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Do they know they could go up a ski lift, get food, and go back down a ski lift, in Scotland??? Don’t need to go all the way to Finland for that.
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He incriminates himself, on camera, so often and then seems to forget that we've all seen and heard him.

Glad he thinks it's funny though, the idea of somebody falling asleep at the wheel. The man is an absolute weapon.

“I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel here”

I can safely say “I have never fallen asleep at the wheel” I wouldn’t add “here” as it implies you have in the past you cockwomble
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Chatty Member
Why the hell did he have a clip at the start of an American emergency services call? Oh yeah, it's the country that he's obsessed with, but can't go to, so he just pretends sometimes.

I look forward to them going out and buying 3 new car seats in the next vlog, since a car seat needs to be replaced after any (no matter how minor) collisions.
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The huge bank of snow came up too quickly for him to avoid?

Wow, that snow bank must have been moving at a pace!
What I don’t understand if he’s driving on the right hand side of the road how the fuck have they fallen down in a ditch on the left side of the road!!

Lazy showing clearly that Aurora has no proper seat belt, no isofix base (no support leg) handle up in the wrong position should be against the seat in front!!

Look how happy she is!! Trapped in a ditch with 6 kids laughing and smiling!! Money is all she can think about!! How many views they can get for this!!



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Joris Bobson

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I love the way that they tried to make out it was the site owner's weird idea that they should revisit the old cabin they stayed in last time. As if they'd want somebody going in to poke around and mess it up after it had been prepared for another guest.

Sorry but they are actual freaks, yearning to revisit the toilet where she was supposedly so sick and actually thinking that other people would want to see it and hear about it as well! Sorry to be so vulgar but this trip has largely been a tour of places where they've previously shat, pissed and puked. We've not returned to the crime scene where Creepy chucked the pissy test stick on the dining table but we've been treated to so many other toilet highlights. I can't imagine why this quality content doesn't yield more views. 🙄

Also, on a far more serious note, Creepy referred to Lazy as having PTSD due to their last trip. I'm no expert but surely adverse life experiences and bad memories can simply be just that - ie things which we look back on and don't necessarily feel too good about or uplifted by, but they don't necessarily have a significant lasting impact or require any treatment or 'working through'.

Yeah, Morning Sickness is rough and travelling at that time would've been awful but she clearly didn't have HG so I feel that the PTSD claim is a stretch. Has this PTSD diagnosis been made by a qualified medical professional whose name is not Dr Christopher Ingham?

It has to be said - his ignorant comment is highly offensive to people who have genuinely suffered PTSD and can't just snap out of it by returning to the scene for a 2 minute tour, to "make new memories" and skip away all better.

It's not the first time that Chris has made this kind of flippant comment, trivialising mental health conditions, most notably like when he said that he cured his "dickhead thoughts" by basically snapping out of them and also his claims of OCD despite evidence to the contrary.

As a so-called influencer, it's dangerous for him to trivialise conditions and illnesses which require proper treatment for serious, debilitating symptoms. He's an ignorant fool who shouldn’t chuck about such bold claims when some of his viewers will be genuinely struggling with such issues which deserve more respect.

The Inghams' constant over-egging of every aspect of their lives, over-dramatising everything to the nth degree is actually quite exhausting to follow and just comes across as tiresome, pathetic and desperate.
PTSD? Stupid stupid man. I have ptsd. I witnessed my husband collapse with a cardiac arrest. Not fucking about in a snowy town with morning sickness.

(hubby luckily survived albeit with a brain injury)
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Active member
Fgs they really need to give it up now.

They are earning less than minimum wage per adult in a job.

The lack of money, being cooped in a tiny space, driving miles daily to park up free of charge, no privacy, no hygiene, poor cheap carb heavy to fill their stomachs.

Go home you bunch of brokies, try and salvage your children’s future, get medical appointments sorted, get hair cuts, enrol into school and nursery.

No one is jealous of you, the haters and trolls are seeing the harm you’re doing.
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Drone. Lazy says it's windy. Must be the dodgy cooking from last night. They’re making an extravagant trek up a mountain for waffles. They’re jumping on the Pyhä “poo-ha’ Express to the top of a mountain. So not a trek. Creepstopher has told her how to pronounce it eight different ways. There are spectacular sights to be seen at the top of the mountain e.g. the waffle house.

The girls get on a ski lift together. Lazy, Creepstopher and the other kids get on the other lift. Jace sits next to Lazy. Mila is sat next to Creepstopher, who is holding Aurora. There really isn’t anything stopping Mila falling off apart from a dodgy metal bar. The sperm donor doesn't seem interested. Woohooing. Jace screeching. Lazy has a belly belly. Music.

Shots of the skiers. Creepstopher is impressed. Waddling to the waffle house.

Lazy orders some soups to try. It’s traditional salmon and reindeer soups. The girls liked the cooked reindeer last year. Isabelle doesn’t like the idea of eating Rudolph. It comes with heart shaped bread. Mila likes the salmon soup. Jace is sad to be eating a reindeer. There are two bowls of soup for everyone to share. Lazy says they’re ginormous bowls.

Lazy didn’t enjoy the ski lift ride. Moaning about the 16€ a bowl soup. It was windy on the way up. Aurora didn’t like being in the sling so Creepstopher held her. He didn’t feel comfortable passing her to Lazy. Aurora didn’t love facing Creepstopher. The views were spectacular. There is a viewing platform at the top of the mountain and a walking trail down the mountain. They’re getting the ski lift down due to laziness the wind. The resort is famous for its waffles. Mila says the reindeer soup is scary. Lazy has ordered three waffles and two big doughnuts as they look huge on the board. She isn’t sure why the fruit is on top.

