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Have we got the jord ❄ receipts yet?

Also the whole olly, mica, breeze thing is mind blowing! I’m glad Mia got out of that.

I do believe the damage that was done by Manley and having a baby so young someone like that is the foundation of why she is the way she is with relationships. I wish she could find someone to heal her heart :(.
The thing is I don’t really see Mia as innocent… Yes she’s had shit relationships and drama with everyone she’s been with but you get what you attract. I think Mia is very selfish. She’s proven that by getting with Manley when he had a pregnant girlfriend. Then done a similar thing again, got with somebody who was taken with a baby, he was either still with Breeze or literally just finished. A woman with sense would’ve run a mile from both their situations. Mia seems the type who just takes what she wants and does what she wants and doesn’t really think about other’s feelings. She also can not spot a red flag for her life!
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Chloe is an absolute horror, since season 1 she’s shown she’s nothing but a brat 😂 something that sticks out to me is when they’re sat round the old haussss, and she’s on about the back garden being paved, and her mum makes a joke and says you’ll have to ask everyone for a slab for your bday, and she rolls her eyes & says ‘no I want a Gucci belt’ 😫😫 that’s just one example of her being bratty, there’s a million more lol, the Mercedes as the first car, the flooring from her aunty, even tho Jawdddd didn’t agree with the handout, the midwife course, the fuming at the no Mother’s Day present from Jawddd, the wanting a bigger house not long after moving, the pressure for an engagement, the way she spoke to her mum after her mum was on her side over the Jordan thing when he cheated.. the way she spoke to her mum when they were out for dinner and she said ‘don’t start’ or something like that looool I could go on forever, she’s an absolute horror who thinks she’s a ‘kind’ person lmaooo
When she said to her mum that if she doesn’t want to be around Jordan or speak to him then she can’t see her or Marley either I like damnnnnn wow! 🙃 After all her mother did for her! She wants to use her grandchild against her.
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Elle Woods

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The other day on Tiktok Chloe said Marley's room is her favourite in the whole house and I was like ?????????????? the room is bland as fuck so I dread to think what the rest of the house is like
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How embarrassing that she plastered her relationship all over the show, calling him ‘the one’ and planning to move up North if they’ve broken up 😮💨🤦🏼‍♀️ Maggie, Manley and co will be howlingggggg if this is the case
I think she really tried with him even though it was clearly failing to kinda prove a point to everyone as well that the one year thing and introducing M to loads of men wasn’t always the case. She’s made it clear she reads here and some of us spotted the red flags straight away. Same with loads of people on tiktok and even when this series first aired to the point she had to defend him multiple times. I feel for her in a sense as it must be pretty embarrassing but listen to us on tattle Mia cos some of us have been with Olly’s before 🤣🤣 I genuinely want her and M to find someone normal and for them to have their little family
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Guys who actually cares if people get council housing? Majority of people living in housing association or council houses work and pay their rent. Much better to be paying rent in houses which have gas safety checks and stuff that gets fixed than awful private rentals charging double the price. I’m glad we live in a country which has this type of housing. Especially the way private rental is! You don’t have to have kids to get council or housing association either and we live in a time where it isn’t easy for everyone to buy. Yes there may be pisstakers and people who abuse the system but there’s much worse things going on. I personally don’t care if someone with a stupid amount of kids gets a house big enough for them to live in lol. Not starting anything just don’t want people living in council housing to be made to feel like shit 🙃
I live in a housing association home but I don’t mind these comments as they don’t apply to me. I’m not someone who’s had any babies with the purpose of being housed. I had a surprise baby very young, private rented, left an abusive relationship so got housed quickly luckily. I was in a desperate but honest situation. But the people who get pregnant on purpose like these stories above infuriate me, especially when they’ve already got too many kids. And I feel for those having to pay a mortgage when there’s tramps like these taking the piss and rinsing the system with zero contribution to society. There’s a new build estate down the road from me with houses going for around 500k and there’s this school mum from my daughter’s school who’s just moved in one of them who’s kids are grown enough and she just point blank refuses to work, it’s disgusting. There are far too many of these stories
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Mia has been out all the time again since being single. She must spend so much money going all these places trying to floss with z-listers in clubs and staying away. I hope she is making actually getting a home for her and her daughter a priority. Let’s pray she doesn’t meet a new man too 😒
I really just hope her next partner is someone normal just an everyday average guy like 5ft8 Jamie the brickie who drives a fiesta and shops for his clothes in matalan 🤣
Mia if he has a Range Rover, turkey teeth or a Gucci man bag don’t go there 🚩
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I think he either got cold feed and dumped her or he cheated. She said she’s not ready to talk about it “yet” which says to me she will at some point
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I mean they were definitely cheating though. She must have known he had a girlfriend
I agree with you! She must of knew just a few weeks ago he was close to buying a house with not only Mia but M as well. He was literally ready to settle down with her and her child. Surely that would be enough red flags to think twice. Any normal girl wouldn’t go anywhere near, even if they knew the other girl or not
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So they’ve split then. They’ve unfollowed eachother and she’s removed all but one pic of him
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I just watched Mia’s latest YouTube.. It is def worth watching but skip the first 5 mins as it’s all about hello fresh (yawn) 😂 .. Confirmed what loads of us assumed already that it’s clear Manley doesn’t really bother with his daughters anymore. By the seems she’s even hinting that Maggie doesn’t really have her either. Also saying he’s never provided money for her or helped towards anything not even uniform. No surprise there the guy is a fucking bum. Imagine taking pics of money but can’t even cough up for school uniform. Loser.

Can’t believe they had an offer accepted on a house and pulled out 2 weeks before exchanging. Like people have already said something bad clearly happened that they couldn’t come back from. Obviously very sudden and serious to back out of a house sale.
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She was literally on Instagram like 2 years ago doing clothing hauls of all the expensive stuff she had bought that sonny for when he got out of prison like full Moschino tracksuits and everything 🤡and wasn’t it 2 christmases ago they had that picture together infront of the prison Xmas tree 🤣 next thing I know tez is back and she’s pregnant
Yes I remember this photo of her and Sonny infront of the jail house tree 💀 blurring out his face lol but now he never existed and she’s been with tel for 5 years ?!
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