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I think most of you on this thread would do best on mumsnet than on here. This is turning into a breastfeeding forum and massively de-railing.
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I’d like to retract my comment about daisy being a brat. I think it was out of line of me and after rewatching the vlog back, it does appear she was just shy and timid around the limelight. It’s good to admit when you’re wrong and on my case, I think this was one of them!
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This is 100 % true. They forget so quickly what they said before. In the hospital bag video Sue says to Millie you wont need a breastpump because you will bottle feed, wont ya? Millie says yeaah.
I remember this because I found it a strange and immature attitude, I completely understand if someone TRIES breastfeeding and decides it is not for her, or she has not enough milk on the ling run , or partner can help with bottles and she dislikes pumping so it can be lots and lots of reason why not. But when she has not even delivered the baby?not even wanna give her the chance to have colostrum which is so beneficial to the baby? Clearly she has not matured to be a mother if she is not considering it at all, she just wants her baby to sleep eat and repeat and lucky for now she is doing just that. But when baby grows up Millie cant be on her phone 24/7 posing for Insta, Ophelia will need some lookin after..

Dear God. This clearly shows she never read a sons Y3 teacher definitely wouldn't approve ... sad thing is the person asking the question could spell it correctly and Millie wasn't able to at least copy paste it.. the we're is really another level..Someone gift her a book quick!
As someone who CHOSE not to breastfeed before her baby was born, I have to say this offends me a little.

but anyway this isn’t about me. IMO it’s Millie’s choice whether she formula or breastfeeds.Neither is wrong. What is wrong however, is lying about her reasons for formula feeding
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They can [wastefully] spend what they wish to at Christmas, but it will never buy them class. They are doing this because it makes them think people are jealous of them. LOL. But jealous of what? The fact they are all crammed in a house with little to no privacy? Sue's nonexistent pelvic floor? The fact all of those children are developmentally delayed? Maybe they should have invested the money they have wasted into some speech therapy for Archie, or some extra tuition for the children. Or even just a trust fund. The children will appreciate that more than the expensive clutter that eventually ends up in landfill anyway. They are very ungrateful children, and it is because they have been given too much. Not just this Christmas, but every Christmas, on top of all the gifted things you receive though out the year. Teach them the value of things not just the price of them.

Clutter will come and go. But once the appeal of your Vlogs has worn off, and you stop popping babies out like they are going out of fashion; when the youngest of the brood age into children, people will slowly stop watching your channel and you will be back to struggling to share a box of fish fingers between you all. You cannot sustain that way of life forever. So why waste the money you have now? Why not invest it into your children's futures and give them a better life than you had? Surely that's what every parent really wants for their children.

You are creating demanding entitled children, who will expect this to continue, even when you do not have it. I bet they have never once been taken to help those less fortunate than they are? Here's a Vlog idea; one I would genuinely ENJOY watching from you. You and Noel taking those children of yours and giving back to your community in some way; and no I don't just mean donating to a charity and posting the amount you have donated to your story. I don't just mean buying a heap of junk and giving it to children's charities. I mean you actually taking your children and making them actively help out at a soup kitchen for the homeless, or some form of community centre/ church that helps out struggling families. Where they actually have to do some hard work and interact in some way with those who are struggling. That will teach them the value of the things they have, the home they have, and perhaps it would teach you that too.

Ultimately, Sue, none of the extravagant things you brought for Christmas make anybody remotely jealous of you. You are delusional to think that we are. I would rather live in the gutter than exploit my children for money online and in The Scum newspaper.

Maybe you should use the money to actually get yourself the psychological help that you deserve. No amount of expensive perfumes, rings or watches will fill the void of the unfortunate loss of your teenage years. It will not change the fact that you have been living with, and have been impregnated every year of the majority of your entire life by, your abuser. My heart actually breaks for you, and I truly cannot imagine the way you must feel when you wake up in the morning. But honestly, do better. If you do have such surplus amounts of money, use it to better your children's lives, use it to help yourself heal. Not many people who have experienced the trauma you have have such an opportunity to help themselves, but you do.

