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"Because the view is so stunning out of the back of our house - it's just trees, literally, and fields, and wind turbines - you can see nothing else." - Sarah Ingham, 2021
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I’ve seen a lot of bad installations of car seats by youtubers for their little cash cows but this has got
to be the worst!! Then travelling 60 miles up the motorway while he just had the lap part across the seat!


Then she had the nerve to fake sympathy for the death of someone else’s baby, when she can’t even be bothered to keep her own child safe!

The seat is isofix ONLY, which weights 12kg likely more than Jace, they really think that the lap bit of the seat belt would be enough to stop that heavy seat catapulting out the window over the top of the bit he’s holding! !!


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Yes Sarah, we're just really really jealous. What a fucking life. Enjoy your disgusting husband 🤮
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They need a steam cleaner for their tiles. Idiots. And as someone already mentioned, the house should have been cleaned before moving all their junk in.

I can’t believe there’s no cohesive thought put into purchasing new items for the house, it’s just whatever happens to be in stock at the junk shops.

Why on earth have they not replaced the vacuum? 🤣 Chris, you absolute tool. Your wife has been buying unlimited amounts of crap you don’t need, burn it all and buy something useful!
They can’t steam the real marble floors, the sticky tiles will peel off 😂
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I think shopaholic Sarah has bought at least 10 baskets for the babies room - starting to think Princess Cave is actually going to be called Moses!!
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I wonder if she knows its not real marble and shes just trying to "sell the dream" to the world, or the builders told her its real and she fully believes it.
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I thought Sarah's upset at leaving the house seemed more real than her usual tears and she didn't seem that excited to be in the new place. Esme was being particularly obnoxious (shouting 'ohhhh yeah' every time Sarah mentioned transferring money) and Isla looked exhausted and fed up when they were doing the non-alcoholic toast for the camera stuff. The girls jumping around because they're sooo happy is the exact same crap they've done pretty much every vlog every day ;) for the past five years. IDK, for a supposed dream move, it all felt a bit flat to me.
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The house is just a status thing. They think it makes them look rich etc. You can move house as many times as you want but it won't make you any happier. Chris is still a cheat, the kids are purely cash cows and lazy is still lazy.
They'll be away making "memories" as soon as they possibly can. They're never at home because they're all genuinely miserable with their lives
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The problem is that they did need a fair few bedrooms for all the kids but also, they wanted the status symbol. They wanted the swish looking house with the central staircase. So they've moved away from everything and everyone to a cheaper area, they've sacrificed living in a quiet estate to by a motorway, they now really do have a cinema room as opposed to a spare room but you have to walk outside and look at pylons first.

If this house isn't the very definition of fur coat, no knickers, I don't know what is. I'd love to have seen the others they were considering. I think it tells you everything you need to know about Chris Ingham that this was the one he really wanted. It looks okay but prod even slightly and its all smoke and mirrors. A bit like their lives.
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Treading carefully here re: Nasty Sarah’s lecture & reference to the death of a baby.

I looked her up as I had no idea who she was referring to, as I don’t get my news from Instagram. Of course, it is tragic to lose a child under those, or any circumstances.
I imagine most want privacy as they grieve such a deeply personal tragedy.

Figures that Sarah would choose to reference a ‘reality’ TV person and his plastic partner. In the name of research, I checked out their Instagrams. Once past all the baby posts, it’s all fake tits, booze, cars, tattoos. Vacuous pair.
Of course, my opinion of them in how they show themselves in no way diminishes the suffering of the loss of their baby.

If Sarah truly was moved by the suffering of others (yeah, we know she’s not, unless there is an opportunity for personal gain), she’d wear a fucking mask! Her ‘excuse’ was being too hot in her god-awful dirty pink coat and ‘passing out’. So when she sitting at Specsavers, no coat, no shopping, why no mask? When trawling the bargain shops & stopping to film herself talking the usual crap - no coat, why no mask? When in the market at the vacation place - why no mask?

Want to feel humbled by what you have vs. the suffering of others, take a look at India. How many babies, children, parents, grandparents are dying from lack of oxygen - and she has the fucking nerve to insinuate that a thin, potentially life-saving mask causes her to suffer to the extent that she passes out.

But no - she chooses to jump on a story from fake ‘celebrities’ rather than the real life horror affecting millions. She rarely if ever mentions news items, so why did she choose this one to contrast with her having everything and being so happy? Seems her teen follows one of this pair.
I’m trying to be respectful, really, as many might well be fans of this couple, and maybe they find it helpful to post it all on Instagram. But I’m just hearing on the news that one person in India is dying every four minutes. Bodies are being burned on the streets, even in back gardens. If one has a voice on social media, why not use it to at least express some kind of empathy beyond what she reads on social media. Isn’t there a large Indian community in the area of the country where they live? Their children are pretty much unaware of anything going on outside of their front doors beyond shopping & Insta/TikTok. Totally unprepared for real life.
I think the issue and why it’s so out of touch is many celebs and influencers having been sharing the little girls battle and fundraising for months now and as usual the Inghams never did either despite having the platform.

