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Well-known member
Honestly no one has said anything for ages. It’s you who seems to be obsessed. If you’ve an issue with a Tattler can I suggest you either DM them or put them on silent? Your rants are really starting to grate 😑😩
Plenty of people saw that crazed one post just a page ago that she was talking to Sue last year about this and that Sue stole her idea. She said it multiple times. I'm not even going to go back to all the times she droned on and on about calling the cops, having the cops called, called The Sun (and that's just in this iteration of the thread, which did not start "ages" ago). On these threads we talk about the Radfords and others in their orbit. If a poster wants to make herself part of the Radford orbit over and over and over again, multiple pages in a row in the same thread, then that's her choice. We've seen the evidence that the Radfords attract crazy. Someone just pointed out the Inghams.

You're free to ignore me just as easily if you think my posts "grate"
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Well-known member
Is she not completely sick of the school run? Seriously my daughter is eight, nine in April and I'm ticking off the days till the last day of year six! My oldest is sixteen and I've been on the nursery school run since 2007!
I'm SO over it
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Well-known member
Why are people going on about roots in hair?? That is soooo irrelevant to the actual Radfords

Sue's 40odd ffs, if she constantly dyes her hair you'd be having a go at her for not aging gracefully... Maybe she wants to stop dying their hair. I'm 27 and going grey in places which you see when my hair needs redying! grey hair is natural and you can hardly slag aoneone off cause they're hairs got roots - it happens!

And dont tell her to go get hairdye in a pandemic, they are already shopping for anything and everything during this lockdown.... She doesn't need another excuse
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Tilly has looked really frail since she had problems with her leg , I hope she doesn’t get it , she looks to little and fragile to fight it easily .
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My first time commenting here but I’ve been reading for a while. I used to enjoy watching programs about this family but I feel sickened after watching the last few vlogs. I have four and they are teenagers now. I have to make sure they each get enough attention and time. There is no way these children get anywhere near enough. I think they are neglected. I feel so sorry for the one boy who is always desperately trying to get his mums attention. He talks so fast as he knows she won’t give him much time. :(
Noel gives me the creeps big time. My skin crawls watching him.
The amount of presents they got was shocking. I actually feel guilty as my children got such a small amount compared to them. I don’t know how they could afford all the designer clothes, expensive perfumes and toys. Mine didn’t get piles and pile.
Anyway, I’ve enjoyed reading here. I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one concerned about what is going on here. The sickening Christmas vlog was the one that pushed me to comment! Also, in case they Want to accuse me, I’m in no way jealous. About as far from it as possible!
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They do all seam oblivious to it all.
For me it’s a shop online kinda pandemic.
If I do need to go to a shop it’s been for food or cleaning products and even then getting it and out it’s been like an episode of supermarket sweep, quick run round and out ASAP!
Bear in mind this is the family who gets so shocked every time one of the females is pregnant. The pandemic rules are probably like astrophysics to them.
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Well-known member
Well, we spend a lot of time talking about how they don't donate and they've donated twice now and the response rips them to shreds. Sounds like a no-win situation for them.
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Well I hope its a negative test because if not they are at risk of increasing the R rate for the whole area.
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i think daniel has the make up room now but he’s supposed to be joining the RAF(?) i think. think millie straight up refused to share a room, wouldn’t be suprised if she demanded a room for her baby too. something about her just rubs me the wrong way, might be the thinking you’re hot af when she’s really not attractive 😬
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Not to be a miserable grinch or anything but does anyone else think that the kids receive way too many gifts annually. Easter, birthdays, christmas, prom and now extra secret Santa and advent calendar bs, it’s so excessive. They need to learn more about patience and working towards something they want rather than just instant receiving and becoming feral. The older kids grew up with less which is why they’re more mature and were better behaved as children. I honestly don’t feel like the kids cherish what they have and are that grateful when they receive because they know they’ll get something again soon. They open gifts with a straight face and are ready for the next 🤦🏼‍♀️. Stop buying your kids stuff, they don’t deserve it and they don’t appreciate it. It was nice of her to donate but what about all the waste from consuming so much and buying tat. Another thing, I get some people don’t like to shop online and I get it’s Christmas, but now is a time where limited amounts of people are allowed in shops at a time so why does she think it’s okay to clog up aisles with her kids all just standing around, the older girls do this too and it’s so annoying because it’s the reason why we all have to queue outside the pissing shop for longer
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It annoys me so much how Hallie, Phoebe, Archie and Bonnie are always allowed to run around on the table or the kitchen island
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Nice to see the Radfords are following the guidelines well as always then 😡