So stop wasting money and filling the void with unnecessary expensive items. It not going to solve anything in the long run. It is an unsustainable way of life. It just creating demanding children who will grow up (just as millie unfortunately has) to be demanding entitled adults, but with no actual future prospects; and that amount of clutter will not heal your trauma.
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They are! Yet it’s the rest of us that have a problem? Meh 😑
While I maybe wouldn’t quite put things the way barkingtree does. She does have a point. I don’t want to cause any trouble but I feel that spiller of tea does regularly refer to the ex friendship and in my opinion it comes across as one up manship or know all ish to me. I think sue will secretly love that she still talks about her so much. Also again just my opinion. But it seems very childish to assume that the secret Santa was copying her idea it’s a really common thing among YouTube families so more likely to be “copying” them. It regularly reminds me of the school playground the way the comments go and sometimes the back and forward between you both makes me feel like I’ve intruded on a private conversation plus the regular mention of things that there is “evidence” Of but never shared. things being hinted at but not elaborated on.
Yes the user with the address as a name is out of order and could be seen as intimidating but let the police deal with it and stop bringing it up on here as it will be giving her so much satisfaction knowing she’s got to you.

As I said not looking to cause trouble but agree with barking tree it can be a bit tedious and appears childish at times. No offence intended just my opinion.
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What concerns me as an outsider is the absolute weirdos who have ‘Radford fan’ Instagram accounts and repost photos of the little ones, mostly the babies declaring how beautiful and cute the kids are.

Its horrendous! No one knows who the person/people behind these accounts!! It could be a dirty old child offender in a string vest and crusty Y-fronts ffs.

I’d be petrified if photos of my kids were being copied and pasted onto anon accounts!

The level of harm these parents introduce their innocent children to is criminal. No privacy at all. It would not take an online offender long to work stuff out if they want to. Sue and Noel share the kids full names, dates of birth, we all know their address, it’s not difficult to work out the schools they attend either.

Sue rather than bitching on Instagram about the police tracking your trolls in another one of your drunken fuels - maybe the police need to educate you about how to keep your children safe!
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All those presents, all that expense, but:
not one book
no arts and crafts supplies
nothing to encourage or support a hobby, interest, sport or learning
almost nothing that promotes any imagination or interaction
nothing to improve anyone’s bedroom

Surely out of 22 people, they have some interests beyond plastic toys and designer tracksuits?!
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At that weight I don't think so she was HUGE

She didn't help herself
Your comment is rude, offensive and unnecessary. I've reported it as I think it is completely out of order talking that way about a woman who has died because of this horrible virus which is still spreading and has killed 50,000 in this country alone because of the actions of people like the Radfords who think everyday is an essential shopping day for more tat.

Whatever the poor ladies life choices were she has still left behind a grief stricken family and young children because people don't think the rules apply to them. You know nothing about her lifestyle and your comment doesn't relate to the topic of this thread which is the Radfords.
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I know that this is incredibly personal (and possibly inappropriate) so please excuse me.

I was abandoned by my birth mother as a baby. She could not look after me and this resulted in (quite severe) neglect. After my dad found out, he and his girlfriend stepped in to raise me. Although I did not know about all of this until I was older (in my tweens), I was known for my issues with attachment and rejection. Many counsellors told me that this was common within adopted children and children of backgrounds similar to mine. They said that it was like your heart was missing a piece, and no amount of love will help you fill it. Although you tend to grow out of it in your teens (as I did), I do believe that her relationship with Noel and having Chris so young stunted this - hence the compulsive need to feel 'loved' and have more children, as it is the closest she will get to filling that missing piece of her heart. There is a science behind it, but I am not very scientifically minded, so I don't want to say the wrong thing.

I did not know who my birth mother was until later. Eventually, we tracked her down and found out that I had several siblings. I also found out that one of my first cousins (on my dad's side, as he does not see all of his family) was a friend of mine from school. Of course, the friend from school found out, but we did not contact anybody else.

Sue and Noel, if you're reading this, please consider tracing your birth family. You do not have to contact them, but the option is there if you want to. It is so important to know who they are. If you do not want to do it for yourself, at least think of doing it for your kids. You do not want one of them getting with their cousins or something like that. Please, please, please... consider doing this for them. Broadcast it if you want, it would rake you i a ton. Equally, it may be nice to do this privately.

