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Chatty Member
I don’t really get the dislike of Chloe. For sure she’s had it easy but that’s not a fault. Her and Jordan came from normal families, I don’t see a lot of wealth, she lived in a normal semi in the earlier series. The ‘savings’ for the house deposit were probably their series one mtv fees and they likely paid no rent living with their parents. They bought a new build and under help to buy scheme that would mean a low deposit, especially in that area of the country. They may have also had a guarantor for the mortgage and they both had the option of working at her father’s upholstery company if they needed a normal wage to cover it if mtv didn’t work out. Their monthly mortgage was probably similar to what the others on the show such as Amber and Sassi pay in rent. They were looking at about £140k on their first home, at a 5% (help to buy scheme) deposit they only needed £7k to put down on it between 2 of them. That’s a lot less than most parent spend helping their kids through university even if the parents did pay it all.

For sure she’s a little madam who always wants her own way and wants a perfect life with high expectations, but what harm is that doing? I think she is playing the game of using mtv and being an influencer…if that dries up they may have paid off their mortgage and he in a really good position. If she keeps her profile going she could end up working as a social media consultant or similar if being a reality star comes to an end. If Jordan is actually working for her father and it’s a different job as he’s hinted at on the show…then he may be later he in a position for a decent job at the company when the father retires if he is being trained to do more. The storyline about it being a shock him going back to work was nonsense, I think they planned it and just turned it into a thing for the show.

She gets criticised for her lack of parenting to Marley, but looking at it another way..he’s hardly shown on the show and when he is he’s generally well-behaved, well dressed and living in a clean house. Compare that to Amber showing all her kid’s behavioural issues and screaming at them in a dirty house. Plus Sassi showing all her co-parenting arguments and losses of patience happening in front of her child. I don’t think that not seeing parenting on screen means it isn’t happening…I think she is making herself and Jordan the tv stars and keeping her child as separate from it as possible. She isn’t for example filming details of whether he is struggling at school or having behavioural problems…his personal privacy hasn’t been affected as badly as the other children. He’s also got two sets of stable grandparents who seem and so had parents who know what a normal upbringing is supposed to look like.

I genuinely think that Chloe has a better brain on her than she displays and is milking her tv stardom financially for all it’s worth while it lasts, and Jordan is completely uninterested in the tv show but just wants a normal, decent house and family environment and can see the financial benefits of being involved in it.

She’s the only one of the uk teen mums who has properly used the fame to her advantage, the others haven’t got the wherewithal. Mia in particular has the right looks and is well-spoken, if she applied her brain she could have been making money in the same way Chloe has and owned her own home by now.
Hey family are loaded! Her dad has a company that does coverings for buses etc

I think she gets hate because she pretends she’s a boss bitch that did it all herself when in actual fact she went cap in hand to the fam. She also genuinely seems to think she is something special when she isn’t, she’s a brat.

Marley isn’t well behaved that was evident this season, he also talks with an American accent which suggests YouTube did a lot of babysitting!

This is also the girl that took 6 years to do a single GCSE and expected the world to bow at her feet for her success 🤪.

She’s just a massive twat imo
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I don’t think Mia ever seriously considered moving away. She’s impulsive, scatty and a bit of a romanticist and I just think she got carried away with the idea of moving, without any real intention of doing so
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Chatty Member
What I find utterly baffling - and always have done- is when people patently cannot cope with one child they seem to feel this almost desperation to have another?!
I had my daughter as a single mum. No input from the father. She is now 30 and never met him. His choice too. I found it very tough.
I would no more have had another baby than have flown out the window!
I wanted to be the best mum to my girl? Not add another baby to a very hard situation.
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Elle Woods

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him and mica were kind of the at the end of their road so to speak they’d been with eachother a while and wasn’t going anywhere on again off again because he couldn’t settle down.
olly got beat up and needed plastic surgery on his face to fix to damage.
breeze didn’t want the baby around it.
also breeze and olly only knew eachother because breeze was sleeping with ollys cousin who is the dad to the little girl mentioned earlier calling olly uncle.
ollys cousin is with micas cousin and they’ve been together for years and years but breeze was sleeping with him behind her back for years as well. that’s where breeze meets olly and then does the same thing to mica but instead of having constant abortions decided to keep ollys baby for some strange reason. it’s all a bit of a spiders web that has breeze at the centre of the drama. and there is no way mia could of competed with breeze. she’s grown up as a mean girl with everything she could ever possibly want and has that horrible attitude i can imagine the arguments they had amoungst eachother mia will of been crying her eyes out.

