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Sarah has put on FB that she didn't get her deposit back from caravan they just stayed in because the owner called them scruffy bastards. She is denying this of course.
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Who are these pictures for? No dignity for Dave whatsoever.

I think so, as in a week or two ago. I can't see that she will be able to visit him for much longer given what's in the picture and I'm still stunned that a newborn is allowed to be placed that near to him this far on.
I actually think that the funeral people had no idea the baby was placed inside with the body. Quite often they will step out of the room to give you time and I imagine that’s when photos like that will have been taken
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This vlog is worth a watch to see what Sarah is
like, who would rant on the internet like this about their child
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Doesn't want people to know when the funeral is but wants them to pay for it, anyone donating now needs to give their heads a wobble
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I didn't know them before this...

what kind of marriage did they have? were they genuinely in love with each other?.

will she have a new bloke soon?
I commented once about the horrible way dave spoke to her and got blocked, I always found her abit downtrodden, I couldn’t fathom why she was having another baby, they had to move out of their previous house and Sarah hated their new smaller house,definitely no room for another
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When is the poor man going to be laid to rest.
are they waiting for go fund me to reach 10k.
that isn’t going to happen
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The dead can’t consent to being filmed/pictured, just like babies can’t! There’s no such thing as privacy anymore, how sad. At my dad’s funeral I couldn’t even take any pictures of the flowers, let alone anything else. The idea of taking a picture of my dad on his deathbed would never have entered my head. These vloggers have a screw loose!
Totally agree. I felt the same when my dad died a couple of years ago.
It’s not even as if the photos have been kept private within the family, complete strangers who didn’t know the guy can see them. I assume all to encourage people to click onto their GFM page.
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they have nearly 5 and a half k in the GFM... wouldn't that be enough for the funeral?

yet they have asked for 10k, obviously going to spend the rest on a holiday
I think I read on one of the GFM posts, that any money after the funeral will be going towards a holiday to Florida, or wherever they were always planning to go! 🤨🤨
Talking of the GFM and any money left over going to a holiday, for the past few years they always had big plans to go to Disney Land or wherever it was, never happened though!
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That Michelle Rees sounds like a nasty piece of work)

Well Said!
Michelle Rees says several times in her live that she's not interested in Sarah, but spends 25 minutes bitching about her.. bringing up all the old 'beef' they used to have. Do these vloggers know how hypocritical, stupid and childish they sound... bunch of attention seeking middle age women with nothing better to do.
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Those poor paramedics doing their best. She’ll drag their career’s through the mud because she wants compensation money. So wrong.
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I maybe very wrong and I apologise if I am. I've just watched michelle Rees live about sarah, I've never seen her before and I don't want to watch her again but I actually think she could be genuinely right that she didn't request to follow and Sarah is out to get as much attention as possible. I think sarah has alot to deal with and has lost the plot. Even if michelle did request all sarah had to do was ignore and block. How does she find time to grieve, look after so many children and be on social media the amount she is. She mentioned sarah ingham blocking sarah R did sarah really reach out and then block her. All these women need to get a life away from social media. I couldn't imagine having bitch fights over YouTube. Sad
Michelle and Jamie Rees are the worst kind of people, benefit scrounging lazy barstewards who are an absolute drain on society! Cretins. If they died I would happily smile. They are beyond obsessed with the Inghams (who I also can’t stand), a sad pathetic obsession, even going to the same holiday resort! It’s honestly car crash tv when Michelle uploads a video. Always banging on about everything that happened years ago, like anyone gives a crap. She was hoping Isabelle would loose her leg with the dog bite so she could get even more benefits! Those dogs didn’t get walked and Cerberus was high energy and absolutely going stir crazy in that house. Absolute embarrassment to the human race.

its absolutely not right Sarah posting photos of Dave’s deceased body. I think she is struggling to grieve because she has so much on and so many little ones to look after. I hope she can get the mental health support she needs and can process what’s happened. I hope she stops posting photos and takes down the gofundme now.
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So she’s a single mum with 50000 kids and she can magically afford a holiday, new hoover, new fridge and freezer, Botox and hair extensions.
Nice to see the go fund me going to it’s intended cause 😏
Oh and lots of new holiday clothes for the kids
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WTF? Claiming hardship and begging for baby clothes etc but also getting botox and hair extensions? Wow! She's got some cheek. Talk about messed up priorities. 🤬

I sincerely hope that the Health Visitor (or whoever it was that took her a load of stuff) doesn't get scammed out of anything else as there will be plenty of people who are in genuine, desperate need of that stuff and it will have been donated in good faith.
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Well-known member
I just noticed this . Maybe it is distracting her .
She’s probably not got to the true grief stage and that might not happen for many years. My younger bro was born 14 days after dad died. His death was sudden and unexpected he was in hospital at the time but due to be released the next day so mum wasn’t with him when he died. His consultants were shocked. There had to be a post-mortem too as the hospital didn’t know why he died. They did this asap so the body could be released.

My bro was luckily overdue so gave 2 week in which everything possible was sort, funeral held whilst having 2 toddlers to look after but she did have her best friend and her parents to help.

At that time our hospital was split site Mum had bro at a different part there’s no way she would have asked to move to where he died. The hospital was great mum was due to induced at the weekend, my aunt was her birthing partner. She didn’t have a memorial set up for dad yes she missed him being there. The name hadn’t be decided so she had to decide with dads name being his middle name.
Mum didn’t really greave properly for 14 years. She was busy with 3 kids with a complex medical baby that spent 1/2 his first 4 years in and out of hospital. Then had to go back to work she was constantly on the go but after a few other things her mental health dipped for it to really hit.
The post-mortem was helpful as she knew why but hard as there was high chance of the condition being passed on to atleast 1 of us. Over the years the checked us out. Unfortunately 2 of us have the condition that resulted in his death ironically not the one born after.

R family - her hormones will be all over the place with the birth. She will be happy for the baby Im suprised how they cope with a scbu. My bro didn’t end up in scbu as he didn’t get ill till 5 1/2 weeks so couldn’t go into scbu. Then caring for a new baby with multiple other children to care for. I really don’t think it will of hit. I doubt it will be asking for her as my mum as she has older kids to help out. Unlike mum they still have the funeral to go that might really trigger it depending on if her hormones have settled. If not i think within the year.
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