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I get the feeling he was spoilt rotten whether that was with things he wanted or attention and it seems like he never had to lift a finger cause his mum did everything for him.
Most def. He’s beyond lazy with a very high opinion of himself that does absolutely nothing
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So Tim has reposted a video of Heze on his story. Heze is walking with his teammates at Stamford bridge as I think they won their league. All the other kids are walking somewhat together and Heze is to the side walking with a backpack on his back it takes me back to horse riding video for Harpers birthday where he was having a hard time understand he couldn’t ride with a bag in his back.
I say all of this this say there’s nothing normal about those children and their lives.
I agree it’s weird it’s not normal at all he can’t take a bag off and he also looked uncomfortable having no football to carry like he didn’t know what to do with his hands. Also look how tiny he is compared to his teammates they’ve all been growing normally and Heze has stayed super short. He looks like an 8 year old not a 13 year old.
Yes @Honestgirl just saw your post the ball is definitely in the bag that would make sense!
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My kids know about other cultures and try their food by going to friends houses. They don’t need to be exploited on tv and a script for utube to say they are learning new things. This family is unreal. They are desperate to make money off their kids
I see these corporations are leaning towards the younger kids the older ones aren’t getting anything now. They’re making them to big headed. I couldn’t stand Tim and Ella talking over Rue and Harper to find out what it was all about that they’re going to be doing. The kids couldn’t finished a sentence.
I see these corporations are leaning towards the younger kids the older ones aren’t getting anything now. They’re making them to big headed. I couldn’t stand Tim and Ella talking over Rue and Harper to find out what it was all about that they’re going to be doing. The kids couldn’t finished a sentence.
They don’t even get out the house so what was Ella talking about when Rue went to play with someone?
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I just watched the girls Tic Tok do Tim and Ella pay attention to who’s commenting on there. Apparently not. You can tell some of them with no pictures are older guys and that’s just not okay but who are the first to comment with this is 🔥 is the parents both of them. They have truly lost their minds. Halle and Houzanna do the same dance over and over and Houzanna whole butt is hanging out of that swim suit. Next Tim will have them swinging off a pole. Let them get a little older. Smh!!
It’s disgusting. Again Il say they are primary school age kids. We know Tim tells them to make these reels and study tik tok for me. That isn’t normal I can’t imagine saying that to my kids whom are their ages too.
Anyone can do those dances tbh just want their kids to be famous and make them money Kids don’t even do any classes or groups or clubs they are just locked in that dam house
I don’t think they actually realise that 5 days later posts of them still in that villa are embarrassing and cringe. They are too dumb they think this is content lol
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What utuber sits there timing themselves talk for the whole vid lol and doesn’t even hide it as we saw it as she turned. They are saddos
That’s how they get paid. It has to go at least 10 min before they can even get started and Tim just sits there filming her and she doesn’t even have a starting point when she starts talking just on and on. Forgetting what she’s even talking about and repeating herself.
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So Ella still trying to milk this miscarriage. She wasn’t ready okay but you’re not on any type of birth control and you’ve had seven kids. Give me a break and hopefully not one more child has to enter that nut house. Tim’s taking her out on the town get her liquor up. Before the summer gets going she’ll be pregnant. Smh
who was the other vanishing twin please? halle and who else x
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And with all he doesn’t do he wants her to have yet another child. I hope he reads every statement here because it’s the truth. No one is going to sugar coat a thing Tim!!! You’re a lazy ass bum. Ella, needs to interview him. What time does the master wake up? He wants to sleep and not be disturbed. That’s why Halo was kicked out the room and put on Houzanna. Did anyone see the I think IG post and you could see Halo pinned down in the playpen. They don’t even put toys in there for her.
Someone suggested Ella write a book about parenting. 😳 you have got to be kidding me. Who would want to follow any advice from her? Are they delusional or what? Does anyone see what we see?
I see it all. This family need professional help
Her dad tried to warn her not to date him and not to marry him but Ella didn’t want to listen 🤷‍♀️

I said this in a previous thread but I once saw an old video of theirs when Rue was only a new baby and Tim was annoyed in the car saying he was tired cause the kids all came into the room in the morning disturbing his sleep and Ella awkwardly laughed and said but you get to sleep through the night and have a lie in while I’m always up early with the kids and he said something like yeah cause that’s your job and she did her awkward laugh again clearly not happy with what he said but afraid to tell him that and she said oh that’s just mums job is it? and he just nodded! then she said Rue had been crying throughout the night so she hadn’t slept much and Tim said something like oh I didn’t hear him cry at all. That was bs he just didn’t went to get up and help. The reason I still remember this video is cause when I watched it I thought how awful a person he is cause he really didn’t care and he’s so lazy
I R.E.M. it
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