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Chatty Member
The huge bank of snow came up too quickly for him to avoid?

Wow, that snow bank must have been moving at a pace!
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When I have a bit of time coming up to do things for myself I try and do a batch of complaints to this lots loser sponsors, you tube and the wonderful services unwittingly helping out eff heads like this family.
Does anyone have an idea of the lovely volunteers who had to deal with this set up? So I can send them a donation and tell them to make sure Mr 10k a day is fined for fraudulently calling them out.
From the LA811 identification labelling on their truck, the specific crew is confirmed as the Inari branch of the VPK - the volunteer fire dept.

The Inarin VPK FB page has a link to their branch email or obviously you can contact them via FB messages. They also link to their Instagram, if you'd prefer.

I don't know how to contact the main HQ of this national VPK organisation but the local branch should hopefully be happy to help.

I'm not sure about the "crash" being a set-up stunt but regardless of how it happened, it wasn't right for the Inghams to milk the situation, adding overly dramatic sound effects, hyping it up and purposely creating a cliffhanger ending to leave their fans concerned, manipulating the whole thing and using it as entertainment for generating cash when these rescue guys do such a serious job, for free, and wintery conditions do claim lives. The whole thing was in poor taste and wasn't done to raise awareness or highlight the VPK's good work. If I was them I'd be pissed off at being filmed at work, to line the pockets of a notorious shitbag, especially with their poor track record with safety (baby on the beach and Loch Lomond incidents, both as reported in the papers).

I've seen that the Inarin VPK sell t-shirt & snood sets to raise funds. Maybe Creepy could arrange to upgrade his stinking, crusty, bacteria-laden snood and kit out his family, in support of the "incredible" guys who would've been on-call and dropped everything to come to their rescue. Better still, for once he could just give a generous donation and ask for absolutely nothing in return. (As if!)

The Inghams should take time to reflect on the concept of voluntary work and charity, in relation to how they live their own lives.

I'm reminded of Isla and how I'm sure that she'd love to be properly, fully, regularly involved with the local Guides, which would introduce her to the idea of community spirit and helping others.

The Finnish VPK has a youth branch for kids aged 8-16 yrs old, like a cadet program I guess. Then from 16+ they can join the main voluntary service, like Creepy's strapping knights in shining armour, training and responding to raised alarms.

None of the Inghams seem to be contributing to their community at all, completely shut off and only serving themselves, yet they'll happily take resource if they need it. Lazy joined her local litter-picking group on FB group, didn't she? I'd love to know what she's actually done to help them....or anyone.

Personally, I could probably do a bit more, in all honesty (and will use this latest shitshow as a reminder of that), but imagine being set-for-life and so time rich too, living outside "The Matrix" with so many opportunities to use your platform to raise awareness and promote good....but in reality doing nothing, even when prompted by what should've been a major wake-up call and "what if" kind of incident. That guy who confused them with Ingham Holidays was actually spot on when he accused the Ingham Family of being all take, take, take!
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Part of Jace’s physical poor behaviour is likely due to been taught two very different ideologies. He’s not been treated as a little boy and nor does he have suitable male peers or role models to learn from to let him get rid of his energy in a constructive manner. Had he been in a sports or martial arts club then his aggression would be honed in a way allowing him to express it without violence to his siblings. He’d actually benefit from been around Katrina’s boys in a way as they’d likely be more than willing to give him the same actions back. At least show him some people will react.
Unless there are some drastic changes that little boy is only going to grow up to be a sexual deviant like his dad. The only thing they’ve succeeded in teaching him is that he can touch his little sisters without their consent and that he can get away with anything. I feel harsh saying this but it’s true.
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Chatty Member
100% sure that Sarah would favour any man over her children. To do otherwise would mean moving her arse and finding work or actually doing anything apart from sleeping or eating.
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Lazy is deluded, issy has been used in their thumb nail two days in a row and they complain they pay her phone bill! How can issy get a job and support herself when they drag her away for months on end and have groomed her into being social awkward and dependent, makes me so angry
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Sirens. Recap of yesterday. Thoughts and prayers to the brave soul who has to sit in the driver’s seat of the bus whilst it’s pulled out of the ditch. His face is initially blurred but in the next clip Creepstopher decides that's no longer necessary.