Yes the couple may just be influencers and not to everyone’s taste but by sharing their fight and using their platforms it led to 100,000 people or something signing up to the stem cell register and therefore potentially helping other poorly children. There is now over 1.6 million raised by them to help other children as well because sadly their little girl didn’t get to use it for treatment and they’ve said they will be passing it on, as usual the Inghams have decided to jump onto a bandwagon to appear caring without any actual effort now it might get them some attention
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Blimey, looks like he's been up to no good again 😮😮. And a vulnerable girl too. Just spotted these on twitter.

Can anyone screenshot the letter between this person and Sarah better than me? My phone is so rubbish. Sorry that the screenshots are in the wrong order too.
I already knew about this and I've known for several months. A well known group who has since disappeared told me but swore me to secrecy for the girl's sake and I agreed because she was vulnerable. He apparently met up with her and had sex whilst he came back for the car, whilst Lazy was 'miscarrying the baby'.
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Hi Lazy,

Glad you read here. Congratulations on your new house - it’s very big. Perfect for you and the girls to entertain friends.

Now all you need to do is make some.

PS IFAM don’t count.
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Jace is playing with his cars on the new coffee table in the kitchen/diner. He likes to pretend that everything is talking to each other. Time lapse of Isla playing with Jace. Isla's hair has been washed. Lazy screeches good morning and says no one can be in a better mood than her. The night was interesting because Creepy did something stupid at 3am. First, Lazy is gong to show us her salt and pepper shakers, which she loves. Isabelle put some juice in the glass bottles. They haven't yet bought a new toaster because the old one is ok and she loves the kettle. There's nothing wrong with the toaster so they don't need to waste money buying a new one. They still have the same tea, coffee and sugar canisters. They have a new fruit bowl and Lazy is off shopping with Esme soon. She thought her favourite place would be the island but it's the counter opposite the bifold doors because she can look out onto the view of the car. The kitchen is a mess. Jace wants to be filmed. It was so hot in the house and they couldn't work out why. It's because the underfloor heating takes a while to turn on. They have no idea where everything is in the house, don't know where clothes are and Lazy has Creepy's t-shirt on. She's winging the messy look. They worked out last night that they're not far from a huge retail park with a B&M. The baby kicked Isabelle's hand today. They need a tape measure so Creepy can cut the blinds to size and some brackets for the TVs. Creepy needs to go to B&Q.

They need a hanging kit for the big beast clock. Creepy wants it above the sofa but everyone else wants it next to the dining table. Jace is cleaning the floor with a sock.

Lazy tells Babe to come and tell us about his stupidity. He wants to talk but Lazy says she's talking and he will sit feeling embarrassed. She got to bed at midnight. At 2:36am all she could hear was Creepy screeching "baaaaaabeeeeee", she thought he'd cut his jugular and has never jumped out of bed so quickly in her life. She ran down the landing and steps. He'd decided he'd turned into a pro plumber whilst trying to rig up the fridge. He took the cap off a mains pipe behind the fridge. The cap flew out of his hand across the kitchen and water went all over his face. He thought he'd drowned and Lazy questions whether drowned has a d on the end. The bell starts ringing. He flooded the whole kitchen and worried it would ruin everything. Lazy told him to stop shouting and he told her to go and knock for the neighbour but she refused. They mopped up the water whilst Creepy had his finger and thumb on the pipe. Lazy was on her hands and knees looking for the cap, which she did eventually find. Why make your pregnant wife do it? Get on your hands and knees yourself. She couldn't sleep because Creepy was putting the taps on every two minutes. The fridge freezer still isn't rigged up.

Isabelle has ordered quite a few things for her bedroom and she's out of breath from walking up the stairs. She ordered a headboard and it arrived this morning. Her silver bed doesn't go with the room theme so she's ordered a headboard with buttons on. Lazy got a grey cover for her bed. Isabelle's wooden desk has arrived. She's hoping to do her headboard, bed and desk today.

Lazy puts raspberries in bowls for Isla and Jace and then fills the fruit bowl. She's howling because he walked into the utility room to see that Creepy is charging the new hoover and old taped hoover. She cant wait to get the washing machine and dryer in. he loves the space because she can keep everything that is for cleaning together.

