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My thoughts:

- Your salt and pepper shakers look shit, Sarah.

- Why's the toaster on top of a tree?

- How hollow did that kitchen top sound when she banged it?

- You didn't research last night, you already knew you were close to a big retail park.

- "We need to go to B&M" of course you do 🙄

- Are they going to put batteries in the clock this time?

- Why are the ceilings so low?

- Creepy decided to be Super Mario but failed and flooded the house. Couldn't think of a better omen.

- Why did he not just go to sleep rather than pissing about with everything in the middle of the night?

- Isabelle shouldn't be out of breath from walking up the stairs.

- Jace smacking the rocking horse against the wall. Tattler.

- Showing us the front of their house and the built up area around it. There's no privacy at all, and definitely no "safety".

- Jace running near that staircase 😬

- Lazy justifying that they can afford to change the stairs to be similar to the other staircase. Chavtastic.

- Why are you showing Esme in a towel?

- Creepy, you wouldn't be able to afford Hillary's to come and do your blinds.

- Jace watching the trucks on the motorway 😂

- Still trying to hide the pylons with Jace's head.

- "It's just trees, fields and wind turbines" Hahahahahahahaha. It's pylons and a motorway, Lazy. Who you trying to kid 😂 the lies you make up are hilarious, especially when everyone already knows where you live.

- Home educated children shouldn't have to keep their school work in their bedrooms. There should be a dedicated place for the school work to take place. Not in their bedrooms.

- Isabelle's bed 🤢 crushed velvet grey with a beige headboard. What the hell.

- Jace just seems to be left on his own all day long.

- Hahahahahahaha! Lazy spent all that time trying to not show the pylons and the motorway, and then creepy does straight away. Where's the wind turbines then?

- Only reason you didn't want another Instagram to keep up with is because you know the comments you'll get about your creepy husband.
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Isabelle never gets up before 8:30- even on a school day? By that time of morning most people her age/mid teens like her (me included) are in school- either doing their first lesson or getting registered. Surely she should still be doing a full school days worth of work 🤷‍♀️
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It literally looks like a office block stair case or hospital stair case 😐
Bitterly disappointed that none of them are wearing a mink coat like the builder did on the stairs.

can’t keep anything private. 🥴View attachment 552160
Hahahahahahahaha! Come on Lazy. Show us the view from the other side of the balcony. We don't call it Pylon Palace/Motorway Mansion for nothing 😉

I agree with others about the windows. I thought they would have wanted more natural light being vloggers. I know Family Fizz have mentioned in the past about how they've chosen places to stay that are light and good for filming. The place looks like a marble prison for chavs.
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My thoughts:

- Toddler's. Not toddlers. Stop homeschooling please.

- Ripping bags of fidget toys open all over the scabby car. Very Covid safe way of keeping your stock.

- Lazy not wearing a mask in Specsavers. Selfish bitch.

- Lazy not wearing a mask in Home Bargains.

- Esme, 11 years old, not wearing a mask in Home Bargains. What's her excuse/exemption? Taking the fucking piss this lot are.

- If you're going to be ignorant and not wear masks, don't spend half an hour in the shops filming and chatting. Get in and get out.

- No idea what Isla was saying. She mumbled her way through that.

- So they're moving at the weekend. She stumbled and almost said the weekend. I thought they were trying to keep it quiet when they were moving? At least the current neighbourhood can start planning the goodbye party.

- Jace pissing about with lipstick. Definite tattler. Shouldnt leave him on his own all the time, Sarah.

- Can't believe the amount that was in their kitchen cupboards! Clearly Mr "OCD" Creepy isn't as much of a clean freak as he likes to make out.
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A house tour, that can't be right from the people that said they didn't want people to know where everything was.

Already seen the other house tour anyway, hope this one has music like the estate agents did?
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Fair play to Lee Deveraux though. In my book he seen the messages, didn’t doubt them and severed all ties with creepy right away. At least we know there are still decent humans left that come into contact with the Inghams.
Ha! Lee a decent person? You're kidding right? He was having an affair with the same girl.
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VIP Member
My thoughts:

- Late again. There's a shock.

- Random thought... Will that squash not go all funny and eventually mouldy in those containers? They're not particularly air tight, as you can tell by the steamed look of them already. Would it not have been best to keep the squash in their desired containers rather than trying to look good on Instagram, whilst actually only looking like a chav?

- No way is she having that well known Chinese/Alibaba pattern on her baby's bedroom wall 😂 could have just sent you my Nan's curtains.

- Of course she's doing panelling 🙄

- That wallpaper pattern doesn't match any of the items (or millions of baskets) she's bought.

- You are not seriously going to paint Jace's room dark brown? Might as well save money on paint and just smear a dirty nappy all over the walls.

- Isabelle eating food from a plate that still has the B&M price tag on it. Grim.


- Only been on a few days and the downstairs already looks a shit tip. Big packs of coke cans everywhere, dirty plates everywhere. Grotty bastards.

- Random men waving at your children from over your front garden wall. Tell us again how you moved for more privacy?

- Why do you not have your own bank card, Sarah? Why can't you bank transfer the cash over yourself? It's just all so weird.

- Creepy's dyed his hair. It's the blackest it's looked in ages. Eyebrows still give the redhead game away.

- Quality content from Isabelle showing us how to run a bath.

- You don't need a sofa in the playroom, Lazy. Just sit on the floor. Not difficult.

- You've shown us the playroom and told us about the playmat situation at least 3 times now.

- They can never build on that land? We'll see.

