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Imperious Me

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I never see Gooder's posts except what's copied here, I think she's blocked me..... must have been the time I said "Oh shut it DoGooder, I'm not asking you...."
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I recall recoiling…when Fanny flogged her ‘ boyfriend’ lying in bed next to her…we knew it was just his extensions in a heap but how on earth did he go from those long luscious locks to this grannie bonnet bun?
Snorts is having a makeover? Fanny is letting her hair go dark
Olive Oyl
Little did I know when I did my Christmas cookies today that Fanny would use the old footage of Marie's mom's baking. However, the little something. something in my gingerbread cookies is a pinch a freshly grated nutmeg versus Fanny's lashing of salmonella & ecoli from the filthy table.
I mean, look at all that sh*t in the table cracks.


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That meal looked amazing and the table was stunning. Much better than the gaudy tablescapes from Snorts. But it drove me mad that Fanny kept talking over Marie's Mum. If the Norwegian Christmas was in fact supposed to be filmed by Channel 4 then I bet she was royally pissed off.

I wonder if Fanny was in fact dressed in her grifted Lilly Silk garb for a court case along with Nick and Potts and not the pretend meeting with the architect and fantom school children. It would explain why the real time first part of the flog was very short.
That's probably why Marie's Mum and Sister had faces like slapped arses while they were there and there was no dramatic goodbyes and beep beeps as they drove out of the gates. Imagine getting there thinking it was being filmed to then be tld the gigs off.

Old Fan wasn't going to tell them in advance as it was free food and free labour arriving.
I think Lady Lindy that Potts old Mother was there because she has a share in her son's part of the Falling Down Castle... she may hold outright the part old Potts calls his own !
I cannot fathom how he makes money taking photos of car races. You never see him in the crowds upfront with all the big camera boys at the Grande Prix !
I think he is like Fanny .... lives off his parents.
just a bit. Another workshy idiot.
I smell bullshit! Despicable fanny is definitely lying.

French school children do not sing Christmas carols. They certainly don't sing religious based "hymes" or songs in school. State or church. They rarely even sing in school. They get "music lessons" in some of the small village schools, if the school head is that way inclined. But those lessons are usually a prelude to the school show. Christmas carols is an anglophone world thing. Churches in France don't even have choir's unless they are the big cathedrals. Many English speaking communes start chorales, there is one in a local town. The French find it very quaint, sometimes join in but for the most part keep it at arms length.

It's true that we do (or don't) have to sign a paper for the schools that allows our child's appearance to be "broadcast" whether it be in the school journal, newspaper, Internet or TV. This paper is presented to the parents at the beginning of the school year with other important papers for signing. Imo, I don't believe I know any parent that didn't sign it. Same for any association actually - sport, leisure, craft etc.

Also, how did the school children get there. They certainly didn't walk. There is a strong aversion to walking amongst kids 😉😄 And the schools don't have the budget to just put on a bus. Also, all schools trips (that's anything outside of the school compound) has to be a approved by the dept., of education. Even a visit to the local poppies caserne.

And another thing (God her lying has put me on my soapbox), France is on the highest level vigipirate. All school trips etc., are postponed or cancelled. You can't get near a school for all the barriers that are in place and they are certainly not going to make school trips anywhere. Schools are high level for terrorism! Sad but true.

No, definitely bullshit on the part of Despicable fanny.
The woman is talking out of her arse.

Nearest infant school is 5km away, long walk for little legs.
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
The new Christmas episodes of Chateau DIY are on Channel 4 on UK TV Monday to Friday this week. No mention of Lalande. The producers must have decided not to return there to film after the fatal accident. I agree with those tattlers who said this also explains why SJ hasn't gone OTT with the decorations as much as usual this year.
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Philip could not trim the top of tree?! That tiny little job was left to Amaury for the next day.

And what would Amaury know about dogs.
She dismisses him loudly and out of hand when he says Lancelot's lead is not suitable.
That's right Stephanie. Amaury has only raised two dogs of his own.
I was so not surprised to see that they cannot take a pair of scissors and cut the top of the tree but had to ask Amaury, something a 10 years old could do :cautious:
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He’s gay! He’s gay! He’s gay! He’s gay! He’s gay! He’s gay!

No straight man has his momma buy him a table cloth for Christmas!

He’s gay!
What is so rare about the gay Squirrel is that he has appalling taste .
The vast majority of gay men have wonderful taste but he missed that gene !

