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But wait, I thought Stephanie said that she had the chimney swept twice a year in CD episode 338? But now it’s once a year? But, I thought it was once every 17 years?🔥🧹🏚
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Clara Burnett

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Nothing truly new under the Mid-French sun today and your little undercover operation has proved nothing: I never lied. Did I first suspect and later know they would hate my guts for spilling their beans? Yes. Could I have known they would get into a whole mess because of me exposing their truth? Oh yes. Did I think about that before I started doing that? Of course I did.
Frank den Os and Ivo van Woerden provided me with a comfortable cover to speak uncurbed, as they will probably forever be blamed by anyone in Stephanie Jarvis’ world that still cares about it or her. Why? Not because they were so silent about their grievances, I can tell you that.
They are big boys. I made an assessment, could they deal with any and all anticipated backlash and I can honestly say: so far so good. I monitored and they seem fine, enjoying their fairytale life, don’t they? The blog Frank writes is kind of proving that, if you can read through his woolliness, that is. I am no fan and said so before.
You yourself clearly chose to act against their clear wishes by publicly posting a private answer to questions you’ve apparently asked them without also be transparent about how you approached them. This hardly makes your ethics any better than mine. But a real nice touch that you blacked out the name you used when you contacted them.
Meanwhile, the true grifters are off the hook, once again. Nothing truly new indeed.

Edited to add that in no way I enjoy hearing that Frank and Ivo are being threatened, obviously. Not surprised though. The Jarvisses are a vindictive bunch.
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I always read Clara’s posts, wondering what she’s got to say. I know there is a fond place in everyone’s heart for TL old timers, mine too. Most of us found TL after becoming disillusioned with CD & unable to ask questions or air our concerns in Stephanie’s YouTube comments. Unfortunately, sometimes we are shot down for doing that here too. I don’t always agree with everything said here, but so what? Tartlets gonna tart. That’s what we are here for. If someone has something to say, it’s ok to love it, hate it or ignore it. People shouldn’t be afraid to disagree.

Remember when @Isabelle6541 was posting, no one was allowed to question her? People are allowed to ask questions. How many posts have you read after the fact where tartlets said they had concerns, but were afraid to ask?❤
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Just Grift Wood

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Patreon Flog.

She has just made out her and Phi Phi are editing at 1am in the morning and two volunteers still cooking until 1.15am and she just has a Scotch. Phi Phi serving her a Scotch and saying how mellow it is he is such a sycophantic turd.

Then morning of Thanksgiving or day before volunteer still cooking. Fanny is intermittent fasting so can't eat till four but busy working so won't need to eat.

Annalise arrives to do her hair. Maria is doing Patreon Christmas cards and Angel is cleaning candles and getting warm in dining room. Fanny wants to go darker blonde for winter. Phi Phi has lit a fire in his study so Annalise and Fanny goes up as Phi Phi has gone to get pizza. Phi Phi office is what was ear marked for Michael Petherick. Fanny says tomorrow is shiny knob day she is pissed and saying she is going to be polishing knobs.

Phi Phi wants Fanny to go ginger. Annalise has stayed so late so is staying the night.

Maria is leaving. But coming back for summer. Kirsty is growing yellow courgettes for summer and acting all simpering and girly which doesn't suit her. Then long discussion about Phi Phi's allergies.

Kirsty is splitting oregano bushes (are you still awake). Kirsty is going to build a substantial herb bed outside kitchen door but Fanny needs to consult Davy which means that is a no.

Phi Phi comes into the gardena and weaves blackberries through the arches that's his work for the day. Back to his office or as we all know his bedroom.

Oh Lord I am bloody losing the will- a fucking chat and name check with all the DAHHHHHHHLING chickens.

Fanny and Phi Phi at super market and had to buy jump leads which also needed charging. It was the Mercedes that needed jump starting so bloody ages ago and Gerald is there they have been away. Timelines are really fucked as is the content we are back in October.

Amaury and Phi Phi have been doing lots of re jigging of paintings he is so talented. He's hung a painting inside the Roger bed- he is being so vile.

Then her an Antoine and Fanny playing with Scooby Doo in Egypt it is more than I can stand Fanny playing the biggest child

Seriously this is insulting and nauseating and no mention of any renovations or the accounts. Seriously filming her doing a Scooby Doo voice how low can you go you ridiculous woman

