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Ordered two bowls of soup to share. Seriously, how are they not embarrassed?! 😳

There's no offical announcement but this life cannot go on for 4 more years until Esme is 18 and 'free' of compulsory education. They're running out of cash and even if SS didn't get involved when they're back in social housing, Chris and Sarah will not want their kids hanging around the house all day with their mardy faces, especially as they won't be able to escape abroad all the time.
I'm not one for crushing kids dreams but Esme needs a dose of reality.
I sadly can’t imagine them admitting defeat and sending the kids back to school, not while they’re still in the public eye at least. All they have done is created a bunch of illiterate layabouts who think they will make a living and career on TikTok 🙄
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I’ve said it before and I will say it again - I know all us parents love our kids (even when they are professionally hacking use off)!! And now grandchildren are stealing our hearts (at least we can chuck them home) but I have never in all the 40 odd years of being a parent had to stand in the street and give a speach about how cute/loved/how they love each other - I honestly have never heard the like - it’s as if they are trying to convince themselves
Oh and Mr and Mrs balls up - you boy is a sneaky little shit who I would never leave alone with a young child let alone a baby -I saw his sneaky little shift move - so you Mrs can fuckity fuck off you knew exactly what he did - someone open the bar and pass the wine my piss is boiling now!!!!
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Vlog starts with sirens and a 911 call. Footage of the fire crew at the ‘crash’ site.

It’s 7 hours earlier. Lazy shows us her empty breakfast plate. She’s a “greedy get and scoffed it all down”. Cackle. She had a cinnamon and honey waffle. Creepstopher is making his way through a full English and has dropped half the beans on the table. Lazy got an extra plate of food for everyone to share. There’s a piece of cake on the plate that she’s put aside for herself.

The Inghams are getting ready to check out of the Levi Hotel and Spa. Creepstopher is in a can’t be bothered mood. Aurora woke them up every hour last night. Lazy thinks the wallpaper is therapeutic for insomniacs.

Lazy is in the bus with Aurora on her lap. She’s wearing a thin knitted cardigan. They’re going to have to revoke her name back to Aura Bella because they haven’t seen the Aurora Borealis this trip. Lazy almost swears at Aurora because she keeps leaning forward to look at the blanket. Aurora’s full name doesn’t come naturally to Lazy and Creepstopher cannot remember it. All the other kids’ names were decided on before they were born. They came up with Aurora early in the pregnancy but didn’t have a second name at all.

Driving. Funeral music. Sounds of a car crash, glass smashing and sirens. A clearly distressed Jace says “Mummy”. Creepstopher aggressively screeches at everyone to stop moving. “You MUST sit still".

Lazy films the snowy road ahead. They’re on the wrong side of the road and the bus is tilted into a ditch. Cackling. They’ve been there for 40 minutes and are calm. Lazy is concerned about the lighting changing as she films her ugly mug. They’re on the most derelict road you could ever imagine. It’s 150km long in total with no turn offs, exits or roundabouts. Smirking. They’re 60km from the end. Every time Lazy moves her arm it feels like the van is moving according to Creepstopher. He's made comments multiple times on this trip about how when your tyre hits a snowbank it drags you in. No explanation as to how you’re on the wrong side of the road though. The police have been called, as have the RAC as the Inghams have international cover. The closest police station is an hour away. Why are there no helicopters available to whisk such important British diplomats off to a 5* hotel? “I daren't move” Lazy giggles as she moves her arm to stroke her bowling ball head. They can’t get coats because they’re in the van and the door is submerged in snow. Aren’t the kids sitting in the back so one of them could get the coats!!

Very very lot grammatically incorrect note onscreen about the bus having snow above Lazy’s door level. The snow would be above head height if they were to stand in it. The problems with being iddy biddy… Aurora’s height and potentially Mila’s maybe but I would say everyone else is more than capable of standing in that snow without it reaching their heads.