Creepstopher hides behind the rear of the bus and exclaims “wow” at the snow where the bus was. It’s now out of the ditch. They’re lucky it was pure snow and nothing solid. The single track on the snow is terrible.

Lazy lies about where the snow was up to on the bus. The wheels are shiny. Cackle. The fireman advised them to stay in this town tonight as the next road on is extremely/exponentially/extraordinarily bad. They’re stopping for pizza and are setting off tomorrow. There isn’t a scratch on the bus and the only thing they need to replace is the sticky pads that hold the number plate on. That’s why they’re celebrating with another dinner out. No thought to the human lives that could've potentially been lost due to Creepstopher's stupidity then. There is no reason for them to be on this trip other than for his ego.

Lazy needs to do a rundown of what happened today whilst Isabelle deals with a crying Aurora. They were driving down a road with big snow banks on the side of the road. It's 150km of straight road. Aurora was asleep. Suddenly the road got extremely narrow and turned from a two lanes into a one lane really quickly. They could see miles ahead. They pulled over into the next lane and the snow bank automatically sucked their tyres and pulled them in. Creepstopher says it’s a straight road with corners. Is it straight or not? Not that I'd expect him top know the definition of 'straight' as he certainly is not. The snow bank was after a long sweeping corner. They were doing 38mph on the 60mph road. 50mph is doable. The snow bank grabbed hold of a rear tyre as Creepstopher changed lane. He prayed they wouldn’t roll. They started sinking. Lazy begged the van not to roll. Then Lazy woke up from her dream...

A lady pulled over and offered help before they had a chance to call anyone. They weren’t in 999 danger but the equivalent to 111. Creepstopher corrects Lazy to 101. They called breakdown. They have recovery and accident cover for Europe. The insurance company liaised with the Finnish fire crew. Everyone in the town is in the restaurant watching superstar Lazy vlog. The world is full of ifam and yet their 1.3 million subscriber count hasn’t gone up in 6 years; must be an error on YouTube's part. She isn’t going to say the crew were wrong but they didn’t want to use the tow bar at the rear. The bus and fire engine were parallels to each other. The cabs were in line. They wanted to use the “wench” on the front. Creepstopher corrects Lazy to “winch”.

Lazy re-enacts the Great Ingham Bus Rescue 2024 using phones. She’d have assumed someone would’ve been driving whilst they winched it out with the back tow bar. They didn’t go with Lazy’s plan. Instead they put the chain on the back tyre and tried to winch them out without anyone driving. The bus made a dodgy noise. It didn’t work. Creepstopher strokes Lazy’s back. The fire crew said they were leaving as they couldn’t help and gave the Inghams a number for a tow company. It would’ve taken 7 hours and Creepstopher wasn’t happy. He’d have had to leave the engine on for the headlights. He told them attach the chain to the winch point at the front. They attached it, Creepstopher took the handbrake off for them and (cut out the long story of a waffling Lazy) they pulled it out. The fire crew called a snowplough to clear the road.

The RAC woman phoned Creepstopher and said they’d found a tow truck three hours away. The RAC were going to cover the cost but they didn’t need it in the end. He feels fricking lucky because everyone is ok and there isn’t a mark on the bus. It needs a bath because one side is filthy and the other clean.

Lazy rants about how Creepstopher isn’t a bad driver. He’s driven all over the world and been absolutely fine. Or just lucky, like how he’s been lucky not to have been arrested for being the nonce we all know he is. They confirmed it was the weather’s fault. Time for food.

