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Chatty Member
Leah has always been a hoe fo sho. Remember when the twins were newborn and she was shagging Robbie. She even had him around the twins on their 16 and pregnant episode 😭 and then shagged him the same week she married Corey. She is so messy and people forget. Lying about having a miscarriage on television is terrible. The whole addiction thing too was so sketchy but she’s never got slated the way other cast members have. Remember when she was addicted to drugs and Jeremy was working his ass off for months doing dangerous work and she rinsed their bank account by the time he got home 😭 - sorry to derail. Should be slagging her off on the teen mom usa thread haha
Sorry but you’ve blown my mind!!! Why didn’t I know any of this?? I always thought she was so horrible to Jeremy and he was a big sexy man!!! Did they ever say what she was addicted too? I remember her driving a few times looking absolutely out her nut


Active member
I don’t understand, given that her landlord is clearly a complete cowboy, and how hard it can be to get social housing why she hasn’t gone to the council? Yes they’d house them temporarily first, but ultimately they’d get a SAFE property with a much better standard of maintenance and upkeep
She didn’t want to be in hostel she was offered a hostel she turned it down


Active member
That car seat was for babies looks like Ollie’s sons & I thought M was sat on a booster seat could be wrong though
Ahh that makes sense. We’ve got the ones that grow with kids as they get older from one onwards so they still kind of look like that. I thought boosters were outdated in law now but I’m far from an expert. Thanks for clarifying.


VIP Member
I don’t get this either. My 3 year old gets the 30 funded hours and I just paid £768 for rest of the unfunded hours for the month. Surely Hudson would only qualify for the 15 universal free hours? Although don’t people on universal credit get a certain percentage of childcare costs reimbursed?

Amber just confuses me overall as a person. Wasn’t she going to be a social worker at one point?
Yeah only if you're working or they deem you as self employed


Well-known member
It’s taken me days to catch up on this and the last thread, totally forgot there was thread on this

same shit different series 😩


VIP Member
Amber’s dumb af for not taking a council house offered on a plate. That’s exactly what she needed. She could’ve had a fresh start in a new, clean home and had the security of social housing
am i right in saying she wanted her old house back because its a 3 bedroom and the council would only give her 2 bed as she has 2 boys under the age of 16??? i thought i read that somewhere