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VIP Member
O.k. I know Dan said he may not be able to put out a daily video because he was filming for channel 4 ( WHY OH WHY???? He is sinking deep into the farce of the Shanty!!!)
But! I think ol' SJ has him on mute until she gets her ducks ( peacocks....?) in a row and her lies lined up.
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Ohh ffs. Dick is NOT Angel's employer.

It's not the age. It's the power balance and employment issues. Fellow co-worker imbalance.

It's what brought me back here. For so long I didn't want to believe @Clara Burnett (or her sources)... but it became too obvious. It was a grift-grab last year, someone asked a question about everyone's love life and they way she specifically called out Phillip "and what about YOU Phllip, are you satisfied with your love life?" and then everyone else in the room's facial reaction... sent me running back here again with a new name and avatar.

Then the "we's" and AnnMarie's "Steph AND Phillip want shutters" etc.

I'm so happy the KABOOM came for @Rory on VIP title thread!!!

So glad I skipped dinner, going to be an evening of popcorn and tea here!! :D :D

(If someone can find that gift grab for me - that would be awesome - I cannot make it through those - but it was before christmas last year, maybe during advent time. def before he spent the night in the hospital parking lot.)
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They have been drip feeding the clues for months.
In addition to his parents visiting LL, she accompanied him to see his parents and grandmother when they were in The Netherlands. They kept both those visits off-camera but told everyone about it. I think, as you say, they have drip fed info but not come straight out about it. I think they were teasing viewers and enjoying the fact that it brought attention and speculation. I think it was all planned and her fakery in yesterday's patron vlog just confirms what sort of person she is. She wants to do a Q and A as she will thoroughly enjoy it as she did last night! Channel 4 should sue her for lying about them!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
As we've found today, it's not a game of telephone. Clara has a direct line to Lalalande.
I do. And it kills me not being able to reveal just how direct, but that would most definitely spoil all fun. If it would end the grifting I still would, but as we all know and witness almost daily, there's no end to the loyalty of the ones still looking out for her, and after her with their money.

Yes, I am curious to know if they were already a couple when he spent the night in tbe car while she was in hospital?
They absolutely were an item then already. He was (partly) responsible for her ending up there to begin with, remember? One does not get pregnant from the wind, you know, not even ectopic.
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In the mean time...
Comments from Selmar's last flog.
Celeste is on his back. 🤪 Selmar has revealed his business plan. 🌈 🦄


Céleste R
1 day ago
Did you get the selfie stick?


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Selmar Duin
22 hours ago
No 🤔



Céleste R
23 minutes ago
@Selmar Duin Tatyana wanted the one I gave Stephanie while I was there.

Capt. Molyneaux
1 day ago
Happy to see you as a couple....but...unless you both have loads of money, pls realize that a chateau will bankrupt you.... non-stop repairs....taxes, etc.


Selmar Duin
22 hours ago

We going to organize 2 times in the month Dinerdansant with live Orchestra and 2 times in the year a Medieval fantasie festival. I think we going to be fine 🤔
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SJ- Phillip take off my dress
PJ- ok me lady
SJ - Phillip take off my bra
PJ - yes my lady
SJ - Phillip take off my knickers
PJ - yes boss
SJ - ...... and Phillip don't ever put on my clothes again Channel four might be filming
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I studied psychology and one of the topics I learnt about was narcissism. Narcissists are incredibly charming people and often appear very affable (certain types of narcissist at least). They know who to flatter and are very obsequious, which is often referred to as ‘love-bombing’. They are very good at pretending to be innocent or even playing the victim when caught out, twisting the narrative to make it look like they didn’t do anything wrong. They don’t take accountability or apologise because being wrong is not something they are willing to admit - you see a lot of it in politics. What I have just seen from her patreon video was exactly how I would expect a narcissist or manipulative person to respond, she playing the victim and said life isn’t fair, she pretended it was for privacy, however, the truth is she has been deceitful because the lengths they have gone to in order to hide it. Billy and Gwendoline, for example, keep their relationship quite private, they don’t discuss it but they also don’t hide it - she is trying to spin her dishonesty to appear innocent.
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VIP Member
We going to organize 2 times in the month Dinerdansant with live Orchestra and 2 times in the year a Medieval fantasie festival. I think we going to be fine 🤔
THAT'S IT?? That's the business plan?!.... 😳

Who's gonna attend all these events?!!!
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Dan's vlog "community comments section" :

Tattlers accused again.

I don't understand this Tony's game TBH : Sometimes leaving negative comments, sometimes positive comments. Odd.

1 day ago (edited)I guess Stephanie and Michael are more alike than I thought..each have/had a paid companion. Phillip very quickly went from volunteer to employee .....and Stephanie is the employer...ethical much??? All those trips...Versailles, London, Italy...who is paying?

