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I’ve never seen anything quite so silly as the bare bones of the new hen hotel with its huge, inward opening windows and full-size door. Where’s the cross ventilation?

It’s also placed in a spot that’s in direct sunshine almost all day.,

Another Lalande disaster in the making. I give up.
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Does Fanny not realise what an idiot her fiancé looks going on about the chapel lighting? The fact that she films him speaking, sounding and looking so ridiculous, proves what an idiot she also is. Mind you, she knows how lacking in intelligence most of her supporters are and that they are not insightful enough to notice his schoolboy arrogance and lack of any real knowledge and substance.
Idiot does not even begin to describe this trumped up delusional ridiculously pompous would-be interior designer/architect/electrician braggart, @Cleo's Asp . 🥰
I tried to watch the flog, and had to switch it off after 4 minutes and 3 seconds.🤮🤮🤮What a lot of utter tripe!
To calm myself down I decided to be really really nasty and compile a list of synonyms for future descriptions of the aforementioned, aka Snorts.
Here you are. (Courtesy of )
Strong matches
show off

Weak matches
  • bag of wind
  • big talker
  • big-timer
  • bigmouth
  • gascon
  • strutter
  • swelled head
Pick a favourite, dear fellow hags and werewolves! :cool:😆🥰
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I'm just going to come out with it...

I'd secretly hoped that Grant would arrive and shag some sense into her, and she'd ditch the child.
Grant was always a likeable chap, had DIY skills and a good work ethic, he'd have been a positive force at the property and stuff would have been done.
He even manages to get Steph to dress normally in jeans rather than frumpy frocks. I reckon they'd have made a great team.
He perhaps thought the same, but now that the entire vibe has changed, and he's seen the huge change in Steph, he seems to have lost his mojo.
I did like her back in the QDs days, she was charming and attractive in her own way, Snorts really ruins everything.
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Cleo's Asp

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Does Fanny not realise what an idiot her fiancé looks going on about the chapel lighting? The fact that she films him speaking, sounding and looking so ridiculous, proves what an idiot she also is. Mind you, she knows how lacking in intelligence most of her supporters are and that they are not insightful enough to notice his schoolboy arrogance and lack of any real knowledge and substance.
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Lady Pinkadella

Well-known member
I don't understand the whole chicken thing anyway. It starts with the question: why chickens? Just for a few eggs? Sad that the previous chickens are gone (whatever happened), but it would have made more sense to end the chicken theme there. But I get it, chickens = content.

And I don't understand why such a botched accommodation for the chickens is being made again. A night quarters and a run with a net and if someone is in the garden they are allowed to go into the original run. I look at how Marie (who else is out of the question) constantly lets the chickens out, supervises them and locks them up again. The internet is full of ingenious and above all safe and practical accommodation for chickens. Carolina Coops, for example, has so many examples and instructions on her YT channel, Ellen Degeneres has a fantastic chicken run. Possibilities upon possibilities and instead they are now messing around again in the usual manner. The only thing they care about is when they can start designing the interior, choosing wallpaper and decorating.

But this is typical Land of Lies - neither the sheep (already shorn?), nor the peacocks and certainly not Ruby have species-appropriate accommodation. What's the point of having animals if you neglect them so much?
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26 upvotes so far

6 hours ago
Is anyone else getting a bit tired of Phillip with his "ownership" of the chateau? I want, I want, I want. He sounds like an insolent child. Philip become a man and a grown up, and even famous on your own merits not off of Stephanie's years and years of hard work and ownership. Stephanie I'm not trying to be rude, it's just sad seeing you becoming less than, and deferring to Phillips I want's more and more. Don't loose you
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The gay fiancé barely knows how to change the batteries in her vibrator!

By next year, the chapel will probably burn down due to poor electrical outlet placement.
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Mr Magoo

Active member
Prince prick…has no idea of scale or even how to read a drawing.
Why is he tracing the external walls? He could have photocopied the plans more readily.
As for scale, he has picked up one of the workers pencils which will be quite difficult to remove the lead from the wall and they will not thank him for drawing a light switch the size of a small swimming pool in the wrong place.
I am sure France must have regulations about height of switches.
They have not observed other churches or paid a particular visit which would have made good viewing potentially, or they would see the switches with ‘the flaps’ he technically calls them…in the floor.
They have paid huge, huge sums for specialists to create this Disney chapel, yet think they can come up with a good workable plan for the lighting.
He is an idiot and she even more so for letting him think he can influence the layout.

The comments for how many patrons wish to see their star on patreon day were at 28 last count I saw, will the chapel be open for mass regularly so locals can appreciate it…? People have lots of ideas and yes this is sure biting her in the arse .