She has moved a sofa to where the sideboard was in the dining room all will be revealed in tomorrow FLOG. How will any of us sleep-it is a bigger cliff hanger than the end scene in Battle of the Bastards
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So we’re still meant to believe Dame Fanny Four Flues is sweeping the flues every winter - firstly you’re meant to do it before winter. Secondly, no flue that’s regularly swept produces this amount of soot. I call the ubiquitous LieLande BS. And Nathan does too with his “Really?” remark. His face says he’s not buying the BS.
That soot is a fire risk and proof that Dame Fanny Four Flues has still no care for any of her residents or paying guests lives.
View attachment 1747430
View attachment 1747434
All that soot is probably the result of burning the accounts.
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:coffee::unsure: Why is she still on Youtube? Yes, I am talking FRK. To be someone with something to "offer", I would have thought you had to have skills, beauty, charisma, surprising content, something to draw people in and keep them watching. In my opinion she has seen what Stephanie can get/do, and she believes she can too. Did she not even utter something about a chateau at one point? Total delusion. Stephanie makes men do things for her, she has charisma. FRK would just make you want to run!
At the moment FRK has youth on her side, but as far as I can tell that is all. She ought to set some realistic goals and forget about fame and fortune for very little "work" filming herself. Was she not looking for George Clooney? Nick the tree surgeon would be punching! :rolleyes: Not being mean, but a touch of reality would be a good thing in her world.
We enjoyed watching Mr. Bean's ancient castle, and his wife was far less irritating when edited by Snorts. Interesting castle they've got there, enticing secrets and rooms. Mr. Bean's English must make Snorts & Stephanie giggle secretly at bedtime,- he talks just the way "The French" talk in old Monty Python films.
As much as I appreciate watching those great castles...oh I am so glad of my own smaller, cleaner, safer, and pretty hassle free abode. I'm not doing anything in it myself, just live and enjoy. If something needs doing, my wife makes sure it gets done,- and I usually don't even see the faces of those who do. In fact, it is just like living in a hotell, just that I'm the owner. I would hate "Chateau life".
Am I right in saying that there are now 3 trolls here as well as 15 haters? Welcome Trolls, you'll be just fine here. But we shall not welcome any queer bashers, fat shamers, or haters of menopausal women. I will kick those out myself. See, I'm quite protective of you all :whistle:
Before I leave, have the gay pair staying at Lalande been giving Dan instructions "How to tie a scarf" ? Either that, or he has a woman in his life.
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Le Baiseur

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I don't understand the lengths taken and amount of time put into smearing another Tattler.
If I'm not interested in what a particular Tattler has to say, I scroll or ignore.
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T Rex

VIP Member
For forks sake- Fixing the Shitoo's 600 Year Old Chimneys! The T Rex Take (watching it so YOU don't have to!): Fanny is awake, in the kitchen and wearing the same olive drab jumper she wore at Marc & Amy's- exclaiming how excited she is to get the log burners installed. The installers arrive with a big cherry picker (the foreman is British- of course). F4F startles Amaury in the Grand Salon, where sparks are flying- he is using an angle grinder (e.g. maneater) to cut something metal. F4F is an idiot, and remarks it was like fireworks- uh, yeah, cause sparks and wood are a good combo. But then again, with the damp, it's probably fine. F4F sticks her phone in the face of the chimney foreman for an update. The top few feet of the grand salon chimney were clear, but the bottom half produced quite a bit of soot. F4F stated, "But we've had that chimney swept every single year!" Foreman, who isn't buying her lies, "Uh, yeah..." and looks away. The frenchman on the team tells her she can burn dried out potato peels to help keep the chimney clean- is he pulling her leg, or is this a real thing? Maria is outside and busts out her phone to give her own commentary as the digger is on the house to pull out the fireplace base. Amaury is using the digger to bring in the new log burners- F4F remarks that now "WE will be snug and warm." My maths don't quite work out with this- one will be going into the entry hall, one will be going into F4F's office, and one will be going into the winter salon. How dafuq are THREE log burners going to heat the ENTIRE Shitoo?!? Amaury assists with installing the flues. F4F remarks how she will be running about next week to light fires everywhere... :ROFLMAO: Andrew & Ricardo arrive with a adorable baby pug, named Pugsley. F4F fawns over him, but doesn't actually touch him. Dan remarks the pup is better than a baby, and Maria snarkily retorts, "Says the father of two." Fanny focuses on the Chanel bag on the table, probably thinking it is a gift for her, and Andrew informs her it is for the pup's things. Back to the chimneys- Fanny informs us that they only have time to have one of the normal chimneys cleaned, so they decided Snort's study is the priority. Ah, F4F's ugly jumper is explained as she and Snorts are heading off to visit Marc & Amy, where they are chuffed about visiting because they have heat. The pair arrives to the messy kitchen, where baby Juliet opens the wine. Marc uses a heat gun to make creme brulee. The room F4F and Snorts are staying in is absolutely gorgeous- and the windows are spectacular- gorgeous wood, no rot! The pair head downstairs to brekkie, and find Amy cuddling with a turkey. I will give Marc & Amy props, as their home is lovely, and will forgive them their messy kitchen, as they are doing it all with two small children. If anything, Fanny should be ashamed of herself- compared with the Fleuries and the Rosieres (who have small children and a more limited budget), her abode is crap- they've accomplished far more than she with hard work by doing it right.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Thank you for your stories @MRShavershamsdress & @KyBourbon. They are absolutely important, especially when we want to talk about homophobia and queer history!
It absolutely revolts me that Michael Petherick cries victim about his lost subscribers. Has Michael ever been alienated because of his sexuality? Has he been the victim of gay bashing? Has he ever had to live in fear, because of who he is?!
Lest we forget Stephanie Jarvis who without any moral decency perpetuate and maintain homophobia in the world by letting Ivo and Frank be discriminated, then hypocritially celebrated Pride - what an ally, not!
Today, Nov 20th, is Trangender Rememberance Day, a day for me to remember all the brave people to paved the way through sorrow, pain and blood for me to be able to exist, albeit not entirely without fear. Something none of those châteauverse grifters could ever relate to.
Waking up to news of yet another mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in the good ol' US of A.
This time in Colorado. I have no words left to say about the rampant homophobia/transphobia and gun culture mentality of this country.
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T Rex