Lazy claims the snow is almost up to her door, which she cannot open. She doesn’t know whether there’s anything underneath them. If they’re in compacted snow that’s not good. They’ve been advised to stay still. Lazy screeches at Creepstopher to stop moving but he says he’s putting more weight on his side. Maybe he should invite Lazy to sit on his lap. No one has called them but they have heating. Lazy feels sick when she looks out of the window although the nausea could be because of the baby she’s probably knocked up with so she can try and sue the NHS. She asks Aurora not to cry because she isn’t getting her out of the car seat. Smirking Lazy asks how this has happened. Every car driving past has stopped. Creepstopher leans out of the window and tells a driver the police are on the way. The lady who called the police spoke Finnish and had a pin with her exact location. Creepstopher called the police himself and asked for the fire brigade so they can stabilise the van. You’d be waiting six hours in the UK.

Lazy leans out of the door of the supposedly unstable on her side van to show us the snow is above the tyre. The fire brigade car arrives and advises the Inghams to stay in the van. Lazy giggles and points them out in the wing mirror. They’re awaiting a fire truck. Lazy ensures we hear Creepstopher reciting the accident for insurance scam purposes to the RAC. The fire brigade arrives. He tells them they’re on their way to Inari. They’re making a road block at either end of the road.

Lazy films her chins. She’s fed Aurora. The guy has dug up the front of the van and determined that it is not unstable. They weren’t sure if they can tow them out. Creepstopher has spoken to the fire chief and the Finnish Tow Truck coordinator. The snow is now waist deep instead of head height so global warming must be speeding up more than we thought. Quick! Get that clock changed to midnight. Creepstopher got out of the bus and the fire chief said they do these rescues multiple times a day.

One of the rescue crew asks to use the Inghams’ equipment to tow them out. Cackling. Creepstopher gives them the snow chains they need. It warmed up to -10° and then got colder so the snow has turned to ice. Snow lays above the ice and makes it dangerous. Creepstopher aggressively says the wind whipped a load of snow onto the other side of the road, narrowing it to one lane and it came out of nowhere. It sent them to the other side. He kept asking Lazy “what happened what happened?” He then said “the snow bank. It’s got us. It’s got us.” and drove into the ditch. He assured the fire chief he isn’t an inexperienced driver. Giggling. Crazy times.

An hour later Creepstopher is sat in the back of the fire car filming the bus. He seems nicely settled as he films the kids climbing out of the bus. The fire brigade are going to try and tow it out of the ditch themselves. Esmé gets into the car with barefoot Mila, who is wrapped in a blanket.

The fire officers attach chains and inspect the underside of the bus. The girls are giggling and messing about in the back of the car.

The night is getting worse and worse for poor Creepstopher. I bet he’s regretting his little insurance scam now. He probably thought the Finnish would wave a magic wand and immediately rescue the VIPs. The fire crew have tried to pull the bus out sideways with the snow chain on one of the rear wheels. It didn’t work. They tried to give the Inghams a number for a heavy duty tow truck and said they were leaving them. Creepstopher said they couldn’t leave them with the baby in-10°. Isla is playing on her phone and Isabelle just looks pissed off, giving him the occasional side eye. She’s probably a better driver than him, despite having never had a single one of her long ago promised driving lessons. It’s "dangerous as hell" to wild camp on the side of the road. Haven't they done that many times before though? Camera dies.

This is the most stressful days of the poor poor (maybe) pregnant wife’s life. She and Husband of the Year wrapped in their warm coats and snood but none of the kids have their coats. The fire crew have tried to pull the bus out from the back but it didn’t work. They’re trying to winch it out from the front and it has moved a little so they’re trying again. If they can’t they’ll leave the Inghams in the middle of nowhere for 7 hours until the other tow truck can help. Lazy and the kids may go with the fire crew to a city 50km away whilst Creepstopher stays until the big tow truck thing arrive from 326km away. The tow truck company (in Rovaniemi) has stopped responding to him on WhatsApp.

Creepstopher bleats on about how he really hopes this works. To be continued tomorrow.

End of vlog
“Submerged in snow” but the window is completely clear. It's basically wheel depth.

