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Amber’s just said on instagram that they stayed with Beth for 2/3 MONTHS

Anyone local want to do a whip round and drop a medal and a bottle of bubbly off at Beth’s door? :oops:
Wouldn’t you after 2 or 3 weeks do your best to go elsewhere and give your friend a break? Like a hotel? Anything
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Mia getting slated for the state of Marliya’s teeth - she’s got two parents. Nothing stopping Manley from taking M to the dentist!
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There’s been pretty much zero mention of anything relating to Marley either again. Slightly more than the last series. Everything is always just all about Chloe 😭 it’s shocking especially when their life is so boring. The amount of bad shit going on in the world atm and Chloe is stressed because her partner has to work 3 days a week and can’t stay home all day with her 😅
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Sassi made that whole retreat about her hahaha “thanks for doing this journey with me” 🤣🤣🤣 bet those girls were fuming they wanted a nice quiet retreat and then Sassi and her mom turned up with a camera crew

Also, Mia saying “I don’t want to live here forever” why??? Why would you want to move far away… is that the stuff Ollie has put in her head.
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Amber it’s because you have no control over your kids and let them run riot and just watch it happen I don’t blame Beth at all. And not her mum offering her to stay now
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Mia is a better person than me coz I would have said, you've known the TEENAGED girl for 2 years, was that when you was with Erin, you know your other child's mum. No mention of the obvious cheating. Erin must be fuming.
He couldn't even look at her when she walked in the room. He's pathetic. He's basically saying marliya shouldn't meet anyone until mia is living with them or she's pregnant. How does that make any sense?
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Ugh manley is so infuriating, was shocked when he said mia tried to cause an argument when she asked about marliya meeting olly. We all saw what happened coz it was filmed! She did no such thing. She was actually really anxious to ask him. He has a whole other baby with some young girl and that's fine. Such a childish hypocrite. He is defo not over mia and her just doing her own thing.
I agree that children shouldn't keep meeting parents partners if it's a regular occurrence, however it's always harder for mums when they live with the child, they most likely have to meet the kid lol.
Marliya will see how her dad has treated her mum when she's older, I'd be more worried about that.
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Am I missing something with this opinion. I don’t get why it’s seen as manipulation to say you’ll miss your child. That’s her mum, she’s gonna miss her. I think it’s good for a child’s self esteem to know they’re loved and that they’ll be missed? I thought you were the same person from the last thread so it’s more than one person holding this view lol. She asked if she was excited etc beforehand I’m sure anyway?
I understand your view on that but i work with children and have a degree and can tell you for a fact her telling her repeatedly in a more negative tone of voice she will miss her and mentioning how the hearts beat in different places is not good for zenaya and as somebody mentioned will make her feel responsible for her mums feelings. For example she could potentially be on holiday and feel guilt for her mummy being ‘sad’ now and that her choice to go to the holiday and feel excited isnt what her mum would want. She actually didnt verbally reply to sassi about the hearts comment and shrugged her shoulders uncomfortably. A simple change in the tone of voice and language used could of changed the dynamic completely, ‘i cant believe you are going on holiday for a whole week, iam going to miss you but you are going to be having such an amazing time and i cannot wait to hear about it when your back’ for example turns a emotional time into a positive…
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I cannot see Manley supporting Mia moving at all 😅 I’m only half way through the EP but the man kicks off over NOTHING let alone get moving her and marliya hours away
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Didn’t amber say she was training to be a carer at the start of this series? Or maybe she quit because she lost her house for a few months (kids still went to school though!)

