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Eh it was me drinking and smoking 🚬
Shoot me

Clinking was eco friendly metal straw
Shoot me

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Is she really so stupid that she'll move her patreon videos to Vimeo? She'll lose thousands of views and that will mess up her YT algorithm because the hidden videos are published in her CD channel. She needs to see the bigger picture and have enjoyment of the fact that tattlers who open the link here add to her total view count, improve her statistics and contribute to her income stream. There's no such thing as bad publicity. Steph, put your feelings aside and be business savvy.
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So she revealed the room, before it aired on TV...? 🧐
Also, why are those superfans comming here, don't they have a life, or a premiere to wait for hours at? 🙄
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She does the same to others, she announced the relationship between Selma & Taty, she said they met online & Taty was coming for 2 months, this was before she arrived.
We were all wondering about Selmar's Tatty - was he being catfished etc but she put it to air and talked about Selmar "being careful" ..... like she would care if he was being "taken down" or Tatty did not turn up when he went out to meet her !
Yet she kept her romance private for a year she said !

The vid when she was talking about going to London and perhaps Squirrel will join her there....... my little crystal ball came out and I predict that he will come to London and that is where she will Dump Him....... right before the trip to Venice. There was a touch of Anger in her face .
I have a feeling she is going off him at a fast rate!
You heard it first here . ;)
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From Selmar's last flog.
I posted this on the last 🧵 but now Penny Lane and Capt. M have replied.

Capt. Molyneaux
2 days ago
Happy to see you as a couple....but...unless you both have loads of money, pls realize that a chateau will bankrupt you.... non-stop repairs....taxes, etc.


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Selmar Duin

1 day ago
We going to organize 2 times in the month Dinerdansant with live Orchestra and 2 times in the year a Medieval fantasie festival. I think we going to be fine 🤔



Penny Lane
20 hours ago
@Selmar Duin oh dear...


Capt. Molyneaux
17 hours ago
@Selmar Duin Who pays for the orchestra? Who serves dinner? Do you provide sleep arrangements since many possibles may come from 2+ hours might work as a secret getaway for dalliances of all flavors....w private "rooms," if you know what ah mean. I know of hotels, comme ca, in A'Dam. (Mattresses in a ballroom?)
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Another point about the big reveal (Kaboomgate) I never ever want to see filming in her bedroom again, knowing that Sir Snorts has officially been outed. Ewwwwww. If you want to keep your personal life private, then you need to stop filming in the bedroom. Now, off to vomit.
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I’m not Stephending here but on the day in question Annalise was doing her hair and if you have your hair done at home it would not be unusual to stay in your robe while they color and cut and then shower to wash out the hair dye and get rid of the small hairs, then go back downstairs for the hairdresser to do the blow dry. At least that’s what I do. Admittedly, I would not greet contractors or delivery people in my robe.
And on the subject of the hair cut! 🤣


48 seconds ago
Why do you guys cut hair in kitchen.. So unsanitary.. Hair will fly everywhere into the food and stuff...

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The greatest tool a narcissist has is their ability to seem completely sincere and benevolent when they are not.
It strikes me that she does not seem to have one genuine friend on whom she can rely to give her real advice and support when she needs it. The ones she thinks are real friends, like Nic and Potty (and BJJ), show no concern for her mental health and just enable her to continue to do what is bad for her. I don't think there's anyone she can really confide in. Most women of her age would have at least one really close friend. The one or two women that she has known for a long time are probably moles and they go with the partying and false jollity on the surface. All the other inhabitants are either sycophants or people who move on fairly quickly as they have real lives elsewhere. the there are the patron "friends" she hasn't met or hardly knows and with whom she probably has very little in common. She is virtually alone and probably knows it underneath. If all the outwardly friendly entourage suddenly took off, she would probably go under completely. She couldn't exist without the enablers and the circus show. Nobody there has shown any real concern for her. She sees Tattle as a hate site but Tattlers seem to me to be the only people who can see right through her and see what she really needs which is some professional therapy!
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Clara Burnett

