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also agree that the PCA mentions they reviewed forensic downloads of both Bethany and Dylan’s phone which makes me think they were messaging each other and the other roommates trying to understand what was going on and eventually called their friends over when there was no answer from anyone else and they then called 911?
Agree. They may have been messaging the whole time but too scared to leave their rooms. They may have been trying to build up the courage. Or Dylan may have been in too much shock to even dare message Bethany straight away... It could have taken time for her to get in touch. Or Dylan may have messaged everyone in the house and only dared leave her room when Bethany responded when she woke up, which could have been any time. Supposedly this house always had people coming and going, imagine how eerily quiet the house must have been that morning, maybe they were saying we'll go out if we don't hear anything in 15 mins, and then were still scared and decided to wait longer. Maybe they decided to wait and if they hadn't heard anyone up by 12pm, they would call friends to come and check it out/make sure everyone was ok. The amount the police were called to that house, maybe they didn't want to call unless they really had to. They didn't want to be seen to be wasting police time.
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surely if you’re smart enough to put your phone on airplane mode/turn it off during the time of the murder you’d be smart enough to just not take the phone at all 🙄
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I think Dylan's gone into shock, was maybe drunk as hell underage, and she's panicked and hidden. It would not surprise me if the first calls were actually from Bethany, who woke up that day and came to find Xana dead on the floor.
I think Bethany called 911 too. I think she got up first and found the scene of Xana/Ethan and blood everywhere, and banged on Dylan’s door until she came out of her room and also saw the scene and they ran out of the house. B called 911 hyperventilating, D passed out… a friend or passer by has responded to these 2 girls clearly in an absolute state outside of their home and taken the phone and taken over the call but not knowing what was inside have described an “unconscious person” ie D (or B if it was the other way round) to emergency services. It was always widely reported that it was a roommates phone but not a roommate that spoke with emergency services and we know from K’s dad that one of them was hyperventilating and one passed out. Would explain the call for an unconscious person. Could be way wrong but that’s my 2 cents.
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These photos taken off kaylees tiktok show the area where Dylans room is situated, I reckon she peeked through the door slightly and saw him. But it shows just how close she was to him, which is crazy! I wonder if the report of an unconscious person that morning was actually Dylan? Maybe someone found her and she was in a state of complete shock? We don't know how anyone reacts do we? We don't know if maybe she was a victim of violence prior to this and just seeing a man dressed in all black in the middle of the night was enough for her to lock herself in her room in a complete state of silence and fear and not wanting to come out. The whole thing is awful and my heart really goes out to Dylan. It's my worst nightmare being confronted with an intruder in the middle of the night.
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I wonder if Dylan when she locked her door got under her bed and hid? That’s quite a common thing for people to do when they’re frightened/hear someone in the house. And she possibly didn’t have her phone under there with her - maybe too scared to come out and grab it, and minutes just turned into hours sadly; honestly I can’t imagine the fear she went through and all the trauma of the last few weeks. I really hope she’s got a lot of support around her
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There’s zero chance any of them would have survived I’d imagine with the injuries that knife would have inflicted. The fact none of them cried or screamed after also feeds into this
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They called friends over before the police didn’t they? I’m sure I heard that Ethan’s siblings were there.. He was a triplet and it was heartbreaking to hear their parents say they have to learn to be two when it was always three of them together 😔
If it's true that they called friends over first, I think that suggests that D & B didn't leave their rooms until they had "back up" in the form of friends. This makes it more likely that D messaged a group chat or something and shared what she had seen in the night and waited for someone to respond or come over - Still obviously never expecting her friends to have been murdered. Maybe this is what the downloaded phone forensics from their phones show.
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16 minutes is just crazy.
Sounds so awful and I really don't like to say any of this but I don't think 16 minutes is that short of a time. If we sat and did absolutely nothing for 16 full minutes, we would feel it was actually quite a long time. I have seen some instances where one stab was enough to disable and kill a person in a matter of 1-2 minutes.
If he knew what he was doing it shouldn't have taken much time at all.