Fanny seems very chummy with Squirrel's Mother ..... she knows what she likes and bought her nougat from those shops.
I bet they exchange menopause remedies and coping with hot flushes ideas too. ;) 🔥🔥
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What makes me mad is that Amaury’s parents encourage the stupidity of the gruesome twosome and adding more shit jobs on their son Amaury daily. His parents rank Fanny first in importance and priority, kissing the ass of the porcelain fondler second, taking care of Ratso third, and their own son comes in dead last. His parents worship money, grifts, alcohol, antiques, and porcelain, just like Fanny,
At some point, Amaury will explode. We can see it building his resentment and anger, it is visible to us on the screen. How the idiots around him do not see ?! 🤷‍♀️
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What makes me mad is that Amaury’s parents encourage the stupidity of the gruesome twosome and adding more shit jobs on their son Amaury daily. His parents rank Fanny first in importance and priority, kissing the ass of the porcelain fondler second, taking care of Ratso third, and their own son comes in dead last. His parents worship money, grifts, alcohol, antiques, and porcelain, just like Fanny,
Amaury is like a Volcano......... he is nearly ready to blow !!
Do it now Bun Boy - take your dog and think really hard about old Natti ( I would dump her if I was you ) , find a good therapist work through your issues with your Mum and Dan - Plus the horrid accident !
You do not owe Fanny anything.
Life is short and being angry all the time and not letting those people "have it" will kill you - blood pressure and heart attack.
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Lady Pinkadella

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I apologize in advance if I offend anyone here. But why on earth would anyone go to the UK to train as a chef? She lives in the country of the best chefs and spends a lot of money to continue serving brown mush? Any other country would probably be better suited.

And for a B&B in the back ob beyond learning to cook by just watching cooking videos seems to be enough. The past has shown that LL fans are anything but gourmets - even my bulldog is more demanding when it comes to food. And why not just serve solid country house cuisine with regional products - why these fine dining ambitions?

Who's paying for this daydreaming again? If Stephanie finances this for her, Marie will be obliged to work as a cook, house sitter, dog walker, gardener and court jester for the next 5 years or more.

I hope she has booked the rental car for longer, she will probably have to sleep in the car.
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Chatty Member
Instead of adopting a Star ...... that money would have been better spent in a Cancer institution that specializes on cancer research !!!

So many cancer research institutions campaigning for donations this time of the year. Serious research efforts to fight mestatized cancer that could be vital to change the sad reality of cancer. But no, those idiots are there giving their money to this vile woman’s vanity project… those people, they are just as selfish and vile as Fanny. It makes me sick to my stomach.

What about helping NGOs in war zones with some money, help children and animals in Ukraine, Sudan, Congo or Gaza…
I just can’t forgive those imbeciles CD viewers.

Thank you for the new thread @ComtesseRose , the perfect title.
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I thought I heard Mother Potts say she wasn’t staying long.
I suspect Mummy and Mother Potts are investors in the shitoo and she has come to see what her son has thrown away her money in! This ‘buy a star’ scheme is because they desperately need money to fix the falling down dump and pay the tax man. What other reason would posses Mrs. Potts to travel from SA to stay at the shitoo in winter - she wants to see for herself how bad the shithole is!

Fanny, you lazy cow! How awful to send Snorty to rummage through Mummy’s wardrobe to find warm clothes for Mother Potts. I also wouldn’t have waited until the last minute to prepare the room! Lord A wouldn’t know where to start, and I’d also never ask him to do such a thing because I’d want to select suitable clothes for my female guest, but just more proof that Snorty is gay!
Mummy’s jumpers were already on his lady desk from Snorty playing favorite grandma last night. He is wack-a-doodle! I hope Potts mother can take a shower in that side of the frozen tundra. I doubt she is as dirty as the others. So are Potty & Nic bunking together since their apartments are orange taped off? Imagine buying into a castle and being shoved into the attic because your X & her unshaven monkey have ruined your investment.
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Chatty Member
Little did I know when I did my Christmas cookies today that Fanny would use the old footage of Marie's mom's baking. However, the little something. something in my gingerbread cookies is a pinch a freshly grated nutmeg versus Fanny's lashing of salmonella & ecoli from the filthy table.
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T Rex

VIP Member
This morning´s Patreon video:
View attachment 2637685

And a little update I missed - it was released a day after last week's Patreon video:

View attachment 2637686
Thank you @tuffiti - I had no idea John has a wife (for some reason, probably because I don't watch Fanny's Folly on a regular basis, assumed he had a husband named Kamal!) Not that it matters at all- his chateau is lovely, and he seems like a nice guy. It was nice to see him hosting a CATERED dinner celebrating his abode being named a Monument Historique, and his attention to detail with the renovation of the wing into a gym, library, bathroom and study was superb- everything is down to the studs, with insulation blown into the flooring, and the pieces he sourced (from the library itself to the parquet floors) have been measured and labeled- unlike Fanny's delusions of the Grand Salon. He did the important bits first- added windows, re-rendered the exterior, ensured the structural integrity- while Fanny is love bombing him, she fails to realize it just shows how back-arsed her own "renovations" have been. I am more interested in John's progress!
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I've not had time to keep up with all the Adopt a Star ins and outs, but can anyone tell me if she has announced how it will all end? There are enough stars, if all sold, for her to make well over the 200,000 shortfall that she 'says' (she would never lie) she needs to complete the chapel.

Is she going to stop people adopting them when she has reached this figure?

Or is she going to announce that she is going to keep the begging going in order to finance the ongoing upkeep of the sacred monument for generations to come (yeah, right)?

