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It’s either for football,they read here and are trying to prove a point like look at us we spend time with our kids we’re taking them on holiday ( I would be surprised if that’s the reason cause I can’t imagine them wanting to pay for their own holiday and make the effort or have the interest in taking their kids on holiday no matter how much they want to prove a point cause they don’t like spending time with their kids no matter what) or there’s some other reason. It’s just very hard to believe this holiday isn’t a freebie and there isn’t some business/money to be made off the kids from it . I’m sure once they start tagging places or things they’re doing we will be able to figure out their true intentions. Ella and Tim are the type to always want to go away on holiday just the two of them so the kids are either only with them because they had nobody else to look after them or like I said there’s opportunities/money the kids could make for their parents. For those two of all people to take all their kids with them on holiday there has to be more to it.
Your correct. They even took Halo and you know Ella hates traveling with a baby because it’s so much work and she had to pack up the whole house and kids because he doesn’t help with nothing. Even if it’s for Haze she already said she can’t function without Tim telling her what to do is what she should have said.
Do you think they’ll make a fuss of Heze’s 13th on Sunday?
He still looks so small. He doesn’t look 13
When he’s next to other kids you can really tell how small he is. Plus he’s sisters are passing him up.
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If we can see this so clearly why can’t the viewers in their comments I’m confused. As I’ve said their views don’t tie in to the number of subs they have so many subs and comments just be bots

They truly need reporting to social services. They may not be starved or beaten but this is def a form of mental abuse
I think as they just had two nights away from the kids it made them realise how they don’t want to carry on looking after the kids daily. Their parents are beyond stupid. Kids to bed while the sun is up during what is half term to lost kids that go to school. These kids actually think this is normal. No way. They can’t talk to anyone other than their family I bet they have trackers on their phones. They need saving
Kids their age are still playing outside with their friends tonight while it was sunny. Mine were and they are the same ages as Halle and heze. In bed they would think is gone mad. Who’s going to help these kids
I think this is why they moved to a street where the kids couldn’t play out anymore as a main road and no kids out This was planned and is part of the isolation abuse
They have to be buying subs and comments cause like you said it doesn’t add up with how little views they get.

I agree it’s mental abuse but I don’t know if social services would look into it and take it seriously because they probably would say the kids are fed they are not beaten so what can we do. I feel so sorry for these kids because they are isolated all the time this is not a way anyone should have to live their life being controlled and missing out on being a child having fun and experiencing real life.

you are so right those two nights reminded them how much they enjoy being away from their kids and they would love to carry on having more nights away from the kids cause they don’t want to look after them. They were dreading coming home to those kids 100%. In her instagram video she was definitely hinting for wanting more nights away with Tim. I agree the grandparents are stupid cause they let themselves be taken advantage of. They never put their foot down to Ella and Tim but someone should for once. Exactly for kids who are in school it’s half term right now and they’re out playing which is great that’s what every child should get to do have fun with no worries but the Grimwade kids will never experience that. They think it’s normal to have no friends , no schooling and no life outside of football training. Ella even said in the podcast she was on a few weeks ago that her kids have no interest in being around other kids because they dont see the point of it it’s weird to them so basically from what her and Tim have said they’ve convinced their kids other children are immature and bad influences to be around so they don’t need friends.

I think the same their phones are tracked and they’ll control these kids every move. You’re raising your kids in the best way letting them play outside while it’s sunny with their friends cause when I look back on my childhood I miss those days sometimes. They don’t enjoy their kids no one on one time with each child or movie nights with sweets and having fun letting them stay up later.

I agree they moved to a place they could isolate the kids even more it was definitely planned for just before they start to hit the teenage years cause didn’t someone on here say before there’s no bus around there so you have to drive to the nearest bus stop or drive or wherever you want to go.
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Omg she sounds so horribly selfish in that Instagram video!!! All me me me me is all I hear from her. I can’t believe that woman is a mother she sounds like she can’t stand her kids like they’re in the way. She keeps saying “we have 7 kids so we need help” they chose to have all those kids so don’t have that many kids if you don’t want to take on the responsibility. The kids are always sent to their grandparents and when they’re not with the grandparents the nanny looks after them. She had the nerve to say “we just need time for ourselves” acting like she never gets time to herself her her eyelashes and nails are always done and she goes away for weekends and date nights a lot.

