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Letter to France re the Minghams

We are sorry about the smell in the breeze
We are sorry about the grease in your streams
We are sorry about the very loud cackle
But please please please keep them love tattle
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Moaning about the state of the UK, whilst they keep breeding children who will be forced to live on benefits when older as they will have absolutely no education/confidence/life skills. Housing, benefits, NHS…they will end up costing this country millions and give absolutely nothing back.
The ‘set for lifers’ are going to have 3 illiterate children. They’re real life Clampetts. No amount of money can change the lack of intellect.
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My daughter got her mock a-level results back today… English Lit A*, Sociology A* and History A. Would love to know what your eldest got Sarah, Oh yeah you never gave her the opportunities to flourish in higher education, beaches and babysitting is all the education she has now.
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Remember when Isabelle’s bio Dad took her to New York for a special family holiday and sour face Sarah was all uppity about it. Isabelle had been home about a week and then Sarah did a big surprise reveal that they were all going to New York! Poor Isabelle had just been there. I think it’s the same with Jace. Sarah was miffed that Chris had got another girl pregnant with a boy so she was determined to give him one. I think Sarah either has a massive inferiority complex or is so resentful and envious that she believes that others shouldn't have something just because she doesn’t have it.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there.
Chris was going on and on about another baby and she was adamant there was no way, Mila was the last.
Then Katrina had her baby.
I’ll bet anything that was what tipped lazy to cave in.
She can’t stand anyone else being centre of attention, and creepy is fully aware of this, he feeds her ego to get his way.
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Wonder if Creepy knows the French for “Excuse me, do you stock Just for Men in Noir?” As it doesn’t look like he’s taken a supply with him.

I’m a tad (very lot) ginger and my dyed eyebrows fade really, really quickly on holiday, he’s gonna be living his best ginger life by Friday if he’s not careful!
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Neck lace

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Hey Creepy. Remember that guy you used to adore, Alfie Deyes? Let's wonder for a moment if he would ever put up a thumbnail of Ottie's bottom close up? NO, OF COURSE HE WOULDN'T. He's a decent guy who would never dream of doing that. But you have. Poor Isla and Isabelle 😔😔. Lazy, you have seen the disgusting thumbnail and have done absolutely nothing about getting your horrible husband to change it. You're both as vile as each other.
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Chris is so pissed off with the size of the van, but he isn't going to admit it 😂 😂

I hope nothing health wise is going to happen to the kids because they are not going to get anywhere quickly
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Creepstopher DeWronge is sat in a field. He welcomes us to “Lack sant cwaaaaaa” then eyefucks the viewfinder. Drone. The sun is coming back out and is between blue skies and cloud. They came twice in 2020 and once in 2021. The day before they came in 2020, Lazy told Creepstopher she was knocked up with the 'baby' they lost aka the fake miscarriage. It was special because they were the only two who knew. They have fond memories. They’re hiring a boat to go down the gorge, swim and wild swim.

Drone. Creepstopher blows up the sup board. Esme and Isla sit on the board whilst everyone else is on the pedalo. Shot of Creepstopher’s ginger arm hair. He tells Mila that if the boat goes down she has to stay with the ship because the captain goes last.

Phone clips. Cliff jumping. Woohooing. Creepstopher joins in once he’s got all the shots he needs of the girls. Lazy wonders why she’s wet. Mila balances on the sup board with Esme gripping her wrist. At one point it looks like Mila’s trying to get her to loosen her grip. Creepstopher notices people wild camping in caves in the gorge. More jumping.

Pedalo trip is finished. Lazy is on the shore with a sleeping Mila. Creepstopher is on the sup board with Isla and Jace (both wearing buoyancy aids) to paddle to the gorge. Isabelle and Esme offered to go back to the van to make lunch. Jace goes for a swim with Isla in the lake but too cold for him. Creepstopher yanks Jace back onto the board by his wrist because he can't possibly put his precious camera down.

Isabelle and Esme have made lunch; a bag of ham baguettes and jam sandwiches. Lazy is already stuffing her fat gob. Isabelle wonders why there’s a beetle on her chair.

Lazy says they can hear thunder in the distance. A grey cloud is above them. Mila wakes up and Lazy asks if she wants lunch. It’s 3pm and they’ve been there since 11am. She swears there’s two thunder storms.

A couple of hours later and everyone is back at the van with the van in driving condition. They set up the vlog so they don’t have to stop. They’re making their way to Spain.

The Inghams have stopped for the night. They drove for longer than they thought they would because three Aires and two service stations were chockablock. It meant another hour on the road. This one had loads of space. The other service stations had trucks lining the slip roads. They pulled up to the most incredible electrical thunderstorm. Lazy will tell us their trip plan tomorrow and do a pregnancy update. Recap of what an Aire is. The UK is behind with truck stops.

End of vlog
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Question for the native English speakers, is it a thing to call your little girl "little woman" .... I find that so odd because if I translate it into my language it just sounds kinda wrong to say.

But maybe it's a thing or saying that is common?
Very odd! Not a phrase I would hear anyone use!
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The yellow line is where Creepstopher’s hairline starts at the back of his head and where he pulls his hair forward for his fringe. I included the second photo without the line too.

Thanks Isabelle.
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Old Banger Bett

Chatty Member
That dirty fucking bitch can't even be arsed to wash her own black scruffy neck.... there is no hope Mila is getting a wash anytime soon.