I believe in always presuming innocence until guilt is proven (thought extremely difficult in this case) but the killer is evil beyond all comprehension for what he has done and in my opinion no punishment could ever be enough.
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Same. I live with my partner but I make sure the house is secure at all times, especially when home alone. TBH, I need to step away from this case. Reading about it all gave me an awful anxiety attack a few weeks ago and again last night, I was convinced someone was going to break in to my house 😣😆

I feel this! I live on my own with my child and I tend to read this thread in the evening when they are in bed…which freaks me out even more as it’s the last thing I read before I go to sleep 😖
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The media need to leave everyone alone. They were chasing the parents down the road on the day of the affidavit, they have apparently took photos of Dylan outside her home and they have also got video footage of BKs father outside his home whilst he's cleaning 🤦‍♀️ its awful
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I can’t believe he drove right up to their door. In this day and age with doorbell cameras everywhere, what was he thinking?! I mean it’s good that he was a bumbling prick so they could catch him, but honestly, did he learn nothing in Criminology classes?
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I shouldn’t read this thread before bed. I was at my back door and a man started whistling when he saw me and power walked down towards my garden. I bolted inside and checked the door was locked five times 🥴
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I hope Dylan is being protected by everyone and not just as a witness but as a scared young girl who has just experienced the worst thing imaginable. She will have trauma for the rest of her life ☹ Those 2 girls are extremely lucky to be alive (which im sure they know). Considering he went past her door 3 times and could have tried every single door in that house including Bethany's
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Also the fact he made sure to put his phone on airplane mode when committing the murders, but not when he returned to the crime scene the next morning, nor the previous 12 occasions when he stalked the house. I think he was really naive and underestimated the police
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I don't know if it was ever confirmed. But the police seem to have said things to either throw the killer off or to protect D&M.

Keep seeing comments on TikTok saying "So Dylan and Bethany said they didn't see or hear anything and now they're saying they did hear/see things... doesn't add up" - There's been no official confirmation about the surviving roommates until the PCA came out. We only know what MPD wanted us to know and they wanted us and the killer to think the surviving roommates were tucked up, asleep, in their beds, possibly on the bottom floor so that's what we knew. Would they want the killer to know they were seen? It could put the survivors at risk.
I think a lot of things were said to protect D and B. The killer could have went after them if he thought they saw him.
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Yeh this is what I am thinking too. Sounds for sure like there was some communication going on.

I don't think Dylan calling the police when she first heard the noises or saw the figure in the hallway would have made any difference to the overall outcome really. Yes they police would have got there quicker and had an head start but I think there would have still been 4 fatalities.

Imagine how she felt the next day when coming out of her room and seeing what had happened, jesus it's enough to make you never sleep again.
She saved her own life by shutting that door she's extremely lucky. She can say she literally was seconds away from death. Hope she gets thr right help she will need
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I don’t get why everyone is assuming Dylan knew what exactly was going on. With hindsight knowing all the facts it seems strange she didn’t call the cops (we don’t know the full story yet either some of it was redacted) but she might have just thought it was a random man and was relieved when he left or just hid in her room 🤷‍♀️ from being in a student house there are lots of strange comings and goings and noises that you just ignore as your so used to it and think I’m staying out of this one. It wasn’t unusual to find someone you didn’t know in your house as shocking as that sounds now or hear someone crying/arguing in the night usually as they were drunk. I’m sure more will come out at trial but no one knows how they would have reacted in that situation
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I heard it. But iv just seen a really good comment that said "if the audio and source was legitimate then LE would acknowledge it surfacing, they haven't so therefore take it with a pinch of salt"
I can't see the original being leaked seeing as there is a court order in place but if the media pick it up and confirm it then I will eat my words
Someone on 4chan has also said it’s the actual footage, just cleaned up (attached it as a file as it involves details) and that that the 911 call and cam footage is being released
Quick edit - obviously take that with a pinch of salt also

Thing is, I could see the media being told to ignore it as at the moment it’s making its way around the group that’s following the situation. Potentially to try and avoid jury problems? At the same time, you’d be an absolute idiot to leak it


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