Poor Halo crying but Ella doesn’t like Halo and I think one of the big reasons for that is something clearly went wrong in Ella and Tim’s relationship during the pregnancy of Halo and just after she was born for months you could see tension and she was pissed off at him but couldn’t fully express it to him cause he’s the one in control. I think he did something wrong I’m not saying he physically has cheated maybe he has wouldn’t shock me but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s emotionally cheated on her speaking to other women or one other woman who knows but whatever happened it made Ella a million times more insecure than she already was and ever since she’s desperately been doing everything she can to keep his attention.

She said in that Instagram video something about how you look is important to your relationship but if someone truly loves you then you wouldn’t be stressing about your looks and weight cause you would know your partner isn’t judging you cause they make you feel comfortable no matter what you look like but she clearly doesn’t get attention and compliments from Tim unless she looks a certain way which shows he’s shallow but also how unhealthy that marriage is. Sending the kids to bed super early to get them out of the way how sad is that they never want to spend time with their kids and enjoy bonding with them. Tim hanging around in the background of the video and then going to watch tv not lifting a finger around the house no surprise there.
I was thinking 7 kids and all she has to do is sort the dishes nothing to tidy up after babies but then I R.E.M. this is why they don’t allow the kids to have toys so there is noth to sort in the house. All the kids did all day was kick a dam ball in the garden. These parents please someone help these kids. Why are the in-laws allowing this. I think all those kids are going to have serious mental health probs when they are older. I bet all the internet is locked in their toys and only each other to talk to that’s why hosanna had said the other day she text heze or something. They can’t talk to any anyone but each other. Does heze think This is normal. Donthis team mates laugh at him kicking a ball with his baby siblings all day. He won’t be able to carry that on soon being 13/14
They have to be buying subs and comments cause like you said it doesn’t add up with how little views they get.

I agree it’s mental abuse but I don’t know if social services would look into it and take it seriously because they probably would say the kids are fed they are not beaten so what can we do. I feel so sorry for these kids because they are isolated all the time this is not a way anyone should have to live their life being controlled and missing out on being a child having fun and experiencing real life.

you are so right those two nights reminded them how much they enjoy being away from their kids and they would love to carry on having more nights away from the kids cause they don’t want to look after them. They were dreading coming home to those kids 100%. In her instagram video she was definitely hinting for wanting more nights away with Tim. I agree the grandparents are stupid cause they let themselves be taken advantage of. They never put their foot down to Ella and Tim but someone should for once. Exactly for kids who are in school it’s half term right now and they’re out playing which is great that’s what every child should get to do have fun with no worries but the Grimwade kids will never experience that. They think it’s normal to have no friends , no schooling and no life outside of football training. Ella even said in the podcast she was on a few weeks ago that her kids have no interest in being around other kids because they dont see the point of it it’s weird to them so basically from what her and Tim have said they’ve convinced their kids other children are immature and bad influences to be around so they don’t need friends.

I think the same their phones are tracked and they’ll control these kids every move. You’re raising your kids in the best way letting them play outside while it’s sunny with their friends cause when I look back on my childhood I miss those days sometimes. They don’t enjoy their kids no one on one time with each child or movie nights with sweets and having fun letting them stay up later.

I agree they moved to a place they could isolate the kids even more it was definitely planned for just before they start to hit the teenage years cause didn’t someone on here say before there’s no bus around there so you have to drive to the nearest bus stop or drive or wherever you want to go.
Gosh I didn’t know that about the bus. Ur right just before teenage yrs kick in. This is scary when you think about it. Look at the Hollywood stars who yrs later talk about their sexual abus me in the trade. There may not be that here but there is def abuse with their lifestyle and control going on we can all see. It didn’t take me long after watching they from the start. I thought oh sweet kids they mixed race like mine they seeing the way they lived red flags starting coming. The comments don’t as I’d say yes they are bought they aren’t real
I don’t understand how you make money if you’re buying subs and comments I just don’t know this side of it but you would have to be deluded to now see through them after a short while and the kids lifestyles. Even the nanny will see it maybe she will reveal all. I also think they have had her longer than Ella revealed prob the past year. Sorry housekeeper not nanny. Since they moved to this house and it be yet another secret they didn’t reveal at the time
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What time does she serve dinner? And Tim at the head of the table just stuffing he’s face. 😳

