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You can’t tell me these kids got straight out the bed and said let me go outside and kick a ball. In pajamas!!! He had them doing sit ups and all the things in that yard are for soccer practice. Now he has all of them out there whether they want to or not.
Disgusting. We know hosanna especially doesn’t want to do it so why is she there poor poor girl she doesn’t know how abused she is
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Dim and Hella need to take note, I’m guessing there will be similar findings in the UK.



“Stephen Balkam, the CEO of the nonprofit Family Online Safety Institute, says that even younger children might experience a “digital coming-of-age” and the discomfort that comes with it. “What we’ve seen is very mature 10-, 11-, 12-year-olds sitting down with their parents, going, ‘Mom, what were you thinking?’” he told me.”

“In the United States, parental authority supersedes a child’s right to privacy, and socially, we’ve normalized sharing information about and images of children that we never would have adults. Parents regularly divulge diaper-changing mishaps, potty-training successes, and details about a child’s first menstrual period to an audience of hundreds or thousands of people. There are no real rules against it. Social-media platforms have guidelines for combatting truly inappropriate content—physical abuse of minors, child nudity, neglect, endangerment, and the like. But uploading non-abusive content can be damaging, too, according to kids whose lives have been painstakingly documented online.”
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But how can they be coaches what the hell. Ella looks so silly following Tim wirh a face full of makeup and lashes to the pitch with her babies kicking balls
Not to mention the girls with fake nails on kicking a football. That looks hilariously stupid and so unprofessional
Where are the other kids who are supposed to be there? Looks to me like it just their kids. Another fail.
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If you ask me Houzanna hair didn’t look any different then when she’s wore it like this before. It looked fuzzy to me and needed a little more attention then just drying it the defuser.
How do you have 7 kids and the whole backyard is geared for soccer practice. You don’t have s playhouse for the girls. swing set nothing else back there. 🤔😳
Because the kids have to like what they say and that’s it
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Just saw a clip on utube with heze getting award in Dubai. He wasn’t walking with his ball there so I’m thinkin is it an act made by Tim to put on the channel for attention. We will see one day. Also how does heze do the educations the academy want if Ella doesn’t have the standard he needs and he doesn’t go to school
He surely can’t fake it there and I see Tim wasn’t allowed to follow him and get a free trip this round and now we all know why Ella was pissed she probably just found out she was pregnant and off he went. It’s a train wreck waiting to happen. He probably goes there for the free AC because that house doesn’t have any.
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Breeny was in Jamaica last month. Upper class flight with virgin that be 5k alone. No she got this gifted and took the wannabe rich family with her. They are liars
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I think what she did is she tagged Nike as that’s where they got their free shoes from yet said they were in sports soccer to throw people off so my point is she lied. Also I think they are in a hotel for the night again
Oh okay, they’re at some soccer tournament because Tim posted Houzanna got a trophy which I bet all the kids get the same thing.
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Omg he took the bag with him on the pitch too I just saw that. My that kid needs support now seriously. He looked anxious to me and those teammates will start laughing at him soon. He doesn’t look right. They are massive

My son plays he says heze is good but nothing special. It’s his fast stupid flash fancy moves that make people think he’s so good and also Tim bragging on him. There are better players out there too
He really needs help cause it’s weird he can’t go anywhere without a football near him. He needs to see a doctor cause I’m sure they would diagnose him with something. Tim has messed Heze up mentally! He also doesn’t look like he’s growing and yeah he could have a growth spurt he still has time but the fact he hasn’t grown these last few years and his head looks too big for his body something isn’t right and I feel bad for him cause if this has been caused by over exercising or his diet then shame on Ella and Tim.

That makes sense the fancy moves he does aswell as Tim constantly hyping him up with the bragging to make him sound even better than he is. It’s going to be worrying for Hezes mental health if the football career doesn’t work out the way he’s been convinced it will.

