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Chatty Member
Wouldn’t you think she would want to be at home this late in pregnancy.
Sorting out baby’s room.
A baby shower
Being comfortable and relaxed.
Not sleeping in a caravan at random service stations /car parks.
What if something went wrong (god forbid )
I would be monitoring every little movement at this is she going to get to a hospital in the middle of nowhere.
Them kids need a routine and to go to school.
Leave holidays for school holidays.
Then they will be excited for’s just a normal day for them these days.
Let them go to dance or whatever clubs they want to go too.
Give Izzy a decent chance of actually passing her GCSE.
Let them have friends and actually grow up normally.
Ah the Baby shower! I’m guessing this will be held in the Chavavan this time. Jace will be there for this one though so it will be a bigger turnout than than her last baby shower. I can’t wait to see the cake! 🤣😭🤣

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Cockleshell Bay

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Mr Calamity is a national hero in my eyes, well done for confronting him and calling him out. The man is a disgrace, he should be thankful someone actually cared enough to challenge him. Chris is beyond rude, Mr Calamity if you ever read here we are a 100% behind you, thank you for saying what thousands of us have wanted to say for years….
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From the NHS website:
Car travel in pregnancy

“It's best to avoid long car journeys if you're pregnant. However, if it can't be avoided, make sure you stop regularly and get out of the car to stretch and move around.

You can also do some exercises in the car (when you're not driving), such as flexing and rotating your feet and wiggling your toes. This will keep the blood flowing through your legs and reduce any stiffness and discomfort. Wearing compression stockings while on long car journeys (more than 4 hours) can also increase the blood flow in your legs and help prevent blood clots.

Fatigue and dizziness are common during pregnancy so it's important on car journeys to drink regularly and eat natural, energy-giving foods, such as fruit and nuts.“

She won’t have even read this advice but she is literally doing the opposite of everything above. She won’t have compression stockings and she definitely isn’t eating natural 😂😂
It makes me so angry that Sarah think she knows best and carries on regardless...never mind the health of her unborn child, or even her own health (if anything happened, 5 children without a mother!). She will spout fake news about the vaccine! Ha!
Just imagine if she opened her mind a teeny tiny bit and realised all the poverty stricken countries in the world DESPERATELY waiting for enough vaccines to get through this thing.
She makes me so angry, she takes it all for granted...pregnancy, her health, her new baby, her children! 😡
The problem with these dicks is nothing happens to them ever

Husband Inappropriately messaging teenagers - police action -nothing

Taking children out of school to be home-schooled so badly they’ve regressed to simpletons -consequences - nothing

Youngest child squinting for England - accountability - nothing

Susceptible ifam fans grifted for money on all their shite merchandise - no trading standards, no one realising they are paying over the odds for rubbish - nothing

Childrens privacy invaded on every level - nothing

They will bum around Scotland with fake “oh my gosh disaster” stories on YouTube then bog off back to their fake marble monstrosity and then boot face will push the next money spinner out
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No words. Absolutely useless parents. Imagine if something happened? Would they care then or would it just be click bait?

Also here’s a quick poem I rustled up in the viewpoint of Chris-

My poor pregnant wife
Piling on the pounds
The camp is full of screeching sounds
Good old caravan
Respect to that G
Taking us over stormy sea
When the fam’s asleep
Just me on the bog
Till the dawn I edit the vlog
Accomplished bladder
Drone extraordinaire
My kids might drown but I just don’t care
Know I’m a free man
Ain’t done nothing wrong
Just enjoying ma trip to Loch Lamont
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But it is a by law on the loch,
  • Every person on a Personal water craft wears a lifejacket or buoyancy aid of the type described within the Byelaws at all times while on board the Personal water craft including a jet ski or jet bike, or being towed by another vessel.
  • The National Park has a zero-tolerance policy on lifejackets on Loch Lomond and anyone not complying with the byelaw is likely to be reported for consideration by the Procurator Fiscal. It is for your own safety. Our lifejacket survey undertaken in 2008 showed that 69% of adults and 94% of children leaving the Duncan Mills Memorial Slipway in Balloch were wearing their lifejackets. Remember: wearing your lifejacket means one less thing to think about in an emergency.
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Chatty Member
Sarah and Jane are great friends atm 😂
Listen to Professor Sarah ‘Anne Bowling’ Ingham! The woman who did a medical trial every month so she could earn a few quid. I doubt they were rubbing Vicks VapoRub on your fucking chest during them! She’ll take money to do medical trials so she can fill her greedy hands with B&M bags but when it comes to a vaccine to help save lives she’s against it? 🙄 She makes me laugh. If they offered her a free Krispy Kreme doughnut to take it she’d be the first in the queue! 🙄

Poor Granny Gr.... Jane! Poor Jane! 😭 🙄 🤣 Come on Jane. You’ve stuck up and defended those two for far too long. Lets be honest. What respect do you ever get off them? They used you to troll people. They use you to look after Prinny and help Lazy pack blankets. They only took you on their honeymoon because you paid for half of it! I thought they were taking you to New York but thanks to Chris that won’t happen because he’s scared of going to America now. Get yourself on tattle and spill some tea. ☕

I have some questions.

Did your son message a sixteen year old inappropriately?

Did your son sleep with an Ifam when he invited her to go roller skating and then ask her to sign an NDA?

Can you find a loving home for Prinny before the Inghams return home?

Is Sarah even worst than the bitter, cold hearted, money hungry, Jealous of her own daughter, bitch that we see on camera?

Why do they live in a £700.000 house but expect Nanna to spend some of her pension on them?

I’m waiting for Janes tell all book! 👀 I always hated your fucking wankets and breast feeding Christopher Malcolm until he was 23 by Jane Ingham.
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Morons for sending their kids out there with no life jackets when they are not even strong swimmers (everyone should wear one!) and then trying to encourage Esme to swim back from that far out... they really do need to be spoken to by SS. They would be completely responsible if something happened to their kids, they are not strong swimmers themselves...I mean, the sight of seeing lazy rowing makes me want to burn my eyes out.
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Chatty Member
I know why they have gone back to Scotland
It's hair cut time in the carpark
With the scissors ✂used to cut the pizza 🤣😬
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Omg he literally has no clue about how much of a prize wanker he is! It’s quite spectacular really!
Bloody marvellous day to be a tattler! 👌
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