Shots of the soups before they were eaten. Creepstopher liked the doughnuts. They're very ginger much like himself. The waffles have arrived. The berries on the waffles are a jam. Lazy is very burpy today. Aurora will probably scream from being stuck inside her coat. It must be a punishment in an old medieval torture book. Creepstopher says people must hate them because of their baby voices. Lazy tells those people to unsubscribe. Goodbye remaining 5 viewers.

Creepstopher films the mad view. Viewing platform. Ski lift. He tries to stop Mila wandering off. Isabelle says “love you” as she and the girls depart. Lazy sits next to Jace on the way down with Aurora in the sling. Mila sits next to Creepstopher but he’s busy filming. Jace and Mila sit forwards over the safety bar. Woohooing. He doesn’t care about his kids, only the vlog content. Funeral music. Drone.

Creepstopher and Jace are in Lidl with Lazy and Isla. He has a mini trolley. They’ve picked up chocolate bunnies. Jace says one is for Izzy but Christine says she doesn’t like chocolate. The other bunny is for Mila. Lazy asks him whether he wants the pink or blue. Why not let Mila choose for once? Jace is determined that Mila is not having one of the chocolate bunnies and tries to offer one to Isla. Lazy says Isla can get her own. Jace chooses blue. Creepstopher is surprised and insists that Jace likes pink.

Lazy wants to buy a waffle maker. It’s £130. There’s one on sale in the shop for 39.99€. Lazy asked "the woman" if the price was correct but it’s 29.99€. The trolley is full of crap as they leave the shop.

Jace does some homeschooling. As someone has already pointed out, he has no idea how to hold a pen. His hair has been braided. They pay more attention to what hairstyle he has than his education. Bedtime.

End of vlog

The 'ginormous' bowls in comparison to human size. That soup looks gross.

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Chatty Member
They mention baby things to get everyone talking the 2 of them are weirdos

They must be raging their family are irrelevant and no one cares about them
She defo did a preg test when the two of them were in that weird wooden toilet hut so they can compare it to when they did Auras.. calling it now
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Well-known member
PTSD? Are you fucking kidding me? I have PTSD/C-PTSD from extremely bad childhood physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Throwing that fucking phrase around that she had PTSD cos she was knocked up and feeling nauseous has absolutely enraged me. Sarah, you wouldn’t know what hit you if you actually suffered with PTSD. It’d knock you on your arse, I can promise you that. Cunts. The pair of them. Cunts.
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So Chris had the camera rolling when the incident first happened (telling the kids to sit still or they'd roll) but yet we only heard the audio and didn't see the visual footage. Either he filmed the whole thing but couldn't show it (too incriminating?) or he turned the camera on immediately after it happened, to make sure that he captured the aftermath. Either way, that's bad.

It was in very poor taste to add the fake crash sound effects, with skidding and breaking glass etc. What a sicko, trying to beef up what happened for dramatic effect.

Where were the police? They were at pains to point out that they'd been called and were en route but did we see them?

One of the first things Sarah said (after it happened) was about how long and straight the road was. To me this strongly suggests that Chris might've fallen asleep at the wheel and she was unwittingly saying too much. When they were getting ready to set off, Creepy himself said something about needing to sleep for a week.

Also, if Chris was driving and was alert and in control of the vehicle, why the hell was he asking Sarah what had happened to cause the incident? He actually asked her. Again, they tells me that he was not paying enough attention, most likely zoned out with driving fatigue or having a micro sleep.

Sarah couldn't help having a dig at the UK police, saying that they'd have to wait so much longer if they were back there. Fuck off. The UK police humoured you when you had the cheek to bother them about your fly tipping. I think you should have a bit more respect.

All the eye-rolling about the waiting around was disrespectful and ungrateful. The Inghams chose to go somewhere really remote, chasing the cold and bad driving conditions, then whinged about people taking so long to reach them. They're bloody lucky that the fire guys were willing to transport Sarah and the kids to a hotel. That is not their fucking job! What if they got a shout (a proper, big, life or death emergency) whilst ferrying that lot to somewhere else?

In case the Inghams get any funny ideas about editing tonight's vlog to remove incriminating content, it's worth noting that the video has already been re-posted elsewhere on YT.
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My partner of 20 years dropped dead in front of me at home
I tried CPR whilst on the phone to 999.
Then he was left on the sofa for hours whilst waiting for all the formal procedures that have to be followed
I relive it every day.
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16,604 views at 5pm the next day. I really think that is lowest ever.

For Chris 🤡 🍿

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Jeez !! They’ve managed to drag him driving into a snow bank into 2 vlogs 😆🤣. Anyone who hasn’t watched, don’t bother , they are just re-telling the whole thing again and again and again 🥱
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What a pair of absolute pricks. Those children should be at home, in the warmth and comfort of their own home, not stranded at the side of the road in this desperado’s latest effort to bring in views. Imagine being in an accident as ‘bad’ as this one according to Creepy and your first reaction is to get the camera out! The pair of them were positively gleeful when filming. You have a fucking months old baby you twats. She should be at home in the warmth along with your other kids. It makes my blood boil.
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Rosie Tatler

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They’ve done a good job at making Isabelle a hopeless dependent with absolutely no one to turn to for help or advice . She really is just going to be dragged along with them for the rest of her life no wonder she looks like she cant be bothered with her appearance , they don't even let her go to the hairdressers !

She doesn’t have the maturity or life experience to drag herself out of this situation and sadly now she is an adult SS wont be interested

Don't look too smug Esme , this will be your life too .
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