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VIP Member
Have to leave the drama In the parlor … work

But a lesser known TIT was discovered in the woodlands of la farmhouse

Having wrestled the tit back to his detention room … seems it was playtime in mummy’s dressing room 😈

Oh the laughter is real 😈
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Is he purely seen by the others as the latest Royal Bedwarmer and they continue much as before
This is how one generally conducts oneself when the charlataine gets lucky once again. Nobody knows how long it will last, so best not to focus too much on it during normal daily conversations. Behind the scenes is a different story, with more tongue in cheek gossip but some serious plotting as well. It's not a very friendly environment unless you are emotionally stable, self-assured and without high ambitions when it comes to sharing in SJ's reign.
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I think Steph will either ignore everything on her vlog tomorrow because it was probably filmed a week or so ago anyway.....or hurriedly film her and Snorts in bed doing the nasty and then speak to the camera in one of her horrid closeups about what a wonderful morning it is.
"But be KIND....I am just a poor old gal who was lonely....and Philleep needed somewhere to live for FREE....and he is just the kindest, con artist, gay-playing-straight ,employee I have ever please.... Be kind."
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I am just reeling from the hubris of Stephanie - when caught out she is like a conwoman trying to firstly, play the victim, and secondly, play down the deceit. There is a big difference between being private and being dishonest. I see her for who she is now, she has kept up a whole charade for months to hide it, that is not being private. I always noticed how she liked to ‘pretty up’ her grift in the past and that she is so obsequious to people who can give her things. I often had to turn her off because the fawning was too fake and insincere it was hard to stomach.
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Playana Kobi
7 hours ago (edited)
Are these the same people as the ones in tatter life website or something? They're a bunch of gossipers. Hopefully they'll discover something better to do with their time.

I LOVE it when the superfans comment that WE need to find something better to do with our time. Like sending money to a poor little rich girl and propping her and her boy toy up on pedestals while gushing in their YT comments is time well spent. Please! I SAVE time by reading Tattle because I don’t have to waste it watching her stupid vlogs anymore plus it saves me the trouble of having to see up, down, and through her nighties in the process. I still can’t scrub the image of her scrawny, pale ass standing in front of a window in the menstrual pigeon tower out of my brain. I may need therapy, do you think her Patreon would pay for the restoration of my mind? 🤣🤣🤣
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The squirrel is out of the bag and into the hag!

View attachment 845467
7 minutes ago
Ha! the squirrel is out of the bag!!! 🐿🐿🐿😅😂🤣 Chateau DIY just mentioned on air. "Stephanie and her Dutch boyfriend Phillip"....What was Mr. Hedgehog doing in the Study with his red pillow with Miss Faversham???
Oh to be a fly on the wall of the chateau today! LOL

A raging Steffy in the pink bedroom and a soft squirrel in the green editing room...
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It's out in the wild now.... Get your PR disaster kit ready, SJ.

Julie Allen
4 hours ago
Stephanie & Philip is there something you’d like to share with us? 😆🥰💕

Jenny Willow
2 hours ago
I'm glad you asked. I was too shy. Naughty Channel 4!

Julie Allen
2 hours ago
@Jenny Willow It did make me chuckle! I’m not sure C4 has it right but hey….. none of our business and all the best if it’s true! ☺

1 hour ago
I hope they address it soon!

Jenny Willow
1 hour ago
@Julie Allen I agree.

Jenny Willow
1 hour ago
@HannahBow it's out in the wild now. I'm not sure they have a choice. Sadly I guess this is what happens when you make your life public.
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Well, old Snorts is probably strutting around the dump with his chest all puffed out like a proud peacock bossing everybody around now that the world knows he is the Lord of the manor.
It was sickening how much he was eating up his air time on DIY.
Do you think SJ already knew how Channel 4 was going to edit her bit on the show beforehand?? She does a!ways let everybody do the dirty work for maybe this was how she CHOSE to reveal her boytoy??
Seems like the perfect way to distract the patrons from asking hard hitting questions about the state of the renovations. Though do they actually ever ask questions? They seem content with whatever she does, or rather does not do...
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I think the reason there are so many comments on here is that firstly, we see them together all the time so to hide it from the viewers means that more work has gone into keeping it a secret, secondly, it feels more deceitful than just being 'private'. I will also add, it feels icky because we can see that he is probably not entirely 'straight' and this was an opportunistic move on his part. Then there is Stephanie playing the victim when she was found out, saying that life isn't fair and people would judge her as a woman, compared to a man.
I believe he is either a currently straight gay man in denial, or more likely a gay man who is manipulating the hell out of her.

I have a friend who was married to a gay guy who had been married to 4 different women and had six kids across all four. He was caught, more than once, cruising anonymous sex in those places all gay men know to go to for that type of thing. He never dated a man, and kept chasing women.

The thing with him was that he always had a reason for the woman to pay for everything. He’d blow it with one and marry the next. Never kept a job and stole all of my friends’ money while they were married. Had fake cancer two times and she finally put him out for good. She swore she knew he wasn’t gay because they had sex, all the marriages and kids, etc. Didn’t believe it until the police caught him.

So Steph, turn this little shit loose ASAP. He’s actually gay and is playing you for your money. He’s not your best friend. He’s manipulating you. That’s why he seems perfect. He’s acting. He’s probably getting some peen on his trips “home”. You don’t just have to worry about him around all the women, but all the men as well. It’s going to be exhausting.
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Philip is clearly an opportunist and Stephanie was lonely enough to think he is sincere. Do we think if she owned some flat in Somerset that he would be making a move on her…no way. Oh, I pity her, she is like those sad older ladies who go on holiday and pick up a 20 something year old (who is clearly after their money) but these older women think it is genuine. I thought she was intelligent.
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Parrfect Porcelane

Well-known member
Perhaps this is less relevant, but does anyone else wonder what ever happened to the THREE pair of glasses she bought earlier this year?
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I'm googling Juliet Mills and Max Caulfield (she married him when he was 21), and Joan Collins and Percy for inspiration.
I personally have no issue with the age thing for other people. I wouldn’t date a man that is even 1 day younger than me, but that’s just my own preference… each to their own.

