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Does that deluded imbecile of a woman really believe that people are staring because they think she has 6 girls? No, you stupid woman it's because you all shout and scream, you are all soapy and you are all scruffy.
The bloody noise they make in the corridors and no doubt the rooms must muster up complaints, surely. That's one hotel off my holiday list!
Oh and I can't believe (well actually can) that lazy told all and sundry that Izzy was on her period, fgs, absolutely no privacy!!
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When my baby grandson was a couple of weeks old, my son went through a massive pothole and popped 2 tyres. It was -2, 7pm and the RAC said although he was priority they’d be 4-5hrs. We’d all been at my in-laws and we‘re going home in opposite directions so we obviously turned round and went to them. My daughter in law was distraught, sobbing her heart out. My husband and I drove her and the baby 2 hours to meet her mum and dad so they could continue the journey home and it meant the baby could get out of his seat and have a feed.

Obviously it made it a very long night for all of us, but none of us told anyone that they couldn’t possibly leave us stranded. We accepted that they were busy and between us worked it out. My elder son even offered to drive an hour and a half down to sit with his brother while he waited to be towed, but my youngest said he’d be fine.

The problem Creepy has is he thinks he’s invincible so doesn’t prepare for an emergency or something out of the ordinary. He, also, has a massive sense of entitlement so expects everything to be done in double quick time. He’s had no problems driving that van round with no running water and no toilet facilities for weeks, but when he has an accident due to his own stupidity and might have to wait for a while to get sorted, that‘s a step too far for him and he won’t stand for it. I’m surprised he didn’t tell the police and the fire crew that he‘s the famous Mr Ingram so his van needed getting out of that huge snow bank “right now”.

He needs to have a sit and reflect after this because if he breaks down or has an accident in the UK he will be sitting on the side of the road, with his formidable wife and 6 kids, for hours on end, because they have literally no one to come to rescue them while one of them stays with the vehicle. I’d drive miles to get to my loved ones in that situation, but when you‘ve isolated your family from everyone like he has, you’re going to be spending 6 hours waiting on a tow truck.
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Lazy gasps. Aurora has a new rattle toy. It’s 1pm. She turns the camera around to face her bowling ball head. Jace hovers over Aurora in the background, waving the rattle he’s now taken off her around. Breakfast was at 9am and it was ok. They had waffles and it made Lazy's breakfast. Aurora starts crying and Jace quickly moves away. “I didn’t do anything”. The waffles were make your own and Lazy had honey on them. Esmé had waffles with bacon, egg and syrup. Jace and Mila had waffles and watermelon. They brought a bowl of cookies back to the room. Creepstopher has gone to get himself properly ready.

Screechy Jace runs down the hotel corridor. Everyone was staring at the Inghams at breakfast. A 60 year old woman asked if Aurora was a boy and whether Lazy wanted a boy. Lazy said she has a boy and pointed to Jace. The lady said something to the rest of her table in Finnish and everyone said “oh”. Lazy was terrified about having a boy before she had Jace.

Jace pushes past Isabelle and Isla to get out of the lift. Esmé starts talking at a million miles an hour about something Isabelle supposedly did. I can’t understand her. It’s the ‘I did something wrong and want to twist the situation in my favour’ panic voice. Something about her and Isabelle taking photos of each other and Esmé chasing Isabelle around the room. Isabelle says she pretended to use the flash take a photo of her. Esmé then took a photo of her. Isabelle tried running after her but Esmé Big Bully pinned her down and went through her phone. Isla grabbed Isabelle as well. Esmé threw Isabelle’s phone to Isla so they both jumped on her.

Mila has just told everyone she loves them - off camera of course. Time to head up to the recreational area. You don’t have to stay at the hotel to access it or Water World. Isabelle plays on the Xbox. Lazy makes a comment about Isabelle being an adult but having the privileges of a child. She’ll always be her baby.

Swimming. Funeral music. It’s -5°C. Jace is learning to snorkel and becoming very confident. He says he saw Creepstopher’s toes. Probably the bunions too. Creepstopher tells Mila “don’t eat the water”.

Creepstopher is in search of the cold splash pool. He hasn’t done Arctic dunking on this trip yet. He then wants to get in the jacuzzi. Lots of screeching about the water jets. Water slides.

Drying Mila’s hair. Lazy reminds us it’s compulsory to shower naked and be naked in the sauna. There’s no changing rooms, just locker rooms. There’s nothing for women to be ashamed of with our bodies. She understands why people would be uncomfortable but doesn’t care. It’s not a good time of the month for Isabelle to go swimming. She either went back to reception or the room and offered to take Aurora.

Aurora tries to eat Esmé’s chin. Creepstopher had fun in the spa. They’ve chilled in the room for a couple of hours and it was so nammy. It’s their last night in Levi so they’ve come to check out the beautiful town. Mila has been so cute with Aurora today, saying “I love you Aulola. I love you so much. You’re my best friend, and Jacey boy is my best friend, but you’re my best friend and I love you.” Lazy got some of it on camera. No footage of this. Mila is the sweetest little girl Creepstopher has known in his entire life. Lazy lay in bed last night thinking about how Mila wanders around in her own little world, and looks up to Jace and the girls. She’s happy go lucky, carefree and adventurous. Her heart broke for how cute she is. Lazy had a chat with the older girls this morning.