I feel like this is an accurate representation of me reading this trying to work out who's slept with who
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The pill shouldn’t be used as a contraceptive method? Wha? That’s exactly what it’s used for?
Also - consent?
Really not understanding what you mean here? Are you saying that when they slept together it wasn’t consensual? Because no one has ever alluded to that?
I think she meant they had both agreed that they were having sex under the pretence that she would get the morning after pill. The same way if he agreed to use a condom and didn’t. It’s the same type of deception. She also means the morning after pill shouldn’t be used as a permanent contraceptive, it should be used as more of a backup.
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A lovely side to see of Mckenzie too since she’s always just posting pictures of him posing like a thug.

He seems a really sweet boy.
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i feel bad for mia tbh, i think she's just so lost, in her first season she was desperate for a happy family life with the space raider, moving into a flat together, she wanted to get engaged and married, even though he treated her horribly, i think she really just wanted that happily ever after, i don't think she would've even left him if he hadn't ended it and moved back into his mums. But she was young and naive, and i think she's been trying to live her 20s with the carefree holidays, nights out etc whilst also wanting to be a mum and settle down with someone but it all gets too messy because its hard to live 2 different lives. yes she was way too forward with olly and wanting to move with M to Middlesborough so soon, but she was probably sick of southhampton and her past following her around, also the stress of her dad having cancer will have taken a ginormous toll, a parent being terminally ill is absolutely horrendous and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, having to witness them suffer, treatment not working, bad news after bad news from doctors, i think once he started to get better she just wanted to run and leave her problems behind, leave the area, leave manley and his family, leave the bad memories. she should've thought it through properly but i think she saw olly as some sort of escape and saviour who could provide her a fresh start away from everything. shes a beautiful girl and i think she's got a lovely personality, i really hope she finds someone who is serious and she gets her happily ever after, after all.
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Unhappy for the last year but was actually gonna consider moving her child four hours from everything she knows?
I thought Mia was alright but I just think she’s selfish
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Lord Farquad

Chatty Member
Getting her name tattooed before even meeting her was the final boss of all red flags 🚩

How she couldn’t see that is a testament to her lack of intelligence.
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I remember someone commenting that Chloe looks like Sam Smith with long hair and I just can’t unsee it 🤨
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She definitely didn’t forget. There’s a small scene where Charlie says a friend of hers told him she ‘forgot’ with Theo too.
So you conveniently forget to take the pill both times you got pregnant? Don’t believe it
I am so relieved someone else agrees with me. It’s such a difficult subject because I’m also a woman and I hate to ‘blame the woman’ but come on now? She went to Asda specifically for the morning after pill and ‘forgot’ because she had ‘so much on’… a food shop? The pharmacy would be my first stop, food shop after! And youre telling me she only realised 4 days later that she hasn’t took it? Nah 🤣 She’s done it to trap Charlie. Sometimes I think well maybe she didn’t PLAN to get pregnant but ‘forgetting’ to take the morning after pill definitely worked in her favour I think. She also thinks by saying ‘I did have the the intention of getting it and taking it!! I told you and my mum I was going to get it’ like that means anything at all 🤣
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anyone else wonder where amber gets her money from?? she's always on days out/buying presents and always looks like her lashes and nails are done!
I don’t really look at amber and think of her as a glamorous person who spends loads of money on herself 😂😂 I think all the other cast are way more lavish than her
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Manley posing in the drivers seat of a car with a bottle of drink in his hand 🤯😳 with the amount of money, drugs and illegal shit he posts how isn’t he in jail
god he is SUCH an ick. how he managed to trap 3 girls into a relationship is waaaay beyond me. he if the definition of vile, physically and mentally.
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I think all the girls are very lost in life. None of them really know what they’re doing in life and I don’t think it completely comes from being young mums, cos there’s a lot of teen mums, I think it comes from expecting this show to leave them sorted for life and it hasn’t and it won’t. So they just exist. No real job/career, relationships on and off. Chloe’s life resembles the most normal and grounded but even she seems disconnected.
amber the most - she keeps vaguely mentioning what she could do for work yet still hasn't got a job even tho her kids are like 7 and 4 now lol.
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Chatty Member
She needs to stop trying to find happiness on the end of a cock and heal herself. As someone else said she definitely wants all the flashy shit but quite honestly she needs to strive to get those things for herself, her and Boyley are sending awful messages to M about how women should be seen and treated
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