Car crash, YAYYYYY!!!!!!!
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Can you imagine how frightened his children were when Creepy ploughed into the side of the road. Sitting there afraid to move a muscle while he's wetting his tena ladies. Go home you emasculated mollusc. 🤡
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The picture of the new baby’s hat placed on Daves hand as he passed away has me so sad 😢 I’ve said it before but Dave was a genuine family guy who was a good laugh on his channel. Sending more prayers to his wife Sarah and all their young kids.
Sarah will be devastated they genuinely loved each other and new baby due today I believe x

Puts it into perspective a real heartbreaking tragedy here and the family have handled it extremely well . Then u have the inghams click baiting a fake crash for sympathy it’s disgusting 😡
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He has control of her account. He's leaving the comments. Esme can't spell
I don't think that is Chris, he uses full stops all the time. Mid sentence. Like this. Because he's more intelligent. Than anyone else.
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Creepy claiming in the comments that the kids who are scared of flies, trying new food, birthdays and their own shadow. Weren't scared being told to sat still in a 'truck' that may topple over any minute 🤣
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The emergency services in Scandinavia clearly needed Creepy’s extensive expertise to get the wagon out. He will be charging consultancy fees. Why didn’t he just dig them out himself. He usually digs himself a big hole no bother.
That really pissed me off, trying to say how great the fire rescue guys were but still giving sly underhand digs.

Those people were (well-trained) VOLUNTEERS and would've done their absolute best to help them as appropriate in the circumstances. To me it sounds like they went above and beyond, yet the ungrateful pricks questioned their skill and commitment.

I can't stand it when the Inghams try to make out that they know better than those who are employed to do a job (that they have never done themselves). They're so full of self-importance but pig ignorant.
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I’d put money on him having fallen asleep. She said they were up all night with Aurora. He only has a couple of hours a night sleep anyway. Driving down a long, straight, snow covered road makes you sleepy, then he didn’t know what happened. He‘s lucky he didn’t kill them all. If I was Sarah I’d be putting my foot down and telling him we needed to go home. I know he wont agree to that, and she won’t say it, but I’d be on the first flight out of there.

They’re both completely irresponsible and to think what could have happened, especially when half the kids aren’t even strapped in properly.
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Malcolm Conkers

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Ooh, Tattle getting to you Chris for those snide comments - guessing you’ve been having a good read through 🤣 Not sure why you’d personally mention as people will just go searching. His hate base extends a lot further than Tattle! Perhaps he needs to remind himself of his own family trolling people when all the stuff about him came out 😡

He’s definitely losing it - every negative comment now means they must be a tattler. He doesn’t realise they are simply people speaking common sense 🙄

Imagine admitting how tired you are but then planning to drive your family hours up a road in snow conditions. To then ask his wife what happened - although I do think this is all a set up. Why would the kids be unphased by it if it was as bad as he made out 🤥

What he said about holding Aurora as well, why would he not insist that Sarah take her to the car incase she woke up and go back for his kids? He’s no man.

If they were here in the UK right now,that would be getting passed onto authorities along with evidence of him claiming he can manage fine on just 4 hours a day. NOONE can safely drive on a few hours sleep, it’s pure luck that nothing has happened but when it does it could be catastrophic. They won’t be so lucky next time. View attachment 2794532View attachment 2794533View attachment 2794534View attachment 2794535View attachment 2794536
Someones forgotten they’re an infamous child sex pest!😂
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My hubby passed away from a bleed on the brain too, sending out positive thoughts to them all
Such a cruel thing!! So much love to you!!

I do love this tattle family. A lot of you know more than my real life friends. We share highs and lows together and genuinely all feel for each other. Best strangers everxxxxx
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Neck lace

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Three memories for this week's Memory Monday. The first was an absolute classic tattle moment (almost as classic as when Sarah accidentally ate a maggot which she hadn't spotted on her piece of salmon 😂) - when Katrina's partner Danny managed to threaten the daughter of Newcastle gangster, Stephen Sayers.

In November 2019, Stephen Sayers's daughter had sent an instagram message to Creepy and had also put up a tweet relating to Creepy. Creepy showed Danny the message and then instructed Danny to message the lady from a false account. Neither Creepy nor Danny realised that the lady Danny was threatening was the daughter of a well known gangster 😂. Danny told the lady that he had seen the abusive message that she had sent Creepy and that she should apologise. He went on to say "don't ignore me silly little girl". Danny then told the lady to delete the tweet that she had posted about Creepy. He said that he knew where she lived, that she had four children and a "poor dead son" and that if she didn't do as he asked, he would be contacting her father in a "not nice way". When the lady asked him if he knew who her father was, Danny replied 'Steven Sayers'. He spelt his name wrong and clearly didn't know who he was. When the lady told him to google who her dad was, Danny immediately stopped replying 😂😂.