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Ironic I found you all after experiencing extreme bullying on the Patron page, but this is a site considered hate in SJ eyes. One woman who replied under my comment on the patron page claimed she had not talked to her own mother in 11 years, but I was even more awful than her for suggesting SJs actions were nefarious.
So sorry you went through this. It must be painful to get the bandage ripped of like that even before the wound has started healing. Very welcome here, for free, and I think you will find a lot of like minded people here, as well as some not so like minded.
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Kari Lynn, you have now gained a spot on my radar. Please, start at 🧵#1, it reads like a good novel. Once, you dive in you won't be able to stop. Clara is a beloved and respected member here. ♥ Remeber, tattle doesn't rattle, unlike deceivers.

Kari Lynn
3 hours ago
Stephanie: The "hate site" includes people who also became Patrons so they can "share" the info to that page. They already plan to steal from whatever platform you switch to. They make me laugh because there is at least one person who is offended by being called a hate site and said you are lying. LOL Please don't share personal details with the Patrons because someone will leak to that other page. And, feel free to delete this comment. 😊

Kari Lynn
1 hour ago
YAY!! LMAO- oh goodness, Clara. I thought I was getting ignored. Goals 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

1 hour ago
What are you speaking of ?? And to who ?? Odd.

Kari Lynn
1 hour ago
@Y MIV Yes. It does seem odd. Clara is a person on another page who is not a fan of CD & took a screenshot of my comment & posted it on this other page. She will see my response. She appears to have some inside knowledge of the goings on at LaLande. Not certain that Clara is female. But certainly a Judas*. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 *Are people who betray any better than those who deceive? hmmm?
Hi Kari, you stupid, blind ass.
Next time you are lurking here being your own version of a Judas....stop and chat awhile.
We may eat you up and spit you out, but it also may wake you up to see what a lying, deceitful narcissist your "leader" is.
Get your head out of your ass, darling.
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Definitely Maybe

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This thread is the best and funniest on tattle, in fact on the internet. I love the way we inspire and bounce ideas off one another , birds of a feather and all that. Long may it continue ❤
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T Rex

