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Granola Chic

Well-known member
First-time poster found during a quick google search. You all are wicked (in a good way) and sure lightened my mood after I was attacked on the Patron page for voicing my opinion about the deceitful crap those two dished out, and how I would not wish a 45-year-old on my 25-year-old son. Shocked I was the only one to do so!!! Well...Thankfully I'm thick-skinned because according to the old ladies handing out a few bucks from their pensions...I'm not a fit mother, nor am I fit for SJ to take my patron money. My oh My.
Steph brought the argument age difference is not really an issue if it is the other way around. I still think it's icky, but I mentioned at least the couple can still have a family if they so choose. Little did I know, according to sources here, there may have been a pregnancy already.
Here is my theory about the hospitalization: The age difference and deceit to the viewers are not the only toxic problems in my opinion. Women with hands such as SJ are a dead give-away for an eating disorder. Mainly purging (we are not sure why). Philipp's unusually large cheeks are a dead give-away to a man who purges.
I think SJ landed herself in the hospital for IV care due to overdoing the need to be thin. Two people in a relationship with eating disorders usually turn out very badly. Now, I want to mention this is all speculation, not based on any facts other than some unusually old-looking hands and a face that could swallow a basketball.
Women can cover their wrinkly hands with botox injections, but for men, there is nothing much they can do to cover their problem.
There are other signs they have eating disorders, but the two I mentioned are the most prominent.

This so-called scandal will probably help the TV show, but I'm on the fence on how it will affect the business.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far....
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I think the reason there are so many comments on here is that firstly, we see them together all the time so to hide it from the viewers means that more work has gone into keeping it a secret, secondly, it feels more deceitful than just being 'private'. I will also add, it feels icky because we can see that he is probably not entirely 'straight' and this was an opportunistic move on his part. Then there is Stephanie playing the victim when she was found out, saying that life isn't fair and people would judge her as a woman, compared to a man.
She's right! My husband is 18 years younger than me. We are nearing our 27th anniversary. You are judged as a woman in a relationship with a large age difference. I've had criticism, mainly from other women, for years. I have a tough skin and a sense of humour and can stop them in their tracks.
My friend married a man 20 years older, this is seen as perfectly acceptable. I get the "cougar" jokes all the time. You learn to live with it. I have a ready supply of witty repartee. The mother and son jibes make me angry.
I can understand why she's kept it quiet. Some of her patrons may be very traditional in their expectations and would find it shocking. I cannot understand their thinking, but people can be very narrow minded about things they don't understand.
It would have been better just to be open from the start though, in my opinion. She has enough Patreons I'm sure who would be supportive of her. She has shown herself up now as someone who hides important things. She has lost the "magic" somewhat.
Patreons may be quite rightly wondering what else is covered up in the perfect magical world. She could have told them about the ectopic pregnancy and got a lot of sympathy. By living her life on camera for money she has lost her privacy unfortunately.
I'm sure though that Snorts had a plan to seduce her, I think he may be a gold digger.
The way he likes everything she likes, feels very insincere. My husband and I row from time to time, I feel its healthy as you are different people. Philip gets nasty digs in sometimes too, teasing her about being like her mother.
In a solid relationship that wouldn't matter, it would be banter, but Im not sure he's a genuine person. If he is good luck to them.

I still find Snorts an annoying tit 🤣
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In her patron video, SJ said that the reason she kept her relationship with Phillip private is because she wants to keep one thing in her very open life to herself. And, she didn’t want to have to deal with the normal ups and downs that happen (in any relationship) in the public view. Ok…I get it…that’s fair. But now that the relationship is confirmed and everyone knows, the only thing SJ can do is to completely cut Phillip out of the vlogs altogether. Anything else would be hypocritical to what she has just stated. If she continues to include him in the vlogs, the focus is going to be on their relationship…every statement, every move, every look will be scrutinized. “Why did she say that? Why did he look at her that way? What’s going there trouble in paradise?” There’s no way that she can keep this “private” anymore. If privacy was truly the issue all along, the only way to regain that privacy now is to cut him completely out of the videos going forward. And…how much does anyone want to bet that will really happen? 🤔
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Ok, from the beginning I felt that something was off with Philip. I always felt that he was a Uriah Heep character and that he knew to ingratiate himself to Stephanie and now I understand why. I don’t believe he is straight, I believe he loves the chateau world and being with Stephanie means he gets to live it. I actually think in hiding it for so long she has done herself a disservice because she now seems dishonest.
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Sj told a friend, then the friend told Clara, then Clara posted it here.... ☎🤣 literally the definition of telephone
I don't recall Clara speaking of a friend of a friend - only her "ears and eyes". Which is not the same IMO.

