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Yes I would say that brutally slaughtering 4 young people would be a bit more problematic than carrying a leather sheath. I think when you are doing that your ethics have been firmly brushed to one side.

It’s like people saying that he wouldn’t have eaten in Mad Greek as they cook meat dishes there too. There are very few purely vegan restaurants. The story about him making his family buy new pots and pans says more about the control he has over his family than his ethical stance.
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Just breaks my heart to think that if Ethan hadn’t stayed that night, or if X had stayed at Ethan’s they’d still be here. It’s really spooked me how you just really never know what’s going to happen
it’s really horrible. I think that’s why I’m so interested in this case, because I keep thinking about how they were probably having one last hoo rah before going home for thanksgiving. Excited to go home but also excited to spend time at college with their friends. It’s just really heartbreaking and it sounds ridiculous but unfair. They just seemed like happy students minding their own business having fun
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I understand that but no party was happening only five people in the house
nine hours is a long time to not call for help . It will divide peoples opinions and it already has ive seen so many question why on earth it took her nine hours to get help .

I just think a lot doesn’t make sense . Especially her not calling for help for nine hours .
he killed more than one person I’m sure she would have heard screams .
All of the victims had been out partying that night and the house was allegedly known as a party house.
the affidavit/PCA discusses the noises she heard and doesn’t mention a scream. The audio from next door picks up the noises of the dog and a something muffled but not a scream. It also only took 20 minutes to murder them all. If she had heard screams, they would have been included in the affidavit which was sent to the judge to secure the arrest. As far as we the public are aware, no one screamed.

She didn’t call for help for 9 hours because likelihood is, she didn’t think there was anything that needed helping? Not once in that document it states that she thought anything strange was going on besides when she said she froze with shock at a guy coming around the corner. She probably went to sleep after 4am and the phonecall was made 9 hours later when she woke up or the other housemate did. It’s really not that weird when you think about it. Also we don’t know the entirety of her witness statement or the other roommates. The police would only have put enough in that document to get a warrant to arrest him.
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Honestly- I don’t want to blame D at all, but all I will say is that it’s baffling she didn’t ring the police. I’ve lived in a huge college house before and I know if I saw a masked man walking past me I would be calling 911. However it’s totally acceptable she was absolutely frozen with fear and wasn’t thinking straight. Equally she may have been on substances and didn’t want to get in trouble. It’s unlikely she knew how serious the situation was.

all I hope is that she is able one day to heal and live a happy and fulfilled life.
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I like this title as it doesn’t give BK any of the attention he wants, maybe just carry on with it?
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I hope more evidence comes out that clears Dylan's name and her reasoning for not alerting 911 as soon as possible. I know she's incredibly fortunate to be alive but she's probably dealing with a lot of survivor's guilt plus everyone online blaming her.
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If the police purposely made out that both Dylan and Bethany were asleep to protect them until he was in custody then it makes me think they don’t believe there is a second perpetrator because otherwise they would still be at risk. If paps have been able to track Dylan down and photograph her in public it doesn’t sound like she’s under any kind of witness protection.
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I think he is going to make the families suffer and make them listen to everything he did. It's not the first time a murder has acted all innocent so they got thier time in the public eye to brag.
I agree. He wants notoriety. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was rejected by one of the victims.
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I definitely hope she is supported but I cannot understand why she didn't check on her friends, or if she felt frightened dial the police.
I think it’s human nature to wonder and be curious however I’m sure it will all come out, we only know a very small part of the story right now. Even so none of us know how we’d react in that situation 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do agree, I have so many questions.
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I guess it’s a good thing the judge has done this. Whoever got caught for this was never gonna get a fair trial thanks to the psychos on tiktok and Reddit. I mean they’ve been broadcasting innocent peoples names, photos and personal details to literally millions of people around the world for weeks so it would only get even worse when someone was actually charged. Been worse than an 17th century witch hunt 🙄
I think stopping the police speaking out is also good because a few have condemned BK as the killer and his not had his trial yet - that it’s self is damaging to the case and trial and I would imagine will be used by BK’s lawyers when it does get it’s day in court.