Funeral music and footage of Levi. Jace finds a massive stick, probably to thump Mila or Aurora with. Lazy waddles through town.

Last night Creepstopher got a notification on his Aurora app at 1:30am. 10 minutes later he got a notification saying people had seen it in the area. He ran to the window but couldn’t see anything with his naked eye or with his phone. He could see it on the Levi webcam. He had promised he’d wake the girls up so ran down the corridor and banged on the door. They went outside but didn’t see anything other than cloud. The weather is favourable for their next destination on the way home.

The days are whizzing by. Jace and Mila gone to the girls’ room so Creepstopher has gone to get them. They’re leaving Levi tomorrow. It’s a gorgeous place to come. Lazy enjoyed wandering around a little snow town tonight. It was a wonderful vibe. There was so many shops, restaurants, bars and takeaways. The trip isn’t over yet and they need to get back on the road.

End of vlog
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Princess 6

Chatty Member
Bit off topic so sorry but I've just been told that Dave Ravenscroft of the R Family (enemies/besties of the Inghams/inspiration behind Aurora's name) is in a coma following a bleed on the brain. His wife is due to give birth anytime.
Just read they are switching the life support of tomorrow , so sad never meeting his new daughter, Sarah was due to be induced today or tomorrow 💔

sorry this is of topic
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Chris is the type of person that if in a really dangerous emergency situation he would just get himself to safety and leave anyone else. It's absolutely disgusting that he would sit and film them rather than help them get out, especially given the number of younger children needing help to get out. Not to mention if they had a genuine "crash" and then listened to their parents talking about not moving because the van might roll, they would be scared at what's happening.

Actual strangers would stop to help but Chris won't help his own family, it shows that if that's how much he cares about his own then no wonder he treats everyone else terribly. What an absolute embarrassment.
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Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this what they do most nights anyway?
What's the difference between being stuck at the side of a road and all the wild camping they claim to do?

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Earlier read some comments on the vlog saying SS should be involved and irresponsible he is
I see they have now been removed ,probably in case anyone from rescue service/ insurance starts browsing. What a clown
They need to be pulled up on their actions. 3 of the 6 kids are not secured in that van. He’s using the Joie seats against the fitting instructions of those seats and Aurora has a makeshift strap arrangement when there is a perfectly suitable seat where Sarah is sat that would secure her seat in properly 😡 The Finnish laws state the seats that are used for children must be fitted according to manufacturer instructions as well.
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Any theories on Katrina's laughing emojis in the comments 🤷
Katrina has probably had to listen to them brag for years now. About their amazing holidays, big house, the amount of money they earn, how she's a brokie stuck in the matrix. It's about time she got to laugh at their misfortune.
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Mines is June, I’ll make sure you all have plenty of notice for presents 😉 xx
I already have your gift in my shopping cart, would you prefer to be called a "G" or "Drop that towel" message for you special day?

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10-46-50 Personalised Video Message The IFAM Store.png
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So your donut was gingery was it creepy, just like yourself underneath your Just For Men 😂🤡
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She thinks she would love to get approached in public because it would make great content, but having had it happen to me when my son was an infant, I can tell you that it is terrifying. It crushed my confidence and made me scared to go anywhere with my baby for months. No amount of youtube money is worth that feeling.
I'm sorry that happened to you. It sounds very upsetting.

Just to clarify re my earlier comment, it's not the fact that she was breastfeeding in public that offends me, per se, it's the way that she goes about it.

She's deliberately being provocative and courting controversy, not flying the flag or normalising it. I feel that she's being defiant and using what would ordinarily just be a 'normal', natural, routine activity which happens without fuss, to say "Look at me, (phoney) Earth Mother, feeding my baby whenever and wherever the hell I like!"

Yes, BF can be a wonderful thing, but I feel that she does more harm than good by shoving it in people's faces instead of just getting on with it discreetly, especially in a busy place surrounded by strangers. By all means celebrate it, but I just don't feel like a communal spa or swimming pool or jacuzzi is the place to be posing for photos of a mother breastfeeding her baby. Sorry if that offends anyone.
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Chatty Member
My take aways from the vlog

- Mila’s car seat shaking around everytime the kid moved. Clearly not strapped in properly and super unsafe.

- Poor Isabelle. On her period and as they said in an earlier vlog, they can only have 20 second showers to “wash down.” She should be showering minimum once if not twice a day during that time of the month, then forced to sit in the van and then the rescue car for hours with no bathroom. I’m sorry but you need to be changing your hygiene products regularly 😩🤢

- Chris making sure he was warm and safe before the kids. If Sarah gave him Aurora whilest she got out he should’ve then gave her back once she was out and then told her to get in the car whilest he helped the other kids.

- All the kids falling asleep in the back of the rescue car whilest Chris sulks that he will be left behind waiting for a tow truck. Why not tell them to take your kids and wife to a hotel hours ago. Instead of making everyone wait in the car all day because YOU didn’t want to be left alone waiting for a tow.
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