I am saying this with the best of intentions. You do not want any messy situations.
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Remember how the radford are really going to struggle with the magic pie shop closing?

Poor things just posted a picture of Heidie in a £160 dress.
Must be awful for them!
And it an ugly £160 dress! It looks like something you would find in sports direct
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Oscar seems so different to some of the others he seems genuinely grateful, and acknowledged it was ‘kind’ of someone to send things. He also stopped the others from grabbing and said they should read the note first, then held his advent calendar up and said ‘thank you so much’ without being prompted like the others. He seems to enjoy talking in the vlogs but often gets cut off if he takes a while to get his point across. The grab twins could learn some lessons from Oscar and I hope he doesn’t get overlooked and lost in all the chaos :(
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If y’all are getting offended, I’m sorry to say but you’re on the wrong site. This is a gossip page, remember that and people are entitled to say their opinion within guidelines
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So its probably no big issue and I am probably just hating but.....

Is it just me that thinks you dont need to take 3 adults and 3/4 children out to buy Christmas decorations during a lockdown/pandemic? Didnt Lancashire have a high R rate?
And should you really be walking round and having everyone touch everything?
And is there any other words she can use apart from "sooooo nice" ?
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So sad to see a mother of 13 has died of coronavirus today, and yet the Radfords don't give a shit about their own or anyone elses safety 😫😫😫😫😫😫
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I had the scariest dream last night. It was the Radford’s new documentary and they did a big reveal that they’d been keeping a surrogate secret and had newborn quads 🤦🏼‍♀️ then Noel said “I will never stop having more children and I’d not rule out using my girls as surrogates” 😳

Woke up and thought ooh I must get on Tattle and see what everyone’s saying about this 🤣
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Sorry I have to say this 🤭 what a brat Sophie’s eldest daughter Daisy seems to be! She had her back to Sue and Noel when she was opening a gift FROM THEM and then when Sophie was opening a gift, daisy was chewing the box of the gift and spitting bits out! Wtf?!
I actually felt sorry for Daisy you could clearly see she didn’t want to be filmed and yet a camera was shoved in her face, she hid behind her mum and sue just moved so we could see her. Made me feel uncomfortable.
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Tbf she was massively overweight and had underlying health conditions. She wasn't a healthy mum of 13. Still very sad for her family.
Almost everyone who dies of covid has underlying health conditions, whether its asthma, transplant recipient, old age, cancer, obesity. They'd all likely still be alive if it weren't for covid. I don't think it's helpful to point out the underlying condition when it was covid that was the perpetrator.

That said, even if the Radfords never have COVID or they are symptomatic, just imagine how many people they'd spread it to. They don't have any care for other people. No one needs to be buying xmas decor right now. We can use what we already have or spend our time making stuff. It would be a great way to keep the little kids busy by having them create christmas decorations.
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In regard to them tracing their birth family, and correct me if I am wrong, but I remember in one of the KAC documentaries Noel had already got some information on his birth family and decided that he didn't want to know them. I am certain he got quite upset when talking about it and you really can see he has unresolved emotional trauma.

I think it is wrong for us to suggest that they trace their birth families, especially when people are suggesting it would make "nice content". That is only something that they can decide to do, and ultimately if they do wish to do that I think that they probably should keep it private. Both Sue and Noel are probably suffering from a lot of emotional trauma and resentment because of their adoptions, and just because certain people find it healing to meet their birth family, others do not, and I think it would be unfair on Sue and Noel to share what may potentially be a traumatic and upsetting experience publicly.

It may also be upsetting and confusing for their children too. It wouldn't be nice to see your parents go through something that may bring feelings of past trauma back, and they have grown up with Sue and Noels adoptive parents as their much loved and cherished grandparents.

I have many criticisms of the Radfords, but in this instance Sue and Noel are both victims. They did not choose to be adopted, and they cannot help the trauma that they have suffered from that.

It would definitely benefit both Sue and Noel to get some therapy or psychological help though. Sue more than anyone, given that she was a vulnerable young girl who was impregnated at 13 by a 17 year old . I genuinely feel very sorry for both of them but my heart genuinely does break for Sue. There is definitely a long list of issues wrong with both of them. I am not sure that these issues are going to be magically resolved by them finding their birth parents.
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