Sophie looks like a pre-teen Spice Girl wannabe from the 90s. What on Earth possessed her to think that's a good look for a woman of her age?
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I feel a little bit sad after watching the Christmas decoration haul. Sue seems to be so obsessed with buying stuff stuff and more stuff! She must be trying to fill some void with her copious amounts of constant purchases. I wonder if as her days of reproducing are possibly at an end if she is replacing that with becoming a shopaholic. nothing is wrong with getting new stuff when you need / or want it and can afford it but this is simply over the top in my opinion. In our family we have decorations that are used repeatedly for years, sort of like our families custom. Sometimes we add a few new ones and discard a few tired ones. My 4 kids get the same sack and stocking they have each had since their first Christmas. They love them and my eldest is 25! The only things I have bought new is their Christmas hats, tshirts and socks as they got bigger!
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Little me.

VIP Member
WTF are these idiots playing at. It’s a bloody pandemic !!!!!!!!!
Trailing round bloody shops because stupid Sue wants to waste yet more money on Christmas tat. Touching everything and not chastising the kids when they go round doing as they please.
We have two cases of COVID in our family and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Do they think COVID restrictions don’t apply to them because they are the bloody Radfrauds.
If one of them gets ill it will be through their own stupidity and their own fault. Apart from anything else they are putting other people at risk by trailing about like nomads.
Thick as pig shit !!!!
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Chatty Member
Looked up some of the advent calendar prices, one at £25, one at £30. I counted 11 on the table so if at least £25 each that is £275, then Sue’s candle one (she wants candles in a house full of young children and dogs? Asking for trouble?) is £56. So that in total is £331+ on advent calendars alone, and we are supposed to believe they are just a normal, but large, family?

I did agree with Noel’s point about getting tested when the symptoms aren’t one of the main Covid ones...he did the right thing by calling 111 when unsure and they told him not to get a test...then he developed further symptoms, so because of their advice had likely been at work and putting other staff or customers at risk.

Where Noel then let himself down was by saying keeping away from the kids is difficult..he was sat in the kitchen so of course it’s difficult if he doesn’t actually make any effort himself to isolate. He should have been in their bedroom and been the sole user of the top floor bathroom, with meals left outside the door. Although they are a big family, they have plenty of beds and young kids who can share a bed temporarily, and plenty of bedrooms in order for Sue to move into another bed. I wonder as well as it seems highly likely that as both Katie and Daniel have lost their sense of smell and are displaying symptoms have the two of them been isolated or are they sharing rooms with other still. Especially Katie who still shares with 3 other girls. Even if it means teenagers/adults of the opposite sex sharing, but on bunks for example not in the same bed, it would be best to move the pair of them as a precaution as they may already be spreading it to siblings. If Covid keeps spreading within the household with mild symptoms, they’ll all be safe, but could end up stuck in the house for months.

They should have been thinking through in advance which rooms they will use and how they will isolate individuals. They also should instead of wasting money on calendars full of crappy plastic toys, have used both the money and house-room to get a decent stash of dry/canned food and toiletries, so that in the event that they need to isolate as a household for an extended period due to it spreading person to person within the house, that they are not heavily so reliant on Sophie who has her own family to look after or the ability to secure deliveries when it could prove difficult. A large family who are well-prepped for extended isolation should only need to ask for milk, bread etc from others to help them out rather than it being big predicament to secure shopping slots because they need a mammoth amount immediately.
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Millie’s running commentaries during vlogs are so annoying. She has the most droney lispy voice and just speaks unnecessarily she’s also the closest one to the mic and it projects so much. Their theme tune is also getting on my last nerve 🤣
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Millie had issues at school and was suspended numerous times for bad behaviour, Sue used to rant about it on facebook when her account was public. Of course the fans used to say that the teachers were jealous of the family so were picking on her because of that :unsure:
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Do you ever wonder what would happen to the children if something awful happened to sue and noel? They wouldn't be able to stay together that's for sure. There is NO reason why anyone should have that many children

Every one of the children's speech is horrendous, my 3 year old can speak better than her last 7 children. No real future for any of the kids, parents that didn't go to university, siblings that get pregnant as teens and they will most likely no savings as they splash their cash on chavvy coats, bags and MORE KIDS
I agree with you apart from the parents didn’t go to university comment, not everyone wants to go to uni and can still go on to have a good career, both me and husband didn’t go to uni and we both have good jobs 🤷🏼‍♀️
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