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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
Dear people,
since the new year I have, for the last 5 months, been unemployed. (Now you might think I’m going to beg).
For that reason I have time, I’m resting and as far as I could tell, I’m poisoning myself and my mental health with the LL team.
But on June 1, I'm starting a new job. I will have to work hard and learn in addition and I will not have time for all these sick phenomena in the world of YouTube beggars.
I want to say that I am overjoyed to be able to work, to have the will and knowledge and to go through life on my own merits.
After five months of studying these people, my only comment is: I have no words to describe what I think about them.
Maybe I’ll write a book: E-begging because I’m very literate, literary talented, and eloquent.
And yes, I’m going to the mountains in two weeks, a hiking trip and I’m going to pay with my own savings.
Cheers! 🍺
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Took a closer look at FRK's new patreon page and what she's offering.
For €6 a month she promises access to 1-3 short video updates every week from behind the scenes. If you pay her double, €12 a month, you get nothing extra but the pleasure of 'supporting her even more' and when you double even that, €24 a month, again no extra's but you are allowed to give her content suggestions.
Just how delusional is this girl?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett
Hey Clara, I've a couple of off-topic questions that you may be able to answer:

1.How did Cat come to the chateau? Was she friends with Dana and Contessa before meeting SJ? Do you know?

Lots of these people that have been to LaLaLande parties and other parties, seem to be friends, exes, or something amongst themselves. And many appear to have dated the same guy/girl in the same group, (Mason, Countess, MPotty, Dana, SJ of course, etc.) so it's confusing.


2.You mention much or your info comes from your friends who were at the chateau at one time, but I think I've read, that you still go to La Lande. How can SJ & troupe, not know who you are if they're reading here as many believe they do?

I can't see how your identity can remain secret to them...too many clues...
Cat came through workaway or another volunteer organization, at least that's what I understood. She was not friends with Dana or Tess Hoffman before she started "working" at the shittoo.
As for my identity: I know Stephanie Jarvis (and some of her closest allies ) are positively convinced they know who I am and why I'm doing this, but have no clue how to prove it. I find it extremely funny they are wrong. Just thinking how mortified she would be, makes it all worth while. I can only hope they leave the person they suspect alone, as I don't want to cause trouble for anyone but the charlataine.
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VIP Member
A few takeaways from today’s CD:
-Sexualizing your cousin is disgusting & creepy.
-Sexualizing Dan is disgusting & creepy.
-Looks like Natti has been reading here and took 8 minutes to get ready today instead of her normal 4.
-Dan’s chest tattoo reads, “I’m a douche” written out in English, French, Turkish & Pig Latin.
-Stephanie, leave Nick the tree surgeon alone, he’s the hardest working man at the Chateau de Lalande ever.
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I see snakes pretty regularly where I live. Don’t worry! They really don’t want to bother you! If one sees you, it will most likely go the other way.
I hear some snakes actively slithers towards you, usually they'll have a pink phone in their hand. 🐍 🤳
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VIP Member
View attachment 1278073
Stephanie Jarvis has no shame.
She tells her patrons, that have paid for her renovations, that are being filmed for C4/Chateau DIY, they have to wait until C4 airs the footage, fall 2022.

Stephanie Jarvis' priority is to herself/free money and her fame(?). 😂

Remember, nothing last forever.
View attachment 1278059
When the footage airs in fall 2022, I hope Channel 4 announces exactly how SJ is paying for her renovations. “Stephanie Jarvis, half owner of the farmhouse, lives off the generosity of strangers.” Seriously…Channel 4 viewers see all these chateau, and sell this idyllic “dream,” so it’s only right they should know SJ’s “dream” is funded through e-begging and the association scam.
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Well-known member
Hi all, I’m new here 👋🏻 I found this forum when I became disenchanted with Fanny and her lack of actual progress and treatment of her “volunteers, friends, and family” about the time she started “dating” Phillip. I found her YouTube during the Pandemic after finding a Michaels first YouTube video that went viral. Today I found out I have been muted and no one sees my comments anymore on her videos so here I am!!
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I think she's an English society "girl," with a lot of friends with money, including herself maybe, before putting all her pennies in La Lande. Crazy parties, soirees, travel, trips to friends' country houses, Oxford, blah, blah, blah, Just like you see it in the movies, a socialité, which makes me wonder, why in the world did she want to buy a chateau in the middle of nowhere? And why did her "best friend" go along with it? If it was an investment, it backfired. Was it only to fulfill her princess' dreams, or just to be like her pals who owned country estates in the UK? What a load of sh*t!
Fanny certainly aspires be a socialite however I am afraid that in reality, that is most certainly not the case! She's more Hyacinth Bucket than Lady Charlotte Wellesley!
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Marie will purchase cheap flowers with her Patreon money, then everyday each of the 300 inhabitants of Cozon-sur-Vauvre will buy 1 flower for $1, that’s $300 a day! $300x365=$109,500 a year! Marie is a financial and business genius.
I have an undergraduate degree in Finance and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. My MBA capstone project was to write a comprehensive business plan for an entrepreneurial venture, including concept, marketing plan, and projected financials. Took a year to complete. I suddenly feel like it was all for nothing! All I needed was weeds and a jar! 😆
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
off course Clara! my info comes from a time when I believed what she said in the vlog about the lake being drained! I reckon the cover story about why the water police came is nonesense. The 1992 regulations apply to all bodies of waters and fishing lakes, regardless of when they were formed. Probably the real truth could be that they were facing fines or some sort of improvement order for not having maintained the lake over the 16 years they’d had the chateau so they drained it.
I must say although sometimes it seems the French are over Regulated, I know of a few village ponds near me, I wish such regulations applied to, as they’ve been left unmaintained And become stagnant.
The only reason she drowned the lake in the first place has nothing to do with being threatened by the waterpolice, but with her fear of not having enough money to pay for its maintenance. Furthermore: she had the money back then, but just wasn't willing to spend it on something as trivial as a lake. She wanted to travel and do glorious glamorous things. Now that other people are paying for it, she has all of a sudden become a fan of having it back again and her fear of what it will cost has vanished completely. It's no rocket science to figure that one out, is it?