But who wants to know Clara's secret ? Not me. The second the secret would be out, Clara would disappear from Tattle. And it is not a thing we want, don't we ? ;)
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There is no way that Fanny and the DB were outed by Channel 4 without their knowledge. They have been drip feeding the clues for months. Tattlers knew it and had it confirmed by Clara's eyes and ears. The only ones who needed it spelling out for them were her superfans. This whole business has been carefully scripted for a long time.
  • They have been sporting matching rings for months
  • The Red pillow, charger cables, drinks, etc.
  • The cosy little get aways when the DB didn't actually need to be with her.
  • Lending him her car to go back to the Netherlands
  • The visits from the Janssens and his old friend
  • The new role for the DB as a host at the B and B dinners
  • The arrival of his furniture and Tat
  • The little gifts (gloves at Honfleur,etc.
  • Her extravagant birthday bash for him at Versailles
  • The focus on their "separate rooms" when visiting
  • His constant involvement in every little personal decision - her clothes for the Historical Society appearance, even her new glasses
  • Letting the little glimpses of intimacy escape the editing - the hand on his leg in Tuscany, arms around each other at Versailles, etc.
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So, he tried to kiss her? They have no chemistry whatsoever that it completely passed me by. I think he knew she was lonely and therefore, that she would be an easy target. I am just so glad my initial gut feeling was proven correct concerning him, opportunists love a lonely single person because they are going to be easy to charm and win over. I think she is foolish and I also think she tries to play up to how anxious she is about money sometimes to ensure people keep giving her money via her patreon account. Also, why a two-tier system, why are only her patrons allowed the truth but her main account be in the dark, they don’t pay so they are second class citizens and don’t deserve an explanation? I think I have been too generous in giving her the benefit of the doubt over things that made me feel uncomfortable for a while. I think she always wanted people to think she was struggling so they gave her cash, I remember Marie commenting that she always finds money for things she likes. I think I am done with Stephanie, this is not about being private, this was being deceitful and when exposed, playing the victim by saying it is an unfair world because she is a woman. I actually think she is manipulative when using the age gap between Dick and Angel as an example when it is because of Philip’s young age, he is 24/25 and she is 46. I don’t care for it when a 41 year old man dates an 18 year old woman - that is the same age gap, it is due to Dick and Angel being much older already. When I was 16 my female friend dated a 33 year old man and no one felt comfortable with it - that is even less of an age gap…it matters how young the youngest person in the relationship is as much as the age gap.
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Viewing figures for Channel 4 (covering week beginning 18.10.21) show precisely what an insignificant bauble Chateau DIY (or ETTCDIY, as it was in it's previous incarnation).

Two episodes of Chateau DIY feature in the top 50 C4 programming for that week: 32 and 34. A 9% share of the 4 to 5 p.m. afternoon slot across the board demonstrates just how insignificant the programme is. Small beer in a tiny tankard.

(I can't be bothered to do the necessary filters to arrive at a channel by channel viewership for that time slot!)

Stephanie places a laughable degree of importance to being featured on the show. But it's easy to see why she makes such a song and dance about Lalande being featured on a television programme on a mainstream UK channel and the "secret projects" she's unable to share because of contractual obligations to the production company. The information is lapped up by her Patreon supporters and avid vlog-viewers who are unable to view the programmes. It makes Stephanie's participation in the programme is key to the programme's success. Which is balderdash.

It's all part of the mystique she has created for the benefit of her patrons and viewers of the CD vlogs. It's a convenient mechanism to deflect attention from non-action on what anybody else would treat as vital to the infrastructure of the house.

As far as the shock-horror-what-a-sideswipe of The Dutch Boyfriend. She's a fool. Kindling Productions (commissioned by C4) produce a voiceover script based on information they are given by the participants. If you want to keep something private, don't blather to the film crew/production team. Say, from the word go, if there's a subject that's off limits. They are there to make a reality tv programme. Like it or lump it, once the camera rolls, anything is fair game. You've signed the contract, you've signed the waivers, you don't control the narrative.

Personally, I'm feel sure that Philip was more than a little responsible for what they now see as a denouement debacle. I daresay he feels it validates his position in the wider context. Stupid boy.

Smoke and mirrors. They'd do well to remember that smoke inhalation asphyxiates and mirrors crack, causing great bad luck.