Lazy stands Aurora up on the table. Creepstopher aggressively asks Aurora what she’s doing. She’s gripping on to Lazy’s thumb. Lazy stands her up again and says she isn’t holding her hands as Aurora grips on to both of her thumbs. Creepstopher “the last one had broken hips. This one’s got super hips”. Mila never put weight on her legs as a baby but Aurora is the opposite.

Creepstopher opens the van door and turns the awning light on. The snow has wiped the dirt off the van. There’s 0 damage and the fire crew had a good look under the van. He’s more concerned about the wheels looking like they’ve been polished by a professional valeting company than he is about his family being safe. He was worried about his under neons but they’re working all good. There’s a lot of frozen snow jammed in the step. He knows the bus head to toe and he’s inspected it. He’s very grateful for the emergency services saving his precious bus. I hope he forgets to put the handbrake on one day and he get out, walks in front of it and it squashed him flat. The emergency service guys were very funny and cool. They’re in Inari. He’s grateful that they’re not in a hotel room crying because the bus is written off and they have to fly home.

They’re back into Norway on the last leg of the trip tomorrow and there’s lots to come.

End of vlog
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Iconic Member
Why the fuck am I still watching this…..why are they obsessed with the fact you need to shower naked, i know they’re not familiar with personal hygiene in general but seriously is it worthy of a mention, not once but twice.

Isabelle is on her period/the phone/tired so stayed back to look after aurora.

glad we have an update almost daily on why Isabelle seems to be the only mother to that child. Hopefully they brought her back a waffle - the baby obviously not Isabelle.
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Let’s Science with Sarah!

“the weather conditions have warmed up a little bit which made the snow melt and turn to ice”

Now off you go in your groups and practice that.
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He has commented that he was sitting in the fire follow car because Sarah had handed him Aurora so she could get out. Then he went to the car on her instruction to take care of Aurora.

and then I spotted theese two beauties
‘Dusty little website ‘ has more engagement than his videos ever will
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Went on TikTok earlier (not really familiar with it) and stumbled across some of the many videos made about the Inghams so slipped down a rabbit hole. I’ve seen this one before but would have been ages ago - Chris and Esme coming away from a swimming pool and Chris moaning about being unable to use a GoPro for underwater shots.

I cannot believe that he said that he feels the child protection measures we have in the UK are too high and he doesn't agree with them - the sick f**ker 😡 Proof right there he’s a wrong ‘un if he thinks it’s ok for grown men to film children in swimwear under water and whatever else it is he has gripes about when it comes to protecting children in our country 🤢
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It would make what he says more believable if they were actually getting out there and fully exploring the locations they visit but they aren’t! They aren’t travelling with passion, they are running away from the reality of life and doing a poor job of that as well.

The only person passionate about doing what they do is Chris and possibly Sarah if he’s brainwashed her with some nonsense and probably a big bribe she can buy what she likes when they return home.

I don’t believe for a second those kids are happy, especially the eldest two. Who would be happy being in a van for days on end with no sanitation, no privacy, relying on pit stop toilet facilities because their father won’t put his hands in his pockets and book campsites all the way along. The only time they look happier is when they’ve checked into a hotel. The only time Esme is uploading TikTok’s atm is when they’ve stayed at alternative accommodation to the van. Nothing on her insta since they went skiing. No chance that they wouldn’t prefer to be in Florida or another sunny all inclusive destination with theme parks, water parks and the rest.

