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Chatty Member
I do think genetics/luck play a part in teeth though. I never eat sweets or full sugar fizzy drinks and I’ve had a fair few fillings. My husband is a sweet addict and doesn’t have any fillings (and doesn’t get fat either 😡). The dentist told me some people simply have shitty teeth. But yeah when the dentist asked if she brushed her teeth twice a day it was clear she doesn’t 🙃
i don’t want to jinx this but this is me! I do clean my teeth properly but eat so much shit and I haven’t had to have one single filling as an adult!! (I had some as a child but then had to have those teeth out for my brace anyway!)
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I honestly think MTV fund that, so they have something to film, here in northern Ireland are nurserys are funded no matter if u work or not and they go at the age of 3 or 4 everyday 9am to 1pm for 8 month's before starting first year at primary school, I didn't realise this isn't covered in other parts of the UK?
It’s free for 3 and 4 year old for 15 hours a week
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Sorry to change the subject but I was wondering if anyone knew why Mia moved in with her dad. Was it because he was unwell with his cancer? Or did she need to give up her house for financial reasons? And I seen someone said she's now living with her mums so again I'm like why doesn't she rent somewhere else on her own like she used to 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I feel like Amber has had a thrashing off us all on here so last thing I will say 😂.. Like someone said above she must be well aware of what people think when they see her messy house over a span of years so I don’t get how she hasn’t died from embarrassment and sorted it? Also if that’s what it looks like when she has camera men in then it makes me horrified how she must be when no one else is around. It’s actually sad. I know they have completely diff lives and are diff people but Sassi is a great example that people can be having depressive episodes and down periods and still have their house clean and be cooking and keeping a routine for their children. Sassi might be a knob at times but fair play to her she is always cooking and her home always looks clean.
I’m sure she said on her special that’s the way her mum always ran her home so she learned from her
ETA- Sassi I mean
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Is that Ollie’s car she’s driving? It doesn’t seem like something she would choose. He also seemed to have her white older BMW over Belfast with him when it showed him picking her up. Maybe they’ve swapped cars so when he’s in England he can use the nicer car? Was def his son’s car seat! It was for a baby not someone Marliyah’s size 😆
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If he went to nursery morning or afternoon it’s free. My son went Monday to Friday for 3 hours a day and I paid nothing
Ah OK, is that term time only though? Like pre school? Only because my son did 2 days a week at private nursery before he started school and I still paid monthly.

Sorry to derail from the thread lol
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VIP Member
Could anyone understand why they wanted Zenaya to move schools?
Maybe they realised that if Z is just a bit behind or if she has learning difficulties the current school doesn’t have the facilities to help?

My nephew was a bit like Z, lovely chatty child but couldn’t focus and was falling behind. Only problem was, his parents didn’t realise how far behind his peers until he was in like year 2 - the school never flagged it until that particular parents evening even though they both had enquired if he needed to do anything extra at home. So it was more of a failing of the school and now he’s been moved he’s been getting a lot more support as the new school has provisions for it.
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Sadly quite often this is the problem, schools don’t take parents seriously as they don’t see the behaviour at school. My son is 12 and was diagnosed with autism aged 5 and he has undiagnosed adhd alongside learning disabilities, anxiety and ocd! Yet he masks at school, he exhausts himself in the process then explodes when he gets home. I’m not saying this is the case for Brooklyn but it’s a possibility! Diagnosis also depends per area, 5 year wait in my area unless they go private!
It was either you or someone else before who said about their son doing this
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I’m learning a lot about how truly awful the whole family is from reading here (I didn’t watch old series religiously) and even with all that, it seems Maggie is the only real contact Mia has when trying to arrange drop offs etc. if Maggie wasn’t alive, can you imagine the chaos of her only having unManley to phone or contact? She can only really call up Maggie. Mia is stuck with this horrible family for life! Don’t envy her.

Olly deals drugs too or did I pick that up wrong?
manley deals drugs, don't think olly does?
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