I agree. He wants notoriety. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was rejected by one of the victims.
See I’m not convinced ! I know I’m not a professional profiler but going by what those close to him have said about him this is the picture I’ve built in my head

- he was bullied from a young age and lacked confidence. I think as he grew older he tried to build confident but ultimately this lead to him developing narcissistic traits and an over inflated sense of self importance.

- I think he suffered with low self esteem (not to be mistaken with confidence) many people have said he had to prove he was more intelligent when speaking with others. This is likely because he feels inferior to those in other ways such as looks , personality.
- I think he likely had thoughts /urges to kill from a youg boy /teen . Possibly started with a morbid curiosity around death.

- I think he has incel characteristics and rage has built in his later teens / early adult life. More so since narcism has come in to play and he does not get why women don’t want him / people don’t like him . His thought process would be ‘ I’m above these people how can they not like me’
- I think this rage coinciding with intrusive thoughts become to much for him hence he turned to drugs to deal with his feelings.

- I think initially he did the criminology PHD to gain better understanding of why he was the way he was.

- I think the older he got the more rejected he felt is when it took a dark turn. I think this is when he started planning how to get away with murder. I don’t think initially he planned to act on it , maybe more of an outlet for the urges he was having. He probably justified it as researching and understanding crime scenes and murders.

This is why I think the execution of the crime was premeditated in the sense he had thought in great detail of what he would do to get away with murder but I think the murder itself was impulsive and that is why he has been caught because he made ‘mistakes’ he probably wouldn’t have made if it wasn’t impulsive.

A set of events would have led him to act on them impulses to kill. What triggered him and how the poor victims came into play will hopefully be revealed.

I think stopping the police speaking out is also good because a few have condemned BK as the killer and his not had his trial yet - that it’s self is damaging to the case and trial and I would imagine will be used by BK’s lawyers when it does get it’s day in court.

See I’m not convinced ! I know I’m not a professional profiler but going by what those close to him have said about him this is the picture I’ve built in my head

- he was bullied from a young age and lacked confidence. I think as he grew older he tried to build confident but ultimately this lead to him developing narcissistic traits and an over inflated sense of self importance.

- I think he suffered with low self esteem (not to be mistaken with confidence) many people have said he had to prove he was more intelligent when speaking with others. This is likely because he feels inferior to those in other ways such as looks , personality.
- I think he likely had thoughts /urges to kill from a youg boy /teen . Possibly started with a morbid curiosity around death.

- I think he has incel characteristics and rage has built in his later teens / early adult life. More so since narcism has come in to play and he does not get why women don’t want him / people don’t like him . His thought process would be ‘ I’m above these people how can they not like me’
- I think this rage coinciding with intrusive thoughts become to much for him hence he turned to drugs to deal with his feelings.

- I think initially he did the criminology PHD to gain better understanding of why he was the way he was.

- I think the older he got the more rejected he felt is when it took a dark turn. I think this is when he started planning how to get away with murder. I don’t think initially he planned to act on it , maybe more of an outlet for the urges he was having. He probably justified it as researching and understanding crime scenes and murders.

This is why I think the execution of the crime was premeditated in the sense he had thought in great detail of what he would do to get away with murder but I think the murder itself was impulsive and that is why he has been caught because he made ‘mistakes’ he probably wouldn’t have made if it wasn’t impulsive.

A set of events would have led him to act on them impulses to kill. What triggered him and how the poor victims came into play will hopefully be revealed.
Just to add - I don’t think he wanted to get caught because even though he has issues with regulating his emotions I do believe he has some sense of compassion but only for those who have benefited his life and shown him love and support. Family , friends ,lecturers. Anyone else he doesn’t as he loathes them as they are part of the ‘problem’ of why he is the way he is.

I think he will not want the very few people who hold him in high regard to think badly of him. And this is why he will not want to be sentenced or caught for this crime. It is all about ego but not for notoriety reasons.