Screenshot 2022-09-02 172042.png
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Creepstopher DeWronge asks who’s down for the biggest waterpark in the Costa Brava. Slide footage. Lazy tells us Jace often gets overwhelmed with the amount of water at waterparks because of the buckets that tip over and drench you every three minutes. They’re in the chuldren’s area at Pirate Cove. Jace and Mila are exploring the pirate ship with shallow water so Lazy is sat on her toad arse watching them because no kid has ever drowned in shallow water before..

Time for the girls to do the big slides. Isla has done a lot of research. There is a vertical slide Isla can’t do it as she isn’t 16. Slide footage.

Jace is screeching so I can hardly hear Isabelle. Isabelle, who turns 18 in exactly two months, thought she’d be allowed to go on the kids slides. Foghorn Jace-us Christ interrupts her and demands to be filmed on the slide. Creepstopher obliges.

The Inghams are at AquaBrava, the biggest waterpark in Costa Brava. It’s monstrously big. Creepstopher has his top off. Isabelle and Esme aren’t allowed on the kids slides but Isla can go on some as 150cm is the maximum height. Lazy can’t do any slides. Pool footage.

The slides need a good scrub. Esme grips onto Isla’s wrist as they go on the slide together in separate rings. Isla is not holding onto the hand grips like you're meant to. Creepstopher can be seen bent double and trying not to wet himself at the side of the pool. Nope my mistake, he's filming. Esme over exaggerates as she talks about the slide. More slides.

Esme lost a challenge with Isla so has to do the drop slide. Creepy cackle from Creepstopher. She’s doing it for her own video. It’s monstrously big. Isabelle forgets to take her glasses off on a slide. Isla wins a race. Creepstopher films some random girls on a ride and Esme claims they're ifam they met in the queue. Time to grab Mama for lunch and then come back for more slides.

Time for a break from the sun. Esme and Isla seem to be sharing a bottle of coke and Isabelle and Jace the other. Everyone is having pizza except Isabelle, who is having a burger. Lazy drank a loads of Fanta lemon so has hiccups. It’s the drink of summer and all the ifam love it. You’re not allowed to take food or drink into the waterpark apart from water. There are plenty of places to eat so they ordered food at a thingymabobbydo. Jace grasses Lazy up that she brought a big Ikea bag with loads of snacks in the bottom. They found it abandoned on the shore at “laxan cwaaaaaaa”. They had loads of stuff to take back so just took it. Creepstopher and the girls had to take all the snacks out before they were confiscated by security. Lazy couldn’t find Jace’s bottle so rooted through the bag and found a pack of raisins instead. Pizza/burger and chips lunch.

Lovely lunch finished. Isabelle is going to read in the sun. The book is called The Queen of Nothing, also the title of Lazy’s future autobiography. Mila keeps drinking the pool water. She’s nearly washed out of the pool by a wave so Lazy Big Tits drags her back into the water by the cloth of her swimsuit. Creepstopher cackles. No one makes any effort to keep her head above the water. More pool footage.

Isabelle seems to be commentating this vlog. They’re about to go and get showers because everyone has left the waterpark.

Lazy asks Mila if she’s feeding her baby. She’s eating raisins. Isabelle has seen her tan. They’ve all had showers and have pyjamas on. They’re going to drive for an hour or so. Lazy thinks they should’ve done two days but need to get back on the road. Isla has drawn in felt tip pen around a mosquito bite to make sure it doesn’t spread. They always do that when they get to a certain size to make sure there’s no infection. Creepstopher wants his phone to see where they need to go. Isla gets it out of his handbag whilst he strokes Lazy’s meatball head and tells her she’s beautiful. Costa Brava is clean and tidy with places to eat. They had a lush day. They found Jace’s water cup and the snacks they dumped in the van doorway because they couldn’t take them in. Mila picked up two bear cakes and said “one for Mimi and one for Jacey”. Jace shows his beheaded cake to the camera.

End of vlog
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I don’t understand why they all have to go everywhere together even when it isn’t really suitable for some of them. Sarah and the younger two could have gone and done something more suitable for them instead of hanging around a theme park in such hot weather for hours on end. It’s really irresponsible, kids need breaks from the heat and sun.
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I’m sorry but Izzy is almost 18 if she wants a cat why doesn’t she go out and buy one. She’s earned her family thousands over the years it’s the least they could allow her to do.
Because the money has been frittered away AND none of them should have pets. They’re never there and, none of them look after Prinny properly. She’s being going on about getting a cat for years, she’s better looking at her education and future than bringing another animal into that situation.
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Chatty Member
Expensive disasters:

1. Someone left the Lurpak out in the sun and they had to throw the whole pack away

2. One of the girls washed their hair for the second time in a week which caused Lazy to need to restock the communal shampoo ahead of schedule

3. Creepy had so much sweat in his hair that his beanie went mouldy and had to be thrown away. They had to spend a whole 5 Euros on a new one
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They both clearly have a spending habit and a shopping addiction… this to me sounds like they are both VERY unhappy and the only thing that makes them happy is to spend money which is now catching up with them! I find it sad that the kids generally think they are famous with all this money and actually the reality is that they owe a large sum of money. And what would you do when you can’t afford it… bring another child into the family!!
honestly they deserve all this! Couldn’t of happened to shittier parents
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These are on Sarah's insta as 'morning hide and seek' so is she saying Mila slept with that dirt (I'm hoping it's dirt and not bruises) on her ankles?!

Also the state of the bruising on her forehead :(
The joy of kids grubbing around in mud, is the hot bath at the end of the day - and the fresh pjs and clean sheets.
Honestly, this is not just a one off for them either, as they’re always looking grubby, greasy haired and unkempt.
You have a massive RV (just so Creepy can try and flex) and you STILL can’t make sure your children are washed and clean regularly? 🤢
Living up to the name Mingham 😑
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