Fanny may be getting the works done for free but she might pay a lifetime of inconvenience to let those who have sponsored a star comment on how the building might be used, at least for the next seven years in any case!

Their wedding… is going to have fairy lights , but no fireworks.
The moment he walked onto the gift grab scene I had an ugly feeling about him and the repulsion only grew over time. IF they actually do get married, I would be amused and look forward to them living void of real life,love,laughter. My god they deserve each other.
As for the story of being ’gifted’ those sconces.. come on now we know the pricks job is to shop all day finding tat to impress his bride to be.
The entire shitshow is unreal.
yes Just Grift Wood. With the state of this world right now their frivolous spending makes them VERY ugly people.
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Gertrude Maud

VIP Member
Ombeline was pissed off big time. She was like . . . you put us under the pump to weed this stupid garden bed for your guests at the last minute . . . now fuck off with the camera so I can actually do it.
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Snorts professional pencil mark for the "workers" to follow ! OMG

Why didn't the little :poop: just graffiti it with ----- "Foo Was Here and this is where the lights go ! " :cautious::rolleyes:
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
LOOK WHO HAS SHOWN UP IN THE PLANNING THE CHAPEL ELECTRICS COMMENT SECTION……Dump accounts and a Stephanie Jarvis Dump account SGirl. Time for Stephanie to screw with viewers and Patrons and post demeaning and angry replies to the people who believe her lies and fund her luxury lifestyle..……Wheeeeeeee!

1 day ago
In the UK all electrical insulation has to be done by a qualified professional and must pass building regulation inspector. You would not be granted a fire certificate without.

@Sgirl snarky comment by Stephanie jarvis
1 day ago (edited)
What makes you think that the chapel restoration company, which is a large, well respected company (and one of the best there is), and has dozens of professionals of all specialties on staff, (that travel all around the world), doesn't have a qualified electrician?

@steffaniel370 DUMP ACCOUNT
1 day ago
Was this filmed a while ago? I would have thought the electrics would be done before the paint restoration?

@Sgirlstephanies tag team answer to Dump account question to cover her lazy ass.
1 day ago
Yes it was. Stephanie doesn't stick to a rigid timeline. Somedays there's a lot going on and she has more content than she needs for the vlog, and somedays not much is happening, so she can use that extra content so she has something to put


1 day ago
Why don’t we see Natti and Amaury very much anymore? It seems you do not make time for them like you used to. I really don’t understand why they don’t live at the Château any longer and what happened to their apartment? They should be rewarded for all they do for you!

@steffaniel370dump account
1 day ago
They said they wanted to separate their work life from private life. The apartment was a plan put in place before Nati and Amaury got together. Amaury may also be helping out with his parents’ new house in the south of France

@Sgirlstephanie jarvis snarky comment about viewers. Stephanie is responding to posts in the tattle forum and her cd comment section noticing that passive aggressive mean girl Stephanie intentionally includes unflattering angles of Ñutty to imply that she is pregnant in the videos.
1 day ago
Maybe because every time Natti is on camera people start speculating that she's pregnant. That would annoy me, too.

1 day ago
Marie have a perquiler way of saying "from the garden".

@Sgirl Stephanie mocking viewer.
1 day ago
And you have a peculiar way of spelling "peculiar", so I'm guessing English isn't your first language either. Let's all show grace towards everyone and their peculiarities

1 day ago
Does your local municipality have zoning and permit laws for electrical work?

@LaReynedEpee Philip dump account
1 day ago
What do you think?

@Sgirl Stephanie‘s tag team snarky, sarcastic comment.
1 day ago
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮@LaReynedEpee There seem to be many people in the comments under the impression they're going to hire 'Jaques from the block', who does a little electrical here and there, or even that Philip's going to install it himself , despite the fact they've hired a world-renowned restoration contractor for the project.


Look at Philip’s new response posted 17 hours ago In the comment chain below. Philip came back to add one more nasty comment below. He and Stephanie are truly a match made in hell.


2 days ago
Doesn't the other two owners have any say in the planning of the lighting for the Chapel?

@carolinegooder7091 Stephanie Jarvis account
2 days ago
They both have full-time jobs and rarely discuss designs during a vlog. Nic once held the camera and nodded yes with it over window placements.

1 day ago
I wonder the same it seems that Stephanie is deferring more and more to Philip, which is a problem as he has no real skill or experience. It's becoming less wow and more child-like. When you're young you think you have all the answers and you know everything, when you're

1 day ago
@margaret-annfoster5848 And here you are again, Philip, moan, moan, Philip. Are you obsessed with Philip?