Tattlers were pretty sure that it was Creepy or Jane who behind the false account. However, shortly after the conversation had taken place, a supporter of Creepy's victims had a conversation with Katrina. Katrina ended up admitting that it was Danny who had been behind the account and that she would message the lady and apologise.

The second memory is from December 2019, when Creepy replied to a comment asking him if he was ever going to talk about what he did. Creepy said that he wasn't going to because he hadn't done anything wrong. What everyone knew however was that if his victims had been lying, Creepy would have taken legal action against them, the newspapers and the Sussex police who said that he did indeed send inappropriate messages.

The third memory, again from December 2019, is when Nikki posted a direct message to Sarah on her instagram stories....


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He’ll look great in the sauna with ginger body hair and black shoe polish dyed hair.
No way will creepy enter the showers or sauna
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Malcolm Conkers

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‘Clever marketer‘ and master-of-his-craft, Creepy has made a novice error in not uploading Part 2 tonight. I reckon his views would have been at least 30% higher, just from tempted Tattlers unable to maintain discipline, which, to put it in perspective, would mean he’s wasted roughly a waffle’s worth of potential ad income. Not to be sniffed at when you’re in the kind of jam Ingham Family Ltd have put themselves.

Remember, Creepy - it’s only the dust that keeps you from bust.
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Malcolm Conkers

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[QUOTE'="Maria1, post: 18568333, member: 6977"]
Re: The pictures of Chris in the pool. Which legend on here described his hairstyle as a squid clinging to a boiled egg? :ROFLMAO:
That was no legend, just me, and it was an octopus falling off the back of an egg.

I love it when he has to take his hat off - anyone else see someone’s thrown a lobster at Duncan Goodhew?
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Chatty Member
So we have a father who likes to think he's aggressively masculine and teaching Jace that he's the boss of women and a mother who is feminising psychological problems looming in the future, then?
Couple that with his spiteful nature and neglected looks and you have a whole psychology conference.
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I love the way that they tried to make out it was the site owner's weird idea that they should revisit the old cabin they stayed in last time. As if they'd want somebody going in to poke around and mess it up after it had been prepared for another guest.

Sorry but they are actual freaks, yearning to revisit the toilet where she was supposedly so sick and actually thinking that other people would want to see it and hear about it as well! Sorry to be so vulgar but this trip has largely been a tour of places where they've previously shat, pissed and puked. We've not returned to the crime scene where Creepy chucked the pissy test stick on the dining table but we've been treated to so many other toilet highlights. I can't imagine why this quality content doesn't yield more views. 🙄

Also, on a far more serious note, Creepy referred to Lazy as having PTSD due to their last trip. I'm no expert but surely adverse life experiences and bad memories can simply be just that - ie things which we look back on and don't necessarily feel too good about or uplifted by, but they don't necessarily have a significant lasting impact or require any treatment or 'working through'.

Yeah, Morning Sickness is rough and travelling at that time would've been awful but she clearly didn't have HG so I feel that the PTSD claim is a stretch. Has this PTSD diagnosis been made by a qualified medical professional whose name is not Dr Christopher Ingham?

It has to be said - his ignorant comment is highly offensive to people who have genuinely suffered PTSD and can't just snap out of it by returning to the scene for a 2 minute tour, to "make new memories" and skip away all better.

It's not the first time that Chris has made this kind of flippant comment, trivialising mental health conditions, most notably like when he said that he cured his "dickhead thoughts" by basically snapping out of them and also his claims of OCD despite evidence to the contrary.

As a so-called influencer, it's dangerous for him to trivialise conditions and illnesses which require proper treatment for serious, debilitating symptoms. He's an ignorant fool who shouldn’t chuck about such bold claims when some of his viewers will be genuinely struggling with such issues which deserve more respect.

The Inghams' constant over-egging of every aspect of their lives, over-dramatising everything to the nth degree is actually quite exhausting to follow and just comes across as tiresome, pathetic and desperate.
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