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VIP Member
Like a few others have said, 16 minutes really isn’t a long time at all.

If you sat down on your sofa now and set a 16 minute timer, it would feel pretty slow. I could probably walk around my house about 9 times in that time if I was strolling. But then I’ve never murdered anyone so I have no idea how long it would take 🤷🏽‍♀️

I don’t even know what to think about this case atm, all those audios spooked me last night but I don’t think any of them are real, just need to wait til LE confirm anything I guess.
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Yeah I think the k and/or m were intended targets and killed first, quietly (possibly in sleep or he silenced them somehow). He bumped into xana on way down out of sheer bad luck and then got into a kerfuffle as she tried to get back into her room and get Ethan’s help, who was then seen in bed by bk so also killed :( I think D saw him through a slither in the door and so he didn’t see her fully and he was in adrenaline ‘oh shit I’ve killed more than intended and must get out’ mode, so didn’t notice her. I also think D’s response is odd but not unbelievable; she could have fallen unconscious / asleep out of intense fear and shock and been nervous to do anything , or even didn’t realize the seriousness and just thought it was a bit odd but not crazy, they were a party house and I lived in one of those at uni. Strange noises and even people were not uncommon :/
This is my exact thoughts xx
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Tangent Tiger

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D & B were both said to have had rooms on basement level too, it’s only just come out now D was on first level, probably to keep them safe as well. Imagine if X hadn’t ordered anything, maybe they would be alive as it’s quite clear from what I’ve seen that K or M were the targets.
Yes that report was far more detailed than I thought it would be. Previously there was information that Dylan was about to move/had moved to 1st floor.
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VIP Member
Just reading through the PC and one bit caught my attention on page 5.

It states that THE COMBINATION OF D.M's statement to law enforcement, reviews of forensic downloads of records from both B.F and D.Ms phone, and video of a suspect as described below leads investigators to believe the homocides occured between 4am and 4.25am.

What forensic downloads of records from B.F and D.M are they taking about do we think? Where they communicating by phone whilst this was going on?

I am not blaming any other housemates at all, i dont believe in bashing the surving victims for anything that happened that night but that particular statement has me wondering what would be so interesting on the 2 girls phones during the times the attacks took place.
Video of a suspect?
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Did all the housemates move into that house last summer? I wonder if BK had been in the house prior to them moving in, so he had a location to target (knowing students would move in but not who) and knowledge of the layout. Then started stalking the occupants once they moved in.
Looks like they all lived together since (at least) this time last year, in the same house
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They called friends over before the police didn’t they? I’m sure I heard that Ethan’s siblings were there.. He was a triplet and it was heartbreaking to hear their parents say they have to learn to be two when it was always three of them together 😔
the black ford suv that is Ethan's sister car and the Red Jeep that is Ethan and Ethan's brother car that was at the house when the police showed up. I heard that Ethan's brother lives near the house.

I think it depends on the doorbell? I am 4 hours away from my family home and can listen to the conversations and see the door both clearly. It's essentially a livestream of the outside of our home.

I was just thinking how I feel for the officers who responded and are involved in this. I know it's their job and everything but what a horrific thing to have to witness
I agree and which Generation it is and if it's wired or just wireless.

I keep forgetting that those poor girls were the ones to discover the bodies the next day, every time I think about it I feel sick to my stomach. Part of me hopes that they only saw the scene on the main floor and didn’t go upstairs to discover Maddie & Kaylee, not that it makes it any better or easier of course.
I think that they saw ethan and called some people over and when someone passed out and someone called 911 and when 911 got there it was discovered that Maddie and Kaylee were dead. I don't think that D and B said Maddie and Kaylee dead just Ethan.
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I think the Door Dash thing is rubbish, why would you accept food that you didn’t order? Especially if it had your name on it surely you’d be creeped out at the possibility of someone buying food and sending it to your home
there is info in the PCA about a Door Dash delivery, if the door dash thing isn't true then, this there is a problem with this PCA and BK's defense attorney can try to use that to get the case dismissed.

here's a tweet of the part of the PCA that mentions the door dash delivery.
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VIP Member
He might have been going by the amount of lights turned on in the rooms?

The other speculation is that he had been stalking M and X because they worked at the same place. I always thought that the father position K as the main target was a bit questionable as different levels of injury don’t necessarily mean that

Im sure he would have had an idea of the number of people in the house since he had clearly been near it multiple times and drove past it multiple times on the night of the murders
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First ever post but I’ve been following these threads from the start, I first read about it when I was in America just after it had happened so it was all over their news but have barely seen a think since I got back off my holidays.

Anyway I’ve just been reading the blind gossip website AGC blinds, I’ve read it for ages.
Some are spot on some are rubbish but they have a blind up currently stating the murders were a revenge attack from a drug cartel for Xana’s mum trying to rob them. Obviously this is probably a load of shit but just thought I’d mention it
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VIP Member
Has anything been said about Bethany? I’m assuming she was the only one on the ground floor then.
the only thing said by Bethany was that statement released at the vigil. There was a live stream on YouTube that said that they thought that Dylan had moved to the room on that second floor that was vacant. That was never released by LE that Dylan was on the second floor and there was a former FBI agent that also wonder if Dylan was on the second floor too.
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also if they are saying the order of the charges is the order they were killed, that doesnt match up with the audio clip.

possibly M & K were asleep, that could be quiet. maybe X was awake, but E asleep. BK encounters X in the doorway of the room, E still asleep or coming around. it might not have been as much of a commotion as the 4chan post is trying to make out.

im just trying to find anyway of it not having been some absolutely terrifying last moments for all of them, its so horrendous.
This is how I ‘picture’ it.
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I don’t understand how M&K were in the same , single, bed and there was no noise heard from them? If (for example) he killed K first surely M would have been like holy shit and tried to fight back? And vice versa? I just think with the timings they must have still been awake from their night out and surely if they wanted to share a bed they would have slept in Ks room as she had a double bed?
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Chatty Member
What I don’t understand is was he covered in bloody or not? And if he wasn’t carrying the knife where was it without the sheath?
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Chatty Member
Don’t forget though that they may have a lot more evidence and DNA evidence that they didn’t include in the PCA and won’t release until the trial

I am really interested to see how his defends lawyer is going to play this
they might, although I would be surprised if they had his DNA at the crime scene other than the sheaf but didn’t include that in the PCA. I really hope they have blood evidence. There’s no way he won’t have accidentally nicked himself at least.

hes had a month to dispose of his clothes/shoes and the murder weapon plus clean his car - I hope he’s not been thorough with the latter!
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I think he will plead guilty. There is too much evidence against him for the defence to be able to build a solid case.
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