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Recap: A Chateau full of Life, Love & Laughter. (Obviously, they are once again reading the Tattle, this is one of our favorite phrases to mock.)
It all begins with our Charlatan, who is (surprise) in her bed, in her favorite 100 Stars robe (the same one she was wearing the previous evening when the ceiling collapsed, and she "assisted" cleaning up rubble in.) "Everyone told me I needed to stay in bed today and not do a thing. <Because I am a delicate flower, and it was such a traumatic event.>. My shoulder hurts <because my body is unaccustomed to mundane tasks, such as using a broom>." BJJ has to pick up Gerry at the airport, Fanny is miraculously cured and rushes downstairs to greet Gerry, who is wearing a Christmas jumper with tartan. Davy remarks he has a similar one <and soon, they will be "twinning".> BJJ presents Gerry with a weird blue tartan shirt from his parents, and Gerry declares he will wear it when he drives taxi <the shirt looked BJJ-Baby-Gap sized in the tiny packaging, so you may want to rethink that one, Scotman. Also scratching my head at fact Scotman wears any and all clan tartans together- it's odd>. Fanny suddenly decides to poach eggs, and a surprised Ann-Marie, caught off-guard, remarks, "YOU'RE cooking?!?" <and immediately starts backpedalling when Fanny announces, "I am going to be doing the majority of the cooking..." Ann-Marie asked where Dan was <clearing missing the only other sane person who comes to the Shitoo who'd also find this hilarious>, and Fanny showed a pan of boiling water full of eggs remarking, "Hey Dan, this is what happens when you're not here..." <Has Dan the Gardener been cooking lunch as well? WTH?> Close-up of a baguette with butter and a poached egg, and Fanny remarking, "There is nothing I love more than a poached egg for lunch." <If she is going to be the primary cook at the Shitoo, the inhabitants are going to starve.> "We're using all the fun different salts our viewers sent us!" as everyone just puts their dirty fingers into the jars <shudders>. Scotman is having none of that and asks for the salt grinder. After lunch of disappointment, Fanny drags Scotman to show him the hole in the ceiling. "I haven't told Ian yet, it's a bank holiday tomorrow..." <Surprise Ian! Just one more thing you need to add to the list. Ian needs to double his rate.> Nick & Marie are hanging out in their pad, the pup licks Fanny's foot- Fanny pretends to tolerate it. Marie is knitting with some yarn a Cadeaux viewer sent last year, while Fanny coos, "It's paarfect!". Antoine is hanging out in MUCH cleaner kitchen with his rabbit, and Annalise is cutting his hair. Fanny makes remarks about Nick's English being good from YouTube. Dan the Gardener texts about "Something exciting happening around Sillymar's Camper Van." An adorable Jack Russell Terrier starts jumping on her- Fanny does not pet this dog, either. Smoking-tat-man <tree surgeon> is back, and cutting down more dead trees. Fanny is now wearing a different robe, as an adult probably made her change into something clean. Discussions are made about dead trees, dog is obsessed with humping her <dogs are smart- he just wanted her to pet him>, and Dan remarks, "Matt has left his digger in a very precarious place." <I have no idea WHY this made me giggle! But, WTG, Dan!> Sillymar suddenly appears with a snow brush to remove leaves and attempt to hightail it out of there. Meanwhile, Ann-Marie has moved the boiler, Antoine is doing some child labor <earning his keep>. Ann-Marie has been promoted to "Daddy Daycare", as he is the only adult who has taken an interest in the child, and lets him use dangerous power tools. Fat Potts shows up to the workshop looking confused as ever that there is a workshop in the Shitoo and in a pink jumper <he's as dense as lead>, and acknowledges the child has more skills than he. Annalise did Marie's hair as well, but Fanny remarked that the dog Sandy looked the same. <Did she think the dog would get highlights as well?> Fat Potts made some bread- 2 hours after lunch. Fanny eats more bread and exclaims it is the best batch ever. BJJ agrees because Fanny owns him. <Ann-Marie looks dubious, and has no interest in consuming Fat Pott's science experiment.> Ending- Fanny back in her boudoir, remarking, "This was the best day ever, because with everything that happened last night, we couldn't film Cadeaux on time, so instead we decided we'd do a live one in my bedroom..." <Because filming in the room you have intimate relations with BJJ is not creepy at all.> Ugly scarecrow dude "Philip" was regifted to Dan the Gardener. It was meant for BJJ, but he's going to regift it to Dan <yeah, because Dan really wants your wonky cast-offs.> Fin. <What the HELL did I just watch?!?>
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I’m actually surprised that more SJ fans aren’t comparing the Snorts relationship with the MPK relationship. SJ certainly had no problem with letting everyone think her relationship with Teabag was more than just friendship. And Ma Petherick actively pushed that narrative, too. But with Snorts, she kept the relationship “private” and hidden from her fans. In both cases, there was deception. Fans were deceived into thinking she and MPK were a couple, and then fans were deceived into thinking she and Snorts weren’t a couple,

Again, the narrative is constructed based on what will benefit her the most. If I was MPK, I would have been embarrassed to play this game where people thought I was straight when I really wasn’t. And the same is true for Snorts…leading people to think he’s gay when in fact he’s straight (or bi). She’s using her friends, her lover, and her fans.
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NOV 5, 2021 AT 6:20 PM

