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I’m not sure if any of you were on the Antigoni thread (she’s from Love Island) but there was a point where this person came on saying loads about her and her lifestyle and stuff about her mum. Turned out this girl was a complete nutter and she had multiple accounts and would reply to herself on different accounts to have full on conversations like it was two people to back up her lies
It was wild

So I’m sceptical of anyone kind of newish bringing any tea now
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I honestly don’t see the harm in Mia taking M out with her if she’s no school the next day. For one, M knows her friends really well and so it’s an opportunity to see them and to have a fuss made of her by them and two, most places state no children after 8pm anyway.
It’s also Christmas, why shouldn’t the both of them socialise with friends and have the treat of a few hours out?!
She’s kind of damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t with some people - it’s either ‘omg she’s got M in a bar’ or ‘omg she’s out again and left M with her mum’. Girl can’t win!
There’s also the option of her just staying home with Marliya…
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Don’t think she was in danger in the pub defo not it’s just selfish AF to have ur kid out at 10pm on a Tuesday sitting listening to adult conversations watching her mam and her mates get pissed lol, even tonight for example she’s out with M and she’s posted pictures on her story of the bar 🤣 it’s always about Mia even if it’s about M lol since she’s became an influencer she’s got really selfish she acts 20 with no kids lol
Said it before but Marliya fits around her life rather than a normal parent who has it the other way round
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Guys who actually cares if people get council housing? Majority of people living in housing association or council houses work and pay their rent. Much better to be paying rent in houses which have gas safety checks and stuff that gets fixed than awful private rentals charging double the price. I’m glad we live in a country which has this type of housing. Especially the way private rental is! You don’t have to have kids to get council or housing association either and we live in a time where it isn’t easy for everyone to buy. Yes there may be pisstakers and people who abuse the system but there’s much worse things going on. I personally don’t care if someone with a stupid amount of kids gets a house big enough for them to live in lol. Not starting anything just don’t want people living in council housing to be made to feel like shit 🙃
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I honestly don’t see the harm in Mia taking M out with her if she’s no school the next day. For one, M knows her friends really well and so it’s an opportunity to see them and to have a fuss made of her by them and two, most places state no children after 8pm anyway.
It’s also Christmas, why shouldn’t the both of them socialise with friends and have the treat of a few hours out?!
She’s kind of damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t with some people - it’s either ‘omg she’s got M in a bar’ or ‘omg she’s out again and left M with her mum’. Girl can’t win!
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So they’ve split then. They’ve unfollowed eachother and she’s removed all but one pic of him
I knewwww it was coming 😂😂 I’m sorry, but even Stevie Wonder could see this split coming 😂 on the show, it was red flag after red flag! Poor Marliya, been introduced to yet another man who she’ll never see again 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Why? Why should she? Does becoming a mum exonerate you from having any sort of social life? Does it mean you have to stay in then every night and every weekend until your child turns 18?
OR, would that child actually benefit from either a) spending time with grandparents and other family members. And B), going out and having a fuss made of them by friends who love and care for them?
It IS possible to bring up a child single handedly and still have a life yourself. It’s also possible, as a single parent, to have a network of friends and family around you who all contribute to your child’s life.
These comments hit home with me because I’ve been in Mia’s position myself. And like Mia, I was lucky enough to have a great family support network around me and great friends who treated my daughter like their own.
I went out when she was with her Dad and during the odd week of the holidays when she was away at my mum’s (my mum lived four hours away) - she was only there because I worked full time to support us both and I couldn’t get every week of the summer holidays off. So yes, on the weekends I didn’t have her I went out. Did that mean my child suffered? Nope! Did she actually love being at my mum’s or her dad’s - yup!
At Christmas time, we’d be invited to meals out as a pair and you bet we went - my daughter adored my friends and vice versa - almost thirty years on, she’s grown up now and still classes those friends as her family.
Dont be so quick to judge!
I don’t think this is the issue people are pointing out, no one’s saying she shouldn’t have a social life. In fact it’s healthy for M to see Mia have one and for M to socialise with other adults from time to time herself. What she’s doing isn’t exactly child appropriate. If she had a meal at a restaurant with her friends and M at a child appropriate hour, it wouldn’t exactly be an issue. I just don’t think Mia naturally has that maternal streak which is why she’s coming off a bit selfish at times. Taking M to a bar at that time isn’t right sorry, it’ll be full of drunk twats who start all sorts of trouble and other things children shouldn’t be seeing
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As sad as M might be about not seeing her dad as much, IF she is of course, I’d say that’s a blessing in disguise too. No child needs to be around a family like Manley’s, they’re a set of absolutely scrubbers
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Hiiii as I’ve said a few times I’m re watching from season 1. Anyway I’m up to the episode where Shannon finds out she’s pregnant with Charlie’s baby after ‘forgetting’ to take the morning after pill. I’m just curious to know others opinions on it. It definitely takes two to make a baby and Charlie should of worn a condom but I also think she planned it and she’s lying when she says she forgot to take the morning after pill.
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I think when we looked back on Twitter too Erin was like 7-8 months pregnant still in a relationship with Manley. He def cheated on her/left her for Mia. There was no way they were already split up. Imagine shagging someone else unprotected and getting them pregnant whilst you already have one girl pregnant ready to drop. Erin must of been devastated.
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I think I owe mia an apology for what I said the other day I said she lets Manley have marliya because it’s a babysitter for her nights out but after watching her YouTube I will fully admit I was wrong with that. I’m glad Manley doesn’t see them anymore she will thrive without that bad influence in her life as will mia without him being nasty to her too
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She was out at like 10PM 😂 and could’ve been out even later but didn’t put stories up past that time.. There’s having a social life and then being ridiculous. Same as when people were sticking up for her having M out on a bar strip in Turkey at 2am! 🙃 I don’t know how anyone can think this is all ok. It’s mad.
I really feel like some people on here just give Mia an easier time because they like her
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If she paid no rent when living with her parents, baby and her boyfriend that still makes her a spoilt brat IMO
I also think she grated on people because she would always say she was proud of herself and say about her hard work. She never gave anyone else recognition when we know in reality she did fuck all but demand 😂
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Just watched the you tube video and I really feel for Mia. For her relationship to come to such an abrupt end, something major must have happened and she looks so sad in that video bless her.
I’m glad she cleared up all the speculation and explained her hols/nights out etc. I’ve been in that exact same position at the same age as Mia, where I’ve had zero input from my child’s dad. It’s tough being the only breadwinner, it’s also tiring and she deserves a break every now and then and is entitled to have fun with her friends. Believe it or not, it is possible (and allowed), to raise a child on your own and have some time for yourself as well! Just because you become a mum, doesn’t mean that’s the sum total of your being and people seem to struggle with that.
I admire how she remains composed when it comes to Manley and now Oli - she could easily slate Manley, yet never does.
I hope her business takes off and does well..
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