1 day ago
@margaret-annfoster5848 you said what most are thinking. It's like letting a college kid decorate Versailles. I don't imagine the other owners are happy as I wouldn't be.

1 day ago
@LaReynedEpee You are Philip. Use use troll accounts against anyone who says the truth. You did it on paetron comments too. Learn manners Philip please.

19 hours ago
@shirleyw8531 He does seem to be taking over with everything and his choice in certain things are not always good ones in my oppinion . I would like to see Michael and Nick get involved more.

@LaReynedEpee angry Philip posts a hostile response. He is mad that his identity has been revealed.
17 hours ago
@AncoraImparo12387 So far, I'm Stephanie Jarvis, Philip, Dan Preston. Any others you'd like to add to the list, nutjob? Nicki Positano? The Expat Butchers? See a psychiatrist, you're suffering from extreme paranoia

1 day ago
@margaret-annfoster5848 You've whined about Philip every single comment you’ve made here. He's her partner, deal with it

3 hours ago
@LaReynedEpee That may be the case, but it does not make him particularly interesting
What is so stupid about SGirl’s (Fanny’s) response about the top renovation firm obviously having the best electricians and already considering the electrics is, then why is Snorty sticking his 2 cents in? So Snorty is simply penciling over the existing electrical drawings and pretending he’s making decisions and deciding where outlets are going, when it was all decided by experts months ago? How bloody feeble! How insecure is Snorty? How desperate are they for content? It really shows how pathetic Fanny and Snorty are.
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Yeah, it's still sinking in that the Crozon sur Vauvre community room has a big ca. 1960s mural of their chateau, and she had absolutely no clue. And it's far more than a noblesse oblige thing. Reading slowly the book about the village next door, one of the things is, or was, people who lived all their lives there had living memory of their own grandparents' living memory -- so six or eight generations of history rested in the memory of one little old guy. I remember my mother's saying, I knew someone who could remember what happened in the year 1835. The shitoo and the chatelain are the same, but she wants to be no part of time or place. I don't get it.
If I were a newcomer to the local chateau, I think most of all I'd like the townspeople to come to dances. Have nice country dances for all ages. A barrel of something good to drink and a big ole roasted boar. Yeah.
I think this, more than anything else, underscores that the heap was never more than a “luxury” flip for Pervy PaPa Derek. Her constant harping on daddy’s work renovating Cransford into a granny farm of beauty emphasizes this. She doesn’t love LaLande, never did. Fanny believes she convinced the deNadaillac family that she would be a dedicated caretaker. I think the old Marquis told her a giant porky about another family wanting the property. He saw Jarvis coming all the way from the English Channel. Old boy knew she was the type to have never heard the word no and doing so would get her to overlook all the déchetterie’s flaws. Stephanie Jarvis and her darling papa were duped into buying a millstone to hang round their necks. To add insult to injury Derek died and left a hot mess with Mummy 🦇 in charge, much to Staph’s horror. Now Isabelle finds herself stuck with a decaying monstrosity that continually loses value. Her spawn’s behavior has turned it into a liability. Mummy has never had any real control over Fanny’s behavior thanks to Dirty Derek. I strongly suspect Stephanie’s share of the dump is actually owned by Isabelle. As such, when things go totally tits up Isabelle will never set living foot back in France. She will refuse to accept liability for a disaster she allowed to occur. If I’m honest, I believe Stephanie should’ve been institutionalized as a dangerous sociopath years ago. I also think she has a strong streak of psychopath running through her. She is the worst of her two family bloodlines.
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The map's not up to date? WOW, they have too much money to care I guess...
I'm behind but Grant's on a road trip if you don't already know... finally decided to up sticks and have a holiday, bout time he did something fun with his daughter... View attachment 2956755
Hope decides not to return. I don't think it was what he was expecting, things have changed considerably since he was there last and the TIT thinks he's in charge.

I'm just hope the shit hits the fan when Maman finally lands. This would be one of the few times I'd like to see her at her nasty best.
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Donna and Paul, formerly Chateau de Sauge (the Scottish couple with the tea shoppe), just finished filming new episodes of Chateau DIY at their new home - a converted watermill.
I just hope the film crew isn’t now enroute to film Fanny’s dump and listening to Snorty discuss popping his cherry and maggots. But I worry when Scotman shows up - although Fanny did just tear apart the last slave bedroom they tried to finish for Chateau DYI.
Cannot believe Ch4 would be so stupid as to continue on with the farmhouse under French investigation. Am really surprised the Daily Mail hasn’t done an article about the grifting death trap yet.
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