Or is she going to say that she wanted to stop when the 200,000 was reached, but her fans begged her to keep it going because their pay check/pension cash hadn't arrived in time and they didn't want to miss out on a star to commemorate their dead goldfish? (no offence to fish lovers), and she hates to disappoint people?

Or do we think that she will quietly let it run its course and miraculously announce at some point that all the stars have been sold at exactly the same time as the target was reached. (Entry in the books: 200,000 for the chapel fund, excess approx 100,000(?) for the Fanny Fund)?
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I mean…. Is she…. Is it… am I….. but…..
I’m screaming but god won’t answer, I’m literally lost for words, Iv had it with Lady PhiPhi and his badly shaved side burns, singing show tunes as you wash the dishes, gurl you always wanted to be in a show…. You are, it’s a FREAK SHOW
Philip is tragic. And such an embarrassing ‘side kick’. No one at LaLande can bear him any longer. Hence no impromptu parties like old times. Philip has indeed, ruined everything, for everyone. What a jackass he is. A blistering pustule that one must only endure until he scabs away.
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I have posted this inquiry to the Tattle wiki forum, help section. Let’s see if they can help us. What do you think? I tried last night to post in the wiki but the info kept getting erased when I tried to save it. I don’t know if they can do what I asked below but I just sent in this request.

Message to Tattle wiki forum:

The Chateau Diaries wiki is huge. Can we start a second wiki forum called Chateau Diaries LieLande Money Edition: Auctions,Shopping, Grifting, Travel/Vacations, and Lies, Oh My! Is that possible? With a separate colored wiki button we can post at the top of the forum where people can post episode by episode purchases, travels, grifted gifts, and lies. Then also have special areas/ headings under which to post all of the above plus headings for Purchases/ grifts by Phillip Jannsen, Porcelain/china/glasses collection, etc.

The woman who is featured in the chateau diaries is beyond sketchy and hit YouTube fame during lockdown. She was a millionaire before starting the YouTube channel and lies nonstop, and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on shopping, vacation, and travel when she supposedly has no money and has e egged for hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts. She is likely using her nonprofit as a source of lots of her purchases. She has received, spent and grifted in excess of one million dollars with very little accomplished as she had promised. ( shades of Anna Delvey in some obscure way).

All we want to do is to have a specific wiki button and wiki forum where members can easily access, and list all of the above by episode and by different categories, monies spent, etc. to try to keeps up with the hundreds of purchases, etc.

I can write a paragraph disclaimer for the wiki page. This is for entertainment purposes only, and the rest of the disclaimer info,

What we would need help with also is coming up with instructions that tattlers could follow to understand how to access the page, add photos, make new headings, etc. I have looked and cannot find any general instructions on how to post on wiki.

If you want to see what I am talking about on this topic, if you look at the cd wiki page 2, the very last entry, I have posted a sample of the info I would like a separate wiki button for that could be posted directly next to the current wiki button at the top of the cd forum pages.

If we try to add all of this info under the current wiki, it would be difficult to find the section to enter info. There have been 400 episodes of cd, and literally hundreds of auction purchases, etc.

A lot of the tattlers in this form may tend to skew older than perhaps your average Tattler, We need a simple way and a separate wiki to keep track of all this info. Older, uninformed, and naive people who have given money and gifts they cannot afford to this millionaire need a separate area where if they come to Tattle, they can easily access specific info about these topics. There is so much info in the general wiki, it is overwhelming,

If we can stop this woman from inducing more people ( of all ages) from sending their heirlooms, money they don’t have, and open their eyes to the fact that YouTube scammers can live in chateaus, wear sundresses, and appear innocuous, it can help a lot of people learn the life lesson that sketchy people come in all forms and to use discernment with YouTube channels and to use their discernment before endorsing such a character. Stephanie Jarvis is a walking life lesson to everyone she meets, in person or thru youtube, but it is never a good one for the person.

I understand that this forum, with an older average age of members may be different from the many other forums here on Tattle but if you could help us with this and help us teach the Tattlers how to post under a new wiki button and forum heading for these topics, we can create an area of info that would be very helpful and may help people who come to this specific forum to learn the truth about the person and stop them from sending money they cannot afford ( many are on fixed incomes and believe everything Stephanie Jarvis is tells the,).and family heirlooms to a woman who was already a millionaire when she started her YouTube channel during lockdown and will be a multimillionaire when she inherits properties abd money from her mother.

Thank you so much for your help.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member

I can usually sit through one of these videos and think, that was empty and devoid of content.
But this one really got on my nerves; I was glad to get to the end.
The inane bantering amongst all of them, watching a group of adults make and decorate biscuits and her voice going on and on.
Her voice was starting to effect me like nails going down a chalkboard.
I found this video incredibly irritating.
The highlight for me was little Lancelot ripping up a Christmas parcel.

I hope Marie pulls this off and it's a great success.
The highlight of that dead boring vlog for me was Amuary flashing his tummy!
Fanny, you lazy cow - as soon as FRK leaves you need Dana to come over and cook you dinner. Bigger fool Dana that she actually did it.


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