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Okay, so don't throw stones at me, you angry overweight menopausal lot of 15 of you :ROFLMAO: - but I am halfway through "Fanny's Grifting at Other Chateaux- Marc & Amy Have Heat!", and it's actually good! I can't give F4F credit for this one- and while Snorts has kept his mouth shut (did the Fleuries regift Ziggy's gondola muzzle recently in a Cadeaux at the Shitoo for him?!), Marc & Amy certainly have one of the most interesting & ancient properties ever, and have done an amazing amount of work (the cisterns alone were a feat.) They have done their research, and are incredibly knowledgeable- and are discovering new things every day.
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sure you can....lotts of rooms...and when things really get nasty we can always escape to France.. ;) but dont expect breakfast in bed....:LOL: and you have to work..guests only stay fresh for three days...just like fish....what are your skills??:)

edit....i know i should not have asked this.... :LOL: i bet some naughty remarks are gonna follow...:rolleyes:
I can be un-naughty too. Thanks fo your offer. I can cook, bake (Kuchen und Torten), clean, do the garbage, and be a nice person. I love jazz, chill, like hiking. My language skills are German and British English. I’ll probably start learning the mystical language of the Netherrealms.

You are really a kind and lovely person.

By the way, I made a screenshot of this conversation. Just to make sure in case someone can’t remember, when I stand on your doormat..
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So poor 'cuz will be schlepping wood for the log burners all day with no time for the grande salon!
New cousin @Abuela, I hope you know I would never do any physical work or schlepping for Stephanie. I wouldn’t want to be in the grande salon either, because I’d be afraid the ceiling would cave in on me. I think if I were at Lalande, I would spend most of my time in the kitchen, drinking the good Christmas wine and silently judging, also drawing cute lil flying penises with a black permanent marker on slightly hidden places in all of the bathrooms I could get to.🖊
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Nevertheless, and in no fallacious regard to the original intentions of this person, their actions have cost us a lot. Since they started writing about us, we have received perpetual accusations and threats and lost numerous friendships. Their continuous writings have caused us both a great deal of hardship and stress.

I agree that @Clara Burnett has always made it clear that they are acting independently and that for quite some time have no longer been in the circle of friends of Ivo and Denno. I also agree that this Tattle page without info from @Clara Burnett would be a poorer read and consist only of speculation, admittedly a lot of it hilarious and while some may be spot on there is a lot of it that is wildly off the mark. So having validation from @Clara Burnett is good.
However as a consequence of the input from @Clara Burnett for Denno to say they have received perpetual accusations and threats and been caused a great deal of hardship is extremely disturbing.
If that is true then the implications are horrenduos. We all think of Fanny and the other inmates as being greedy, lazy and anything else applicable to grasping grifters and apart from the obligatory visits to brocantes etc having no interaction with anyone living in the area but in what Denno says it seems that there must be a lot of locals who are fierce defenders of the shittooline. Which negates her non involvement in the community. (Unless all of the threats originate from Mary Poppins and is it Dave? the cleaner).
If Frank and Ivo are receiving threats, that goes to show just how deluded some of Fanny’s ardent fans are…even dangerous. How would they (deluded fans) even know anything was said unless they read here? And if they read here, they were brought here for a reason. I didn’t find Tattle until Michael Petherick begged for a handout after blowing his money in Madrid…I thought “I can’t be the only one who thinks this is wrong!” A google search brought me here. I’d say 90% of the time, the posts on here point out the obvious…where is the money going? what’s up with the timeline? why aren’t projects finished but there’s time for world travel? why does the chatelaine date, bed, and pay an employee who’s half her age? why doesn’t she care for her animals? Frank and Ivo left La La Lande and have nothing to do with Fanny for a reason. If they’ve lost friendships, it’s because Fanny is displaying classic narcissist behavior. She’s the victim and she’ll turn on anyone who crosses her…even getting people to end friendships with the people she thinks wronged her or she dislikes. Her flying monkeys. To make it clear, Tattle isn’t the reason for Frank and Ivo’s issues. And @Clara Burnett isn’t the reason for their issues. Unfortunately, Frank and Ivo were screwed from the moment they met Fanny and got involved…just like what happens, eventually, to everyone who befriends Fanny.
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Knives Out

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Stephanie and her adopted pet arrive at The Rosaries to bless their modest abode. Just like all the other Chateaux that this unselfish nun has pilgrimaged to over the years. The hosts make a humble meal, grown from the garden and offer warmth from the fire.

All in exchange for ten thousand subscribers, one hundred paying Patrons and an unholy and soiled reputation.

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