Manley is such a dickhead. ‘Disappointed Mia didn’t ring me this morning and remind me’ FUCK OFF! You don’t want a thing to do with her unless you need her as an alarm clock.
Amber’s been mentioning potentially being a carer for 9 series.
She never does it
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am i right in saying she wanted her old house back because its a 3 bedroom and the council would only give her 2 bed as she has 2 boys under the age of 16??? i thought i read that somewhere
They share a bedroom anyway…
I can’t believe she went back to that shithole house. 3-4 months staying with Beth for what? She should’ve gave up the tenancy and took temporary accommodation straight way. The reason the council hasn’t done anything is because she plonked herself in Beth’s. I also don’t believe she couldn’t have found a lovely private rental in 3-4 months!! Houses are so cheap in Blackpool too.
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omg when zenaya said to sassis mum Toni me mams upstairs she looks like an angel and you look like a Dalmatian 🤣🤣🤣🤣 aww zenaya 🤣
I sound horrible but her fingers and edges around her nails go through me. I don’t know why a nail business would use her to advertise.
Maybe it’s the nails not the actual hands 🙈
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I get everyone’s point about Mia but I really don’t get where everyone’s got this thing about Olly being a narcissist 😂 I feel like the guy hasn’t shown any signs of being abusive. He actually seems the most normal guy she’s ever been with. We might take the piss out of his Turkey teeth and his accent but in reality he seems to work hard and have a genuine job 😭 also is it just me who doesn’t see Manley as some hands on dad? The guy is a toxic piece of shit and he only sees Marliyah a few times a month. There was likely a reason his other daughter wasn’t with them in those other scenes. I def think Erin has stopped contact with him.
100% I feel like Manley only sees the little girls because he lives with Maggie and can’t miss them when they are there. I feel like if he had his own place he would be one of them changing plans all the time. I also don’t see how Olly has shown any signs of being toxic. He was the one saying Mia’s behaviour was driving him away. How do we know he wants Mia to move to him it could be her rushing things. She’s already shown how clingy she is. Wouldn’t be surprised if this idea was hers and they haven’t even discussed it properly
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Poor Marliya! This is an example of ‘don’t let your storm let your kids get wet’ … Mia & manley are basically causing trauma for that little girl, by the way they communicate with each other. Awful!
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So conspiracy theory here which is based on vibes and not facts …

I don’t actually believe Chloe was arsed about Jordan going back to work. I think she already knew because he’s actually think returning to work because of money or lack of. I’m not suggesting they are destitute just not as well of as they would lead us to believe obviously they would never admit that because that doesn’t fit the successful influencer narrative they are spinning.

It just doesn’t make sense, 1. He worked for Chloe’s dad, I just refuse to believe this wasn’t mentioned at any point. I think Jordan’s asked for his job back. 2. I don’t think it’s a coincidence it happened at the same time as their offer being accepted. That house is really outdated, again doesn’t fit the influencer aesthetic, Reno isn’t cheap. I truly believe this is about money and this weird story line was an attempt to cover it up to save face after bragging about being so busy she needs him to be her PA.

On another note, I’d pay money find out what Beth said to Amber in the off screen argument. Beth was sick and tired of her bullshit 🤣🤣🤣.

Amber is just lazy, she’s reminds me of a few girls I grew up with. Claiming single full time mummy benefits but manage get pregnant every time a child reaches school age so they can keep those benefits coming in and not have get a job. Maybe she is struggling with her mental health but we are 9 seasons in and at some point she needs to take some accountability for the chaos she created
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I think Maggie has a lot to answer for and disagree with comments on here from people supporting her. She’s raised a self centred, misogynistic, lazy idiot who has no idea whatsoever about how to treat women.
She sat slagging off Mia when the poor girl was upstairs clearly struggling in the first weeks of having a newborn and only a teenager herself. I can’t imagine Mia’s mother was comfortable watching those scenes.
I think Maggie knows how to make herself look like the perfect Grandma, both on the show and to Marliya, but she most definitely has a nasty side to her and as M grows up, she’ll see this for herself as she’s clearly a very bright, intelligent child.
Agreed! Takes an enabler to raise an abusive narcissist. She’s a massive shit stirrer too and loves watching drama she’s created with literal teenagers with a smile on her face the weirdo. If you’re coparenting with a narcissist, you know the type - huge gossip as they’re bored of their lives and raised the worst person you’ve ever met
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