Litttullllll man is on the rocking llama and Lazy says she can't wait to finish the playroom, which also needs skirting boards put into the fireplace cove. It's built for a log burner but they don't have one. They will put shelves in the cove for the girls' x-box and books. The girl are all having book corners in their bedrooms but the playroom books will be for learning. Lazy laughs at Isla and Jace pushing over the soft play blocks and falling on them.

Upstairs, Jace and Isla run around the landing. the he is sat on the windowsill and Lazy asks what he can see. He can see the caravan. Isla is excited to spend the night in there and Lazy tells her that will happen very soon. Lazy says Jace told Creepy to get out of bed and make his milk. Jace and Isla run some more. Lazy wants to change the top staircase to glass but Creepy wants to leave it as it is. It's paid for and they're waiting for the glass to arrive. It feels like they have the grand marble staircase but couldn't finish it so had the wooden one put in. No one agrees with Lazy but the girls and Jace want to lave it as it it. Esme comes and says she's just had the best bath/shower she's had in her life.

Creepy tells us they're in DIY hell. He hates the DIY putting up blinds part of moving in. We get a quick glimpse of the nursery. He always says he will do them himself but regrets it. He's doing Jace' now because he's a priority. The girls don't mind sleeping with the sun coming into their rooms but Jace does. The sun was blinding this morning to the point where Creepy couldn't on his left hand side. The tricky part is cutting the blind straight. He went to the hardware store to get things to connect the fridge. Time lapse of Creepy cutting the blind.

Jace is watching the trucks. Lazy shows us the garden from her bedroom. It's humongous and we won't believe the size of it. They have big plans for the garden but the glass hasn't grown yet. the builder doesn't do turf because it doesn't grow in places. Jace's glasses keep steaming up in the corner and it drives him mad. Lazy has to keep taking them off to clean them. The garden had been fully seeded but because they haven't had much rain it hasn't taken well so they've got sprinklers from the shop. They have huge patio outside their bedroom. Creepy corrects "sweetheart" and tells her it's a balcony. They want to have two egg chairs out there to have their coffee on in the morning. They might also have a corner sofa but Creepy wants a hot tub. The room on top of the garage isn't yet completed. Lazy accidentally get a it of pylon into the shot. They had agreed for the fence to be changed because the view is stunning. Creepy and the girls want it left as it is. The view if fields, wind turbines (?????) and trucks and cars in the very very distance. Oh Lazy, don't downplay it. We know how close those pylons and the motorway are. It's so quiet, peaceful and stunning. They have a patio in the garden for the barbeque and garden furniture. The fence Lazy wants would be more open with a bit blocked off so Prinny can't get out. It's crownland so they can walk on the field if they wanted to. Lazy wants it open so they feel like they're out in the field. Everyone agreed but now Creepy and the girls think they should leave it closed and private. There is no one to look over. It's a closed in garden.

Creepy has spoken to Lazy about his new hoover, which he's called Bistle. He's spoken about the hoover with more excitement than anything he's spoken about in his life. He's bought a "proper boss" hoover for the staircase and glass doors this morning. Lazy has bought so many cleaning products for the doors but the vacuum is quicker.

Lazy is in Esme's bedroom. She keeps telling Jace to walk, not run, because of the marble. Esme's room has furniture assembled. there is another bedside table coming. There was a lot of comments on the vlog about the girls' rooms being massive and they are so that's why they needed sofas. Jace starts crying. Isabelle's' room is a mess but she's tired because she's worked he butt off the past week, taking over the heavy duties. Creepy is rushing to put the blinds up but Lazy told him they have their life now. It's a big house with a lot of space. Lazy is going to have a bath. Lazy needs to get Jace to bed because it's half 7.

Creepy has sorted the bracket for his and Lazy's TV and now the blind is done. We get a proper look at the pylons Lazy was trying to hide.

That's it for today and Lazy feels like they've filmed so much. It sounds like it's raining. She's seen a lot of comments bout having a home Instagram but didn't want another one. She's changed her mind now though. Everything on there will be home related. Lazy thought it would be fun to look at the empty room and then them fully decorated.

End of vlog

Glimpse of the nursery
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Stooniiiiiiiinnnnnn view
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Lazy showing us how big Creepy's dick is
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Screenshot 2021-04-30 213117.png
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Chatty Member
To me their house always seemed odd, out of place, out of their area and out of their budget and yet I couldn't place a finger on what exactly was amiss. That is until this kind ifam member opened my eyes.

'The American Dream' that's exactly what this house is! Creepy's failed American dream of a Mcmansion in LA now fulfilled in a pylon filled corner of Lincolnshire🤣🤣
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