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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I would hope that some of the patrons will not be happy with the fact that he is being paid a salary as an employee now even though he is her partner, and will also realise how very unprofessional and unethical it is of her to start a relationship with someone who was a young volunteer and then an employee. She has proved time and time again that she is unfit to manage anything or anyone.
I agree with you completely. However, her patrons have proved time and time again not to give a rat's ass about her unethical and unprofessional behavior. She is their hero and they will gladly pay to enjoy her services.

because she now seems dishonest.
Hello and welcome to Tattle! I'm truly glad she now seems dishonest to you, even if you are a little bit late to the party. Dishonest has been her trademark from day one.
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I'm looking forward to RuthyWriter's next book about the young gay actor and his relationship with his older beard. I wonder what the title will be?
Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 00.26.08.png
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member's a broad statement you've made there! Of course TV show participants have rights! Confidentiality is the one most pertinent here.
I actually know that for this show the contracts signed give the participants no say whatsoever in the edit of what's shown and what not. This is why SJ usually is pretty nervous when the episodes first air...
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Can one of our fine Tattlers comment on her Patreon site and ask how come she feels it is o.k. for her to have sex with her employee. Is that o.k. in France?? ( play stupid).
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I think that this came from one or both of the couple and don't believe for a moment that this came from Channel 4. I wonder how long she will continue to spin the story that they had no idea this is how they would be portrayed. If they have been living together quite openly in a relationship, then it is no surprise that that he was referred to as a boyfriend. I just wonder if she keeps that story going, that Channel 4 will defend themselves. There were pointed referrals to "Dutch Boyfriend" throughout though.
We all know how sloppy she has become with the narrative, the timeline f**k-ups and the occasional snippets of shit show reality in other vlogs. The most realistic explanation I can come up with is she just forgot to inform the crew of the importance of keeping up appearances. I bet Snorty has been bragging to the crew about his commitment to the charlataine, that's his usual go to with anyone visiting the HMN to make them aware of his special status. They signed away their rights of getting a say in what footage would be used, that I know for sure. They forgot to write up a similar contract for C4 about what would be off-limits.
The consensus on the country lane (would not call that a street) is that it was Snorty who did this on purpose to get out of the shadows. The fact that so many in their entourage are convinced of this, is very telling imho (hi Brenda G!). But before we give either one of them too much credit by assuming they are this conniving and planned the whole thing, I think by the looks of their complete panic and the hastily made patron statement, it's just plain stupidity. Nothing new for the charlataine who, like I said many times before, has a natural talent for f**king good things up sooner rather than later.
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Bless this site! I am following them from the beginning and loved it straight away. Then, the gifts came, and unfortunately Philip. My god, I hated him from the start. I though I was the only one because of the always positive comments om YT. But then I found you guys and I am very thankful I’m not the only one who’s radar went of seeing Philip. I really hoped he would dissapear like a lot of people. Now, I am not so sure about that. I can write an 5000 word essay about what’s wrong with him. But really, he doesn’t deserve my time. I hope the universe will save us from this 🐿🤮.
Love you guys, have a nice day without Philip in it!
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
What a day! KABOOM KABOOM!

My skin crawled when she talked about when Philip tried to kiss her ... oh, the mental image of him moving in for a kiss, shiver shiver.

Her ability to love bomb so many superfans and patrons is nuts. You're so special, I'm only going to tell you guys ... well, that's going to get out and she's going to have a whole pile more patrons before Friday so they can watch the Q&A and participate in it. At least for this week, I think she's going to see a huge increase in patrons .... after that though ... we'll see. I wish people knew they could just come here to see it later.

People aren't going to pick on them for their age difference, though it is way to large of a one for me (and I'm older than my husband by 4.5 years, but thinking of being with someone my sons' age is just too weird). People are going to wonder about her paying him, and sleeping with him, and about the power imbalance. And more so, that he's gay and with her .... I think that's why people didn't believe Clara, he is so obviously gay, but he's decided to ignore that and dive in ... opportunistic for sure. So many other things to not like about it then the age difference.

Edit to add, I know there are some with this age difference that work ... just reminded again yesterday by some clickbait that Hugh Jackman is 20 years younger than his wife, and that's worked. It can work, but boy, you have to be just the right people.

Just putting this here to see what happens!
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@juniperroad was the email about the Q&A or specifically re moving to Vimo?

She has 163K subscribers about 60-70k regular viewers. We get 47k views. It's all the same audience including residents and Chateau owners (Hi Sarah). And she is only finding out now re the mobility of patreon videos?

Pity she does not raise other matters discussed on here such as the patreon fund financials. As an early patreon (now ex) I was promised when she first discussed starting foundation, on advice from Pethericks - hey here is our accountant, it would all be above board and she would show us the accounts. Where are the accounts? When is the summer garden party? Where are the shutterdogs?
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It is not Snorty’s age we don’t accept, it’s his personality! You want your privacy then stop putting his beak in our faces and please, please, please show less of his body save that for your eyes only!
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