- "Beautiful glass staircase" Hahahahaha. It's not a glass staircase. It's random, poorly build stairs with some cheap glass panelling from Amazon as bannisters.

- "It's thick safety glass, it doesn't even move" Lazy then moves it 😂 can I point you in the direction of a picture someone posted earlier today on this thread of someone with the same glass panelling... Only smashed...

- Creepy, stop eye fucking yourself in the camera.

- This is apparently where the closest wind turbines are in relation to their house (blocked out all road details). Their house (circled pink) doesn't face towards the wind turbines, and they have next doors identical house right next to them which would block their view. If they manage to somehow see those wind turbines, then the motorway and the pylons are way closer than we already know.


- "It's really nice to hear the outdoors" you can hear either a mix of pylons and motorway. Keep living the dream guys 😂
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Screenshot (7).png

Lazy making huge decisions. No, not which fun schooling journal to buy next or where to book Isabelle's exams. Whether the wooden salt and pepper pot (grinder) was the wrong purchase over the marble salt and pepper pot (grinder).
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Imagine being in the middle of packing and moving, and thinking going out to buy SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS is a good idea 🤣 I can't with lazys logic.
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Carrying this one over from the last thread.

I appreciate that us ladies can get a bit of sweat in the cleavage when working hard but even with his sizeable moobs that's not the reason for those stains.

Looks like the creepster pissed himself. Maybe he's realised he's taken on more than he can handle with Pylon Palace.

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Ok, so they supposedly can afford to buy a house for £700k but they cannot afford a new hoover, new towels, because those in that cupboard looked as mankey and you like, they can't afford to take any of their kids for a haircut!!! This lot get on my nerves, then lazy boot Sarah has the audacity to say she felt awful bragging about what they have, then she talks about Azaylia Cain! Lazy, you spend your entire existence bragging, you will brag in tomorrow's vlog and the days after because that's what you do, and what really boiled my piss is that it was obvious she was trying to make herself cry!!!!!! She doesn't have a heart, just a swinging brick, and actually for someone who hadn't been on her phone or social media all day as she was so busy, she wouldn't have known until she got home, so that was an obvious lie.
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1 for each kid, 1 for Sarah, 1 for Creepy. We all know they hate each other deep down and don't share a bed unless it's to fill up the turkey baster for Clickbait baby vlogs.
I believe she keeps a jar of Creepy's Cream in the freezer next to the fish fingers and frozen burgahs. He tops it up now and again after seeing some towel drops.

No physical contact necessary!
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Congratulations @Neck lace title shortened slightly to fit
Screenshot 2021-04-26 211933.png

- Creepy and Lazy bought Hi Steve and Granny Jane a caravan.
- The Inghams went on holiday to Center Parcs. They showed their appreciation when they left by moaning about the 10am checkout time.
- Creepy wore his diarrhoea coloured trousers for an entire week without washing them. He probably wet himself on that high wire course he did as well.
- Creepy showed us his massive boobs at Center Parcs. I'm not exaggerating when I say they're nearly bigger than Lazy's. Might want to give Victoria's Secret a call a book a bra fitting.
- Lazy murdered a spider in the car on the way home from Center Parcs and then pretended not to know what had happened.
- Lazy told Creepy he's lucky to have her... and I she wasn't joking either.
- A couple of trolls *cough* Creepy *cough* have turned up to Tattle making extravagant claims about the Inghams; they're moving to Spain and buying a horse.
- We got a glimpse of the garage, which as predicted is rammed to the brim with tat.
- The big house move has begun
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Chatty Member
Notice how Lazy angled the camera so we couldn't see the Pylons, when filming the view of the garden :LOL:
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Hi Steve, my opinion on the house, even ignoring the motorway and 'wind turbines' :

Wouldn't want a garage at the back.
Kitchen area too small for the space, no need for two sofa areas when there's two other reception rooms.
Pointless worktop with washer/dryer underneath as a utility room.
Random unnecessary downstairs shower room
No walk in pantry
No storage cupboards
Staircase is ugly, a safety hazard and is a waste of space in the hallway, I'd prefer the stairs at the side and room for a big cupboard for coats, shoes and bags.
Too much 'marble'
The bizarre open plan ensuite to the main bedroom
Dressing room not part of main bedroom
Top floor bedrooms should have ensuites and dressing rooms
The whole thing is unfinished, looks very poor build quality and badly designed, not a practical family home at all.
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How many bedrooms is this new house and were does the other staircase go down stairs ?
Officially 7, if you ask Chris it’s 9 and by next week it will probably be 11 and by the end of the year sarah will be telling us there are 22 bedrooms with the rate they lie
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When is fidget and me launching
How do they get away with not homeschooling
The education get onto you if your child’s late for school and if you go on holiday term time you get fined
I just don’t understand
The education authority's lack of concern is really pissing me off now.
In 2019 when my youngest daughter was in yr 5 of primary she had just 2 weeks off with a bad chest infection which required hospital treatment. Up until that time she'd had excellent attendance. I phoned the school to notify them and they put it on her record.
End of 1st week I first had call from school asking when she was expected back, I said when she was well enough. My GP kindly wrote a letter for school too.
The Following week I had a letter from the local authority complaining about the lack of attendance. I phoned them back explaining the situation, yet I still had to have a meeting with an education officer at the school.
It's absolutely unbelievable these parents can just deregister their kids in order to film, babysit and generally do f**k all.
No homeschooling whatsover.
So many kids go off the radar, there is absolutely no safeguarding.
I just can't fathom it.
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