I don’t think his insane ( as mad as that is considering he murdered 4 people ) I think he is fully aware of what he did and he knows it was wrong
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I guess more details will come out about why Dylan didn't immediately call the police/the phone call will probably come out. I just think she's a young girl who was probably frightened. People do stupid stuff when they're scared.
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Must have been terrifying. Wonder why it took till the next morning to call the police tho? I can’t load the PCA file!
I’m so confused by this, why the hell would you not phone the police there and then?! I get shock etc but waiting like 9 hours?? Maybe her phone wasn’t in her room but jesus, going by where her room on ground floor is could she not have left the house?!
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I get what you mean about Steve Goncalves but I think he is just trying to advocate for his family. He probably isn’t doing it in the most appropriate or effective way but he’s grieving and probably full of rage and hurt. If I was him I think I would have lunged at Kohberger in the court room.
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I think the PCA exonérâtes the police from the comments they weren’t doing anything/didn’t have anything. Sounds like straight away they were identifying hard evidence - knife sheath/latent footprint - locating the vehicle and knew it belonged to him when he was at WSU.
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I’ve just watched an interview with the Kaylee’s Dad who says when Brian was near the house he was close enough to pick up the wifi router. He also says he questioned whether it would have made a difference if they had called 911 straight away and he said no it wasn’t a slow bleed it was very quick they couldn’t have been saved 😢
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Leave the poor woman alone, ffs. She's a victim in all of this and I'm sure the stress of it all is hard enough. She's probably kicking herself constantly about what she did or didn't do. And none of us know how we'd react in such a situation so everyone on TT needs to shut up. I'd like to believe I'd call the police or act in some manner but it's never happened baruch hash'em and I don't really know.
Yup, considering no one guessed who the suspect ended up being, people need to take a seat and stop being armchair detectives, throwing around accusations that could ruin someone’s life ( even more so then what she’s already gone through)
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It must be so hard on the family and friends seeing all the crazy theories especially those who take it as far as making fake videos or impersonating people. It makes an horrendous time even more difficult.

Pot & kettle by commenting on this thread I know
There’s a huge difference between discussing and speculating in a respectful way which has been the case 99% of the time on these threads, compared to the vile accusations and theories being thrown around all over social media. It’s perfectly normal to speculate and to want to know what happened & why, but as long as it’s respectful towards the families & friends of the victims.
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I think it’s so sick the way all those tiktok sleuths who have made videos every day since this happened accusing hoody guy, roommates, ex boyfriends etc have not had the decency to make apology videos. I honestly hope they all get sued.
One of them is already being sued but she's still going. She accused a history professor and the ex boyfriend. Then when BK got arrested she changed it to the professor hired BK. Shes been slapped with 2 cease and desist and now she's being taken to court and she still won't give up!
So many people have had their lives ruined. Like you say, the room mates/ex partners/ fraternity brothers/ even the parents have been accused by some/ teachers/neighbours/ random people caught in the background of videos. Its madness... the Facebook group needs shutting down imo, its completely out of control over there ☹
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imagining him creeping around that house in the dark is just chilling 😐

After seeing that virtual tour, and how in the middle Dylan’s room was inbetween the girls upstairs and xana room. She’s very lucky indeed . She was so close to it all.
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I dont normally engage in the theories but this just popped into my head.
If xana went back into the kitchen (photo of her DD on the kitchen side) then she would have had to go down her small hallway from her room into the living room and then turn right into the kitchen and go to the other side of the kitchen... wouldn't she have put the kitchen light on to see what she was doing?? Or do you think she knew her way in the dark considering it was her home? Would the twinkle lights be enough for her to see her way?
I know LE left all the lights on as they were on the night, was there any pics of the back of the house to show if any of those lights were kept on?
This is interesting because if she did go to the kitchen, which I hadn’t considered but should have been obvious since that’s where the door dash bag was, then perhaps she noticed the sliding doors were open and she could have been the one that said “someone is here” to Ethan.
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