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VIP Member
Yes, this 👆🏻

The fact that she’s selling the category and not the product is proof that she’s not the right person for the job.
It’s like trying to sell sunscreen by telling us about UV rays. Most women have vibrators so convince us that this one is better.
If any men watch her stories (which is doubtful) she could sell to them too! A lot of men like to buy vibrators for their partners. I know mine does lol
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Her story showed 4 boxes (about $100 each if she got 20% disc) plus a Harry Potter pair and a pair of cotton ones. I’d say it’s closer to $500 she spent.
I agree with this. My sister in law that has more money than sense, bought my girls a pair each at the Boxing Day sale, (3 pairs) $320
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wasn't there a photo of him with the kids and they were against a backdrop with height measurements?
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Chatty Member
I think she’s always had quite a high hairline but it’s gotten even worse recently and looks thinner ?
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Like the Cairns trip and house tour. Mentioned but very followed thru.

I feel like 2024 will bring a MLM for Sez. If she’s hocking sex toys the next logical step is a MLM. I think we need to start a Kearns bingo for the year. 😂
Yes! I feel this could be her next excuse not to get a real job 🤣
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She’s not officially affiliated with them, it’s just a link that anyone who orders gets. So if you ordered, you could share your link with me and then when I purchase, you’d get some money/a discount. I think 😅
that’s exactly what it is. Like the iconic do a give $25 get $25 if you refer a friend.
Guess she’s trying to scam free clothes out of her followers.
That weirdo Maggie Dent is on 2DayFM this morning after 8AM if anyone would like to call through and ask why she likes these dimwits?!
Wonder when Brad’s podcast with her will air….
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Look at the impulsive buying hats… $300 worth of hats maybe?
Never seen them talk about NFL… weird flex.
No sign of a Broncos hat…
With that enormous driveway, you think she could have parked somewhere else. Oh wait… she has to park close to the front door to carry all her conscious and sustainable purchase into the house!
she hasn’t heard of online delivery yet… give it 4 more years


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I’m in WA too and my kids get a call up every 2 years to visit the school based dentist. Occasionally if there was any concern we’d get a yearly call up. From my experience it went from pre-primary until they finish high school. It’s a great program because it’s free so there’s no excuse not to have your kids teeth checked if private dentist costs/private health are out of reach.
In Queensland we were told it’s only for those on a health care card… I could be wrong though… but there’s also the Medicare dental scheme too. Not sure if that one is means tested. We use our private health. My son has EDS which can affect your teeth so he has a check up every 6 months… when I looked at the price for his checkup, those Kearnts could easily pay $200-$300 for a checkup, X-rays and then get a referral. Lazy pieces of shit.
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Chatty Member
She was following Brad on this account the other day. I wonder what made her choose to unfollow?
Yep I can second this, def followed Brad too.
And her podcast account is still there so she must've used another one she created in 2020.
And bubbah doesn't miss out on things because of his age, it's because YOU choose to only do mundane things with him.

You told us yourself sez, remember? Guess that guilt lasted a day.
So they are Central Coast Mariner members now are they?
New hats and jerseys, I’m sure those Jerseys are $80
Let's see if she hangs around for the ALW match!


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Omg I came to reference this as well. I am 168cm… I am usually referenced as “short” my husband is 6’5… she is either lying and is taller or Brad is ACTUALLY TINY because she looks massive compared to him.. well compared to anyone. And there is nothing wrong with being tall at all I am just shocked. But if she’s telling the truth and is 168cm that really puts things into perspective 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If I was to guess I’d say at least 175cm.
I’m 178 & there is no way she’s close to that. BRAD IS TINY
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She’s definitely going to crash soon, no one can sustain doing that for a long time. Gym multiple times a day? She isn’t sharing meals because she’s probably barely eating. It’s actually sad, she’s so desperate to be thin, because she thinks it makes her better, or matter more. She can preach self love all she wants, she hated her body before. Can’t wait for her to gain it all back, that’s what usually happens with crash diets!
she’s definitely trying to follow Laura B’s fitness changes so she can be relevant
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Literally, doubtful these inbred things go to a Dentist.
It’s the only explanation! There is no way a dentist would not have suggested orthodontic treatment by now! I don’t know how it works in the east but in WA kids are screened in Pre-Primary and Year 4 by the school dentist if the kids don’t see a private dentist! 🤷🏻‍♀️
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