The insults he throws out will continue to lose him subs and followers. I bet this person was considered a troll when he read that response when the reality is that is a normal follower who he’s gone and insulted.
Not sure about Borabelle. I think she likes being away as it's an excuse as to why she can't get a job. She can lie around all cosy in the van drinking as many cups of teas as she likes. She's on holiday. But doing that at home she's reminded she is nothing more than an unemployed dosser. With no friends
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Chatty Member
If they are worried the hotel will be checking the vlog, they’ve already been informed of his behaviours. If they think others will find their vlog and think it provided a good over view of the hotel, they’d switch off quite quickly as well. You only have to google the family name for everything to come up - what he has done will continue to haunt them all forever.
They have to travel to the ends of the earth now to scavenge any freebies.
It must take hours and hours of emailing and searching every day just to get a night free somwhere that normal people would think was insane to go so far for. I would love to know what the email says to these businesses and how they present themselves. They are such con artists it would probably be complete lies.
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The fact that they published the picture is fucking appalling. Monetising your grief - yes how incredibly family oriented.
I've been in Sarah R position when my husband died in 2020 leaving me and my large family ( not as big as the Ravenscrofts) My youngest baby was 9mths so I can't imagine how it feels for Sarah to lose her husband the week she's due to be induced!
I think the picture was OK, it was just his arm and the baby hat. Her mind will just be in so much turmoil that they shouldn't be judged for any of their actions. I don't remember much about the first weeks , it may be her daughter posting for her.
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They really have outdone themselves with this vlog.!! Who in their right minds records them self nearly tipping over, and the dramatic start to the video with the 911 call they really, don’t give a crap about their kids my first thought wouldn’t be to get my phone out or the camera, they really are deluded, and just shows that they will put the vlog before their children.! What exactly are they running away from a big six bedroom house and they don’t spend any time in it do they still even have it? Has that new baby ever spent any time in the home Do the older kids ever do school work what happened to Isabella going to college? Wouldn’t they have to do some sort of schooling I find the family very weird in the future. Some dirty little secret will come out about these people.
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I'm going over this in my head and wondering what she would ever do in such a scenario. Think she'll just brush it off to be honest. She doesn't care.
When you think about the fact that she supported her brother (after he was imprisoned for his inappropriate behaviour with a minor), not to mention the way that she's defended, and stayed with, her disgusting pig of a husband, you've got to wonder how bothered she'd be if her kids ever came to her with an account of a similar nature.

The fact that we're even doubting her ability to recognise such abuse and/or respond appropriately is troubling.

At the very least, we know that she doesn't care enough to listen to her children or take cues from observing their behaviour, so she's quite unlikely to pick up on things and join the dots or read between the lines. She's just not interested enough in those children to pay them sufficient attention.

Even when viewers point things out to her, out of concern, she still seems to ignore them, so her apathy and selfish laziness is the main problem. She can't use her lack of observational skills and/or intelligence to excuse her negligence.

If one of her children actually told her that something terrible had occurred and it was all spelled out to her and shoved right in her face, then would she care enough to do anything about it? I honestly don't know.

I think perhaps she wouldn't want the trouble of acknowledging it unless it somehow benefitted HER, in which case she'd probably get up on her high horse, attempting to play the role of the caring mother but turning it into a big drama for some kind of gain, probably financial, with no thought for the child and their suffering.
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Are they for real with this clickbate? I doubt anything would happen but she's an adult, wouldn't insinuating she beat up a child cause trouble legally? You don't see "mum beat up kid" titles do you!
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That title really helps Isabelle in her 'influencer' career.

Get help, Chris. Fascinating to watch but he's not playing with a full deck.
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Big frank

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As if she’s trying to excuse what she said as sister banter. It was a sneaky, snide comment plain as day! The fact she said in one of her own TikTok’s that it wasn’t a nice thing to say as Isla reads the comments, why on earth would she then go on to call her that herself as banter 😡 That’s the problem with social media and something those children need a hard lesson on - these things stick with you forever.

It’s taken her 2 days to come up with a reason and she played ignorant until someone shared the vlog title of where she was filmed saying what she did! I wonder if she said anything to Chris and Sarah about why it remained in the edited vlog footage?

View attachment 2796406
something esme doesn't understand is the use of punctuation.

She is a carbon copy of her father. Horrible kid!
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He obviously didn't get the memo telling him he's a ginger man from Leeds and not the top gangster he thinks he is.
I'm as far removed from gang life as you can be but even I know that Top G's don't wear snoods.
But the character he's emulating at the time says he's from the ghetto so it must be true

We get the same ones he has from Decathlon for about £6.99. Great for cycling in the cold.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 14.26.41.png
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