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VIP Member
I wonder if he has the feeling by "saving his family", fleeing to the US, it was like repairing what happened to his mum, that he would manage to escape the curse and at the same time saving his mum. I can see that as a little boy he must have wished he could have saved his mum. It's sad.
Instead they will now be at risk from Taliban/Islamic extremists for the rest of their lives because of his big gob. Imagine putting your children at that risk and still blaming everyone else, all because of his jealousy and greed.
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So his pre recorded interview goes out tonight on ITV, then I read somewhere that there’s more interviews to come. I’m not sure if this is true or just confusion among the chaos of the book quotes.
Theres 3 interviews on American TV and just the one on ITV in the UK.
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If Diana herself descended from heaven she wouldn't be able to get through to him. He's that far gone.
He's invested too much into this narrative to be able to turn back now. He can't even own up to choosing his own fancy dress costume. He'll never be able to admit that he treated his family badly.
In the last 8 decades, there have been 3 spares - Margaret, Andrew and Harry - and it's all gone to hell in a handbasket each time.

What's worse is that you can see the same dynamic being built up by the Press and ready to play out with the Wales children; George - the serious, quiet, staid one, Charlotte - the fiery, charming personality and Louis - the cheeky, mischievous one who keeps everyone on their toes. You just know those kids are going to get it from the nasty Press once they are adults and partners and unconventional life choices get thrown into the mix.

Harry may be a bull in a china shop but the problem isn't just him. The whole Royal system is a mess and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
I can't imagine us having a monarchy by then. Not with the way things are going.
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VIP Member
Getting mine from the library as well.! I just treat the whole thing like a soap opera, with all of them pretty much being as bad as each other.
I don’t take any of it seriously 😀
I don't really either but it can be entertaining
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It’s sometimes good to read the whole thing to get to read the good stuff in context not cherry picked, but I’m certainly not going to pay hard cash for it.
That's exactly how I feel about it. I would prefer to read some of the stories in context but I'm not going to pay for it.
He's there to sell the book, not defend himself from rebuttals. It's not question time, he wants to softest interview possible
I was thinking more in terms of the interviewers reputation. Like you've got Harry, one of the biggest news stories of the past week, in front of you and you don't take the chance to ask him about any of the more difficult stuff from the book or to ask him how he feels about being laughed at. That makes the interviewer look a bit weak. I suppose that's standard in a lot of the morning shows though.
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VIP Member
But surely she read his book. Why didn't she say something? I thought she came across better than him in the Oprah interview and he came across like a spoilt brat but she can only help him so much with an interview. He still has to sit there and answer the questions. But with a book you have months to edit and refine what you're saying so that you come across well. The ghost writer and editor had no vested interest in Harry coming across well but why did Meghan not intervene?
There were blinds after QEII died about her editing Harold book. And some things sounds exactly like her: W&C fans of the Suits?!? With three little kids and all that they have to learn about their charities?!?
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Why is he doing so many interviews in the US and just the one in the UK? Is he afraid we'll know too much about the royal system and will be more discerning? If I'm to be really generous, I get that he hates the UK media, but he doesn't have to sit down with the Daily Mail.

I have perfectly intelligent friends in America, and even they were fooled by some of his stuff on Oprah, because the background just isn't there. Also the whining about security doesn't exactly go down well here in the UK when us taxpayers are expected to foot the bill, for him to then spend his money (earned from speaking about the RF to American news networks) in America.
Because there are 2 main channels in the UK and if you get on either one of them at prime time then the rest of the media will cover it anyway. Or let's be honest he could do a 30 min interview somewhere like GBeebies and the rest of the media would regurgitate it for the week, so he doesn't really need to press junket. In the US he probably has to hit a few shows so it trickles down.
  • Haha
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After a somewhat purple-prosed confession of how he used to fancy some of the younger matrons at the prep school, he recounts how he used to take great satisfaction out of tormenting another, Pat.

He explains how Pat did not ‘make us horny’ on account of being short and unattractive, ‘not much of a thing, always with a tired face and greasy hair’.

She had a deviated spine and her knees were so stiff she had to descend the stairs backwards.

You might have thought, given Harry’s self-declared sensitivity, that this difficulty would elicit some sympathy from him.

Far from it. Instead, he stands at the bottom of the stairs and does ‘mocking little dances’ and ‘makes faces’ at her discomfort.

It was bad enough to do it at the time without describing it in his book now. I bet he's used her real name and all.
Is that written in his book?!
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I don't get why they threw in something about William here. It's not William's coronation. Is KC3's office putting the decision for this on W to keep himself out of it? Such a cuckold move.