Ella makes so small portions of food. How does this feed 9 people a small pot of rice and beans, a small container of mac and cheese and didn’t see any meat. Something was in a pot. And she feeds them so early so she can just be done and then sends everyone to bed before the sun goes down. Tim sitting there holding Halo while she’s sleeping yeah okay.
No way would she eat at 6. They wou then be in bed at a normal time of 8 plus. She wants them in bed for 6.40/7. Poor kids no day out at stuck in the garden again noth but a ball. Where’s a slide for halo where’s her trampoline. Where the cooker they for gifted. It’s all gone
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That’s how they get paid. It has to go at least 10 min before they can even get started and Tim just sits there filming her and she doesn’t even have a starting point when she starts talking just on and on. Forgetting what she’s even talking about and repeating herself.
Exactly. She doesn’t even need him to hold a camera to try and feel important lol
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I was just going to say Morocco then they tagged it. Who’s the girl with them help for Ella lol. They can’t afford there it’s def free as what’s with the tags I don’t know who they are
The tag is a speaker coach lady with them. What’s that all about secrets as usual most def bagged a freebie They couldn’t afford a villa yet again locked away from people
I think they have latched onto this utuber to get a free holiday as looking on her page she’s up and down all the time. Again they will lie and say they are working lol. Never honest
I reckon the next woman arrange for them to come with her for free so they would get a holiday. They won’t check out Morocco sites and will stay in villa. Again Tim thinking he’s made it when he didn’t pay for it
They will do just as they did last vacation keep them in that house and only let them swimming. The kids don’t know any better they think they’re having the time of they’re life.
That’s the same house they were at the last time.
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They are obv hiding something as they haven’t explained it at all so he’s obv making it out to be bigger than it is and all they do is advertise it or something. Who’s the coach why are all their family there who don’t play etc lol
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Still stuck at 7.7 views. And they’re reposting that mess all over all the social media hoping for more clicks I guess.
Tim, is really buttering Ella up today. They are so sickening. Just stop it already.
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I’m still trying to figure out why she called the lady the last minute and brought her along? She looked very bored and looked like she was asked to watch the children. If she a YT person I would like to see her page because they surely didn’t attach her information at all. The look on her face when she attempted to mention something happened with Rue getting in the pool seems like she had to rescue him. She looked bored as well. Probably thought she would see more than just the inside of the villa.

The sad part is they have enough rooms in that house where he can have he’s own room. He’s 13 years old now so what’s the excuse? Rue just turned what 5?
She the baby sitter that’s what it looks like
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I’m surprised the kids don’t leave their house or grandmas and go out into the world for a walk or to the shop even without telling anyone. I mean don’t they want to do they really want to be at home with alll their siblings all the time aren’t they going mad
Kids will be with grandparents another night then as they will be drinking and out late. They are both entitled spoilt adults
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Plus I feel like it's easy to pin everything on Tim, but so much of their toxic upbringing is because of Ella. Wasn't she the one who decided to pull Heze out of school? She's deeply insecure and cannot stand the thought of her children having an attachment to or looking up to other women. She even saw bloody Rapunzel as a threat. I don't think Tim would have cared much about them staying in school (more time to himself!), and their lack of schooling is a major reason why their futures look so bleak.

She is entirely dissatisfied with her life and the choices that have led her up to this point, and takes it out on the children instead of her useless husband. Long story short, they both suck.
From the first video they spoke about it, it was a joint decision to take him out
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Fake fake fake
Hosanna says her birthday is special as asked by Tim as she is being with her family and love and happiness lool. What 24/7. It’s so clear Tim told her to say these things.
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