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Be kond

Chatty Member
It’s the Chloe show. She wants to be the main character. Look at me how much I’m earning I’m earning more than jord. That may well be the truth, but that isn’t stable. Those deals could disappear in a second.

and the BALLS to say she’s exhausted. She stood holding nail polish posing. Christ almighty
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I think Manley thinks once he’s stuck his todger in you, your his for life. He isn’t clever enough to articulate himself to express things in an adult way so he just shouts and abuses.
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I'm finding this series a bit boring. Can't believe that was Marliya's first dentist trip. Mia's found the time & money to have a BBL, another boob job and her teeth done though! Felt awful for Marliya too in the car when she was talking about Mia and space raider arguing all the time. Kids shouldn't be hearing that.
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The editing on this season has been shit. They’ve either had fuck all to show or they’ve cut loads of stuff out. Mia’s been on loads of holidays etc yet they’ve shown her doing nothing. Haven’t watched yet but pissed off they haven’t included Erin. Didn’t Sassi and Darren go to Jamaica? Why aren’t they filming these types of things 🙄
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Chatty Member
Really don’t get why amber wouldn’t accept the hostel/ hotel option? Surely it would’ve been better than this
Same! She would have also got help from the council A LOT sooner if she would have! The council would have housed her/sorted her house a lot sooner if they were paying for her hotel/hostel .. if they think you have family/friends to stay with, they don’t act as fast
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Makes me laugh when they say it's the editing....ok some things you can believe it's clever editing! This like she literally said 'what if I need you?
They can't edit her to make her look selfish when she said those words herself FFS.
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“People work full time Chlo and still move haaaws”

Not wanting your 20 something year old partner to work so you can be attached at the hip 24/7 is insane. Including guilting him for it. He must feel brutally suffocated
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Chatty Member
If I was Mia I’d be going to court and getting something put in place where I don’t have to speak to that man I couldn’t be fucked dealing with that animal for the rest of my life, he isn’t interested in coparenting with Mia he hates her he can’t see past the hate he has for her so it’ll never work, only reason he managed to coparent with Erin is because he knew she still wanting him so that thrill got him thru. Did anyone watch mias q&a on YouTube? She said she’s waiting on something to be able do what she needs to do in life. And I think it’s to take marlayia upto Middlesbrough she will need a court to say yes to that hopefully she gets it
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Well-known member
Ambers bogging. Imagine … IMAGINE getting filler ect done and not sorting a nice house out. Decorating making it homely, have savings, what is wrong with these sort of people, no priorities whatsoever! The sort of girl that would go on a shopping spree but have holes in her walls and missing flooring😂
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Amber, to Hudson: it’s mince beef, you know like when daddy makes you spaghetti bolognaise?

Does that mean she’s never made it for her kids? They definitely just eat shit in that household
I thought this too! She had to say at daddy’s like as if they only eat real food there 😭 I don’t even mean to come across offensive when I say this but the more time goes on the more I think Amber may be on the spectrum. There’s just something about her lack of social awareness during the whole time she’s been on the show. She can’t seem to cope emotionally with anything either. She also shows signs of having learning difficulties. I found her very hypocritical last series when she was laying out all Ste’s flaws to try and encourage him to get diagnosed with something when I feel like she probably has more issues that need addressing than he does.
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I truly think Manley is an insecure little man who has no idea what masculinity or being a father looks like. He thinks he can speak to women like shit but I bet you any money there’s men who he would never speak to like that because they would sort him out good and proper.
Where are the men in his family? Where’s his dad or his sisters “baby father” (I really hate that term) because I’d love to know who told him that being a man means controlling your girlfriend, expecting her to dedicate her life to you when you yourself cannot commit to a job never mind a marriage to ONE of THREE “baby mamas”. offer NO provision for said girlfriend who is supposed to drop everything so she can chat to your chavvy, enabler mum and undignified, unintelligent and CRIMINAL sister 😕🥴. A man is supposed to provide for his children, protect his family and offer SECURITY! Especially emotional security, at the end of the day he has 2 daughters and a BABY, how difficult is it to be a decent human and treat them with kindness and respect. Masculinity and fatherhood doesn’t necessarily mean he has to pay for absolutely everything but you should be able to feed and clothe the family/children YOU created…but somehow I don’t see pocket money Manley being able to do that. EMBARRASSING! He thinks being masculine is wearing black clothing and “hanging outside shops throwing things at police” 💀💀💀
Mate, he can’t control what comes out of his mouth, never mind take control of his OWN LIFE. Mia being able to take care of herself and her own affairs, never mind her confidence is killing him. He’s not a man.
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