I don’t even mind her hiding their relationship from public… she doesn’t owe an explanation to any of those gangsta grannies. It’s her life, her decision.

But, what I have an issue with is 1. The power dynamic of employee/employer (if they worked in ny other company, they would have to inform HR of this, because it creates conflict and all sorts of problems); and 2. The fact that I truly believe snorts is taking advantage of this whole situation. He slithered into her life, made moves on a lonely older woman, and is now being paid to film her and to do her! (Sorry, no other way I would describe it) he saw an opening and an opportunity to live laugh love and get paid for doing absolutely nothing! As a self made hard working person, I absolutely despise likes of him. Leeches and lazy a-holes!

Edit: SJ is in no way guilt free here…. But in this one specific topic, I think she’s the lesser of 2 evils.
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We’ll he’s a little cur then
What a sly deceitful thing to do - he’s brought nothing to the party 🎈

Other than ambition - and apparently he’s got it all the way past his long thick skinned neck - there was a vlog when he’s looked insolent and stated .. gossip have at it …

She may rue the day she didn’t pay attention to that .. early doors 🚪

@Clara Burnett - we didn’t put you in witness protection for nothing !!!!

Cavalier as it is … here’s some European advice for his legal position

Common law residency kicks in from year 2 - so he’d have a claim on lalande if they ever split ….
He gets to year 5 he’s her common law significant other

He’ll need a settlement to move out

And outing their … fairly new relationship on a global platform - he’s all the proof he needs to establish his relationship

Guess his granny taught him well

Those directors need to be afraid 😱
He’s more days in residence than they have in the last 10 years 😈

Every cloud 🌧

@Gibson ….Q Clara needs an upgrade on all levels … find her an island 🏝 of choice 😈
😈View attachment 846771
Holy Moley! Elevated status to VVIP. Island and underground bunker awaits.
Congrats to our new couple...of VIP'S 🤣
Still laughing at Chateau DIY who outed them on British TV.
For someone who values privacy:
Isabelles and Percy's wedding
Singles night when she shamelessly used available men married or not.
Q&A s regarding anything of the Chateau volunteers and employees.
Touting at one point Selmars single status and shoes
Need we go on? So much evidence, so little time.
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Chatty Member
Dan's vlog "community comments section" :

Tattlers accused again.

I don't understand this Tony's game TBH : Sometimes leaving negative comments, sometimes positive comments. Odd.

1 day ago (edited)I guess Stephanie and Michael are more alike than I thought..each have/had a paid companion. Phillip very quickly went from volunteer to employee .....and Stephanie is the employer...ethical much??? All those trips...Versailles, London, Italy...who is paying?

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Tony InLosAngeles
1 day agoWhat kind of nasty comment are you making alluding to something. Oh yeah for sure Michael ran off to Madrid the grifter thinking he was going to get a bucket of love and got taken by a hustler 🤣😂then runs through however many more men, and ends up with a guy & his brother that I know. 🤣🤣😂 How this relates to Stephanie maybe you should explain yourself OP!

17 hours agoIt's entirely up to her. None of your business.

Tony InLosAngeles
17 hours agoOh I see you edit this comment from what you wrote first!

Tony InLosAngeles
17 hours ago @LaReyne this MM creeper has change the comment from what it was originally.

Tammy Carter
12 hours agoAnd why is it any of your business?

Tony InLosAngeles
12 hours ago
@Tammy Carter this person has left comments all over the place some on mine on other videos.

Playana Kobi
7 hours ago (edited)
Are these the same people as the ones in tatter life website or something? They're a bunch of gossipers. Hopefully they'll discover something better to do with their time.
That tony guy is an absolute weirdo ! He’s tried to argue with me on YouTube and has a cheek to call anybody “creepy” considering the amount of gay porn he posts on Twitter !
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VIP Member
She had no problem letting us see her shacking up with Mason! I feel it’s like insider trading, grandma sent her money because she cried single, poor and had to do everything alone. Princess in castle with no knight to rescue her. Let her squirrel boy pay for the lake! That is why she lied to keep the money flowing. Hey Patron she is rich, all her x-boyfriends are rich, Ruby probably deals in Bitcoin. First order from Lord Snorty will be to hire a cameraman to film “US” and get my good side instead!
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I never doubted you for a second. I am surprised Channel 4 outed them, but not surprised. Isn't it amazing - you can show people all the receipts in the vlogs and still they do not believe you. Well, now we have it from the horse's mouth and she is doing a live for her Patreons on Friday, you would think all speculation would be at an end... but some will still not believe it.
i doubted it because of snort..if amaury wasnt her cousin, and he was there and the rumour started about them.. i would gladly go along with it..but snort..omg..its just the same like my 95 year old grandmother is having an affair with the 16 year old gay just makes no sense...but well..nothing at lalalande makes any sense..
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Active member
Holy Moley! Elevated status to VVIP. Island and underground bunker awaits.
Congrats to our new couple...of VIP'S 🤣
Still laughing at Chateau DIY who outed them on British TV.
For someone who values privacy:
Isabelles and Percy's wedding
Singles night when she shamelessly used available men married or not.
Q&A s regarding anything of the Chateau volunteers and employees.
Touting at one point Selmars single status and shoes
Need we go on? So much evidence, so little time.
To be fair, she only said she values her own privacy. Everyone else's is up for sharing with the world. 🤪
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