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Tony InLosAngeles
1 day agoWhat kind of nasty comment are you making alluding to something. Oh yeah for sure Michael ran off to Madrid the grifter thinking he was going to get a bucket of love and got taken by a hustler 🤣😂then runs through however many more men, and ends up with a guy & his brother that I know. 🤣🤣😂 How this relates to Stephanie maybe you should explain yourself OP!
I would say that the SJ and Squirrel relationship is as bad or worse than the MPK and Andrew mess. I mean, what MPK did was pretty stupid. But SJ invited a volunteer into her home who ultimately became her employee and lover, while hiding it from her subscribers and patrons. There’s ethical issues about paying someone who you’re also sleeping with (Squirrel might as well be called an “escort” like Andrew!). But, also, the power dynamics due to this situation has created a strain at the Chateau as well (just creating more chaos in the workplace…who is this guy and do we take orders from him now? How does he fit into the big picture?). And what happens if or when the relationship ends? How can SJ be assured Squirrel won’t “burn” her in retaliation? The whole thing is a mess…typical, just like all of the unfinished projects. Why would this be any different?
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It's common for vloggers to keep their dating life private but does that mean someone who has been part of vlog needs to disappear?
One more thought…I agree that it’s common for vloggers to keep their dating life private. But, SJ has set up her channel to be totally about her life. She’s intentionally invited the viewers into her home to get an intimate look at how she lives. I mean, we’re even invited into her most personal space…her bedroom, in bed, while she’s dressed in her nightgown! She doesn’t hesitate to share the most personal and intimate details. So it’s hard for me to “buy” that her relationship with Squirrel was the boundary she wouldn’t cross due to privacy concerns. More than likely, she knew how the relationship would look…a younger volunteer comes to La La Lande and ends up sleeping with the boss. She knew the optics didn’t look good. If she thought everything was truly on the “up and up” I think she would have been thrilled to share her new found happiness…just like she shares everything else!
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I’m new to this site. I’ve been lurking for probably a month now. I arrived after pathetics crying scene. I’ve disliked fanny since she started taking money from people, despite owning two rather expensive properties (what a low act, no class, no morals). I have to say you lot are so entertaining. I’m sure there are so many like me who love reading these comments.
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The latest gossip I've heard, and I have to be careful and call it just that, gossip, even if two separate sources mentioned it without me asking, is that it was Snorty who gave C4 the official go ahead in mentioning his relation to the charlataine, as he was fed up with being kept in the dark and judged for his "we-talk". It would make sense, his position was mostly affected by the secrecy.
We’ll he’s a little cur then
What a sly deceitful thing to do - he’s brought nothing to the party 🎈

Other than ambition - and apparently he’s got it all the way past his long thick skinned neck - there was a vlog when he’s looked insolent and stated .. gossip have at it …

She may rue the day she didn’t pay attention to that .. early doors 🚪

@Clara Burnett - we didn’t put you in witness protection for nothing !!!!

Cavalier as it is … here’s some European advice for his legal position

Common law residency kicks in from year 2 - so he’d have a claim on lalande if they ever split ….
He gets to year 5 he’s her common law significant other

He’ll need a settlement to move out

And outing their … fairly new relationship on a global platform - he’s all the proof he needs to establish his relationship

Guess his granny taught him well

Those directors need to be afraid 😱
He’s more days in residence than they have in the last 10 years 😈

Every cloud 🌧

@Gibson ….Q Clara needs an upgrade on all levels … find her an island 🏝 of choice 😈
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Chatty Member
I'm a patreon of hers but no longer will be (although I already paid for Nov and will be watching for any and all gossip). I will be a hate watcher from now on. I think she should milk this for all she is worth. Throw up a sob story on youtube girl, people are salivating over this. Think of the views/comments! This is just crazy town. If he wasn't her employee I wouldn't be bothered by it. But, yuck! No wonder he has so much spending money. I'm both shaking my head and glad that we have something new and exciting going on. She was getting boring!
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They did not spill anything. Like I said over and over again, in normal daily life at her shit show this is no secret, nor has it ever been. She forgot to inform them that he could not be publicly called 'boyfriend'. She was just completely counting on her scheme of smoke and mirrors to provide an array of explanations for whatever pops up. She did not know. The patron video is proof she was completely surprised by the news. Bad planning and bad pr. What else is new?
I can see how her household/ family, etc would have been expected to keep their relationship under wraps but I am surprised that none of the B and B guests have publicly spilt the beans yet.
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I'm a patreon of hers but no longer will be (although I already paid for Nov and will be watching for any and all gossip). I will be a hate watcher from now on. I think she should milk this for all she is worth. Throw up a sob story on youtube girl, people are salivating over this. Think of the views/comments! This is just crazy town. If he wasn't her employee I wouldn't be bothered by it. But, yuck! No wonder he has so much spending money. I'm both shaking my head and glad that we have something new and exciting going on. She was getting boring!
she had to be open about it when it started...many people start a relationship at work big deal...the fact she kept it hidden is very stupid..she now lets her patreons see she is not to be trusted...very bad in business...tha fact he is gay and he is probably using her and her money is another thing..the whole situation will go on the rocks in no time...but her lies will stick...just as she lies about everything..she believes her own lies..its a second nature...omg what a childhood that woman must have had,,,totally messed up..
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
And I wondered what other people's opinion of Marie was - is it all lovey dovey for the gram and people secretly hate each other.
I talked about this before. Marie is certainly not loved by many, nor is Snorty for that matter. It's not just for the gram, but complying to SJ's rules of love and laughter, even if you have to fake it, is what keeps you on the inside. Nutty is a bit different, as she is the gatekeeper of the mansion and her knowledge of everything that is going down at the HMN works for her upstairs as well as downstairs. Bringing in her cousin to keep Nutty occupied was an almost genius move to keep things in the family.
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