Having said that, it’s been brought to my attention that your Patreon videos are being illegally leaked onto a hate site on the internet.
I’ve spent this afternoon looking into a way of preventing this. Vimeo is a video platform similar to YouTube and I am considering switching to Vimeo for your Patreon videos.
Awww! “Hate” is such a strong word, and so unfair! I prefer “despise” or “detest” better! Or, maybe “truthful?” 😊

Also, the videos are not being illegally leaked. Funny how all of a sudden SJ is worried about legalities? 😆
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I am no longer watching her. Things have been bothering me for a while about her and I was not aware of this site. You cannot be honest under her posts about it because her fans are obsessive and slightly unhinged (maybe it is the Brit in me but all the gushing over every little thing she does is too much). Stephanie has called this a ‘hate’ site. Whilst there maybe comments on here that are a bit harsh, some people have come on here to safely express their feelings on the matter.

I was completely put off by her response to being exposed by channel 4. Firstly, she used Dick and Angel as an example but Angel is a lot older than Philip and age gaps tend to become less important as the youngest person gets older. She should have just said that she understood people may feel like she had hidden it and they could feel a bit deceived, since she is normally so open (I have seen her in the bath on camera and that always makes me incredibly uncomfortable) but her reasons for doing that were x,y,z. However, she has played the victim and excused herself. That screams ‘narcissist’ to me.

I have been having this uneasy feeling watching her for quite a while, the sycophantic outpouring when complimenting others, it is forced and insincere - I have believed for a while she does this in order to appear like a nice person for the audience - this is another thing that narcissists do. There is a red flag for narcissism and that is ‘healthy people give a compliment, but narcissists flatter you’ - they are trying to sell their false image of themselves, the one they use to extract supply form others.
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oh I literally peed myself

Whilst we were watching them
Watching us
Watching them

They were still watching us

Patron 🤣🤣🤣
Tattle wasent paying any attention to you
My bad 😈
I was just thinking about your initials S&P, just like salt and pepper. The pairing dates back to seventeenth-century French cuisine which considered black pepper the only spice that did not overpower the true taste of food. So there you go, your pairing was meant to be

Oh for Pete’s sake. They’re taking video of their computer screen and posting the live on the hate site in two minute increments. Honestly? If that’s how you want to spend your Saturday night, whatever. I do think maybe you should look into knitting or volunteering at a soup kitchen or some sort of soothing, productive hobby instead. You clearly have a lot of time on your hands!

Yep! Stephanie really needs to ferret out who “MojoDublin” is here. He/she is the one posting the videos. He/she said they joined Patreon August of last year. He/she may not be the only one, but that is the poster that is posting the videos. There are others sharing the comments here and making fun of the Patrons. They are malicious immature group of haters.

wow. What pathetic, sad people. They are obviously jealous.

Unfortunately these sites will always exist. There is not a chance they will stop. I have known about this site for many years as I follow a few other youtubers and if you think The CD gets a bashing you should take a look at what other youtubers go through. They are obsessed and they will never give up. The new statesmen wrote a piece earlier this year calling the gossip site the most toxic place on the internet and they are not wrong and I know it can be hurtful to think people would gossip behind ones back but it does happen and it will continue.


Is the quality of the video really choppy for anyone else? The sound keeps cutting in and out for me.
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From Chateaux DIY vlog ...
Oh my giddy aunty, those comments are more savage than us!!! 😂 I'd love to see Cynthia Lambert try to do a few rings with those commenters.

Only to be the brunt of her joke
Exactly! Imagine (like Jill Scott) defending La Javis' platonic friendship with Phyllis, only to find out you've been duped and the "haters" were right all along
Talk about making an arse of oneself.
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Medallions would have looked better in a display case, possibly on a dark velvet background. Same with the Wedgwood plates. We know the radiator doesn't work, so no danger of cracking from the heat. Maybe they will get pinched by someone or they will fall off when the wind rushes through.
Hot glue doesn't hold so well when the room gets cold. The next time they dust there (so 2024 probably) the Wedgewood vignettes will fall off.
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