book.

I’m sure the Royals are going to take kindly to be compared to Muslim fanatics like ISIS, who are described as a ‘death cult’.

Finally, he’s mentioned Andrew
View attachment 1864876
Such natural dialogue 🤪
I really hope its the translation, otherwise that ghostwriter should never put pen to paper again and go find himself another dayjob quick.
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He says the mail did it. They're live blogging this - wonder what they'll say!
He wasn't in the paper every single day during covid.
It'd also be a police matter if it happened. It'd be illegal. It wouldn't be a civil suit.
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
If I were William, one of the things that would concern me most is that Meghan was alone with Diana’s grave. I could honestly see her taking a sneaky photo of it.
I’m surprised Harry took her there before they were even engaged.
I could imagine her hoping for a shot akin to the Texas photo.
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As much as some parts of Harry's book are cringeworthy , so is sudden sympathy for talibans.;):cool:

Harry admitted he once yelled at Meghan, and she told him; i won't put up with such tone or something similar. If he wrote that he hit William first, Morgan and Clarkson would probably call for him to be extradited to UK.
Yes but apparently even him yelling at Meghan was his family’s fault! 🙄

I’ve no seen any sympathy for the Taliban.
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Maybe he wanted to send a message that he has armed security after all the Taliban drama? You don't usually see celeb bodyguards with cases like that do you?

hes doing it for prestige. And i think it's just provoking further.
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The gun in a case is bizarre. Unless, is it maybe not a security person at all? I don't know what the laws are, but is there some law that would prevent a someone carrying it openly if they weren't actually security or trained/licenced etc?

Funny how they are anti gun but want armed protection (not that that contradiction is restricted to just them in the celeb world)
I think the gun laws are very strict in New York, they differ from state to state.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
Can’t stand Bradby after his sickening interview with them in Africa (which was when my opinion of the couple changed for the worse) so I shan’t be watching. I’m sure I’ll hear enough about Harry, the petulant child, in the media tomorrow!
I would imagine at least the Daily Mail will be live-blogging it ;)
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What do you give as a token seasonal gift to people who have got pretty much everything that most ordinary people aspire & work towards for a life time?

A bloody good laugh!

Princess Margaret - possibly a little sharp of thought, quip & deed at times - chose a biro for Harold.
Maybe Margaret ‘knew‘ something all those years ago…?
Maybe Harold was already struggling with his writing etc?
Maybe she chose the smallest cheapest thing from the corner shop?

Who knows what message or intent was, what we do know is that the ‘boy’ has held on to this petty slight & blown it up into an adult grievance to share with all.

I wonder what she gave William? Did she give Harry an expensive pen or was it a Bic
😁 Maybe William got a Parker pen.
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VIP Member
Harry crying about dead Princess Margaret is just sad. Get over it you wet freak.

Scobie now outing himself, he's got a digital copy of the book and is 'attempting to set the record straight'. Straight from the Sussexes, no doubt.
Surely even he is aware of the difference in speaking about the war and Taliban in 2013 vs now? Did he miss the past 2 years of news?

On the topic of him mentioning Princess Margaret maybe he wanted to stop the comparisons to her. A lot of people say they were both the spare, both lost of parent young (obviously very young for him), and they were both rebels that were rejected by the institution. Margaret had the brain to realise she wasn’t actually that intelligent and being inside the palace walls is better than being outside of them. But if he genuinely didn’t like her maybe he wants to stop the comparison, or even just wants to stop the comparison because he is SO different and his life and story is just soooo much worse and incomparable he needs to be his own entity of abuse in the RF.
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