And I don't get how H could possibly attend without an invitation? Isn't the obvious way to keep someone away from your event simply to .... not give them an invite? If H books flights and shows up anyway, why would he be let into the venue by security without an invite? How would he find out the itinerary and where things are taking place? This is all just stupid. There seems to be a very serious communication issue (amongst other issues) in the RF despite the fact they have professionals dealing with comms.
He has been invited but the traditional oath and gestures of allegiance made by all the Dukes will not be happening. Only William will take the Ducal oath as Heir. Attendance at any receptions following the Coronation will be by strict invitation and it could be that H & M as non-working royals are not invited to certain gatherings as protocols dictate.
Personally I hope that H & M are given the 'security of the equerries (!)' during the service.
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Curly Top

VIP Member
It’s such a shame. He does have charm when he smiles. He is personable.
He could have played a great part in the BRF but it will never happen now. Somehow he is warped. His thinking is off.
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I thought when Harry said William and Charles called him delusional it could have been about his theory they were leaking so much. I don’t doubt they leaked and briefed against him, but I also don’t doubt he did the same back, him and Meghan quite literally helped to write Scobie’s book and that’s been proven in a court of law, but I don’t believe they were constantly briefing. I think a lot of leaks are more likely from staff. You pay staff £40-£50k in London, treat them like shit whilst dressing in outfits that would pay their rent for the year, you don’t think a few of them are gonna take a few thousand cheeky pounds from the tabloids for a story or 2?
I think most of the staff would be lucky to be paid £40-50k! The Royals are notoriously tight with their pay.
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Chatty Member
I wouldn't expect Penguin to look out for Harry's pr interests but I would have thought that anything relating to the army would need to cleared by the army/MOD.
If anything does happen then he's going to blame the leak and the way the British media reported it. He won't take any personal responsibility.
probably blame his brother
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Miss polar

VIP Member
I haven’t seen the interview, but apparently he came over better than expected, and a family member who’s on holiday in NY atm, said that there’s a lot of sympathy for him and Meghan in the media over there, and a fair amount of hostility to the royal family!
I’m going to watch it later. Have the book pre ordered from the library!
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VIP Member
That site is so odd. It's the only gossip site being updated but it's all Royals. The woman running it is American I think, but she has an obsession with the Royal Family and how backwards the UK is *cough*Donald Trump*cough*
I stopped reading Celebitchy when it turned all royals. You should read the site Trustpilot reviews.
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VIP Member
RIGHT AT THE TURN OF the new year, 2009, a video went viral. Me, as a cadet, three years earlier, sitting with other cadets. At an airport. Cyprus, perhaps? Or else maybe waiting to fly to Cyprus? The video was shot by me. Killing time before our flight, messing around, I panned the group, gave a running commentary on each lad, and when I came to my fellow cadet and good friend Ahmed Raza Kahn, a Pakistani, I said: Ah, our little Paki friend… I didn’t know that Paki was a slur. Growing up, I’d heard many people use that word and never saw anyone flinch or cringe, never suspected them of being racist. Neither did I know anything about unconscious bias. I was twenty-one, awash in isolation and privilege, and if I thought anything about this word at all, I thought it was like Aussie. Harmless. I’d sent the footage to a fellow cadet, who was making an end-of-year video. Since then, it had circulated, flitted from computer to computer, and ultimately ended up in the hands of someone who sold it to the News of the World. Heated condemnations began rolling in. I’d learned nothing, people said. I’d not matured one bit after the Nazi debacle, people said. Prince Harry is worse than a thicko, they said, worse than a party boy—he’s a racist.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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VIP Member
I thought the peeing his pants story that I saw on Twitter yday was made up but it's not. This is from the BBC:

Prince Harry recalled the moment he wet his pants just hours before he was due to meet Meghan for their first date. The duke said he was out at sea for a racing competition on a boat that didn't have a toilet when the accident occurred
Writing about the ordeal, he said: "All I cared about was jumping into the water, washing off the pee from my trousers and getting back to London as fast as possible where I was about to start my real race."

What man would pee their pants then jump in the water to wash it off instead of just peeing in the water in the first place?
What man?
Harry, the Fuckwit Prince!
(JK Rowling, eat your heart out!) 😆
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VIP Member
As sure as God made little green apples, the media will be saving some embarrassing old b*llocks for Monday and Tuesday, when the book drops. On Catherine’s birthday. What a bl**dy coincidence, huh? The pair of them are deluded nutjobs.
All the editors must be in agreement about it so. There has to be more gossip from the past couple of years surely. I'd at least expect an account of the Oprah interview and Harry returning to the UK for Philip's funeral.
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