@Miss.Chanandler.Bong wow yeah that’s interesting to hear cause sometimes it feels like Tim is over doing it with the bragging like he’s insecure or worried deep down with the competition Heze is up against with other boys who are great players.
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My kids know about other cultures and try their food by going to friends houses. They don’t need to be exploited on tv and a script for utube to say they are learning new things. This family is unreal. They are desperate to make money off their kids
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Notice how Tim has no seat on the flight next to the kids. No way is this a holiday paid for by them they don’t have the money for kids. I knew straight away it’s a freebie and most def Nike as it was this time last year. Weren’t all the kids dressed in football gear again I can’t R.E.M. and I bet heze had his stupid ball next to him in a bag. We will see
He put where is he and the writing on the street sign was Arabic so my guess is it’s Nike or football. I know don’t if Ryan air flies to dubai area but as they tagged the airline shows that’s free to me already
Ella must surely be angry on this trip as she will be doing everything and won’t be able to relax at all. This time last year was Nike and they never said was free so most lightly it’s Nike again then when they get back Tim and Ella will go away together alone again as Ella wil moan she had to do it all herself. They will pay for that but not this one.
Also other utubers say where they are going on holiday. They don’t as know this so the only excitement they will have. It’s all free but they just don’t admit it they say later they are away for work lool
In the stories it looked like Heze , Hosanna and Halle all sat in a row together and then Ella , Rue , Houston and Halo (on Ella’s lap) all sat together on the row in front and then Tim and Harper sat together across from them. I could be wrong but that’s what I saw on their stories but the fact Ella was sat with both Houston and Halo shows me he wasn’t going to help with them two so left Ella to it as usual.

I agree there’s no way they paid for this holiday I would be shocked! it would make sense it being a freebie and sponsored by Nike also would make sense like the holiday they went on last year. Heze always looks like he can’t fully relax if his football isn’t near him its so weird how attached he is to it is he going to be like this the rest of his life!?

If they’re in Dubai I’ll be surprised they went on a longer flight like that and if they did then I’ll need to see vlog footage to prove Tim helped keep an eye on those kids during the flight and helped keep the younger ones entertained cause otherwise I bet Ella got no help. She’ll wait until she gets back to the uk to have a moan on instagram or devote a whole vlog to moaning about how she’s basically a single mother but then throwing in compliments about Tim here and there to try convince us all their relationship is perfect and act like he’s a hands on dad when we all can see he isn’t.
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How is the new vlog content. I mean wtf. How the hell can they call themselves utubers. They are boring as hell house prisoners
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Are you serious 😳 so that’s how they’re able to just take off these days. Lazy is right!! She can’t keep up with all that. To think they wanted to add yet another kid to the madness and her mother isn’t around the corner anymore. Let’s see how long Tim pays for this service or the lady quits after she sees how crazy they are.

She’s not going to open anything because it was a bunch of BS off Amazon and whatever else she got for free and people are starting to call her out.
All they showed was her holding up bags but not opening anything.
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Hosanna has mentioned seeing Marvin and Rochelle’s eldest daughter’s room before and their house is full of kids things, toys, a playroom. I wonder if Ella and Tim tell their kids toys aren’t normal when they see things like that
I R.E.M. that. See this is why they don’t like their kids to mix with other people. Pure abuse. Unless they are watches by them. What age are they going to carry this on till
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Tim and Ella are going to be in for a rude awakening, I just read where the content creators aren’t going to be getting paid as they were before. The payments are going down. So whatever amount they have coming in is going to decrease.
Only post I’ve seen today is Ella doing hair. With Shea butter. I guess she’s trying to get a sponsorship once again.
Where did you read that as I can’t see it anywhere
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That McDonald’s video still makes me so mad!! They tried use the excuse of “the kids had breakfast this morning and Tim didn’t” why didn’t Tim just eat something at home a piece of fruit or something quick like that. That excuse was bs he was just greedy , didn’t want to eat what was on offer at home and wanted to spend money on a McDonald’s for himself and didn’t want to get the kids anything. The kids all had to sit in the car smelling the food as Tim scoffed a burger and fries which isn’t even breakfast food it’s lunch or dinner. The poor kids were also hungry cause they wanted food but Ella quickly silenced them and told them no you had food this morning. Ella was staring at his food hungry too talking about everything he was eating. I could never go to McDonald’s or any restaurant order myself food while I had kids in the car with me cause that’s just cruel. If they had ate a dinner somewhere beforehand then I’d at least still get them an ice cream each. That McDonald’s video showed yet again how disgustingly selfish Tim is.

Ella and Tim will happily spend money on themselves buying what food they want , nights out and clothes but when it comes to the kids they don’t let them have anything. They are obsessed with dressing all the kids in football kits now for attention.

They are just so boring to watch!
It’s definitely getting worse by the weeks.
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So viewing figures low....mmm time to wheel out just Halo & Houston by themselves

Title - How to look after 2 under 2 or some shit like that
Then the weirdo comments on how Ella is a supermom, 🤮
While Halo is pinned down in the playpen. And Houston gets to sit in Ella’s lap.
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