Hi all, I’m new here 👋🏻 I found this forum when I became disenchanted with Fanny and her lack of actual progress and treatment of her “volunteers, friends, and family” about the time she started “dating” Phillip. I found her YouTube during the Pandemic after finding a Michaels first YouTube video that went viral. Today I found out I have been muted and no one sees my comments anymore on her videos so here I am!!
Welcome to the dark side. I think you will find things much lighter here!
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du Fay

Well-known member
Fanny deserves a vote of thanks and a civic award from the marie of Crozon sur Vavre for her efforts to improve the local economy by providing full employment for 10 people at LL thanks to the unthinking financial support of her deluded Patrons!!

Thanks to Patreon she now employs the following full-time and part-time workers:
1 Argentinian Italian manager
1 Anglo-French carpenter
1 English handyman
1 French cook
2 cleaners; one French, one unknown nationality
3 gardeners; one English, one Ukrainian and one of unknown nationality, but probably not French
Lastly, and most certainly leastly (sic), 1 Dutch gigolo/editor.

In addition, she has 'encouraged' the business dreams of a Norwegian florist, and a Dutch and Elvish dancing/cosplaying couple for which she deserves more credit!

Maybe she should be considered for a United Nations cultural ambassadorships for creating such a multicultural environment embracing Life, Love and Laughter!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Palette cleanser...

From Annalise's patreon video it's quite clear her ex-partner (and father of her children) does not allow her to use the fancy toys his patrons bought them as he needs them in the shittoo, where he just leaves them lying around in the kitchen. She's trying to give the patrons what they are paying for, even if she has to film with her phone, while he's improving his looks and plays with the machinery the charlataine bought him. Keep up the good work, Annalise, by doing so you are proving what an arse your ex-boyfriend truly is!
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What was up with SJ telling Dan that Phi Phi Big boy pants thought that Dan looked like a stock photo of the perfect boyfriend now ( like the pics you find inside a newly purchased frame)...and Dan said something like, " Oh yeah, like for him right?" And Fanny laughed and agreed.
Did I hear that right?
Did I misunderstand what was said?
Nope. Actually single Dan has now leapfrogged everyone in the chateau in looks. I thought he was cute before, his kids are adorable, but with the most perfect teeth in all of chateauland he’s now number one. I dated Dan’s kind of skinny before, he has nice hands. Nice hands=nice “ “. Being slim he will cut a good figure in clothes. Especially dress clothes. I think he’s zoomed right past Phillip in Fannys book too. She’s having a hard time containing herself. Dan can also fix stuff, dig holes, and has a van. He also treats her with total disdain, what a challenge! Oh and he has a degree, is a better camera operator, has a drone, and several tripods. No Phillip needed.
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VIP Member
There you have it FRK in her unhappy state, driving her free van in the place she escaped from with the Snorting side kick of her friend who she left behind on jaunt to UK where she sponged off anyone who would give her something for nothing until she got bored of that. She is now onto the next idea, she seems far from unhappy now the Patreon $ are rolling back in following her unhappy vlog.
Tattlers seem hell bent on blaming Steph for all FRK woes, I think she (FRK) has only herself to blame. I dont believe a word anyone says and I am not sure they do anymore, lies breed lies.
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john eccles

Well-known member
I very, very nearly jacked in Tattle this morning after reading several politically delusional posts. Then I remembered the Ignore button. I thought Politics was a no no on this forum. It mystifies me that if people, in the 'real world' hold such views, then how can they make a rational critique on the likes of Fanny and her rabble of spongers?
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Chatty Member
There you have it FRK in her unhappy state, driving her free van in the place she escaped from with the Snorting side kick of her friend who she left behind on jaunt to UK where she sponged off anyone who would give her something for nothing until she got bored of that. She is now onto the next idea, she seems far from unhappy now the Patreon $ are rolling back in following her unhappy vlog.
Tattlers seem hell bent on blaming Steph for all FRK woes, I think she (FRK) has only herself to blame. I dont believe a word anyone says and I am not sure they do anymore, lies breed lies.
I believe Marie may be THE manipulator beyond compare. Of course, she has mental issues. I believe she is a complete narcissist who knows how to manipulate people into giving her money by saying things that may or may not be true and quite inappropriate unless professionally proven. I have experience with a narcissist that has spanned a lifetime and I have had to deal with complex issues in connection with her behavior….my sister. I have been politically correct here making sure that I cover the mental health issues but there is so much beyond this. In my experience, it is all about control and greed. And laziness. I know I am repeating the sentiments of others but the grifting tactics are deplorable to me. As Le Comte stated in the previous thread… sugarcoating….I feel the same.
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